Cowards Run Away As Elk Attacks Woman

Wow! I take he started carrying a handgun after that.

Nah....he was a farmer out in the cornfield. He did have a shotgun but it was for anything stealing the chickens and to scare off a bum who liked to sleep in his barn. We're talking turn of the century Michigan here....he had plow horses named "Starr" and "Belle"...subsistence farming, sold what they didn't eat or feed the livestock. He hated winter because it kept him indoors and drove granny nuts. They had 10 acres of woods at the rear of the farm we played in when school was out. His farm was surrounded by Mennonites who lived like paupers but had nice barns and out buildings. Gravel road, black walnut trees, so quiet and peaceful it about drove me nuts to be there.

I would love to live in a place like that, minus the winters, of course.
everyone fails to realize that that park was Elk Country until the dastardly 'white man' showed up a few hunerd years ago . --------- let the ELKS run free to breed in an unmolested way . :afro:

I agree.
There is nothing that I despise more than cowards. Nothing.

No need to harm that elk, no need to hurt......just scare him away.. what's the problem? I could have done it myself.
Was she trying to pet it? What was she doing so close to it? God I get tired of idiots blaming animals for being animals.

Wanna bet she voted for Trump?

You are such a fuckface.
Combat vet with gear prepared for combat. Most of ones I know, don’t talk about what they did or saw. Your not healing from from that situation.

So you'd prefer we keep what we did and saw bottled up inside, eh, Butch? I only told you my bonafides about courage....seems pretty simple to old woman on the ground getting kicked and stabbed....I'm going for it. But then I know how to fight...maybe you don't...why didn't you ever learn?

Billy Badass on the scene! :lol:
Wow, isn't there supposed to be strength in numbers?

God bless you and the woman if she is still here always!!!


P.S. I do appreciate the guys letting the rest of us be aware of how much brain activity, not to mention nuts, they are obviously running low on.
What do you recommend that the "cowards" do, grab the bull by the horns? It might take more than a standard police .9mm round to put down one of these critters.
What do you recommend that the "cowards" do, grab the bull by the horns? It might take more than a standard police .9mm round to put down one of these critters.

As a last resort why not? When I was younger my mae geri (front snap kick) went through 3" of pine so I'd try to land a couple of those. Grab it's antlers and go for it's eyes with a thumb...but before that I'd find a branch and smack it across it's spine...all we're talking about here is maybe 30 seconds so somebody else can drag the old woman away. Once that's happened you zig zag through the trees and hope it doesn't get it's antlers into then somebody else joins in and distracts it away from you...hell, can't any of you think of these things on your own?
First I saw of this. I can understand frustration to the inaction. I had same thought a few months ago when the 9-year-old was flipped by a bison.

Everyone there, including the old lady got too close to the Bull elk.......That elk probably weighed about 650 pounds..........Visitors don't realize that these are wild animals..........while the elk are used to being around humans...when they are after Cow elk they will bully anyone or thing away to get laid.

Run away........back away more like it.....running in to a bull elk would have only made the elk even more furious......and no one is a match for a 650 pound elk........shouting or distracting it would have been the only thing to do with a path to escape the elk should he charge you.

The guy with a truck did a very good job at dealing with the situation.

Elk meat is good eating..............All I saw was look at the elk Steak and Roast in the video.......yum yum.
Billy Badass on the scene! :lol:

While you and Butchy flee, find a tree and pull your pants down....I do believe unkotare (drizzling shit porn in Japanese) has found his? soul mate. :pinkygirly:

Amazing how the Internet turned so many people into invincible bad ass millionaire geniuses. Strange how there seem to be so many more of these incredible people on the Internet then in the real world. I wonder why that would be? Hmmmm.....
What do you recommend that the "cowards" do, grab the bull by the horns? It might take more than a standard police .9mm round to put down one of these critters.

As a last resort why not? When I was younger my mae geri (front snap kick) went through 3" of pine so I'd try to land a couple of those. ?


The moms sitting in the waiting area at the strip mall must’ve been so impressed! How long did it take to reassemble the pre-broken board, hero?
Billy Badass on the scene! :lol:

While you and Butchy flee, find a tree and pull your pants down....I do believe unkotare (drizzling shit porn in Japanese) has found his? soul mate. :pinkygirly:

Amazing how the Internet turned so many people into invincible bad ass millionaire geniuses. Strange how there seem to be so many more of these incredible people on the Internet then in the real world. I wonder why that would be? Hmmmm.....
That elk would throw anyone coming at it around like a rag doll..................that is reality...................distracting it was the only viable option.................

You don't get that close to wild animals...................people thinking they are tame is the problem here...............not the elk.

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