CPAC Attendee Hands Out 'Seven-Point Plan' To Reinstall donald trump

These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

As many Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right have acknowledged themselves: this is about sowing mistrust and discord among the American people; it’s about compelling voters to lose confidence in the political process; and it’s about undermining our democratic institutions – all of which is perceived by rightist as benefiting Republican officeholders and candidates.

They don’t really believe the ridiculous misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies they propagate – such as the election being ‘stolen’ or ‘reinstating’ Trump; it’s about making the political process so chaotic and toxic that it’s abandoned by most voters, thus establishing and maintaining Republican minority rule.

Consequently, they are not delusional or crazy – conservatives are participating in a collective misinformation campaign, and rhetoric about ‘reinstating’ Trump is part of that process.
All your words might be correct if the public wasn't first hand witnesses to the misconduct of the Democrat's for the last 4+ years now, so good luck with holding up your misinformation campaign forever.
The 'Seven-Point Plan' to reinstall Trump is further proof of the right’s contempt for our democratic institutions, the Constitution, and the will of the people.

It’s further proof of the right’s desire to be ruled by dictators and despots, to destroy our Constitutional Republic, and establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
The will of the people cannot be proven by agreed standards, since the rules were changed WITHOUT VOTING THROUGH STATE LEGISLATORS to allow Millions of Mailin Ballots WITHOUT NOTARIZATION under penalty of perjury.

Kind of late to demand the "will of the people" be respected @C_Clayton_ Jones when that was OVERRIDDEN before the Election voting took place!
Trump and his minions have declared war on America, my friends
Why lie you trolling hack ??? Now who was it that has declared war on America again, and how long has the war been going on ? 10, 20, 30, 40 years now ?? So you are giving the leftist a pass on everything they've done to fuel a political war in this country eh ?? Just blame one party eh ? That's what makes you the hack that you are, where as you are the fuel that pushes the divisiveness and alledged war going on in this country. Hurry up to blame one side in order to make the other side appear innocent now, hurry. Pffft.
Clearly you’ve not been reading basque.
Might be further right than even you pal.
But lots smarter ;)
No he's just a hack like Romney or any other Democrat wearing a republican shirt. He loves bouncing back and forth on the issues, otherwise stirring it up as a troublemaker instead of someone to take seriously. That's my take on reading his past post on the issues. More conservative than me eh ? What makes you say that ??
they the same kinda dupes that fell for this:

Now you're going to come in here and start with the bullcrap. Figures.

what bullcrap? it happened & it just shows how the poorly educated are still just that.

so, are you expecting donny to be re installed in august?
Poorly educated? You got the obamaphone lady that represents the education level of your party. Lol

A) that there 'obamaphone' is actually a (R) REAGAN phone. saint ronny started that program decades ago - but i wouldn't expect a poorly educated MAGAT to actually know that when blaming obama for just about everything.... which is like comfort food to you.

B) i'm not a (D) .... but thanx for playing!
Last edited:
These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

They've been made crazy by the Democrat's who alledgedly did everything in their power to save their leftist agenda, and to use government power to SHOVE it down the American citizen's throat's. And they are doing so without so much as a tiny glass of water to help with the pain. It's a tough pill to swallow for the majority, but the minority Democrat's are hoping they can succeed with government help in their final push to transform the nation against the good citizen's will. Good luck with that.

The school boards are already feeling the heat because of the Americans will to save their children from it's horrid indoctrination, and it won't stop there.
You are responsible for your own fear and the stupid things you do because of it.
Well thank God that I have no fears as an American, but rather instead what I have is the wisdom to know the lie's when I hear them, and to know the truth against those lie's when the truth does counter them, and thank God that I have the common sense to not turn the lie's into truth's when they are lie's, and this because of being ignorant enough to follow a bunch of tyrannical wanta be's (the Democrat's), that constantly spread misinformation in hopes to win the country over through the use of that misinformation.

why would you believe someone whose had a proven record of lying & fraud including ripping people off & taking their hard earned cash for university 'tuition' but was taught nothing?

or even worse - who had his 'charity' shuttered because he stole donation meant for needy people/orgs & instead used it as his own personal piggy bank?
Why ? Because the man turned his life around, and was serving the country he loves with great care and compassion as president. Now I'll ask you, how can you throw the stones you throw without also pondering in your mind the past of former Democrat's or with many politicians who had done very corrupt and questionable things in their past, yet you ignored those things and gave them your vote ? Using the past is a tactic and a fool's game, because it's actually what is current that counts, and it is the current actions of a president that counts, yet I know why you do what you do. It's because you want something out of a president specifically, and this regardless of what the majority wants or is getting out of their president, and so if he or she doesn't produce what it is that you want specifically, then you and your minority clan will try to bring the entire house down.

you do realize the 15 count indictment of donny's CEO & the trump org contains within it the words 'otherS' don't you?

as in plural.

you think all that there criminal activity went on without donny's knowledge?

Any day now, any day now.... lol

donny doesn't have the protection of the oval office anymore. take that moldy old MAGAT hat off & try to find your critical thinking cap...

why do you think he was so desperate to hang onto the presidency?

These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

As many Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right have acknowledged themselves: this is about sowing mistrust and discord among the American people; it’s about compelling voters to lose confidence in the political process; and it’s about undermining our democratic institutions – all of which is perceived by rightist as benefiting Republican officeholders and candidates.

They don’t really believe the ridiculous misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies they propagate – such as the election being ‘stolen’ or ‘reinstating’ Trump; it’s about making the political process so chaotic and toxic that it’s abandoned by most voters, thus establishing and maintaining Republican minority rule.

Consequently, they are not delusional or crazy – conservatives are participating in a collective misinformation campaign, and rhetoric about ‘reinstating’ Trump is part of that process.
All your words might be correct if the public wasn't first hand witnesses to the misconduct of the Democrat's for the last 4+ years now, so good luck with holding up your misinformation campaign forever.
The 'Seven-Point Plan' to reinstall Trump is further proof of the right’s contempt for our democratic institutions, the Constitution, and the will of the people.

It’s further proof of the right’s desire to be ruled by dictators and despots, to destroy our Constitutional Republic, and establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
The will of the people cannot be proven by agreed standards, since the rules were changed WITHOUT VOTING THROUGH STATE LEGISLATORS to allow Millions of Mailin Ballots WITHOUT NOTARIZATION under penalty of perjury.

Kind of late to demand the "will of the people" be respected @C_Clayton_ Jones when that was OVERRIDDEN before the Election voting took place!
The 'Seven-Point Plan' to reinstall Trump is further proof of the right’s contempt for our democratic institutions, the Constitution, and the will of the people.

It’s further proof of the right’s desire to be ruled by dictators and despots, to destroy our Constitutional Republic, and establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
they the same kinda dupes that fell for this:

Now you're going to come in here and start with the bullcrap. Figures.

what bullcrap? it happened & it just shows how the poorly educated are still just that.

so, are you expecting donny to be re installed in august?
Poorly educated? You got the obamaphone lady that represents the education level of your party. Lol

A) that there 'obamaphone' is actually a (R) REAGAN phone. saint ronny started that program decades ago - but i wouldn't expect a poorly educated MAGAT to actually know that when blaming obama for that is like comfort food to you.

B) i'm not a (D) .... but thanx for playing!
Who cares who created a program or such or when it was created, because it's the implementation of it, and who it is directed towards, and how it is used or what it's used for that matters. Stop with the deflections. If a federal program is being abused, it needs to be stopped immediately.
Trump got into Trouble with Trump UNIVERSITY simply because he used UNIVERSITY in the name

he got in trouble for the crime of FRAUD.


A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury.

Fraud is commonly understood as dishonesty calculated for advantage. A person who is dishonest may be called a fraud. In the U.S. legal system, fraud is a specific offense with certain features.

------no one really thought that it was some regular University. Trump

his 'students' did. they paid tuition to learn the art of the deal. they were coerced into maxing out their credit cards & put up 2nd mortgages on their homes by people donny purposely hired to do that.

charities helped people more than say the Clinton foundations----

View attachment 511000

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

“Not only has the Trump Foundation shut down for its misconduct, but the president has been forced to pay $2 million for misusing charitable funds for his own political gain.

Additionally, as part of the settlement, Trump was required to agree to 19 admissions, acknowledging his personal misuse of funds at the Trump Foundation, and agreed to restrictions on future charitable service and ongoing reporting to the Office of the Attorney General, in the event he creates a new charity. The settlement also included mandatory training requirements for Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump, which the three children have already undergone. Finally, the settlement required the Trump Foundation to shutter its doors last December and dissolve under court supervision.
Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds | New York State Attorney General

NY again abusing their office to harass Trump means nothing

it meant that donny admitted to 19 counts of fraud & at least 8 charities actually benefitted from the cash donny had to pay out.
Still beating a dead horse for the leftist political agenda eh ?? Maybe the leftist strategy will grow leg's and walk, but it's highly doubtful because everyone knows the games y'all keep playing in all of this.

Statement from Attorney General

[ letitia ] James on Criminal Indictment of Trump Organization and CFO Weisselberg

NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement regarding the criminal indictment of Trump Corporation and the Trump Payroll Corporation — together doing business as the Trump Organization — as well as Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Allen Weisselberg on multiple criminal charges:
“Today is an important marker in the ongoing criminal investigation of the Trump Organization and its CFO, Allen Weisselberg. In the indictment, we allege, among other things, financial wrongdoing whereby the Trump Organization engaged in a scheme with Mr. Weisselberg to avoid paying taxes on certain compensation. This investigation will continue, and we will follow the facts and the law wherever they may lead.”

they the same kinda dupes that fell for this:

Now you're going to come in here and start with the bullcrap. Figures.

what bullcrap? it happened & it just shows how the poorly educated are still just that.

so, are you expecting donny to be re installed in august?
Poorly educated? You got the obamaphone lady that represents the education level of your party. Lol

A) that there 'obamaphone' is actually a (R) REAGAN phone. saint ronny started that program decades ago - but i wouldn't expect a poorly educated MAGAT to actually know that when blaming obama for that is like comfort food to you.

B) i'm not a (D) .... but thanx for playing!
Who cares who created a program or such or when it was created, because it's the implementation of it, and who it is directed towards, and how it is used or what it's used for that matters. Stop with the deflections. If a federal program is being abused, it needs to be stopped immediately.


piss poor ignorant defense for yer fellow poorly educated deplorable, but thanx for playing.
These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

As many Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right have acknowledged themselves: this is about sowing mistrust and discord among the American people; it’s about compelling voters to lose confidence in the political process; and it’s about undermining our democratic institutions – all of which is perceived by rightist as benefiting Republican officeholders and candidates.

They don’t really believe the ridiculous misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies they propagate – such as the election being ‘stolen’ or ‘reinstating’ Trump; it’s about making the political process so chaotic and toxic that it’s abandoned by most voters, thus establishing and maintaining Republican minority rule.

Consequently, they are not delusional or crazy – conservatives are participating in a collective misinformation campaign, and rhetoric about ‘reinstating’ Trump is part of that process.
All your words might be correct if the public wasn't first hand witnesses to the misconduct of the Democrat's for the last 4+ years now, so good luck with holding up your misinformation campaign forever.
The 'Seven-Point Plan' to reinstall Trump is further proof of the right’s contempt for our democratic institutions, the Constitution, and the will of the people.

It’s further proof of the right’s desire to be ruled by dictators and despots, to destroy our Constitutional Republic, and establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
The will of the people cannot be proven by agreed standards, since the rules were changed WITHOUT VOTING THROUGH STATE LEGISLATORS to allow Millions of Mailin Ballots WITHOUT NOTARIZATION under penalty of perjury.

Kind of late to demand the "will of the people" be respected @C_Clayton_ Jones when that was OVERRIDDEN before the Election voting took place!
The 'Seven-Point Plan' to reinstall Trump is further proof of the right’s contempt for our democratic institutions, the Constitution, and the will of the people.

It’s further proof of the right’s desire to be ruled by dictators and despots, to destroy our Constitutional Republic, and establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
Oh and there's no Democrat minority rule eh ?? You are such a fake political hack that it's really a shame.

Occupy wall street, Chaz and the chain reaction of seizing U.S. territory, the no go zones, Statue destruction, erasing history, CRT implementation, killing innocent cop's, forcing law's or regulation's on people that never asked for such things to be created against them, seizing federal property's, and then attempting to burn them down or burned them down, going after federal official's, doxing, displaying private addresses, phone numbers, jury intimidation, mob rule, mock trials, fake outrage, fake news, media complicity, federal official's joining the mobs, bail out's, releasing deadly prisoner's back into the public, foreigners being allowed to train in our nation, and then attack us with that training, Muslims attacking us on our soil in the name of Allah, and leftist having sympathy for their religious beliefs while they are imprisoned in our prison's although they either killed or attempted to kill American's here or upon the battlefield.

Yes, the insurrectionist list goes on and on and on brother, but the reaction to it all on 6th was the most awful eh ? You might blow that smoke up some of these people's aces, but it doesn't work on me.

The on going insurrections by all those officials that allowed such things to take place against this nations system's and people, and who hate this nation to it's very core (leading others to hate it with them) is still an on going motion, and the proof is already in the record books.
they the same kinda dupes that fell for this:

Now you're going to come in here and start with the bullcrap. Figures.

what bullcrap? it happened & it just shows how the poorly educated are still just that.

so, are you expecting donny to be re installed in august?
Poorly educated? You got the obamaphone lady that represents the education level of your party. Lol

A) that there 'obamaphone' is actually a (R) REAGAN phone. saint ronny started that program decades ago - but i wouldn't expect a poorly educated MAGAT to actually know that when blaming obama for just about everything.... which is like comfort food to you.

B) i'm not a (D) .... but thanx for playing!
Actually Reagan phone was so that all land lines could call 911 without the person paying for phone service. But Obama gave out thousands, probably millions of cell phones with free service to phone and internet.
Trump got into Trouble with Trump UNIVERSITY simply because he used UNIVERSITY in the name

he got in trouble for the crime of FRAUD.


A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury.

Fraud is commonly understood as dishonesty calculated for advantage. A person who is dishonest may be called a fraud. In the U.S. legal system, fraud is a specific offense with certain features.

------no one really thought that it was some regular University. Trump

his 'students' did. they paid tuition to learn the art of the deal. they were coerced into maxing out their credit cards & put up 2nd mortgages on their homes by people donny purposely hired to do that.

charities helped people more than say the Clinton foundations----

View attachment 511000

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

“Not only has the Trump Foundation shut down for its misconduct, but the president has been forced to pay $2 million for misusing charitable funds for his own political gain.

Additionally, as part of the settlement, Trump was required to agree to 19 admissions, acknowledging his personal misuse of funds at the Trump Foundation, and agreed to restrictions on future charitable service and ongoing reporting to the Office of the Attorney General, in the event he creates a new charity. The settlement also included mandatory training requirements for Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump, which the three children have already undergone. Finally, the settlement required the Trump Foundation to shutter its doors last December and dissolve under court supervision.
Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds | New York State Attorney General

NY again abusing their office to harass Trump means nothing

it meant that donny admitted to 19 counts of fraud & at least 8 charities actually benefitted from the cash donny had to pay out.
Still beating a dead horse for the leftist political agenda eh ?? Maybe the leftist strategy will grow leg's and walk, but it's highly doubtful because everyone knows the games y'all keep playing in all of this.

Statement from Attorney General

[ letitia ] James on Criminal Indictment of Trump Organization and CFO Weisselberg

NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement regarding the criminal indictment of Trump Corporation and the Trump Payroll Corporation — together doing business as the Trump Organization — as well as Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Allen Weisselberg on multiple criminal charges:
“Today is an important marker in the ongoing criminal investigation of the Trump Organization and its CFO, Allen Weisselberg. In the indictment, we allege, among other things, financial wrongdoing whereby the Trump Organization engaged in a scheme with Mr. Weisselberg to avoid paying taxes on certain compensation. This investigation will continue, and we will follow the facts and the law wherever they may lead.”

You will get him this time! Lol
they the same kinda dupes that fell for this:

Now you're going to come in here and start with the bullcrap. Figures.

what bullcrap? it happened & it just shows how the poorly educated are still just that.

so, are you expecting donny to be re installed in august?
Poorly educated? You got the obamaphone lady that represents the education level of your party. Lol

A) that there 'obamaphone' is actually a (R) REAGAN phone. saint ronny started that program decades ago - but i wouldn't expect a poorly educated MAGAT to actually know that when blaming obama for that is like comfort food to you.

B) i'm not a (D) .... but thanx for playing!
Who cares who created a program or such or when it was created, because it's the implementation of it, and who it is directed towards, and how it is used or what it's used for that matters. Stop with the deflections. If a federal program is being abused, it needs to be stopped immediately.


piss poor ignorant defense for yer fellow poorly educated deplorable, but thanx for playing.
Go find you a first grader to impress, because you bore me with your childish bullcrap.
they the same kinda dupes that fell for this:

Now you're going to come in here and start with the bullcrap. Figures.

what bullcrap? it happened & it just shows how the poorly educated are still just that.

so, are you expecting donny to be re installed in august?
Poorly educated? You got the obamaphone lady that represents the education level of your party. Lol

A) that there 'obamaphone' is actually a (R) REAGAN phone. saint ronny started that program decades ago - but i wouldn't expect a poorly educated MAGAT to actually know that when blaming obama for just about everything.... which is like comfort food to you.

B) i'm not a (D) .... but thanx for playing!
Actually Reagan phone was so that all land lines could call 911 without the person paying for phone service. But Obama gave out thousands, probably millions of cell phones with free service to phone and internet.
9-11 service good, cell phones to commit crime, locate and alert for gangs, and secure drug deals "bad".
they the same kinda dupes that fell for this:

Now you're going to come in here and start with the bullcrap. Figures.

what bullcrap? it happened & it just shows how the poorly educated are still just that.

so, are you expecting donny to be re installed in august?
Poorly educated? You got the obamaphone lady that represents the education level of your party. Lol

A) that there 'obamaphone' is actually a (R) REAGAN phone. saint ronny started that program decades ago - but i wouldn't expect a poorly educated MAGAT to actually know that when blaming obama for just about everything.... which is like comfort food to you.

B) i'm not a (D) .... but thanx for playing!
Actually Reagan phone was so that all land lines could call 911 without the person paying for phone service. But Obama gave out thousands, probably millions of cell phones with free service to phone and internet.

ACTUALLY, it was for basic phone service. not just for 911 or it would have been designed to only call out & only for 911. having a phone, where it's a landline or a cell is essential - it hasn't been CONsidered a 'luxery' for decades.

A little history. As far back as the 1930s, public policy established the need for universal phone service. During the Reagan administration, the FCC established the Universal Service Fund. A tax on everyone’s phone bill fed the fund, which enabled people to receive subsidies for basic telephone service. To qualify, a person or household must be receiving one or more of several federal assistance benefits. By the logic that established the term “Obamaphone,” you’d have to call a 1980s rotary phone installed via the Universal Service Fund a Reaganphone.
Trump got into Trouble with Trump UNIVERSITY simply because he used UNIVERSITY in the name

he got in trouble for the crime of FRAUD.


A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury.

Fraud is commonly understood as dishonesty calculated for advantage. A person who is dishonest may be called a fraud. In the U.S. legal system, fraud is a specific offense with certain features.

------no one really thought that it was some regular University. Trump

his 'students' did. they paid tuition to learn the art of the deal. they were coerced into maxing out their credit cards & put up 2nd mortgages on their homes by people donny purposely hired to do that.

charities helped people more than say the Clinton foundations----

View attachment 511000

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

“Not only has the Trump Foundation shut down for its misconduct, but the president has been forced to pay $2 million for misusing charitable funds for his own political gain.

Additionally, as part of the settlement, Trump was required to agree to 19 admissions, acknowledging his personal misuse of funds at the Trump Foundation, and agreed to restrictions on future charitable service and ongoing reporting to the Office of the Attorney General, in the event he creates a new charity. The settlement also included mandatory training requirements for Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump, which the three children have already undergone. Finally, the settlement required the Trump Foundation to shutter its doors last December and dissolve under court supervision.
Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds | New York State Attorney General

NY again abusing their office to harass Trump means nothing

it meant that donny admitted to 19 counts of fraud & at least 8 charities actually benefitted from the cash donny had to pay out.
Still beating a dead horse for the leftist political agenda eh ?? Maybe the leftist strategy will grow leg's and walk, but it's highly doubtful because everyone knows the games y'all keep playing in all of this.

Statement from Attorney General

[ letitia ] James on Criminal Indictment of Trump Organization and CFO Weisselberg

NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement regarding the criminal indictment of Trump Corporation and the Trump Payroll Corporation — together doing business as the Trump Organization — as well as Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Allen Weisselberg on multiple criminal charges:
“Today is an important marker in the ongoing criminal investigation of the Trump Organization and its CFO, Allen Weisselberg. In the indictment, we allege, among other things, financial wrongdoing whereby the Trump Organization engaged in a scheme with Mr. Weisselberg to avoid paying taxes on certain compensation. This investigation will continue, and we will follow the facts and the law wherever they may lead.”

You will get him this time! Lol

he doesn't have any more special protection - have you been duped into donating to his <lol> 'campaign' yet?
they the same kinda dupes that fell for this:

Now you're going to come in here and start with the bullcrap. Figures.

what bullcrap? it happened & it just shows how the poorly educated are still just that.

so, are you expecting donny to be re installed in august?
Poorly educated? You got the obamaphone lady that represents the education level of your party. Lol

A) that there 'obamaphone' is actually a (R) REAGAN phone. saint ronny started that program decades ago - but i wouldn't expect a poorly educated MAGAT to actually know that when blaming obama for that is like comfort food to you.

B) i'm not a (D) .... but thanx for playing!
Who cares who created a program or such or when it was created, because it's the implementation of it, and who it is directed towards, and how it is used or what it's used for that matters. Stop with the deflections. If a federal program is being abused, it needs to be stopped immediately.


piss poor ignorant defense for yer fellow poorly educated deplorable, but thanx for playing.
Go find you a first grader to impress, because you bore me with your childish bullcrap.


says the poster who voted twice for a manbaby with arrested development who uses 1st grade insults like a playground bully.

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