COVID patients overwhelm Texas hospitals, amid 'hair on fire' crisis

Ok, damn those Republican states!


You certainly don't want the party leading the country take any accountability for it do you?
I live in a Red state..some might say the reddest, Idaho, and we're doing just fine. The freak show to the North does cause some issues--and they are quite higher in the virus infections. I can only smile. The issue is not the's all the disinformation out there as people make health decisions based on what they heard on social media
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False math? Like comparing TOTAL USAGES to ONLY COVID USAGE, to make it look like numbers are skyrocketing?
As far as the Texas article:
You're just going to keep repeating the same false point..rock on.
Do the math yourself, if you're capable.

Or better yet..learn to separate your points..and don't attempt to use one unrelated thing to cast shade on another.
Any cogent comments on the British study referenced in the post you replied to?
Do you think the study was rigged?
As far as the Texas article:
You're just going to keep repeating the same false point..rock on.
Do the math yourself, if you're capable.

Or better yet..learn to separate your points..and don't attempt to use one unrelated thing to cast shade on another.
Any cogent comments on the British study referenced in the post you replied to?
Do you think the study was rigged?
Was the study rigged?

You already pointed out all the disinformation out there on both sides.

Why would people believe a study?
As far as the Texas article:
You're just going to keep repeating the same false point..rock on.
Do the math yourself, if you're capable.

We don't have the information to do the math. The article did not provide it. They made a claim and only offered panic mongering and misleading comparisons to support it.
We don't have the information to do the math. The article did not provide it. They made a claim and only offered panic mongering and misleading comparisons to support it.
Hmm...easy enough to find the total amount of ICU beds in Texas...easy enough to find occupancy rates...covid/non-covid--for June and for now--and derive a percentage.
For it to be a useful stat..would have to do a regional breakdown...not so hard.

But here's the thing--above all the froth and spin---Texas hospitals, right now, are overwhelmed with Covid patients, the majority of whom are unvaccinated. The death rate, age-wise, is skewing lower
If you require more..get out there and get it..I suspect that you're smart enough to know Texas has a problem.
How about this guy?

“He’s not doing good. It’s not looking in our favor,” she said. “His lungs are stiff due to the fibrosis. They called and said they’ve run out of options for him and asked if I would consent to a do not resuscitate. And it would be up to us when to stop treatments.”

He organized a rally in July. Late July he got covid

When he first felt symptoms on July 26, his wife told the Standard-Times, he refused to get tested or seek medical care. He instead began treating himself with a cocktail of Vitamin C, zinc, aspirin and ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that has been falsely promoted as an effective treatment for COVID-19 by conservative media. He was taken to the hospital on July 30.

The article says he took that invermectin horse dewormer.

It worked the same way hydroxychloroquine, Not at all and he's dying.

She wore a mask. She's still alive and covid free.

He didn't wear a mask. He has covid and will probably die.

He is 30 years old.

It takes a very irresponsible and selfish person to be so careless. He has a pregnant wife and 3 kids.

What will happen to them?

One child will never even lay eyes on their dad much less know him.

The other 3 will know him and be heartbroken for the rest of their lives. It's a hurt that never goes away. It only gets easier to live with.

Here are some cartoons I found on the internet yesterday, I think that they are appropriate:

Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 4.08.06 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 4.09.04 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 3.50.25 PM.png
Was the study rigged?

You already pointed out all the disinformation out there on both sides.

Why would people believe a study?
As best as i can tell...the study was NOT rigged--but the data was deliberately skewed by those who wished to make it look as though there was a huge number of people dying vaccinated..when in fact the study was only of 117 death by the delta variant..most of whom were aged and infirm.
Go fuck yourself. You don't live here. You know jack-fucking-squat and only parrot what you are told.

Why don't you mind your own fucking business and let us take care of ours.

You fucking kuuunt.
Too funny~

Noted that you said absolutely nothing of import..and did not advance the conversation an inch. You debunked nothing and you presented neither argument nor cogent comment.

In short..just another Texas blow-hard.
Yup, I’ve lived in the southwest most of my life. Anytime you go to a doctors office or to a hospital, they are full of Hispanics/wetbacks. Why would it be any different for WuFlu?

I'm in a predominantly white area of town so I dont see it much.
It's mainly white well off people.
The hospitals on the border are jam packed with mexicans with covide.
Got some stats to prove that? Factoring in how many people of Mexican descent live 'on the border'? Showing how many are 'illegal' vs not? How many are Mexican nationals here for the medical care? Legally?

No..of course you don't~
True, there are those areas. But the majority of medical clinics and hospitals are overrun by Hispanic patients.
Prove it? Perhaps compare percentage of Hispanics in hospital with percentage of Hispanics in community? If the number is the have a nothing-burger, right?
Prove large number of these patients illegals?
Or not~

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