CPAC Attendee Hands Out 'Seven-Point Plan' To Reinstall donald trump

Think you all got it all sown up eh ? Counting on the strategies to be full proof eh ?? Don't count your chickens before they hatch. I could be wrong, but y'all standing on a metaphorical thin layer of ice will either hold or not.
Heheh - yea, we quake in our boots for the return of the Great Trumpy Bear! :heehee:
Who is we ?
These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

No. . . what is crazy, is the entire psychological operation, and those who fall for it.

Ask yourself a question, why would the DailyMail even carry such a story?

. . . and even further from that?! Why the hell would MSN amplify it?! :auiqs.jpg:

Trump already has speaking engagements booked into December with Bill O'Reilly, so clearly this is just click bait. . . stories about Trump sell and get views.

They trigger you folks, and now, are curiosities for everyone else, now that reasonable folks know damn well we are now living in clown world.

No reasonable adult expects the police state to really give up power.

If they can gaslight the nation with all that bullshit in the last five years, it surly wouldn't give up power to a representative of the people, no matter who it is, on the left or the right. :rolleyes:
It is shocking to those of us who live outside the United States that your country allows a political group with the stated purpose of overthrowing the democratically elected government of the United States, to continue to promote lies, sedition,

Lordy lordy lordy. . . you are really getting desperate now, ain't ya?

Can you post a link to any CPAC resource that states their purpose is to overthrow the government? :dunno:

I'll bet you can't. . . we all know you are here to spread false information and venomous propaganda.

. . . as the old saying goes for propagandists like you. . . . "accuse your enemy of what you are doing."
These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

They've been made crazy by the Democrat's who alledgedly did everything in their power to save their leftist agenda, and to use government power to SHOVE it down the American citizen's throat's. And they are doing so without so much as a tiny glass of water to help with the pain. It's a tough pill to swallow for the majority, but the minority Democrat's are hoping they can succeed with government help in their final push to transform the nation against the good citizen's will. Good luck with that.

The school boards are already feeling the heat because of the Americans will to save their children from it's horrid indoctrination, and it won't stop there.
You are responsible for your own fear and the stupid things you do because of it.
Well thank God that I have no fears as an American, but rather instead what I have is the wisdom to know the lie's when I hear them, and to know the truth against those lie's when the truth does counter them, and thank God that I have the common sense to not turn the lie's into truth's when they are lie's, and this because of being ignorant enough to follow a bunch of tyrannical wanta be's (the Democrat's), that constantly spread misinformation in hopes to win the country over through the use of that misinformation.

why would you believe someone whose had a proven record of lying & fraud including ripping people off & taking their hard earned cash for university 'tuition' but was taught nothing?

or even worse - who had his 'charity' shuttered because he stole donation meant for needy people/orgs & instead used it as his own personal piggy bank?

Trump University and Trump's charities were both frauds.
No neither. Trump got into Trouble with Trump UNIVERSITY simply because he used UNIVERSITY in the name------no one really thought that it was some regular University. Trump charities helped people more than say the Clinton foundations----NY again abusing their office to harass Trump means nothing

LOLOL.. What a strange and dishonest claim.

The Clinton Charity is a Public Operational Charity with the same percentage of overhead expense as the American Red Cross. Not so Trump's Private charity.. That why he and his children are not allowed to be involved with any charity for 10 years.
Hun, the clintons are so fucking corrupt that they have had to restate both money going in money going out. The clinton foundations are just a way to pay off the clintons forcing them to cook the books as they funnel the bribe money around. You really don't think the saud royals or the communist chinese give a shit about donating to foreign charities do you?
Such things as this seven point plan are destructive to our nation. What will happen when it doesn't happen? Will we see another insurrection on our capitol?

Such things are very dangerous. We already saw what such words and behavior does, all you have to do is remember January 6, 2021.

The threat of further rightwing terrorist attacks and violence is very real.
These people are totally bat crap crazy.
In all seriousness, my guess is that CPAC knows how gullible and conned the base is, and they're just keeping the fire lit for fundraising.

I don't believe, at least for now, that knowledgeable people higher up really believe any of this post-election madness.
the article says it’s some person attending the event passing out the flyer not CPAC.

Your inability to actually read and comprehend is what makes the propagandist like Don Lemon and Rachael Maddow happy
Such things as this seven point plan are destructive to our nation. What will happen when it doesn't happen? Will we see another insurrection on our capitol?

Such things are very dangerous. We already saw what such words and behavior does, all you have to do is remember January 6, 2021.

The threat of further rightwing terrorist attacks and violence is very real.
You gotta quit looking under your bed, and get you some sleep. lol
Trump and his minions have declared war on America, my friends
Why lie you trolling hack ??? Now who was it that has declared war on America again, and how long has the war been going on ? 10, 20, 30, 40 years now ?? So you are giving the leftist a pass on everything they've done to fuel a political war in this country eh ?? Just blame one party eh ? That's what makes you the hack that you are, where as you are the fuel that pushes the divisiveness and alledged war going on in this country. Hurry up to blame one side in order to make the other side appear innocent now, hurry. Pffft.
Trump and his minions have declared war on America, my friends
Why lie you trolling hack ??? Now who was it that has declared war on America again, and how long has the war been going on ? 10, 20, 30, 40 years now ?? So you are giving the leftist a pass on everything they've done to fuel a political war in this country eh ?? Just blame one party eh ? That's what makes you the hack that you are, where as you are the fuel that pushes the divisiveness and alledged war going on in this country. Hurry up to blame one side in order to make the other side appear innocent now, hurry. Pffft.
Clearly you’ve not been reading basque.
Might be further right than even you pal.
But lots smarter ;)

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