Cracks in the facade are forming.

I was at the grocery store yesterday and the shelves were empty in some areas. I mentioned to one guy if this was due to fear from the coronavirus, he said "yeah, people came and emptied hand sanitizer, toilet paper etc in case they are quarantined" I responded loudly and animated, "Ridiculous, we have one death and a few dozens cases and this the way people over react"?

He then went off again, more animated, wanting to get it off his chest I supppose "I know, I don't get it, some people are crazy". I then said in the same animated manner "these dirty SOB's got here before I did, I was going to do the same thing, now there's nothing left!"

He looked at me sort of stunned, not knowing what to say. I smiled and said, "naw, I'm messing with you, these people are idiots". We had a laugh after that.

I want fewer over reactions and more answers about the genesis of this virus. If more questions aren't being asked, we should all be concerned.
Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ‘It’s definitely not just the flu’
Tucker Carlson breaks ranks over the coronavirus outbreak

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his network’s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who “have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.”

“‘It’s just partisan politics,’ they say. ‘Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,’” Carlson said on his show. “It’s definitely not just the flu.”

The far-right host began the segment pushing his notoriously racist perspectives, calling the outbreak “the Chinese coronavirus” and attacking people for considering it racist to blame China for the United States’ poor handling of the outbreak. Monday was not the first time that Carlson placed racist labels on COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

But in what appeared to be an indirect but not very subtle jab at President Donald Trump, Carlson then criticized “the other side” for not being helpful in a time of nationwide panic.
Once in a while, the real world forces its way in to the conversation..........even at Faux. When that happens, albeit reluctantly, Fauxbots like Tucker feel the Orange Fraud has left them no alternative but to acknowledge objective reality. The lies they typically tell in support of the Divider-in-Chief would just look too ridiculous to sustain.
It can be disorienting for Trump cultists to hear truthful commentary from GOP TV so you folks may need a moment to gather yourselves. Once you are over the initial shock you have two choices. One, lump Carlson in to the "fake news" basket you typically use any time you see fact based reporting you want to dismiss. Or, join the rest of us who see a small, insecure little man-boy routinely downplay the risk to public health because he fears doing the right thing will hurt his re-election chances.............and thus jeopardize his ability to remain a free man.
Trump will step up his minimizing the virus because some localities are beginning to stop "mass gatherings"--i.e. RALLIES. Just watch.
As soon as a few cases show up in Mexico, Trump will use it as an excuse to accelerate wall construction
Mexico has corona virus already
/——/ And Ireland has the Guinness virus

Mexico has SEVEN confirmed cases, 4 has recovered, 3 still infected, no deaths.



I have posted the John Hopkins website many times in this forum, yet many here seem to ignore it, will you do that too?
Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ‘It’s definitely not just the flu’
Tucker Carlson breaks ranks over the coronavirus outbreak

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his network’s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who “have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.”

“‘It’s just partisan politics,’ they say. ‘Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,’” Carlson said on his show. “It’s definitely not just the flu.”

The far-right host began the segment pushing his notoriously racist perspectives, calling the outbreak “the Chinese coronavirus” and attacking people for considering it racist to blame China for the United States’ poor handling of the outbreak. Monday was not the first time that Carlson placed racist labels on COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

But in what appeared to be an indirect but not very subtle jab at President Donald Trump, Carlson then criticized “the other side” for not being helpful in a time of nationwide panic.
Once in a while, the real world forces its way in to the conversation..........even at Faux. When that happens, albeit reluctantly, Fauxbots like Tucker feel the Orange Fraud has left them no alternative but to acknowledge objective reality. The lies they typically tell in support of the Divider-in-Chief would just look too ridiculous to sustain.
It can be disorienting for Trump cultists to hear truthful commentary from GOP TV so you folks may need a moment to gather yourselves. Once you are over the initial shock you have two choices. One, lump Carlson in to the "fake news" basket you typically use any time you see fact based reporting you want to dismiss. Or, join the rest of us who see a small, insecure little man-boy routinely downplay the risk to public health because he fears doing the right thing will hurt his re-election chances.............and thus jeopardize his ability to remain a free man.
Trump will step up his minimizing the virus because some localities are beginning to stop "mass gatherings"--i.e. RALLIES. Just watch.
As soon as a few cases show up in Mexico, Trump will use it as an excuse to accelerate wall construction
Mexico has corona virus already
/——/ And Ireland has the Guinness virus

Mexico has SEVEN confirmed cases, 4 has recovered, 3 still infected, no deaths.



I have posted the John Hopkins website many times in this forum, yet many here seem to ignore it, will you do that too?
/——-/ The real flu statistics: Preliminary In-Season 2019-2020 Flu Burden Estimates
Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ‘It’s definitely not just the flu’
Tucker Carlson breaks ranks over the coronavirus outbreak

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his network’s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who “have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.”

“‘It’s just partisan politics,’ they say. ‘Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,’” Carlson said on his show. “It’s definitely not just the flu.”

The far-right host began the segment pushing his notoriously racist perspectives, calling the outbreak “the Chinese coronavirus” and attacking people for considering it racist to blame China for the United States’ poor handling of the outbreak. Monday was not the first time that Carlson placed racist labels on COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

But in what appeared to be an indirect but not very subtle jab at President Donald Trump, Carlson then criticized “the other side” for not being helpful in a time of nationwide panic.
Once in a while, the real world forces its way in to the conversation..........even at Faux. When that happens, albeit reluctantly, Fauxbots like Tucker feel the Orange Fraud has left them no alternative but to acknowledge objective reality. The lies they typically tell in support of the Divider-in-Chief would just look too ridiculous to sustain.
It can be disorienting for Trump cultists to hear truthful commentary from GOP TV so you folks may need a moment to gather yourselves. Once you are over the initial shock you have two choices. One, lump Carlson in to the "fake news" basket you typically use any time you see fact based reporting you want to dismiss. Or, join the rest of us who see a small, insecure little man-boy routinely downplay the risk to public health because he fears doing the right thing will hurt his re-election chances.............and thus jeopardize his ability to remain a free man.
/——/ Last year 27,000 died from the real flu. Less than 100 have died from this common cold. Stop being hysterical.

27,000 died from the flu and that's with a large % of people receiving a flu vaccine, just think of how much higher the deaths from flu would be without a vaccine. I don't remember any hysteria over the flu, although I do know schools often close if enough students are sick. It will be interesting to see if democrats and the MSM suddenly becomes anti-vac and hype up hysteria when a COVID-19 vaccine is ready for use in the general public.
Trump will step up his minimizing the virus because some localities are beginning to stop "mass gatherings"--i.e. RALLIES. Just watch.
As soon as a few cases show up in Mexico, Trump will use it as an excuse to accelerate wall construction
Mexico has corona virus already
/——/ And Ireland has the Guinness virus

Mexico has SEVEN confirmed cases, 4 has recovered, 3 still infected, no deaths.



I have posted the John Hopkins website many times in this forum, yet many here seem to ignore it, will you do that too?
/——-/ The real flu statistics: Preliminary In-Season 2019-2020 Flu Burden Estimates

Nothing about Mexico, having problems understanding that I corrected you?

CDC says, 20,000-52,000 Flu deaths since October 1, 2019, versus 26 confirmed deaths from Corona Virus.

I have seen your link long time ago, well aware of the standard flu stats.
I want fewer over reactions and more answers about the genesis of this virus. If more questions aren't being asked, we should all be concerned.
There will be a time for analyzing the origin. This isn't it. This is a time to concentrate on minimizing the spread. That calls for accurate information and raising the level of measures being taken to keep people safe. The Orange Fraud is hurting both of those endeavors.
Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ‘It’s definitely not just the flu’
Tucker Carlson breaks ranks over the coronavirus outbreak

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his network’s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who “have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.”

“‘It’s just partisan politics,’ they say. ‘Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,’” Carlson said on his show. “It’s definitely not just the flu.”

The far-right host began the segment pushing his notoriously racist perspectives, calling the outbreak “the Chinese coronavirus” and attacking people for considering it racist to blame China for the United States’ poor handling of the outbreak. Monday was not the first time that Carlson placed racist labels on COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

But in what appeared to be an indirect but not very subtle jab at President Donald Trump, Carlson then criticized “the other side” for not being helpful in a time of nationwide panic.
Once in a while, the real world forces its way in to the conversation..........even at Faux. When that happens, albeit reluctantly, Fauxbots like Tucker feel the Orange Fraud has left them no alternative but to acknowledge objective reality. The lies they typically tell in support of the Divider-in-Chief would just look too ridiculous to sustain.
It can be disorienting for Trump cultists to hear truthful commentary from GOP TV so you folks may need a moment to gather yourselves. Once you are over the initial shock you have two choices. One, lump Carlson in to the "fake news" basket you typically use any time you see fact based reporting you want to dismiss. Or, join the rest of us who see a small, insecure little man-boy routinely downplay the risk to public health because he fears doing the right thing will hurt his re-election chances.............and thus jeopardize his ability to remain a free man.
Trump will step up his minimizing the virus because some localities are beginning to stop "mass gatherings"--i.e. RALLIES. Just watch.
As soon as a few cases show up in Mexico, Trump will use it as an excuse to accelerate wall construction
Mexico has corona virus already

No, that would be corona beer
Lol but they did announce it last week. It only has a few more countries to go! Lol
I wonder if tucker will get fired for breaking partisan protocol like chris mathews
For every Tucker there are a thousand Chris Matthews. Non Progs can have different opinions as opposed to Progs. And it hurts because fair representation does not exist in this elitist propaganda controlled planet. The stock market though does have bounce back capabilities which is a good thing. In other words, if it drops a thousand points and it gains a thousand points, it is bouncing back. Perhaps if it only gained a hundred back while dropping a thousand all the time it would be more worrisome. Hopefully even though on forums we emote, this does get under control and life moves on. It is a shame though that the architects of fear are never held to accountability. For if this is real, how do we believe when we have been led by self important political and media/entertainment sensationalists for decades.
Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ‘It’s definitely not just the flu’
Tucker Carlson breaks ranks over the coronavirus outbreak

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his network’s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who “have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.”

“‘It’s just partisan politics,’ they say. ‘Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,’” Carlson said on his show. “It’s definitely not just the flu.”

The far-right host began the segment pushing his notoriously racist perspectives, calling the outbreak “the Chinese coronavirus” and attacking people for considering it racist to blame China for the United States’ poor handling of the outbreak. Monday was not the first time that Carlson placed racist labels on COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

But in what appeared to be an indirect but not very subtle jab at President Donald Trump, Carlson then criticized “the other side” for not being helpful in a time of nationwide panic.
Once in a while, the real world forces its way in to the conversation..........even at Faux. When that happens, albeit reluctantly, Fauxbots like Tucker feel the Orange Fraud has left them no alternative but to acknowledge objective reality. The lies they typically tell in support of the Divider-in-Chief would just look too ridiculous to sustain.
It can be disorienting for Trump cultists to hear truthful commentary from GOP TV so you folks may need a moment to gather yourselves. Once you are over the initial shock you have two choices. One, lump Carlson in to the "fake news" basket you typically use any time you see fact based reporting you want to dismiss. Or, join the rest of us who see a small, insecure little man-boy routinely downplay the risk to public health because he fears doing the right thing will hurt his re-election chances.............and thus jeopardize his ability to remain a free man.
/——/ Pay attention Chucklehead. Even liberal Newsday reports the Coronavirus is nothing compared to the real flu. So stop spreading your hysterical fake news.
Newsday 3/10/2020 page A6
I want fewer over reactions and more answers about the genesis of this virus. If more questions aren't being asked, we should all be concerned.
There will be a time for analyzing the origin. This isn't it. This is a time to concentrate on minimizing the spread. That calls for accurate information and raising the level of measures being taken to keep people safe. The Orange Fraud is hurting both of those endeavors.

What about the fraud in China?

Did they allow CDC to help? DId they provide timely and accurate information?

How are the weak leaders in Italy dealing with hundreds dead thanks to China?

Yes, deal with this issue, but the genesis is still important. There is more blood on the hands of the communists. Even Mother Russia (which according to twitter I am a member of) is angry at Little Brother China (now much bigger brother). Lives are lost worldwide and we all just accept it's because someone ate a bat?

Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ‘It’s definitely not just the flu’
Tucker Carlson breaks ranks over the coronavirus outbreak

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his network’s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who “have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.”

“‘It’s just partisan politics,’ they say. ‘Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,’” Carlson said on his show. “It’s definitely not just the flu.”

The far-right host began the segment pushing his notoriously racist perspectives, calling the outbreak “the Chinese coronavirus” and attacking people for considering it racist to blame China for the United States’ poor handling of the outbreak. Monday was not the first time that Carlson placed racist labels on COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

But in what appeared to be an indirect but not very subtle jab at President Donald Trump, Carlson then criticized “the other side” for not being helpful in a time of nationwide panic.
Once in a while, the real world forces its way in to the conversation..........even at Faux. When that happens, albeit reluctantly, Fauxbots like Tucker feel the Orange Fraud has left them no alternative but to acknowledge objective reality. The lies they typically tell in support of the Divider-in-Chief would just look too ridiculous to sustain.
It can be disorienting for Trump cultists to hear truthful commentary from GOP TV so you folks may need a moment to gather yourselves. Once you are over the initial shock you have two choices. One, lump Carlson in to the "fake news" basket you typically use any time you see fact based reporting you want to dismiss. Or, join the rest of us who see a small, insecure little man-boy routinely downplay the risk to public health because he fears doing the right thing will hurt his re-election chances.............and thus jeopardize his ability to remain a free man.
LOL far right and racist...well that's enough to know this source is full of shit.
I watched Maddow's show last night. She began with the story about the admin refusing to go along with the CDC's recommendation that elderly and vulnerable people not fly on commercial flights. She then mentioned the admin's denial anything like this happened.

However, near the conclusion of the segment she played a recording of a phone conference members of the CDC held on the c-virus. It made clear, without being filtered by hacks in the admin, what the CDC's position is regarding the virus and what precautions should be taken. That message is not the same one being promoted by the Liar-in-Chief and his minions.

It made absolutely clear in vivid detail how Trump is jeopardizing the public's health by not allowing the assessments of the medical experts to be disseminated.
Trump seems to feel actually relaxed about the whole thing--I read in the paper this morning that he was out shaking hands with his supporters just yesterday--while the Pentagon is breaking up it's "mass gatherings" of 50 people meetings into smaller groups and using videoconferencing among the rooms.
I think he really believes this thing is fake news.
His personal attitude about catching the virus is beside the point. He repeatedly has told lies and made comments that distort the truth about the virus.

PREVENTION OF TRANSMISSION is the key to containment and his dishonest remarks are sabotaging those efforts.
It's not "dishonest" if he believes them. That was why I mentioned it. Now, whether he has convinced himself of it because he needs his rallies to go on (he gets his energy from the public adoration) is another question.
Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ‘It’s definitely not just the flu’
Tucker Carlson breaks ranks over the coronavirus outbreak

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his network’s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who “have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.”

“‘It’s just partisan politics,’ they say. ‘Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,’” Carlson said on his show. “It’s definitely not just the flu.”

The far-right host began the segment pushing his notoriously racist perspectives, calling the outbreak “the Chinese coronavirus” and attacking people for considering it racist to blame China for the United States’ poor handling of the outbreak. Monday was not the first time that Carlson placed racist labels on COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

But in what appeared to be an indirect but not very subtle jab at President Donald Trump, Carlson then criticized “the other side” for not being helpful in a time of nationwide panic.
Once in a while, the real world forces its way in to the conversation..........even at Faux. When that happens, albeit reluctantly, Fauxbots like Tucker feel the Orange Fraud has left them no alternative but to acknowledge objective reality. The lies they typically tell in support of the Divider-in-Chief would just look too ridiculous to sustain.
It can be disorienting for Trump cultists to hear truthful commentary from GOP TV so you folks may need a moment to gather yourselves. Once you are over the initial shock you have two choices. One, lump Carlson in to the "fake news" basket you typically use any time you see fact based reporting you want to dismiss. Or, join the rest of us who see a small, insecure little man-boy routinely downplay the risk to public health because he fears doing the right thing will hurt his re-election chances.............and thus jeopardize his ability to remain a free man.
Trump will step up his minimizing the virus because some localities are beginning to stop "mass gatherings"--i.e. RALLIES. Just watch.

And presidential debates too "it's too dangerous to have these debates!"

Or maybe candidates will be allowed to do them from home, sitting down, to avoid any risk...
Trump seems to feel actually relaxed about the whole thing--I read in the paper this morning that he was out shaking hands with his supporters just yesterday--while the Pentagon is breaking up it's "mass gatherings" of 50 people meetings into smaller groups and using videoconferencing among the rooms.
I think he really believes this thing is fake news.
It's what democrats are using to attack the right of assembly.
Probably a democrat, since he shows his utter failure to figure out the simple math he proposes:

American Thinker

Math is hard, even for an MSNBC panic-spreading virology expert

March 10, 2020

By Andrea Widburg


MSNBC and math haven’t had a good week. A few days ago, talking heads made a third-grade mistake when hypothetically divvying up Bloomberg’s advertising budget among Americans. And on Monday, a guest virologist announced that 20% of Americans are going to die from the coronavirus, which is an embarrassing miscalculation.

It was just a few days ago that Brian Williams and Mara Gay mindlessly repeated a meme saying that, instead of spending $500 million on advertising, Bloomberg should just have given all 327 million Americans a million dollars each. The correct answer, of course, is that Bloomberg spent $1.52 per American.

On Monday, a guest again went stupid about math, this time while trying to explain how many Americans will die from coronavirus. According to Dr. Joseph Fair, only 80% of the population will survive:

“We’re honestly behind the curve,” Fair claimed, adding that “getting testing up and running is the most essential step.”

“Getting testing up and running in every place we can, in every city, in every public health laboratory around the country is key for us to understand how widespread this epidemic is. This is not to fear monger. It would be irresponsible for us to create panic when it’s undue,” Fair said. “That being said, we know 80 percent of the population is going to survive and a typically 15 to 20 percent rate of mortality for those individuals that are both elderly or have underlying conditions.”



What a stupid man!

He seems to forget the elderly (75+) makes up only 4.4% of the population, many who will never get infected......., my dad is nearing 93 years, he is in a region with ZERO reported infections.

The CURRENT survival rate for the WORLD, is about 94%

I am amazed at the stupidity of people who can't do simple statistics.
Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ‘It’s definitely not just the flu’
Tucker Carlson breaks ranks over the coronavirus outbreak

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his network’s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who “have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.”

“‘It’s just partisan politics,’ they say. ‘Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,’” Carlson said on his show. “It’s definitely not just the flu.”

The far-right host began the segment pushing his notoriously racist perspectives, calling the outbreak “the Chinese coronavirus” and attacking people for considering it racist to blame China for the United States’ poor handling of the outbreak. Monday was not the first time that Carlson placed racist labels on COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

But in what appeared to be an indirect but not very subtle jab at President Donald Trump, Carlson then criticized “the other side” for not being helpful in a time of nationwide panic.
Once in a while, the real world forces its way in to the conversation..........even at Faux. When that happens, albeit reluctantly, Fauxbots like Tucker feel the Orange Fraud has left them no alternative but to acknowledge objective reality. The lies they typically tell in support of the Divider-in-Chief would just look too ridiculous to sustain.
It can be disorienting for Trump cultists to hear truthful commentary from GOP TV so you folks may need a moment to gather yourselves. Once you are over the initial shock you have two choices. One, lump Carlson in to the "fake news" basket you typically use any time you see fact based reporting you want to dismiss. Or, join the rest of us who see a small, insecure little man-boy routinely downplay the risk to public health because he fears doing the right thing will hurt his re-election chances.............and thus jeopardize his ability to remain a free man.
Trump will step up his minimizing the virus because some localities are beginning to stop "mass gatherings"--i.e. RALLIES. Just watch.
Democrats already suggested that.
They don't like large crowds because they can't generate any.

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