CPAC: Speaker pledges end of American democracy to wild applause.

Conservative activist Jack Posobiec joyfully hailed the “end of democracy” at the Conservative Political Action Conference, further emphasizing Republicans’ apparent desire to completely overthrow America as we know it.

Now MAGA are not even hiding their contempt for our democratic institutions.

As Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

Note: I know one of the first posts from a MAGA will be we are not a democracy. Yes, that is the exact sentiment I would expect from someone who doesn't care if our democratic institutions are eliminated.

This is a very sad commentary on the complete ruination of conservative thought.
Conservative activist Jack Posobiec joyfully hailed the “end of democracy” at the Conservative Political Action Conference, further emphasizing Republicans’ apparent desire to completely overthrow America as we know it.

Now MAGA are not even hiding their contempt for our democratic institutions.

As Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

Note: I know one of the first posts from a MAGA will be we are not a democracy. Yes, that is the exact sentiment I would expect from someone who doesn't care if our democratic institutions are eliminated.

This is a very sad commentary on the complete ruination of conservative thought.
Our former PM spoke at this loony assembly. She is now under pressure to be kicked out of the tory party.
You cant mix with nazi shit and walk away from it.
Doubly redundant. Be bold, brutally honest, and succinct. "Fascist."
Call it whatever you want. Wrspbitbipnin whstever rhetoric you prefer. It’s time to take the power away from people who can’t even figure out what gender they are and put it in the hands of those who can and will ensure Right wins over Wrong every single time
it would be easier for you to just read the constitution than me explain it for the 100th time,,,
we are not a democracy.................................................................................

why are you guys so afraid of the constitution??
Why are you so so so afraid to admit we are a Constitutional, Democratic Republic?

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