Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million

Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million
Maybe the smartass MAGA asshat should have acted like such a fucking dick. But hey, that is how all you Trumpettes are. You play tough guy & then run away with your tails between your legs.

Maybe the asshat Phillips shouldn't have gotten in his face and maybe all the other Trump-hating asshats shouldn't have helped circulate the video.

People like YOU are responsible for this entire mess, not Sandmann. YOU helped make the video go viral and YOU helped spread the false accusation that they were saying "Build the wall". YOU helped spread the false accusation that he got in Phillips' way. YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann blocked his path and YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann is a racist.

Own it.

Just for the sake of argument let's stipulate that you're correct on this, that RealDave dropped everything he was doing to go make the video that day, etc. Just for argument. Let's say he "owns it".

That then means that RealDave, and not NBC, CNN, WaPo, whoever, is the defaming party here, hence the lawsuits are without merit.

Whatever you want.

I said "people 'LIKE' you...".

I wasn't laying the blame for all this at RealDave's feet, I'm not so stupid as to believe that. But people like him - those who continue to see Sandmann as the asshole in all this, in spite of the evidence to the contrary - are the ones who helped the video go viral on social media and are guilty of spreading the false narrative that he instigated the incident, that he was being a dick and that he's a racist.

Whether or not RealDave actually shared the video and helped stoke the anti-Sandmann rhetoric (which is exactly what he's doing in this thread btw), he obviously agrees with all the Sandmann critics and is why I said what I said.

Doesn't matter who --- it's a hypothetical.

Point being, if you're saying that "people 'LIKE' whoever" are responsible for whatever defamation is perceived, then you're also saying that mass media is not.
Nothing earth-shatteringly wrong, just a social faux pas. Just a teenager being a dick. He certainly didn't invent that. But don't stand there and pretend "I wasn't mocking that reporter" when you get busted, that's just dishonest.

The Mainstream Media didn't spin this as just "a teenager being a dick". They spun it as the Sandmann boy being a Racist Reprobate who whole deserves being separated from polite society. CNN and their liberal cohort organized plans to have not just Nicky Sandmann but everyone at Covington Catholic to be blackballed from employment and college admissions for all eternity.


All you have to do is SHOW US THE EVIDENCE of that.

Talk is cheap.

IT has been shown,,,you just keep ignoring it,,,,

thats called self inflicted ignorance,,,

Nope, that's called "lying". And a cheap one at that.
If it "had been shown" you could link to it.

and if you didnt ignore it you would see it,,,

See what I mean? You STILL can't show it. :dig:
The Mainstream Media didn't spin this as just "a teenager being a dick". They spun it as the Sandmann boy being a Racist Reprobate who whole deserves being separated from polite society. CNN and their liberal cohort organized plans to have not just Nicky Sandmann but everyone at Covington Catholic to be blackballed from employment and college admissions for all eternity.


All you have to do is SHOW US THE EVIDENCE of that.

Talk is cheap.

IT has been shown,,,you just keep ignoring it,,,,

thats called self inflicted ignorance,,,

Nope, that's called "lying". And a cheap one at that.
If it "had been shown" you could link to it.

and if you didnt ignore it you would see it,,,

See what I mean? You STILL can't show it. :dig:
I already did and you ignored it,,,
And "crotch shots that the effete Bezos took of himself", whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean, may be dismissed with the aforementioned "Motion to Kiss My Ass".

The fact is, I just challenged you to present any evidence at all, whether some attorney has cited it or not --- and you can't do it.

Apparently you missed this blockbuster story about Mr. Bezos. This really isn't going to look good for him in front of a jury in Kentucky.

Sure, its controversial, but I think any judge worth his salt will be able to use this to impeach Bezos' character.

Jeff Bezos' sexts an explicit selfies to Lauren Sanchez | Daily Mail Online
people like him - those who continue to see Sandmann as the asshole in all this

--- who decreed that there was only one asshole?

Seems to me the Black Hebrew Israelites were the instigating assholes, however many that was.

Smirk-Boi is also being an asshole with the facial trolling, though that's far less assholish, but it's still being a dick.

What I don't get about that is this ---
The same "MAGA" mongers who are trying to nail the press to the wall on this and excuse away Smirk-Boi's trolling...... then turn around and cream their jeans over Rump's trolling, declaring it's why they vote for him. Yet when Smirk-Boi trolls, oh noes that's not what he was doing at all, he's an angel and shit because trolling bad.

Having it both ways: Priceless.
people like him - those who continue to see Sandmann as the asshole in all this

--- who decreed that there was only one asshole?

Seems to me the Black Hebrew Israelites were the instigating assholes, however many that was.

Smirk-Boi is also being an asshole with the facial trolling, though that's far less assholish, but it's still being a dick.

What I don't get about that is this ---
The same "MAGA" mongers who are trying to nail the press to the wall on this and excuse away Smirk-Boi's trolling...... then turn around and cream their jeans over Rump's trolling, declaring it's why they vote for him.

Having it both ways: Priceless.


for fucks sake whats that even mean????

you are beyond help ...
people like him - those who continue to see Sandmann as the asshole in all this

--- who decreed that there was only one asshole?

Seems to me the Black Hebrew Israelites were the instigating assholes, however many that was.

Smirk-Boi is also being an asshole with the facial trolling, though that's far less assholish, but it's still being a dick.

What I don't get about that is this ---
The same "MAGA" mongers who are trying to nail the press to the wall on this and excuse away Smirk-Boi's trolling...... then turn around and cream their jeans over Rump's trolling, declaring it's why they vote for him.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Since when are teenagers being assholes a major news story? If a news crew went into the hood with cameras showing youthful gangsta libs with their real names acting out, would that be a story too?
people like him - those who continue to see Sandmann as the asshole in all this

--- who decreed that there was only one asshole?

Seems to me the Black Hebrew Israelites were the instigating assholes, however many that was.

Smirk-Boi is also being an asshole with the facial trolling, though that's far less assholish, but it's still being a dick.

What I don't get about that is this ---
The same "MAGA" mongers who are trying to nail the press to the wall on this and excuse away Smirk-Boi's trolling...... then turn around and cream their jeans over Rump's trolling, declaring it's why they vote for him.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Since when are teenagers being assholes a major news story? If a news crew went into the hood with cameras showing youthful gangsta libs with their real names acting out, would that be a story too?

It isn't. Who said it was? This board?

The "news" --- as far as there was any --- was that "there's this viral video going around". And?
people like him - those who continue to see Sandmann as the asshole in all this

--- who decreed that there was only one asshole?

Seems to me the Black Hebrew Israelites were the instigating assholes, however many that was.

Smirk-Boi is also being an asshole with the facial trolling, though that's far less assholish, but it's still being a dick.

What I don't get about that is this ---
The same "MAGA" mongers who are trying to nail the press to the wall on this and excuse away Smirk-Boi's trolling...... then turn around and cream their jeans over Rump's trolling, declaring it's why they vote for him.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Since when are teenagers being assholes a major news story? If a news crew went into the hood with cameras showing youthful gangsta libs with their real names acting out, would that be a story too?

It isn't. Who said it was? This board?

believe it or not Pogo there is a world outside this forum,,,
people like him - those who continue to see Sandmann as the asshole in all this

--- who decreed that there was only one asshole?

Seems to me the Black Hebrew Israelites were the instigating assholes, however many that was.

Smirk-Boi is also being an asshole with the facial trolling, though that's far less assholish, but it's still being a dick.

What I don't get about that is this ---
The same "MAGA" mongers who are trying to nail the press to the wall on this and excuse away Smirk-Boi's trolling...... then turn around and cream their jeans over Rump's trolling, declaring it's why they vote for him.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Since when are teenagers being assholes a major news story? If a news crew went into the hood with cameras showing youthful gangsta libs with their real names acting out, would that be a story too?

It isn't. Who said it was? This board?

The "news" --- as far as there was any --- was that "there's this viral video going around". And?

The media passed around the video, I got in a half dozen times or more on my Facebook feed with all kinds of derogatory shit said about the Covington boys.
people like him - those who continue to see Sandmann as the asshole in all this

--- who decreed that there was only one asshole?

Seems to me the Black Hebrew Israelites were the instigating assholes, however many that was.

Smirk-Boi is also being an asshole with the facial trolling, though that's far less assholish, but it's still being a dick.

What I don't get about that is this ---
The same "MAGA" mongers who are trying to nail the press to the wall on this and excuse away Smirk-Boi's trolling...... then turn around and cream their jeans over Rump's trolling, declaring it's why they vote for him.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Since when are teenagers being assholes a major news story? If a news crew went into the hood with cameras showing youthful gangsta libs with their real names acting out, would that be a story too?

It isn't. Who said it was? This board?

The "news" --- as far as there was any --- was that "there's this viral video going around". And?

The media passed around the video, I got in a half dozen times or more on my Facebook feed with all kinds of derogatory shit said about the Covington boys.

------------- And?

Again, say hi to Sean Spicer in the court that never was. He too threatened to "sue" the AP for passing on a video.

Trying to suppress things by abusing the court system does not impress me. Apparently it impresses the unwashed.
Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million
Maybe the smartass MAGA asshat should have acted like such a fucking dick. But hey, that is how all you Trumpettes are. You play tough guy & then run away with your tails between your legs.

Maybe the asshat Phillips shouldn't have gotten in his face and maybe all the other Trump-hating asshats shouldn't have helped circulate the video.

People like YOU are responsible for this entire mess, not Sandmann. YOU helped make the video go viral and YOU helped spread the false accusation that they were saying "Build the wall". YOU helped spread the false accusation that he got in Phillips' way. YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann blocked his path and YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann is a racist.

Own it.

Just for the sake of argument let's stipulate that you're correct on this, that RealDave dropped everything he was doing to go make the video that day, etc. Just for argument. Let's say he "owns it".

That then means that RealDave, and not NBC, CNN, WaPo, whoever, is the defaming party here, hence the lawsuits are without merit.

Whatever you want.

I said "people 'LIKE' you...".

I wasn't laying the blame for all this at RealDave's feet, I'm not so stupid as to believe that. But people like him - those who continue to see Sandmann as the asshole in all this, in spite of the evidence to the contrary - are the ones who helped the video go viral on social media and are guilty of spreading the false narrative that he instigated the incident, that he was being a dick and that he's a racist.

Whether or not RealDave actually shared the video and helped stoke the anti-Sandmann rhetoric (which is exactly what he's doing in this thread btw), he obviously agrees with all the Sandmann critics and is why I said what I said.

Doesn't matter who --- it's a hypothetical.

Point being, if you're saying that "people 'LIKE' whoever" are responsible for whatever defamation is perceived, then you're also saying that mass media is not.

I'm not investing any energy in the whole defamation argument but if I was, why can't the media be guilty of it at the same time?

As far as the media goes, they were the ones that made an issue of the MAGA hat as I proved to you in my post from last night. They made an issue of it precisely because people wearing the hat are reviled as the lowest form of racists and so knew that it would inflame emotions, which is exactly what happened. Instead of just reporting the story, they made the hat an essential element of the story.

After more information came to light about the truth of the confrontation, numerous news sites and other sites that reported or commented on the story had to backtrack and issue apologies and correct themselves and a bunch of celebrities that wrote tweets reviling and condemning Sandmann and the kids had to go back and delete them. Doesn't that tell you something?
people like him - those who continue to see Sandmann as the asshole in all this

--- who decreed that there was only one asshole?

Seems to me the Black Hebrew Israelites were the instigating assholes, however many that was.

Then why do we hear nothing about them? Every thread on this forum regarding the D.C. incident has been about Sandmann and the Covington kids. Compared to them, we hear virtually nothing about the BHIs. Sure, people acknowledge that the BHIs were assholes but that's as far as it goes. The privileged white Catholic kid with the MAGA hat is the one who has gotten the bulk of the criticism. What's more, I think you know this.

Smirk-Boi is also being an asshole with the facial trolling, though that's far less assholish, but it's still being a dick.

Bullshit. You just tried to bring me to task for supposedly blaming RealDave for the dissemination of the anti-Sandmann rhetoric but look at the terms you use: "Smirk-Boi" and "facial trolling". Who determined that his expression was an insolent smirk? Who determined that he was "facial trolling"?

Sandmann was smiling and he was smiling because it was all he knew to do about this guy getting in his face. He simply didn't know how to react so he just stood still and said nothing. He said so himself in interviews.

Phillips is the one who got in Sandmann's face and yet you've never said a thing about that and none of the Sandmann critics have even acknowledged it. Phillips is the one who made all the moves to make this incident happen. Sandmann did nothing to instigate this or even exacerbate it but everyone's obsessed with the smile on his face. Just as you accuse me of being obsessed with the hat.

What I don't get about that is this ---
The same "MAGA" mongers who are trying to nail the press to the wall on this and excuse away Smirk-Boi's trolling...... then turn around and cream their jeans over Rump's trolling, declaring it's why they vote for him. Yet when Smirk-Boi trolls, oh noes that's not what he was doing at all, he's an angel and shit because trolling bad.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

In this case, no, it's not having it both ways because Sandmann was not trolling. People interpreted his expression as a smirk because they wanted to.

Has it even occurred to you that if Phillips had minded his own business and not gotten in Sandmann's face none of this would have happened? Has it even occurred to you that Sandmann was only reacting to a situation that he was not responsible for and was thrust upon him? Do you understand and can you at least acknowledge that Phillips is entirely responsible for causing this incident?

Do you not see how utterly ridiculous all this is? Phillips, without cause or provocation, beats his drum in somebody's face and when that person reacts by smiling, everybody villifys him for smiling. Not one critic of Sandmann has acknowledged that Phillips caused the whole thing in the first place. It's fucking idiotic.

And before you say anything else about Phillips just trying to defuse the situation, remember this: It was not his job to defuse the situation and no one asked him to.
people like him - those who continue to see Sandmann as the asshole in all this

--- who decreed that there was only one asshole?

Seems to me the Black Hebrew Israelites were the instigating assholes, however many that was.

Smirk-Boi is also being an asshole with the facial trolling, though that's far less assholish, but it's still being a dick.

What I don't get about that is this ---
The same "MAGA" mongers who are trying to nail the press to the wall on this and excuse away Smirk-Boi's trolling...... then turn around and cream their jeans over Rump's trolling, declaring it's why they vote for him.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Since when are teenagers being assholes a major news story? If a news crew went into the hood with cameras showing youthful gangsta libs with their real names acting out, would that be a story too?

It isn't. Who said it was? This board?

The "news" --- as far as there was any --- was that "there's this viral video going around". And?

The media passed around the video, I got in a half dozen times or more on my Facebook feed with all kinds of derogatory shit said about the Covington boys.

------------- And?

Again, say hi to Sean Spicer in the court that never was. He too threatened to "sue" the AP for passing on a video.

Trying to suppress things by abusing the court system does not impress me. Apparently it impresses the unwashed.

That's right! You tell them! And go get Jesse Smollett, so you can march against this suppression!
Maybe the smartass MAGA asshat should have acted like such a fucking dick. But hey, that is how all you Trumpettes are. You play tough guy & then run away with your tails between your legs.

Maybe the asshat Phillips shouldn't have gotten in his face and maybe all the other Trump-hating asshats shouldn't have helped circulate the video.

People like YOU are responsible for this entire mess, not Sandmann. YOU helped make the video go viral and YOU helped spread the false accusation that they were saying "Build the wall". YOU helped spread the false accusation that he got in Phillips' way. YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann blocked his path and YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann is a racist.

Own it.

Just for the sake of argument let's stipulate that you're correct on this, that RealDave dropped everything he was doing to go make the video that day, etc. Just for argument. Let's say he "owns it".

That then means that RealDave, and not NBC, CNN, WaPo, whoever, is the defaming party here, hence the lawsuits are without merit.

Whatever you want.

I said "people 'LIKE' you...".

I wasn't laying the blame for all this at RealDave's feet, I'm not so stupid as to believe that. But people like him - those who continue to see Sandmann as the asshole in all this, in spite of the evidence to the contrary - are the ones who helped the video go viral on social media and are guilty of spreading the false narrative that he instigated the incident, that he was being a dick and that he's a racist.

Whether or not RealDave actually shared the video and helped stoke the anti-Sandmann rhetoric (which is exactly what he's doing in this thread btw), he obviously agrees with all the Sandmann critics and is why I said what I said.

Doesn't matter who --- it's a hypothetical.

Point being, if you're saying that "people 'LIKE' whoever" are responsible for whatever defamation is perceived, then you're also saying that mass media is not.

I'm not investing any energy in the whole defamation argument but if I was, why can't the media be guilty of it at the same time?

They surely could. Hence my challenge to present any evidence of it. Seeing none....

RealDave or "people LIKE him" are not under any obligation to report the news. They/we can interpret however we like. But what's alleged here is that the news "reported" something defamatory. I'm still "waiting" to find out what it is.

As far as the media goes, they were the ones that made an issue of the MAGA hat as I proved to you in my post from last night.

As a causation of something?

They made an issue of it precisely because people wearing the hat are reviled as the lowest form of racists and so knew that it would inflame emotions, which is exactly what happened. Instead of just reporting the story, they made the hat an essential element of the story.

See above.

After more information came to light about the truth of the confrontation, numerous news sites and other sites that reported or commented on the story had to backtrack and issue apologies and correct themselves and a bunch of celebrities that wrote tweets reviling and condemning Sandmann and the kids had to go back and delete them. Doesn't that tell you something?

About reported facts? No. The video exists: check. MAGA hats are there: check. Smirk: check.
The news is to report what, who, when and where. "Why" is for later analysis.

I dunno, sure sounds to me like you're butthurt that the MAGA hats were prominent just because the head under one of them was being a dick. That's gonna happen.
Just saw an article on CNN condemning false news. They went to great length call claims of Pete Buttigieg's sexual assault allegations as far right fake news. But when a kid in a MAGA hat is alleged to be racist just for smiling? CNN didn't question any of that, though. What is good for the goose ,not so bueno for the gander.
Just saw an article on CNN condemning false news. They went to great length call claims of Pete Buttigieg's sexual assault allegations as far right fake news. But when a kid in a MAGA hat is alleged to be racist just for smiling? CNN didn't question any of that, though. What is good for the goose ,not so bueno for the gander.

"Alleged" by WHO?

And whoever it is, how would it be CNN's job to "question" opinions?

Nice passive voice there. "It is alleged". The cosmic "It".
CNN is a tool. A tool for the groupthink hive mind that is liberalism. I once mused at work at a fellow member on the chain gang, WHY can't we have a news organization that just provides old unadulterated unvarnished FACTS without the spin? And WE can decide on the meaning? But , that went over like a lead balloon. Some people like being told what to think about current events, it's to them comforting somehow.
CNN is a tool. A tool for the groupthink hive mind that is liberalism. I once mused at work at a fellow member on the chain gang, WHY can't we have a news organization that just provides old unadulterated unvarnished FACTS without the spin? And WE can decide on the meaning? But , that went over like a lead balloon. Some people like being told what to think about current events, it's to them comforting somehow.

So you have no answer.

Neither does anyone else.

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