Coward County sheriff new report

Other than losing their jobs, I don't know if there are any criminal penalties for that. But in the military, that would have been clear dereliction of duty, and a court martial would have resulted.
well obviously , they aren't good guys with guns, I mean , hey thats obvious CNM .
I bet none of these Deputies are Combat veterans. They ran from the fray instead of to it.
I bet none of these Deputies are Combat veterans. They ran from the fray instead of to it.

So what? I doubt the football coach served, and he shielded the students with his body. You don't need military experience to be courageous.

The unarmed coach jumped in front of the kids and took a bullet for them but the damn cops, armed with powerful handguns, can't go find this guy and end this misery?

The names and addresses of the police involved should be made public. They are public officials paid with taxpayer dollars. We should learn just who they are and where they live and someone should pay them a visit.
I don't understand this either. The officer had a vest and a gun, but chose to cover the exits rather than go after the shooter.

Cops empty their weapons into people only when they are unarmed, I guess.
there is a video [supposedly] where the one cop was honored a few years ago . By the way , it turns out that there were at least 4 Careful Cops and not just one . At that event he bragged about having his 30 years in and was almost ready to retire . -------------- may be that the careful cop saw his future taxpayer funded life on a beach evaporating if he were to do his job . [pretty funny] and i will try to find the video that i mention .
I don't understand this either. The officer had a vest and a gun, but chose to cover the exits rather than go after the shooter.
Well the narrative that it takes a good man with a gun to stop a bad man with a gun prefers not to go into such details.
As I understand it, he has no actual duty to protect and serve.

WASHINGTON, June 27 - The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm
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there is a video [supposedly] where the one cop was honored a few years ago . By the way , it turns out that there were at least 4 Careful Cops and not just one . At that event he bragged about having his 30 years in and was almost ready to retire . -------------- may be that the careful cop saw his future taxpayer funded life on a beach evaporating if he were to do his job . [pretty funny] and i will try to find the video that i mention .
------------------------------------------------- can't find the video [yet] but here is some info on the 'careful cop' scot peterson at an event honoring him . --- ---

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