Cracks in the facade are forming.

Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ā€˜Itā€™s definitely not just the fluā€™
Tucker Carlson breaks ranks over the coronavirus outbreak

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his networkā€™s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who ā€œhave spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.ā€

ā€œā€˜Itā€™s just partisan politics,ā€™ they say. ā€˜Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,ā€™ā€ Carlson said on his show. ā€œItā€™s definitely not just the flu.ā€

The far-right host began the segment pushing his notoriously racist perspectives, calling the outbreak ā€œthe Chinese coronavirusā€ and attacking people for considering it racist to blame China for the United Statesā€™ poor handling of the outbreak. Monday was not the first time that Carlson placed racist labels on COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

But in what appeared to be an indirect but not very subtle jab at President Donald Trump, Carlson then criticized ā€œthe other sideā€ for not being helpful in a time of nationwide panic.
Once in a while, the real world forces its way in to the conversation..........even at Faux. When that happens, albeit reluctantly, Fauxbots like Tucker feel the Orange Fraud has left them no alternative but to acknowledge objective reality. The lies they typically tell in support of the Divider-in-Chief would just look too ridiculous to sustain.
It can be disorienting for Trump cultists to hear truthful commentary from GOP TV so you folks may need a moment to gather yourselves. Once you are over the initial shock you have two choices. One, lump Carlson in to the "fake news" basket you typically use any time you see fact based reporting you want to dismiss. Or, join the rest of us who see a small, insecure little man-boy routinely downplay the risk to public health because he fears doing the right thing will hurt his re-election chances.............and thus jeopardize his ability to remain a free man.

Are you afraid you are going to die?
Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ā€˜Itā€™s definitely not just the fluā€™
Tucker Carlson breaks ranks over the coronavirus outbreak

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his networkā€™s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who ā€œhave spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.ā€

ā€œā€˜Itā€™s just partisan politics,ā€™ they say. ā€˜Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,ā€™ā€ Carlson said on his show. ā€œItā€™s definitely not just the flu.ā€

The far-right host began the segment pushing his notoriously racist perspectives, calling the outbreak ā€œthe Chinese coronavirusā€ and attacking people for considering it racist to blame China for the United Statesā€™ poor handling of the outbreak. Monday was not the first time that Carlson placed racist labels on COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

But in what appeared to be an indirect but not very subtle jab at President Donald Trump, Carlson then criticized ā€œthe other sideā€ for not being helpful in a time of nationwide panic.
Once in a while, the real world forces its way in to the conversation..........even at Faux. When that happens, albeit reluctantly, Fauxbots like Tucker feel the Orange Fraud has left them no alternative but to acknowledge objective reality. The lies they typically tell in support of the Divider-in-Chief would just look too ridiculous to sustain.
It can be disorienting for Trump cultists to hear truthful commentary from GOP TV so you folks may need a moment to gather yourselves. Once you are over the initial shock you have two choices. One, lump Carlson in to the "fake news" basket you typically use any time you see fact based reporting you want to dismiss. Or, join the rest of us who see a small, insecure little man-boy routinely downplay the risk to public health because he fears doing the right thing will hurt his re-election chances.............and thus jeopardize his ability to remain a free man.
/ā€”ā€”/ Pay attention Chucklehead. Even liberal Newsday reports the Coronavirus is nothing compared to the real flu. So stop spreading your hysterical fake news.
Newsday 3/10/2020 page A6
View attachment 311462
Hey Knucklehead, what would those Coronavirus death figures be if no action was taken worldwide to contain the coronavirus? You donā€™t know do ya because nations of the world have taken peremptory action and slowed the virusā€™ spread. So it is idiocy to compare the coronavirus to the flu because of this containment action. Duh..
It's not "dishonest" if he believes them. That was why I mentioned it. Now, whether he has convinced himself of it because he needs his rallies to go on (he gets his energy from the public adoration) is another question.

Oh, for pity's sake... You really think, ...

1. He lies - because rallies!

2. He was informed but didn't understand the goings on.

3. He created an environment in which no one dares to confront him with bad news and therefore spouts falsehoods "innocently".

... is an attractive choice?

And you immediately manufacture an excuse for the mendacious nitwit because he's so needy, the absence of public adoration would put a dent in his over-inflated sense of self-importance, or something? And that in the face of the fact that his incompetence and his personality defects are likely going to kill thousands?
Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ā€˜Itā€™s definitely not just the fluā€™
Tucker Carlson breaks ranks over the coronavirus outbreak

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his networkā€™s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who ā€œhave spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.ā€

ā€œā€˜Itā€™s just partisan politics,ā€™ they say. ā€˜Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,ā€™ā€ Carlson said on his show. ā€œItā€™s definitely not just the flu.ā€

The far-right host began the segment pushing his notoriously racist perspectives, calling the outbreak ā€œthe Chinese coronavirusā€ and attacking people for considering it racist to blame China for the United Statesā€™ poor handling of the outbreak. Monday was not the first time that Carlson placed racist labels on COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

But in what appeared to be an indirect but not very subtle jab at President Donald Trump, Carlson then criticized ā€œthe other sideā€ for not being helpful in a time of nationwide panic.
Once in a while, the real world forces its way in to the conversation..........even at Faux. When that happens, albeit reluctantly, Fauxbots like Tucker feel the Orange Fraud has left them no alternative but to acknowledge objective reality. The lies they typically tell in support of the Divider-in-Chief would just look too ridiculous to sustain.
It can be disorienting for Trump cultists to hear truthful commentary from GOP TV so you folks may need a moment to gather yourselves. Once you are over the initial shock you have two choices. One, lump Carlson in to the "fake news" basket you typically use any time you see fact based reporting you want to dismiss. Or, join the rest of us who see a small, insecure little man-boy routinely downplay the risk to public health because he fears doing the right thing will hurt his re-election chances.............and thus jeopardize his ability to remain a free man.
Trump will step up his minimizing the virus because some localities are beginning to stop "mass gatherings"--i.e. RALLIES. Just watch.
From what I have read in the "fake news media" there has been internal friction among admin officials over Don's constant lies and distortions about the virus. Some badly want to correct the record and or be more forthcoming with factual info, but they are reluctant because they know Don will get pissed if they tell the truth.
DAMN these people who need their paycheck....
It's not "dishonest" if he believes them. That was why I mentioned it. Now, whether he has convinced himself of it because he needs his rallies to go on (he gets his energy from the public adoration) is another question.

Oh, for pity's sake... You really think, ...

1. He lies - because rallies!

2. He was informed but didn't understand the goings on.

3. He created an environment in which no one dares to confront him with bad news and therefore spouts falsehoods "innocently".

... is an attractive choice?

And you immediately manufacture an excuse for the mendacious nitwit because he's so needy, the absence of public adoration would put a dent in his over-inflated sense of self-importance, or something? And that in the face of the fact that his incompetence and his personality defects are likely going to kill thousands?
Really? He's a narcissist. He thinks differently than most of us. I'm not making excuses for him.
Really? He's a narcissist. He thinks differently than most of us. I'm not making excuses for him.

Yeah, the mendacious nitwit is lying. The only difference between him and most of us is, he has no qualms about it. By offering up "it's not dishonest" you are manufacturing an excuse for the mendacious nitwit. Is that habitual? Do you not realize what you are doing?
Really? He's a narcissist. He thinks differently than most of us. I'm not making excuses for him.

Yeah, the mendacious nitwit is lying. The only difference between him and most of us is, he has no qualms about it. By offering up "it's not dishonest" you are manufacturing an excuse for the mendacious nitwit. Is that habitual? Do you not realize what you are doing?
No, I guess I don't realize what I'm doing. His motivation doesn't change the outcome, does it? It's a dangerous one, imo. I was just making an observation.
Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ā€˜Itā€™s definitely not just the fluā€™
Tucker Carlson breaks ranks over the coronavirus outbreak

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his networkā€™s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who ā€œhave spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.ā€

ā€œā€˜Itā€™s just partisan politics,ā€™ they say. ā€˜Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,ā€™ā€ Carlson said on his show. ā€œItā€™s definitely not just the flu.ā€

The far-right host began the segment pushing his notoriously racist perspectives, calling the outbreak ā€œthe Chinese coronavirusā€ and attacking people for considering it racist to blame China for the United Statesā€™ poor handling of the outbreak. Monday was not the first time that Carlson placed racist labels on COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

But in what appeared to be an indirect but not very subtle jab at President Donald Trump, Carlson then criticized ā€œthe other sideā€ for not being helpful in a time of nationwide panic.
Once in a while, the real world forces its way in to the conversation..........even at Faux. When that happens, albeit reluctantly, Fauxbots like Tucker feel the Orange Fraud has left them no alternative but to acknowledge objective reality. The lies they typically tell in support of the Divider-in-Chief would just look too ridiculous to sustain.
It can be disorienting for Trump cultists to hear truthful commentary from GOP TV so you folks may need a moment to gather yourselves. Once you are over the initial shock you have two choices. One, lump Carlson in to the "fake news" basket you typically use any time you see fact based reporting you want to dismiss. Or, join the rest of us who see a small, insecure little man-boy routinely downplay the risk to public health because he fears doing the right thing will hurt his re-election chances.............and thus jeopardize his ability to remain a free man.

This is his notoriously racist view
Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax' | HuffPost

Lol the left is a complete joke
Another Trump hating, media fawning bullcrap. The ignorance and stupidity never stops for leftists, who can't make a rational thought about a Virus that is being hysterically overblown, by the media, and the democrats.

Corona Virus has very similar symptoms of the Flu, once again I post this that Dr. Love keeps ignoring, in another thread:

Poor Dr. anti information guy, make clear he ignores the helpful information at the JOHN HOPKINS Medicine website:

"Lisa Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H., senior director of infection prevention at Johns Hopkins, explains how the flu and COVID-19 are similar and how they are different."

Similarities: COVID-19 and the Flu

  • Both cause fever, cough, body aches, fatigue; sometimes vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Can be mild or severe, even fatal in rare cases.
  • Can result in pneumonia.
  • Both can be spread from person to person through droplets in the air from an infected person coughing, sneezing or talking.
  • A possible difference: COVID-19 might be spread through the airborne route (see details below under Differences).
  • Flu can be spread by an infected person for several days before their symptoms appear, and COVID-19 is believed to be spread in the same manner, but we donā€™t yet know for sure.

Then this one from MY THREAD:

You should spend more time reading from official sources that shows what is really going on, the media wants to scare you because they want to make Trump look bad with their misleading, lying narrative. The Media news reporting over Corona Virus are full of shit!

LINK ONE John Hopkins


LINK TWO WorldOmeter

Active Cases

41,391 (87%)
in Mild Condition

6,042 (13%)
Serious or Critical


Closed Cases

62,834 (94%)
Recovered / Discharged

4,009 (6%)


Age, Sex, Existing Conditions of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths


You will learn that this Virus is not a significant concern for age 49 and YOUNGER, the death rate is negligible, while over 50 the rate jumps up to the peak at the oldest age level.


Stop being a partisan hack, made a fool by the lying Media.
Do you think the media in Italy, or South Korea or Hong Kong or the EU on the virus are trying to hurt Trump? :rolleyes:
It's clear the left want the country to burn to the ground
You can't imagine how foolish you appear when you push that bullshit. Taking precautionary measures is the best way to limit the spread of the virus and minimize deaths and the economic impact. You Trump cultists are your own worst enemies.
It's clear the left want the country to burn to the ground
You can't imagine how foolish you appear when you push that bullshit. Taking precautionary measures is the best way to limit the spread of the virus and minimize deaths and the economic impact. You Trump cultists are your own worst enemies.

Where was your concern when the normal flu was killing 17,000 Americans this year? OH SNAP now :anj_stfu: stupid.
So you are not concerned that the virus is going to kill you. Good for you!
You don't have to be in fear of your life to be concerned about the lives of others and to promote common sense measures like the ones the CDC are recommending. The ones the Trump admin keep trying to block the CDC from making public.
Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ā€˜Itā€™s definitely not just the fluā€™
Tucker Carlson breaks ranks over the coronavirus outbreak

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his networkā€™s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who ā€œhave spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.ā€

ā€œā€˜Itā€™s just partisan politics,ā€™ they say. ā€˜Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,ā€™ā€ Carlson said on his show. ā€œItā€™s definitely not just the flu.ā€

The far-right host began the segment pushing his notoriously racist perspectives, calling the outbreak ā€œthe Chinese coronavirusā€ and attacking people for considering it racist to blame China for the United Statesā€™ poor handling of the outbreak. Monday was not the first time that Carlson placed racist labels on COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

But in what appeared to be an indirect but not very subtle jab at President Donald Trump, Carlson then criticized ā€œthe other sideā€ for not being helpful in a time of nationwide panic.
Once in a while, the real world forces its way in to the conversation..........even at Faux. When that happens, albeit reluctantly, Fauxbots like Tucker feel the Orange Fraud has left them no alternative but to acknowledge objective reality. The lies they typically tell in support of the Divider-in-Chief would just look too ridiculous to sustain.
It can be disorienting for Trump cultists to hear truthful commentary from GOP TV so you folks may need a moment to gather yourselves. Once you are over the initial shock you have two choices. One, lump Carlson in to the "fake news" basket you typically use any time you see fact based reporting you want to dismiss. Or, join the rest of us who see a small, insecure little man-boy routinely downplay the risk to public health because he fears doing the right thing will hurt his re-election chances.............and thus jeopardize his ability to remain a free man.
Trump will step up his minimizing the virus because some localities are beginning to stop "mass gatherings"--i.e. RALLIES. Just watch.

And presidential debates too "it's too dangerous to have these debates!"

Or maybe candidates will be allowed to do them from home, sitting down, to avoid any risk...
Trump seems to feel actually relaxed about the whole thing--I read in the paper this morning that he was out shaking hands with his supporters just yesterday--while the Pentagon is breaking up it's "mass gatherings" of 50 people meetings into smaller groups and using videoconferencing among the rooms.
I think he really believes this thing is fake news.

You're an idiot.

Trump believes the threat is being blown up by the media to cause panic.

Now you folks have found a way to bitch about his massive crowds.

What's next?
Incompetence kills. Dismantling the preparedness infrastructure delays a competent and swift response to early crisis signals, which kills even more.

The most hilarious nitwits are those who would, in the earliest stages of a pandemic, claim, "But the case and death numbers are so low. So, what me worry?" Let's see what the experts tell us:

This observation jibes with the conversation I had with Nicholas Christakis, author of ā€œBlueprintā€ and an epidemiologist at Yale, last Friday. His lab is using big data to develop tools that would forecast the course of the epidemic in real time. In his estimation, 35,000 Americans will die from the coronavirus this year, which would place an enormous additional burden on hospitals already overtaxed by the flu season. And his estimate is at the low end for predictions among the people in his field.​

Of course, since the authorities were slow to get testing kids delivered, and only the most severe cases were actually tested, no one has any idea about the true spread. Turning around and crowing about the low numbers of confirmed cases when there is reason to believe the real number is probably an order of magnitude higher, is benighted to an incomprehensible degree.
So you are not concerned that the virus is going to kill you. Good for you!
You don't have to be in fear of your life to be concerned about the lives of others and to promote common sense measures like the ones the CDC are recommending. The ones the Trump admin keep trying to block the CDC from making public.

Trump ain't blocked jackshit. He is doing a great job managing this nothing burger scare. A lot better than that worthless piece of shit Negro that let 3,000 people die before he put down his college basketball playoff bracket predictions and asked his handlers to do something.
Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ā€˜Itā€™s definitely not just the fluā€™
Tucker Carlson breaks ranks over the coronavirus outbreak

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his networkā€™s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who ā€œhave spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.ā€

ā€œā€˜Itā€™s just partisan politics,ā€™ they say. ā€˜Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,ā€™ā€ Carlson said on his show. ā€œItā€™s definitely not just the flu.ā€

The far-right host began the segment pushing his notoriously racist perspectives, calling the outbreak ā€œthe Chinese coronavirusā€ and attacking people for considering it racist to blame China for the United Statesā€™ poor handling of the outbreak. Monday was not the first time that Carlson placed racist labels on COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

But in what appeared to be an indirect but not very subtle jab at President Donald Trump, Carlson then criticized ā€œthe other sideā€ for not being helpful in a time of nationwide panic.
Once in a while, the real world forces its way in to the conversation..........even at Faux. When that happens, albeit reluctantly, Fauxbots like Tucker feel the Orange Fraud has left them no alternative but to acknowledge objective reality. The lies they typically tell in support of the Divider-in-Chief would just look too ridiculous to sustain.
It can be disorienting for Trump cultists to hear truthful commentary from GOP TV so you folks may need a moment to gather yourselves. Once you are over the initial shock you have two choices. One, lump Carlson in to the "fake news" basket you typically use any time you see fact based reporting you want to dismiss. Or, join the rest of us who see a small, insecure little man-boy routinely downplay the risk to public health because he fears doing the right thing will hurt his re-election chances.............and thus jeopardize his ability to remain a free man.
Carlson knows that Trump is dust in 2020.

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