Cowards Run Away As Elk Attacks Woman

You don’t know what you would do. I’m just being honest. All you Monday morning quarterbacks may have shit your pants. No,I’m not being gored for a stranger. A truck is definitely a better idea. But I did watch the video. Please feel free to dissect it, and tell us where exactly your point to intervene as a hero would have come in.
At any point doing something is better than doing nothing. Throw rocks, yell, wave your arms around...anything!
There's another human being getting attacked.

Where are you going to keep all the bad karma you got stored up?

Ya have to try something....but I ain't going hand to hoof and antlers unless it's a loved one.
You don’t know what you would do. I’m just being honest. All you Monday morning quarterbacks may have shit your pants. No,I’m not being gored for a stranger. A truck is definitely a better idea. But I did watch the video. Please feel free to dissect it, and tell us where exactly your point to intervene as a hero would have come in.

Already said how and when I'd have interceded.....I'm a combat Vet....gone forward in several situations much scarier than some pissed off elk, Butch. I learned early on about valor and losing face....breaks and bruises heal up...the stench of cowardness you can never wash off.

Combat vet with gear prepared for combat. Most of ones I know, don’t talk about what they did or saw. Your not healing from from that situation.

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You don’t know what you would do. I’m just being honest. All you Monday morning quarterbacks may have shit your pants. No,I’m not being gored for a stranger. A truck is definitely a better idea. But I did watch the video. Please feel free to dissect it, and tell us where exactly your point to intervene as a hero would have come in.
At any point doing something is better than doing nothing. Throw rocks, yell, wave your arms around...anything!
There's another human being getting attacked.

Where are you going to keep all the bad karma you got stored up?

You did see how fast this happened, right? Like I said, my kid or family I’m right there. I’ll have to keep some rocks handy from now on.

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Combat vet with gear prepared for combat. Most of ones I know, don’t talk about what they did or saw. Your not healing from from that situation.

So you'd prefer we keep what we did and saw bottled up inside, eh, Butch? I only told you my bonafides about courage....seems pretty simple to old woman on the ground getting kicked and stabbed....I'm going for it. But then I know how to fight...maybe you don't...why didn't you ever learn?
Was she trying to pet it? What was she doing so close to it? God I get tired of idiots blaming animals for being animals.

Wanna bet she voted for Trump?
You did see how fast this happened, right? Like I said, my kid or family I’m right there. I’ll have to keep some rocks handy from now on.
If there are no rocks nearby then you can't throw one, can you.

But I assume you can shout or cause a commotion. At least you can try, which it sounds like you are not in favor of.
Combat vet with gear prepared for combat. Most of ones I know, don’t talk about what they did or saw. Your not healing from from that situation.

So you'd prefer we keep what we did and saw bottled up inside, eh, Butch? I only told you my bonafides about courage....seems pretty simple to old woman on the ground getting kicked and stabbed....I'm going for it. But then I know how to fight...maybe you don't...why didn't you ever learn?

I just saw Rambo last blood. Also very entertaining.

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You did see how fast this happened, right? Like I said, my kid or family I’m right there. I’ll have to keep some rocks handy from now on.
If there are no rocks nearby then you can't throw one, can you.

But I assume you can shout or cause a commotion. At least you can try, which it sounds like you are not in favor of.

I definitely would shout. Just not like a little girl. But please keep us updated on your next adventure.

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I definitely would shout. Just not like a little girl. But please keep us updated on your next adventure.
I don't claim to be a hero. Just some with a conscience and empathy for another human being and a pair of vocal chords, at the very least. Don't get touchy because you come off like a worthless coward.
I just saw Rambo last blood. Also very entertaining.

So we're either brooding psychos or cartoon characters to you, eh, Butch. Come to think of it, I doubt you were ever issued a man card.....maybe "butch" means something else to you, eh, hot lips?
I definitely would shout. Just not like a little girl. But please keep us updated on your next adventure.
I don't claim to be a hero. Just some with a conscience and empathy for another human being and a pair of vocal chords, at the very least. Don't get touchy because you come off like a worthless coward.

The combat vets I know, don’t do therapy or embellish on the Internet.

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The combat vets I know, don’t do therapy or embellish on the Internet.

You don't know any combat Vets. The cowards I know don't usually admit they're pussies on the're one of a kind, Butchy.
BTW, my gramps was attacked by a 160 lb southern Michigan whitetail in rut one afternoon in his cornfield. He weighed about 140 sopping wet. It had him on the ground for over 4 hours trying to stick him and kick him. Finally he had it in a headlock and got one hand free for his pocket knife. He stuck it until it was dead. My granny found him later passed out from exhaustion with the dead buck still laying on top of that's a man.

Wow! I take he started carrying a handgun after that.
Elks are flight creatures, same as many


All bets are off during rut season. I've even see Whitetail Deer go after people. If these animals feel challenged, especially during this time, they will STOMP YOU.
Wow! I take he started carrying a handgun after that.

Nah....he was a farmer out in the cornfield. He did have a shotgun but it was for anything stealing the chickens and to scare off a bum who liked to sleep in his barn. We're talking turn of the century Michigan here....he had plow horses named "Starr" and "Belle"...subsistence farming, sold what they didn't eat or feed the livestock. He hated winter because it kept him indoors and drove granny nuts. They had 10 acres of woods at the rear of the farm we played in when school was out. His farm was surrounded by Mennonites who lived like paupers but had nice barns and out buildings. Gravel road, black walnut trees, so quiet and peaceful it about drove me nuts to be there.

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