CPAC Attendee Hands Out 'Seven-Point Plan' To Reinstall donald trump

Well shit, and I've only been confiscating the guns.

so it was YOU who took up the slack...

View attachment 511274
You can replace the "guns" sentence with any of your agendas. Many are fair. The excesses are destructive. Agendas that have failures in them are blamed on others all the time. People write the failures of the "War on Poverty" and not once have I seen a Prog respond with an answer. 56 years is much more then a lifetime in the political world. That is failure!!! Middling success with now a permanent underclass and growing one with poverty institutionalized into a profession.
Can you imagine the mess if Trump is installed as Speaker of the House and the impeachment does not remove Biden?
Trump and his minions have declared war on America, my friends
didnt xiden already declare war when he threaten to nuke everyone that didn’t fall in line with him and his party?
nah man pretty sure he did

then shirley you can cough up an unbiased credible link that proves it ..... right?
he’s own words

so you heard those words directly from his mouth? where?
youtube will have it.

did you read it somewhere? google it & get back to me.

did you hear some rw whackjob pundit 'relay' it on their program without a source?

<pfffft> then you are dismissed.
I’m not interested in reinstating Donald Trump. For starters, I am interested in removing Mail In Balloting in facet of Absentee Balloting.
Trump and his minions have declared war on America, my friends
didnt xiden already declare war when he threaten to nuke everyone that didn’t fall in line with him and his party?
nah man pretty sure he did

then shirley you can cough up an unbiased credible link that proves it ..... right?
he’s own words

so you heard those words directly from his mouth? where?
youtube will have it.

did you read it somewhere? google it & get back to me.

did you hear some rw whackjob pundit 'relay' it on their program without a source?

<pfffft> then you are dismissed.
i heard it from Joey Xi’s mouth from a press conference..i was watching it on CBS
they the same kinda dupes that fell for this:

Now you're going to come in here and start with the bullcrap. Figures.

what bullcrap? it happened & it just shows how the poorly educated are still just that.

so, are you expecting donny to be re installed in august?
Poorly educated? You got the obamaphone lady that represents the education level of your party. Lol

A) that there 'obamaphone' is actually a (R) REAGAN phone. saint ronny started that program decades ago - but i wouldn't expect a poorly educated MAGAT to actually know that when blaming obama for that is like comfort food to you.

B) i'm not a (D) .... but thanx for playing!
Who cares who created a program or such or when it was created, because it's the implementation of it, and who it is directed towards, and how it is used or what it's used for that matters. Stop with the deflections. If a federal program is being abused, it needs to be stopped immediately.


piss poor ignorant defense for yer fellow poorly educated deplorable, but thanx for playing.
Go find you a first grader to impress, because you bore me with your childish bullcrap.


says the poster who voted twice for a manbaby with arrested development who uses 1st grade insults like a playground bully.
Says the poster with terminal TDS that takes offense to the truth because it came from Trump's mouth, but when lie's are spewed by Biden and company, you lap it up like a cat drinking it's milk.
Can you imagine the mess if Trump is installed as Speaker of the House and the impeachment does not remove Biden?
Can’t be as bad as the mess Trump made when ‘president.’
You better be glad Trump was president when Covid hit or you might not be here running your leftist trap today. He pushed through the Democrat idiocy to get the vaccinations started with warp speed, and his travel ban immediately started to slow down the spread until we could get the ball rolling on putting the infrastructures in place to deal with the incoming situation. Then your crazy Leader claimed that Trump didn't do anything, and that we didn't have a vaccine even though your leader sat right there and took one in the arm prior to taking office like we were a bunch of idiots who would just eat up the bullcrap he was dishing out. Then you have that political hack Fauci wearing two mask in an attempt to virtue signal the leftist into making them show that they were on board with mask, even though we see lab workers in Wuhan wearing astronaut suits with it's own oxygen in order to not be infected by the viruses it was working with, and alledgedly dealing in gain of function research on. But grandma's curtain's turned into mask was going to save us all... ROTFLMBO.
These people are totally bat crap crazy.
In all seriousness, my guess is that CPAC knows how gullible and conned the base is, and they're just keeping the fire lit for fundraising.

I don't believe, at least for now, that knowledgeable people higher up really believe any of this post-election madness.

CPAC used to hold one conference per year but now that they need the money, they’re holding two conferences this year because grifters gotta grift.

It is shocking to those of us who live outside the United States that your country allows a political group with the stated purpose of overthrowing the democratically elected government of the United States, to continue to promote lies, sedition, and White in any other country in the world would be called “treason”.

There seem to be no legal consequences for Republicans who continue to spread lies and propaganda in the wake of the 2020 election.
You say they are lie's, yet you can't prove them lie's because the court's haven't heard the case's, and refuse to hear the cases in which is a travesty of justice in regards to the American population. That has been one aspect of this thing, and it leaves everything in limbo, and it leaves the imagination's to go wild, and opens the door to suspicion and distrust among the population. Otherwise it's dividing the nation into groups, and once this happens it's hard to get the group's back together.

And you come back immediately with the lie that the courts didn’t hear the evidence. There was no evidence.

The courts heard the cases which Giuliani and the others presented. None of the cases filed involved “fraud” or “theft of the election”. Giuliani simply argued that votes should not count.

In court case after court case, Giuliani presented video supporting his claims that cases of Biden votes had but being pulled out and counted after poll watchers had been sent home.

Then state election officials came in and explained that as each shift ended, all ballots had to be returned to their boxes and put away, and then they they went home. Then the new shift of ballot counters and Paul watchers arrived at the counting Station, pulled out the boxes of ballots and proceeded with the count with the next shift of state workers and poll watchers.

Trump and Giuliani stood in front of television cameras and talked about theft and fraud in the election, but in court Giuliani said that they were not claims be of “fraud”.

Rudy Giuliani was recently suspended by the New York State Bar Association, for lying both in and out of court. He faces a similar suspension, and possible permanent disbarment in both states for lying in court and lying to the public about the nature of the cases he presented.

Sydney Powell is facing similar disciplinary actions for her part in deceiving the American people, and both Gulliani and Powell are facing a $1.3 billion dollar defamation suit by the manufacturer of Dominion voting machines.

Jenna Ellis, bless her heart, had the good sense not to put her name on or sign any documents filed in connection with any of these law suits, and thus escaped any legal consequences for her lies. She’s got a job with Newsmaxx, as a legal and religion contributor for the 2022 and 2024 elections. Lying to the public and in front of the cameras is one thing, but lying in writing on legal documents filed in a court of law is perjury.

While it appears that Ellis may have landed on her feet here, despite her lying to the cameras. It should be remembered that Newsmax is also facing a $1.3 billion lawsuit from the makers of Dominion voting machines and that may be enough to bankrupt the network and put for Jenna out of work.

So yes the courts have heard the cases and they have thrown all of them out. Trump lost. He lost the election. He has exhausted every legal recount and every appeal in every court all of the way up to the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

Trump made false and spurious claims to the courts that states didn’t follow their own election laws, and those claims were completely untrue.
Can you imagine the mess if Trump is installed as Speaker of the House and the impeachment does not remove Biden?
Can’t be as bad as the mess Trump made when ‘president.’
You better be glad Trump was president when Covid hit or you might not be here running your leftist trap today. He pushed through the Democrat idiocy to get the vaccinations started with warp speed, and his travel ban immediately started to slow down the spread until we could get the ball rolling on putting the infrastructures in place to deal with the incoming situation. Then your crazy Leader claimed that Trump didn't do anything, and that we didn't have a vaccine even though your leader sat right there and took one in the arm prior to taking office like we were a bunch of idiots who would just eat up the bullcrap he was dishing out. Then you have that political hack Fauci wearing two mask in an attempt to virtue signal the leftist into making them show that they were on board with mask, even though we see lab workers in Wuhan wearing astronaut suits with it's own oxygen in order to not be infected by the viruses it was working with, and alledgedly dealing in gain of function research on. But grandma's curtain's turned into mask was going to save us all... ROTFLMBO.

Donald Trump had nothing to do with the world’s rapid response to the production of vaccines.

All that Donald Trump did was to write a check to big Pharma to fund the research and production of the most promising vaccines.

The research started in 2003 on the MNRA vaccines, but had lacked sufficiently large enough sample groups to test the vaccines. The scientist who developed the Moderno vaccine said that it took her one weekend after she received the COVID-19 DNA to create the Moderna vaccine.

From there they had to print to immediately start animal testing on the Covid19 version of the vaccine, and start putting sample groups together fir human testing once animal testing cleared.

Concurrent with the human testing, Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson proceeded to mass produce the vaccines they were testing so that once testing was completed and emergency use authorizations were granted, millions of doses were ready to ship.

Not only did Donald Trump have nothing to do with developing the vaccine, Trump failed to buy enough vaccine to cover the needs of the American people.

Instead, Trump signed an EO barring the pharmaceutical companies from exporting exporting vaccine without federal government consent. So much for “free market capitalism”. Let’s go full-blown “fascist authoritarianism government overrreach” at the first opportunity.

In contrast, Justin Trudeau, bought every vial of vaccine he could lay hands on for the Canadian people, and Canada now leads the first world in vaccinations. We are now around 75% vaccinated and we are reopening at breakneck speed.
Trump and his minions have declared war on America, my friends
didnt xiden already declare war when he threaten to nuke everyone that didn’t fall in line with him and his party?
nah man pretty sure he did

then shirley you can cough up an unbiased credible link that proves it ..... right?
he’s own words

so you heard those words directly from his mouth? where?
youtube will have it.

did you read it somewhere? google it & get back to me.

did you hear some rw whackjob pundit 'relay' it on their program without a source?

<pfffft> then you are dismissed.
i heard it from Joey Xi’s mouth from a press conference..i was watching it on CBS

These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

Why would CPAC want a Russian asset in the White House? Very confusing...


In his new book, “American Kompromat,” Unger interviewed Yuri Shvets, who told him that the KGB manipulated Trump with simple flattery. “In terms of his personality, the guy is not a complicated cookie,” he said, “his most important characteristics being low intellect coupled with hyperinflated vanity. This makes him a dream for an experienced recruiter.”

An Ex-KGB Agent Says Trump Was a Russian Asset Since 1987.

These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

Why would CPAC want a Russian asset in the White House? Very confusing...

View attachment 511561

In his new book, “American Kompromat,” Unger interviewed Yuri Shvets, who told him that the KGB manipulated Trump with simple flattery. “In terms of his personality, the guy is not a complicated cookie,” he said, “his most important characteristics being low intellect coupled with hyperinflated vanity. This makes him a dream for an experienced recruiter.”

An Ex-KGB Agent Says Trump Was a Russian Asset Since 1987.

Because CPAC, and the rest of the Trump Cult, believe that stories of Trump’s ties to Russia are all part of the “Russian Hoax”. No collusion. Total exoneration.

Bill Barr said so.
These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

Why would CPAC want a Russian asset in the White House? Very confusing...

View attachment 511561

In his new book, “American Kompromat,” Unger interviewed Yuri Shvets, who told him that the KGB manipulated Trump with simple flattery. “In terms of his personality, the guy is not a complicated cookie,” he said, “his most important characteristics being low intellect coupled with hyperinflated vanity. This makes him a dream for an experienced recruiter.”

An Ex-KGB Agent Says Trump Was a Russian Asset Since 1987.

Because CPAC, and the rest of the Trump Cult, believe that stories of Trump’s ties to Russia are all part of the “Russian Hoax”. No collusion. Total exoneration.

Bill Barr said so.
actually Mueller said so. Did you not read Vol 1 of the Mueller report?
These people are totally bat crap crazy.
In all seriousness, my guess is that CPAC knows how gullible and conned the base is, and they're just keeping the fire lit for fundraising.

I don't believe, at least for now, that knowledgeable people higher up really believe any of this post-election madness.

CPAC used to hold one conference per year but now that they need the money, they’re holding two conferences this year because grifters gotta grift.

It is shocking to those of us who live outside the United States that your country allows a political group with the stated purpose of overthrowing the democratically elected government of the United States, to continue to promote lies, sedition, and White in any other country in the world would be called “treason”.

There seem to be no legal consequences for Republicans who continue to spread lies and propaganda in the wake of the 2020 election.
You say they are lie's, yet you can't prove them lie's because the court's haven't heard the case's, and refuse to hear the cases in which is a travesty of justice in regards to the American population. That has been one aspect of this thing, and it leaves everything in limbo, and it leaves the imagination's to go wild, and opens the door to suspicion and distrust among the population. Otherwise it's dividing the nation into groups, and once this happens it's hard to get the group's back together.

And you come back immediately with the lie that the courts didn’t hear the evidence. There was no evidence.

The courts heard the cases which Giuliani and the others presented. None of the cases filed involved “fraud” or “theft of the election”. Giuliani simply argued that votes should not count.

In court case after court case, Giuliani presented video supporting his claims that cases of Biden votes had but being pulled out and counted after poll watchers had been sent home.

Then state election officials came in and explained that as each shift ended, all ballots had to be returned to their boxes and put away, and then they they went home. Then the new shift of ballot counters and Paul watchers arrived at the counting Station, pulled out the boxes of ballots and proceeded with the count with the next shift of state workers and poll watchers.

Trump and Giuliani stood in front of television cameras and talked about theft and fraud in the election, but in court Giuliani said that they were not claims be of “fraud”.

Rudy Giuliani was recently suspended by the New York State Bar Association, for lying both in and out of court. He faces a similar suspension, and possible permanent disbarment in both states for lying in court and lying to the public about the nature of the cases he presented.

Sydney Powell is facing similar disciplinary actions for her part in deceiving the American people, and both Gulliani and Powell are facing a $1.3 billion dollar defamation suit by the manufacturer of Dominion voting machines.

Jenna Ellis, bless her heart, had the good sense not to put her name on or sign any documents filed in connection with any of these law suits, and thus escaped any legal consequences for her lies. She’s got a job with Newsmaxx, as a legal and religion contributor for the 2022 and 2024 elections. Lying to the public and in front of the cameras is one thing, but lying in writing on legal documents filed in a court of law is perjury.

While it appears that Ellis may have landed on her feet here, despite her lying to the cameras. It should be remembered that Newsmax is also facing a $1.3 billion lawsuit from the makers of Dominion voting machines and that may be enough to bankrupt the network and put for Jenna out of work.

So yes the courts have heard the cases and they have thrown all of them out. Trump lost. He lost the election. He has exhausted every legal recount and every appeal in every court all of the way up to the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

Trump made false and spurious claims to the courts that states didn’t follow their own election laws, and those claims were completely untrue.
Without actually going to trial in order that both sides present their evidence before the judge, a jury, and before the American public as witnesses to the charges and remedies, then we have no justice in this country. It matters not about all the shenanigans and back and forth, where as what ultimately matters is justice before the eyes of the American people. That didn't happen due to political reasons, and everyone knows it.

Anything that involves the people's business such as voter integrity, and charges made against an election should be heard, and then a court date set. No one is lying about anything, but rather everyone is wanting transparency instead of politics or corruption that hides the truth in these things. Without a transparent court trial that opens the windows to the allowing of both sides to have their day in court, then the American people have lost in the situation.
These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

Why would CPAC want a Russian asset in the White House? Very confusing...

View attachment 511561

In his new book, “American Kompromat,” Unger interviewed Yuri Shvets, who told him that the KGB manipulated Trump with simple flattery. “In terms of his personality, the guy is not a complicated cookie,” he said, “his most important characteristics being low intellect coupled with hyperinflated vanity. This makes him a dream for an experienced recruiter.”

An Ex-KGB Agent Says Trump Was a Russian Asset Since 1987.

Because CPAC, and the rest of the Trump Cult, believe that stories of Trump’s ties to Russia are all part of the “Russian Hoax”. No collusion. Total exoneration.

Bill Barr said so.
actually Mueller said so. Did you not read Vol 1 of the Mueller report?

No, Mueller did NOT say so.

Mueller said there was “insufficient evidence to prove conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt”. Mueller didn’t say there was “no evidence” of a conspiracy, nor did he exonerate Trump.

In his response to Barr’s Summary of his report, Mueller reiterated that he did NOT exonerate Trump at all.

It should also be remembered that Flynn, Stone and Manafort all continued to lie throughout the investigation and cover up their dealings with their Russian handlers during that time.

It would’ve been interesting to know the findings of the Mueller report in regards to conspiracy with the Russians, had Flynn, Manafort and Stone been honest in their dealings with investigators.
These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

Why would CPAC want a Russian asset in the White House? Very confusing...

View attachment 511561

In his new book, “American Kompromat,” Unger interviewed Yuri Shvets, who told him that the KGB manipulated Trump with simple flattery. “In terms of his personality, the guy is not a complicated cookie,” he said, “his most important characteristics being low intellect coupled with hyperinflated vanity. This makes him a dream for an experienced recruiter.”

An Ex-KGB Agent Says Trump Was a Russian Asset Since 1987.

Because CPAC, and the rest of the Trump Cult, believe that stories of Trump’s ties to Russia are all part of the “Russian Hoax”. No collusion. Total exoneration.

Bill Barr said so.
actually Mueller said so. Did you not read Vol 1 of the Mueller report?

No, Mueller did NOT say so.

Mueller said there was “insufficient evidence to prove conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt”. Mueller didn’t say there was “no evidence” of a conspiracy, nor did he exonerate Trump.

In his response to Barr’s Summary of his report, Mueller reiterated that he did NOT exonerate Trump at all.

It should also be remembered that Flynn, Stone and Manafort all continued to lie throughout the investigation and cover up their dealings with their Russian handlers during that time.

It would’ve been interesting to know the findings of the Mueller report in regards to conspiracy with the Russians, had Flynn, Manafort and Stone been honest in their dealings with investigators.
you obviously didn’t read vol 1…or hear his testimony. He clearly says there was no conspiracy

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