Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million

So what have we learned from all this? There are still idiots who want to condemn a minor for doing nothing to instigate the confrontation, did nothing to physically remove or attack the adult who approached and got in his face, and who did nothing to deserve the public scorn he and his family endured.
So what have we learned from all this? There are still idiots who want to condemn a minor for doing nothing to instigate the confrontation, did nothing to physically remove or attack the adult who approached and got in his face, and who did nothing to deserve the public scorn he and his family endured.

We've learned (if some didn't already know) that some attorneys will grandstand for their own masturbatory fantasies despite having no basis to bring a suit, and that some number of gullibles will believe them when they do.

In other words there is a contingent that will abuse the legal system, and a contingent of the public that will help them do it.
So what have we learned from all this? There are still idiots who want to condemn a minor for doing nothing to instigate the confrontation, did nothing to physically remove or attack the adult who approached and got in his face, and who did nothing to deserve the public scorn he and his family endured.

We've learned (if some didn't already know) that some attorneys will grandstand for their own masturbatory fantasies despite having no basis to bring a suit, and that some number of gullibles will believe them when they do.

In other words there is a contingent that will abuse the legal system, and a contingent of the public that will help them do it.

We've also learned that some pretend to care only about the family seeking compensation for the abuse they suffered, but can't resist condemning the kid, AGAIN, although he did nothing wrong.

The family suffered national abuse, so why not try to get some recompense for it? It may help the next set of reporters slow down a bit to make sure of the facts before attacking another minor. They may get a settlement, which is probably the best outcome for all involved, or get to court and lose, but be able to demonstrate how much damage can be done by a media out to push a narrative no matter who gets hurt, or they may win big.
So what have we learned from all this? There are still idiots who want to condemn a minor for doing nothing to instigate the confrontation, did nothing to physically remove or attack the adult who approached and got in his face, and who did nothing to deserve the public scorn he and his family endured.

We've learned (if some didn't already know) that some attorneys will grandstand for their own masturbatory fantasies despite having no basis to bring a suit, and that some number of gullibles will believe them when they do.

In other words there is a contingent that will abuse the legal system, and a contingent of the public that will help them do it.

We've also learned that some pretend to care only about the family seeking compensation for the abuse they suffered, but can't resist condemning the kid, AGAIN, although he did nothing wrong.

Nothing earth-shatteringly wrong, just a social faux pas. Just a teenager being a dick. He certainly didn't invent that. But don't stand there and pretend "I wasn't mocking that reporter" when you get busted, that's just dishonest.

The family suffered national abuse, so why not try to get some recompense for it?

Because you can't just run around suing people because you got busted or you're personally butthurt or whatever. You need, and here it is yet again, evidence that somebody defamed you. "Suffered national abuse" ---- from who?

It may help the next set of reporters slow down a bit to make sure of the facts before attacking another minor.

As above ---- where is this evidence of "attack"? That question's been on the table since January. Here it is May and still no takers.

They may get a settlement, which is probably the best outcome for all involved, or get to court and lose, but be able to demonstrate how much damage can be done by a media out to push a narrative no matter who gets hurt, or they may win big.

Not without evidence they won't.

Ask Sean Spicer how that works. Where's his suit that his attorney kept blustering about??

Don't know why it's so hard to grasp what "posturing" and "grandstanding" is. Ever heard of the "Checkers speech"?
Nothing earth-shatteringly wrong, just a social faux pas. Just a teenager being a dick. He certainly didn't invent that. But don't stand there and pretend "I wasn't mocking that reporter" when you get busted, that's just dishonest.

The Mainstream Media didn't spin this as just "a teenager being a dick". They spun it as the Sandmann boy being a Racist Reprobate who wholely deserves being separated from polite society. CNN and their liberal cohort organized plans to have not just Nicky Sandmann but everyone at Covington Catholic to be blackballed from employment and college admissions for all eternity.
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Nothing earth-shatteringly wrong, just a social faux pas. Just a teenager being a dick. He certainly didn't invent that. But don't stand there and pretend "I wasn't mocking that reporter" when you get busted, that's just dishonest.

The Mainstream Media didn't spin this as just "a teenager being a dick". They spun it as the Sandmann boy being a Racist Reprobate who whole deserves being separated from polite society. CNN and their liberal cohort organized plans to have not just Nicky Sandmann but everyone at Covington Catholic to be blackballed from employment and college admissions for all eternity.


All you have to do is SHOW US THE EVIDENCE of that.

Talk is cheap.
Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million

Too bad he is a nobody.

Penny, you're what they used to call a "useful idiot". There's not a single bit of propaganda you haven't swallowed whole and NO ONE you won't hate as a result. It's shameful. I'm ashamed FOR you

He was a nobody wasn't he before his picture got in the paper and those lawsuits are keeping him a somebody now, aren't they?? (so they should pay the papers for the free publicity)

Maybe they shouldn't have made him out to be a racist and plastered his face all over the news and social media in the first place. If they hadn't, Sandmann would still be a nobody just living his life and we wouldn't be talking about this now.

Sandmann is not the one who put his face out there, you and every other Trump hater did. Did you even think of that?

Maybe the silly grin kid should of moved out of the way, the kid should of been grounded for a month.

1.) Phillips approached Sandmann. You are aware of this, right?
2.) If Phillips approached them to defuse the situation as he claimed then why would Sandmann have needed to move? The group of kids was his destination, was it not?
3.) If he was trying to get up the steps to the memorial as he also claimed (which contradicts his other story that he wanted to defuse the situation) then he had a clear path up the steps to the right of where the kids were standing.

When Phillips approached Sandmann, Sandmann was standing right where he had been the whole time. He never approached Phillips and he never moved to stand in Phillips' path.

Phillips' destination and purpose was to approach the kids and he ended up right where he meant to be: in their faces.
Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million

Good luck with that nutter butter.

Funny how you white trash trumpkins don’t understand that it’s you lying loons are the propagandists.

Oh really? The lying propagandists are the ones in the news media like savanna Guthrie of NBC who asks Sandman in an interview. "do you think if you werent wearing that hat, none of this might of happened?" and that "standing your ground can be seen as aggressive"

Why is it that the real LOONS think that a person should be judged by a hat they wear? you know if your wearing a Hillary for pres t-shirt, i really dont give a damn or would think twice about your validity as a human being, but should someone wear a red hat with maga on it... they become a racist, hitler and white trash. Now who are the real nutters? who are th ereal propagandists? take a long look in the mirror miss Jillian. maybe you really arnt the nice person you think you are.
We'll just see what the courts decide.
So what have we learned from all this? There are still idiots who want to condemn a minor for doing nothing to instigate the confrontation, did nothing to physically remove or attack the adult who approached and got in his face, and who did nothing to deserve the public scorn he and his family endured.

We've learned (if some didn't already know) that some attorneys will grandstand for their own masturbatory fantasies despite having no basis to bring a suit, and that some number of gullibles will believe them when they do.

In other words there is a contingent that will abuse the legal system, and a contingent of the public that will help them do it.

We've also learned that some pretend to care only about the family seeking compensation for the abuse they suffered, but can't resist condemning the kid, AGAIN, although he did nothing wrong.

Nothing earth-shatteringly wrong, just a social faux pas. Just a teenager being a dick. He certainly didn't invent that. But don't stand there and pretend "I wasn't mocking that reporter" when you get busted, that's just dishonest.

The family suffered national abuse, so why not try to get some recompense for it?

Because you can't just run around suing people because you got busted or you're personally butthurt or whatever. You need, and here it is yet again, evidence that somebody defamed you. "Suffered national abuse" ---- from who?

It may help the next set of reporters slow down a bit to make sure of the facts before attacking another minor.

As above ---- where is this evidence of "attack"? That question's been on the table since January. Here it is May and still no takers.

They may get a settlement, which is probably the best outcome for all involved, or get to court and lose, but be able to demonstrate how much damage can be done by a media out to push a narrative no matter who gets hurt, or they may win big.

Not without evidence they won't.

Ask Sean Spicer how that works. Where's his suit that his attorney kept blustering about??

Don't know why it's so hard to grasp what "posturing" and "grandstanding" is. Ever heard of the "Checkers speech"?

The evidence gets presented in court, and it's not up to you to decide what is and what is not damning.
Nothing earth-shatteringly wrong, just a social faux pas. Just a teenager being a dick. He certainly didn't invent that. But don't stand there and pretend "I wasn't mocking that reporter" when you get busted, that's just dishonest.

The Mainstream Media didn't spin this as just "a teenager being a dick". They spun it as the Sandmann boy being a Racist Reprobate who whole deserves being separated from polite society. CNN and their liberal cohort organized plans to have not just Nicky Sandmann but everyone at Covington Catholic to be blackballed from employment and college admissions for all eternity.


All you have to do is SHOW US THE EVIDENCE of that.

Talk is cheap.

IT has been shown,,,you just keep ignoring it,,,,

thats called self inflicted ignorance,,,
Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million
Maybe the smartass MAGA asshat should have acted like such a fucking dick. But hey, that is how all you Trumpettes are. You play tough guy & then run away with your tails between your legs.

Maybe the asshat Phillips shouldn't have gotten in his face and maybe all the other Trump-hating asshats shouldn't have helped circulate the video.

People like YOU are responsible for this entire mess, not Sandmann. YOU helped make the video go viral and YOU helped spread the false accusation that they were saying "Build the wall". YOU helped spread the false accusation that he got in Phillips' way. YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann blocked his path and YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann is a racist.

Own it.
Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million
Maybe the smartass MAGA asshat should have acted like such a fucking dick. But hey, that is how all you Trumpettes are. You play tough guy & then run away with your tails between your legs.

Maybe the asshat Phillips shouldn't have gotten in his face and maybe all the other Trump-hating asshats shouldn't have helped circulate the video.

People like YOU are responsible for this entire mess, not Sandmann. YOU helped make the video go viral and YOU helped spread the false accusation that they were saying "Build the wall". YOU helped spread the false accusation that he got in Phillips' way. YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann blocked his path and YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann is a racist.

Own it.

You weren't supposed to notice that.
So what have we learned from all this? There are still idiots who want to condemn a minor for doing nothing to instigate the confrontation, did nothing to physically remove or attack the adult who approached and got in his face, and who did nothing to deserve the public scorn he and his family endured.

We've learned (if some didn't already know) that some attorneys will grandstand for their own masturbatory fantasies despite having no basis to bring a suit, and that some number of gullibles will believe them when they do.

In other words there is a contingent that will abuse the legal system, and a contingent of the public that will help them do it.

We've also learned that some pretend to care only about the family seeking compensation for the abuse they suffered, but can't resist condemning the kid, AGAIN, although he did nothing wrong.

Nothing earth-shatteringly wrong, just a social faux pas. Just a teenager being a dick. He certainly didn't invent that. But don't stand there and pretend "I wasn't mocking that reporter" when you get busted, that's just dishonest.

The family suffered national abuse, so why not try to get some recompense for it?

Because you can't just run around suing people because you got busted or you're personally butthurt or whatever. You need, and here it is yet again, evidence that somebody defamed you. "Suffered national abuse" ---- from who?

It may help the next set of reporters slow down a bit to make sure of the facts before attacking another minor.

As above ---- where is this evidence of "attack"? That question's been on the table since January. Here it is May and still no takers.

They may get a settlement, which is probably the best outcome for all involved, or get to court and lose, but be able to demonstrate how much damage can be done by a media out to push a narrative no matter who gets hurt, or they may win big.

Not without evidence they won't.

Ask Sean Spicer how that works. Where's his suit that his attorney kept blustering about??

Don't know why it's so hard to grasp what "posturing" and "grandstanding" is. Ever heard of the "Checkers speech"?

The evidence gets presented in court, and it's not up to you to decide what is and what is not damning.

It's not up to me to present evidence that I don't claim exists. It's up to those who do make that claim. Isn't it.

That's why, three and a half months ago, I challenged anyone and everyone here to show any evidence of what even then they were describing as "libel". In those three and a half months I have seen literally ZERO evidence. And that's from a message board that will find out whether O'bama is wearing a flag pin or how many times he said "uh".

Now that doesn't mean that no such evidence exists. It just means that those with an interest in finding it, and have no qualms about grabbing at the tiniest shred, have failed to do so.

Now if your lawsuit is going to allege that whatever news organization "defamed" your client in the public mind, then people IN that public should know about it. And they'll be able to point to where they got that idea.

Yet, three and a half months (and counting) later ------ no one can. No article, no screenshot, no link, no video.... nothing. Fatter o' mact I just did it several times on this page, and still got ---- nothing.

That's going to make it pretty tough to demonstrate that this pervasive perception exists AND that it came from Entity X. Is it not?

Besides which, I read the legal complaints when these suits first came out (they were posted here too) and again, there's no evidence in there. There are allegations --- but no evidence OF those allegations.

So we still have "Zero".

Say hi to Sean Spicer in the court that never was.
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Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million
Maybe the smartass MAGA asshat should have acted like such a fucking dick. But hey, that is how all you Trumpettes are. You play tough guy & then run away with your tails between your legs.

Maybe the asshat Phillips shouldn't have gotten in his face and maybe all the other Trump-hating asshats shouldn't have helped circulate the video.

People like YOU are responsible for this entire mess, not Sandmann. YOU helped make the video go viral and YOU helped spread the false accusation that they were saying "Build the wall". YOU helped spread the false accusation that he got in Phillips' way. YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann blocked his path and YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann is a racist.

Own it.

Just for the sake of argument let's stipulate that you're correct on this, that RealDave dropped everything he was doing to go make the video that day, etc. Just for argument. Let's say he "owns it".

That then means that RealDave, and not NBC, CNN, WaPo, whoever, is the defaming party here, hence the lawsuits are without merit.

Whatever you want.
Nothing earth-shatteringly wrong, just a social faux pas. Just a teenager being a dick. He certainly didn't invent that. But don't stand there and pretend "I wasn't mocking that reporter" when you get busted, that's just dishonest.

The Mainstream Media didn't spin this as just "a teenager being a dick". They spun it as the Sandmann boy being a Racist Reprobate who whole deserves being separated from polite society. CNN and their liberal cohort organized plans to have not just Nicky Sandmann but everyone at Covington Catholic to be blackballed from employment and college admissions for all eternity.


All you have to do is SHOW US THE EVIDENCE of that.

Talk is cheap.

IT has been shown,,,you just keep ignoring it,,,,

thats called self inflicted ignorance,,,

Nope, that's called "lying". And a cheap one at that.
If it "had been shown" you could link to it.
Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million
Maybe the smartass MAGA asshat should have acted like such a fucking dick. But hey, that is how all you Trumpettes are. You play tough guy & then run away with your tails between your legs.

Maybe the asshat Phillips shouldn't have gotten in his face and maybe all the other Trump-hating asshats shouldn't have helped circulate the video.

People like YOU are responsible for this entire mess, not Sandmann. YOU helped make the video go viral and YOU helped spread the false accusation that they were saying "Build the wall". YOU helped spread the false accusation that he got in Phillips' way. YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann blocked his path and YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann is a racist.

Own it.

Just for the sake of argument let's stipulate that you're correct on this, that RealDave dropped everything he was doing to go make the video that day, etc. Just for argument. Let's say he "owns it".

That then means that RealDave, and not NBC, CNN, WaPo, whoever, is the defaming party here, hence the lawsuits are without merit.

Whatever you want.

Well, we'll see what 12 angry Kentuckians that will be listening to the evidence say. Especially when they see the crotch shots that the effete Bezos took of himself.
Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million
Maybe the smartass MAGA asshat should have acted like such a fucking dick. But hey, that is how all you Trumpettes are. You play tough guy & then run away with your tails between your legs.

Maybe the asshat Phillips shouldn't have gotten in his face and maybe all the other Trump-hating asshats shouldn't have helped circulate the video.

People like YOU are responsible for this entire mess, not Sandmann. YOU helped make the video go viral and YOU helped spread the false accusation that they were saying "Build the wall". YOU helped spread the false accusation that he got in Phillips' way. YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann blocked his path and YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann is a racist.

Own it.

Just for the sake of argument let's stipulate that you're correct on this, that RealDave dropped everything he was doing to go make the video that day, etc. Just for argument. Let's say he "owns it".

That then means that RealDave, and not NBC, CNN, WaPo, whoever, is the defaming party here, hence the lawsuits are without merit.

Whatever you want.

Well, we'll see what 12 angry Kentuckians that will be listening to the evidence say. Especially when they see the crotch shots that the effete Bezos took of himself.

It's stupefying how ignorant of the legal process the unwashed are.

"12 angry Kentuckians" are never going to comprise a jury. That's if, as more likely, it doesn't get thrown out way before that point.

And "crotch shots that the effete Bezos took of himself", whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean, may be dismissed with the aforementioned "Motion to Kiss My Ass".

The fact is, I just challenged you to present any evidence at all, whether some attorney has cited it or not --- and you can't do it.
Nothing earth-shatteringly wrong, just a social faux pas. Just a teenager being a dick. He certainly didn't invent that. But don't stand there and pretend "I wasn't mocking that reporter" when you get busted, that's just dishonest.

The Mainstream Media didn't spin this as just "a teenager being a dick". They spun it as the Sandmann boy being a Racist Reprobate who whole deserves being separated from polite society. CNN and their liberal cohort organized plans to have not just Nicky Sandmann but everyone at Covington Catholic to be blackballed from employment and college admissions for all eternity.


All you have to do is SHOW US THE EVIDENCE of that.

Talk is cheap.

IT has been shown,,,you just keep ignoring it,,,,

thats called self inflicted ignorance,,,

Nope, that's called "lying". And a cheap one at that.
If it "had been shown" you could link to it.

and if you didnt ignore it you would see it,,,
Punch them back twice as hard.

One point that will be made is that the Propaganda Press tried to lie Sandmann into a position where he would have had no future. None. He would have been lucky to get a job flipping hamburgers, and would never have the chance to rise above that. It's only just that the retribution inflict similar damage.

Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million
Maybe the smartass MAGA asshat should have acted like such a fucking dick. But hey, that is how all you Trumpettes are. You play tough guy & then run away with your tails between your legs.

Maybe the asshat Phillips shouldn't have gotten in his face and maybe all the other Trump-hating asshats shouldn't have helped circulate the video.

People like YOU are responsible for this entire mess, not Sandmann. YOU helped make the video go viral and YOU helped spread the false accusation that they were saying "Build the wall". YOU helped spread the false accusation that he got in Phillips' way. YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann blocked his path and YOU helped spread the false accusation that Sandmann is a racist.

Own it.

Just for the sake of argument let's stipulate that you're correct on this, that RealDave dropped everything he was doing to go make the video that day, etc. Just for argument. Let's say he "owns it".

That then means that RealDave, and not NBC, CNN, WaPo, whoever, is the defaming party here, hence the lawsuits are without merit.

Whatever you want.

I said "people 'LIKE' you...".

I wasn't laying the blame for all this at RealDave's feet, I'm not so stupid as to believe that. But people like him - those who continue to see Sandmann as the asshole in all this, in spite of the evidence to the contrary - are the ones who helped the video go viral on social media and are guilty of spreading the false narrative that he instigated the incident, that he was being a dick and that he's a racist.

Whether or not RealDave actually shared the video and helped stoke the anti-Sandmann rhetoric (which is exactly what he's doing in this thread btw), he obviously agrees with all the Sandmann critics and is why I said what I said.

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