Cowards Run Away As Elk Attacks Woman

Rushing in to confront a Bull Elk that size..........which isn't a really big one here.............makes about as much sense as..............

I like to hit my head with a hammer because it feels so good when I stop..........LOL

Distract him...........get his attention elsewhere..........

You go play Sumo with him you are going to die........
Now I watched it again, God damn... charge it, pick up a stick throw rocks at it...

But run away from a stupid elk, hurting someone on the ground??


Damn straight....if both of them had charged at the beast, it would have backed off or attacked one of them while the other dragged the woman to safety....I mean, DAMN....they call themselves men? I don't.
Too bad you internet tough guys weren't there to save the day. We could have laughed at the video of you earning your Darwin awards.
I was in Vail, Colorado hunting them back in the day.........and a monster elk was there.................I only got a glimpse of him but he was much larger than this one...........Probably a 1000 pounds..............

He ran through 3 inch trees like they were made of straw............I kid you not................I followed to see the swath of trees run over.............

These animals are VERY POWERFUL............even high caliber bullets don't put them down quick always.
Incidentally, drippin shit begged me stop PMing him.....he's a crippled up old school teacher nobody here can stand the sight of....except Butch....I suggest they pool their funds, get a room at a Motel 6 and see what happens.
Incidentally, drippin shit begged me stop PMing him.....he's a crippled up old school teacher nobody here can stand the sight of....except Butch....I suggest they pool their funds, get a room at a Motel 6 and see what happens.

Time for another 6 pack, your meds, and a final diaper change. Nite, grandma.

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The venerable .30 30 rifle round that was relied on to bring deer down for a hundred years isn't enough for a bull elk. You need a 30 06. Only a fool on LSD would consider rassling one into submission.
I hit one with a 30-06 in the chest once...........the elk still ran down the back side of the mountain...........took all day to get him out of there..............

Great eating though............

Even get hit by a 7 doesn't bring them immediately down always.
The 30-06 is just the basic ballistic. You need the right loads and the rest of the skills that real hunters (and NRA members) strive for.
The venerable .30 30 rifle round that was relied on to bring deer down for a hundred years isn't enough for a bull elk. You need a 30 06. Only a fool on LSD would consider rassling one into submission.
I hit one with a 30-06 in the chest once...........the elk still ran down the back side of the mountain...........took all day to get him out of there..............

Great eating though............

Even get hit by a 7 doesn't bring them immediately down always.
The 30-06 is just the basic ballistic. You need the right loads and the rest of the skills that real hunters (and NRA members) strive for.
30-06 is good enough to kill an elk...............That one died just ran a good bit before going down..........My brothers used the 7 mm and they went down quicker..........but not always immediately........

I hunted a lot in my day.........and the 06 is a fine weapon...........

A 30-30 is a brush gun ..........good for White Tail down here...............

Was that real hunter junk meant to demean me. LOL

I love the NRA and made my opinions clear on this thread.
I consider a .30-30 to be a minimal rifle, just barely good enough for deer.
There are Inuit who can get a moose with a single shot from a .22, but you have to really really be a good shot, get very close, and be willing to track quite a distance.
I like a .243 or .270 the best. But a .308, 8 mm, or ,30-06 are all fine also.
Now I watched it again, God damn... charge it, pick up a stick throw rocks at it...

But run away from a stupid elk, hurting someone on the ground??


Damn straight....if both of them had charged at the beast, it would have backed off or attacked one of them while the other dragged the woman to safety....I mean, DAMN....they call themselves men? I don't.
Too bad you internet tough guys weren't there to save the day. We could have laughed at the video of you earning your Darwin awards.

It is not hard to scare elk away.
Have had to do it many times.
I lived on a trail elk migrated on, between preserves.
They hate loud noises like clapping hands or yelling.
Putting your hands up in to the air makes you appear much larger and they back off.
Moving fast to the side, as if to get behind them makes they very afraid.
Do not move towards or away from them, and if you do not want to confront them, do not make eye contact.
Use cover, like go behind trees.
The only courage you’ve ever shown, is while playing video games against anonymous 12 year olds on the internet.

Self-admitted chickenshit now projecting on his tormentors.....^^^^^^^

So many hardo heroes on the internet...

It is what evolution has selected for, that makes the human race survive.
There is not a single animal that can take on a herd of humans.
The humans will always win, as long as they support each other and do not chicken out.
Humans used to hunt and kill elk with just their hands, sticks, and stones.
It is not that hard, as long as they act as a group and do not run away.
Elk are extremely easy to scare off.
Not nearly as aggressive as moose.
There was something wrong with this elk, likely had been hand fed by humans too much or something.
Very abnormal behavior.
I consider a .30-30 to be a minimal rifle, just barely good enough for deer.
There are Inuit who can get a moose with a single shot from a .22, but you have to really really be a good shot, get very close, and be willing to track quite a distance.
I like a .243 or .270 the best. But a .308, 8 mm, or ,30-06 are all fine also.
The venerable 30-30 gets a lot of criticism for being under powered but it brought down more deer in skilled hands in a hundred years than the over powered 270. Personally I'm partial to the Win. .94 lever because I'm left handed and the lever works for me even though it ejects rounds on the right side.
Incidentally, drippin shit begged me stop PMing him.....he's a crippled up old school teacher nobody here can stand the sight of....except Butch....I suggest they pool their funds, get a room at a Motel 6 and see what happens.

How’s the stalking going, champ? Feeling tough yet? Got any more stories?
No fuckin way am I messin with a bull elk in rut...unless it's a round from 7mm mag. This is another thing to consider...if you are getting attacked by were TOO fucking close for your own good.
As for grabbing their rack...are you on crack? lol! Do you know how strong the neck on that elk is?

Sit there for a moment and consider how you might get that elk away from the woman on the ground. Come up with anything? The founder of my Karate system (GoJuRyu) killed a TIGER. Mas Oyama, another legendary figure in the Karate world killed several BULLS. The coward Butch told me I didn't know what I would do in that situation. I told him I'm a Viet combat Vet (true) and a Shodan black belt (also true) and that I wouldn't hesitate getting that woman to safety. What any of these wormy bitches believe or don't believe means nothing to me. Has an elk ever been attacked by a man? How would it react? You don't know and neither do I so no, I ain't "on crack"...just disgusted that the scum in this thread can't conceive of somebody trying what they would never try...getting that elk off that woman before it killed her.
You see...this is how it goes. Some of us understand nature. We respect it. We give it the space it requires.
Some of us don't

Those who don't...well


...and they deserve to.
You see...this is how it goes. Some of us understand nature. We respect it. We give it the space it requires.
Some of us don't

Those who don't...well

...and they deserve to.

Oooooh....heavy. I've hunted and fished in 5 states...hunted communists in Vietnam and Cambodia. Tell me what some pup wearing a fucking PADRES cap knows about anything? You don't know anything about nature so knock off the condescending horseshit and just admit you're as total a fake as drippin shit and his little sister, Butchy.

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