CRAP - Schultz Leaving Starbucks™

Here we go again. I'm half white, married into another mixed race family. Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian. Not a full blooded whitey among us.

As I said: You win. There's nothing that can be done. It's all someone else's fault.

All I can hope is that some non-deluded people from both sides can find a way to try to improve things at some point.

Stormy Mac still didn't answer the question of what black folks should be doing to change things?

Stop complaining so much? Stop bitching when thug cops shoot their children? Stop being poor?

Come on, Stormy Mac, we all want to hear your lecture...

Mac is pretty much an idiot who when called out wants to talk about how he's half this and how no one white is in his family like that's supposed to matter. I know full blooded whites who have not a black anywhere in the family who will say both sides are not the problem.
I'm hoping you'll answer my question in post 105, thanks.

I'm hoping your punk ass learns to keep the name of MLK out of your mouth from this point on.

1. You have no right to tell anyone what they can or can not write!

2. It is clear from your responses you are one of those that believe you are not a racist bigot while being as bad as the KKK you fear daily!!

3. The OP'er not agreeing with you is part of damn life and some non-whites will never agree with those like you, so get over it!!!
As with any of our other problems, there will be people who want to actually improve things and people who just want to scream, attack and point the finger.

The question will always be which one will win out. Right now, at this time in our history, it's the latter. Not even close.
Stormy Mac still didn't answer the question of what black folks should be doing to change things?

Stop complaining so much? Stop bitching when thug cops shoot their children? Stop being poor?

Come on, Stormy Mac, we all want to hear your lecture...

Mac is pretty much an idiot who when called out wants to talk about how he's half this and how no one white is in his family like that's supposed to matter. I know full blooded whites who have not a black anywhere in the family who will say both sides are not the problem.
I'm hoping you'll answer my question in post 105, thanks.

I'm hoping your punk ass learns to keep the name of MLK out of your mouth from this point on.

1. You have no right to tell anyone what they can or can not write!

2. It is clear from your responses you are one of those that believe you are not a racist bigot while being as bad as the KKK you fear daily!!

3. The OP'er not agreeing with you is part of damn life and some non-whites will never agree with those like you, so get over it!!!
As with any of our other problems, there will be people who want to actually improve things and people who just want to scream, attack and point the finger.

The question will always be which one will win out. Right now, at this time in our history, it's the latter. Not even close.

Having a civil discussion in today time about race relations will never happen because society is so toxic.

The fact is the wonderful poster that is arguing with you lists what he claims he has done for his community while not really tackling the elephant in the room and it is his ignorance being a pawn as usual!

Those like that poster points to the past while ignoring he is still a slave to the system just like everyone else but believe he is making a difference while he will be forgotten to the pages of history.

Those like that poster believe slavery is dead and gone while millions around the world are enslaved either into sex trafficking to the prison system and yet very few care about this.

So as you try to be civil with lunatics in the mental midget ward, well I have given up!
Mac is pretty much an idiot who when called out wants to talk about how he's half this and how no one white is in his family like that's supposed to matter. I know full blooded whites who have not a black anywhere in the family who will say both sides are not the problem.
I'm hoping you'll answer my question in post 105, thanks.

I'm hoping your punk ass learns to keep the name of MLK out of your mouth from this point on.

1. You have no right to tell anyone what they can or can not write!

2. It is clear from your responses you are one of those that believe you are not a racist bigot while being as bad as the KKK you fear daily!!

3. The OP'er not agreeing with you is part of damn life and some non-whites will never agree with those like you, so get over it!!!
As with any of our other problems, there will be people who want to actually improve things and people who just want to scream, attack and point the finger.

The question will always be which one will win out. Right now, at this time in our history, it's the latter. Not even close.

Having a civil discussion in today time about race relations will never happen because society is so toxic.

The fact is the wonderful poster that is arguing with you lists what he claims he has done for his community while not really tackling the elephant in the room and it is his ignorance being a pawn as usual!

Those like that poster points to the past while ignoring he is still a slave to the system just like everyone else but believe he is making a difference while he will be forgotten to the pages of history.

Those like that poster believe slavery is dead and gone while millions around the world are enslaved either into sex trafficking to the prison system and yet very few care about this.

So as you try to be civil with lunatics in the mental midget ward, well I have given up!
Yeah, I don't try much any more, at least online.

I'll say it again - what's really concerning me here is the possibility that it has been so long since we communicated like normal adults, that we have literally lost that skill. Use it or lose it. The ends of the spectrum can't bring themselves to even see the other side's perspective, or to give an inch to it.

Whether it's a marriage or a family or a business or a culture, once communication is gone, you're fucked. And this is a self-inflicted wound, we're doing this to ourselves.
I'm hoping you'll answer my question in post 105, thanks.

I'm hoping your punk ass learns to keep the name of MLK out of your mouth from this point on.

1. You have no right to tell anyone what they can or can not write!

2. It is clear from your responses you are one of those that believe you are not a racist bigot while being as bad as the KKK you fear daily!!

3. The OP'er not agreeing with you is part of damn life and some non-whites will never agree with those like you, so get over it!!!
As with any of our other problems, there will be people who want to actually improve things and people who just want to scream, attack and point the finger.

The question will always be which one will win out. Right now, at this time in our history, it's the latter. Not even close.

Having a civil discussion in today time about race relations will never happen because society is so toxic.

The fact is the wonderful poster that is arguing with you lists what he claims he has done for his community while not really tackling the elephant in the room and it is his ignorance being a pawn as usual!

Those like that poster points to the past while ignoring he is still a slave to the system just like everyone else but believe he is making a difference while he will be forgotten to the pages of history.

Those like that poster believe slavery is dead and gone while millions around the world are enslaved either into sex trafficking to the prison system and yet very few care about this.

So as you try to be civil with lunatics in the mental midget ward, well I have given up!
Yeah, I don't try much any more, at least online.

I'll say it again - what's really concerning me here is the possibility that it has been so long since we communicated like normal adults, that we have literally lost that skill. Use it or lose it. The ends of the spectrum can't bring themselves to even see the other side's perspective, or to give an inch to it.

Whether it's a marriage or a family or a business or a culture, once communication is gone, you're fucked. And this is a self-inflicted wound, we're doing this to ourselves.

I agree.

In today time and with all the resources to study subjects it seem society has become more ignorant... Trotsky would be proud...

Let be factual and admit many will not be happy until the other genocide the other!

I know that sound horrible but hell if Cain and Able could not get along then what is the chances society will get along?
Got it, thanks. Fortunately, I never expect straight answers here.

people give you answers you don't like, you ignore them, Stormy Mac.

Personally, my respect and hopes go to people like Mr. Courtney, below.

As for you, you're certainly free to run and fling poo to your heart's content.

Yeah, you see, I don't think giving a person so seriously damaged that he wears a swastika is going to be fixed with a "Hug" because a biased and probably fictional article said so.

The problem is not the mutant who wears a Swastika. The problem is the middle class white person who practices a lot of subtle racism every day. The one who listens to Trump's claiming that "Illegals are taking your jobs" or other things that dehumanize people of color and says, "You know, Trump has a point".
Yeah, I don't try much any more, at least online.

No, you just whine on a daily basis about how people don't listen to you.

You could try being less patronizing and address what people say. That would be a good start. But that really would be expecting too much.

I'll say it again - what's really concerning me here is the possibility that it has been so long since we communicated like normal adults, that we have literally lost that skill. Use it or lose it. The ends of the spectrum can't bring themselves to even see the other side's perspective, or to give an inch to it.

You know what, here's the problem. Things really haven't changed that much since the 1980's. We went so far and then we stopped. Republicans told us that since no one is making them drink from separate water fountains or calling them the N-word, if they haven't overcome 400 years of racism, it's their own damned fault.

All the time while pushing working class whites down while rolling back the gains their grandparents made on picket lines and union halls.
I wonder if you'll do me a favor and answer one (1) question.

It's not a trick question, and I'll just thank you for your response.

Do you want to see race relations in this country fully healed, a realization of MLK's dream?

That's it. Yes or no, and please expand on it. Thanks.

Ah.... MLK is a great figure... He said so much, that all you have to do is pick out a few words and phrases he said, and claim he supports your point of view.

It's like how both the Communists and Republican can claim MLK as one of their own.

The question is, why do we still have a race relation problem.

Because there is one side that is trying very hard to keep whites resentful. Trump merely weaponized what Republicans have been doing since Nixon.
I think there's still hope for communication. My liberals are still able to talk about the issues at hand, even if we get heated in our disagreements. We, at least, are able to see past the disagreement to the heart of things; we both care, it's just the how to fix it bit that's tough to figure. Not all of them, but most of them for sure. They're "classical" liberals though, the far lefties (the communists and socialists) are pretty much a lost cause. I don't think they are a big as their constant bitching makes them look though.
I have had 1 Starbucks coffee in my life. It came from an Indian-owned gas station machine in Clearwater.

Sure enough wasn't anything to jump up and down about.

I like my Bustelo. It has teh octane.
I think there's still hope for communication. My liberals are still able to talk about the issues at hand, even if we get heated in our disagreements. We, at least, are able to see past the disagreement to the heart of things; we both care, it's just the how to fix it bit that's tough to figure. Not all of them, but most of them for sure. They're "classical" liberals though, the far lefties (the communists and socialists) are pretty much a lost cause. I don't think they are a big as their constant bitching makes them look though.
Yeah, the problem is that the Regressive Left (illiberal leftist authoritarians) have, by far, the most energy and influence. I don't know what percentage of the Left is infected by these people, but they're certainly in control. And I agree - for me, a one-on-one conversation with a winger from either side is much easier in real life.

Another thing that has me concerned is that this is clearly spreading. I'm seeing more and more and more people in real life (from either tribe) who are more than willing to lapse directly into these canned, wild-eyed, talking point-soaked diatribes at the slightest provocation. And push back in the slightest, and they only get MORE wild-eyed. What the fuck, calm down.

I'm now convinced that it has been so long since we communicated like adults that we've literally lost that skill. That concerns me more than anything else.
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I think there's still hope for communication. My liberals are still able to talk about the issues at hand, even if we get heated in our disagreements. We, at least, are able to see past the disagreement to the heart of things; we both care, it's just the how to fix it bit that's tough to figure. Not all of them, but most of them for sure. They're "classical" liberals though, the far lefties (the communists and socialists) are pretty much a lost cause. I don't think they are a big as their constant bitching makes them look though.
Yeah, the problem is that the Regressive Left (illiberal leftist authoritarians) have, by far, the most energy and influence. I don't know what percentage of the Left is infected by these people, but they're certainly in control. And I agree - for me, a one-on-one conversation with a winger from either side is much easier in real life.

Another thing that has me concerned is that this is clearly spreading. I'm seeing more and more and more people in real life (from either tribe) who are more than willing to lapse directly into these canned, wild-eyed, talking point-soaked diatribes at the slightest provocation. And push back in the slightest, and they only get MORE wild-eyed. What the fuck, calm down.

I'm now convinced that it has been so long since we communicated like adults that we've literally lost that skill. That concerns me more than anything else.

IDK it's always been the case that the crazies on either side are barking the loudest. They did not typically have the reins though. The D's have lost their shit this year though and it's trashing the party hard - to be fair, I have a feeling the DNC doesn't have much of a choice right now, as I hear it they were fucked anyway (I figure it's a hail mary at this point.) R's are basically just letting their dicks out for a breather and being assholes, most of the core policies are the same there. Frankly, D's been talking to R's like elitist inconsiderate pricks for decades, I think it's about damn time the R's gave em a taste of their own meds. I do think it'll chill though.

It's really just hollywood virtue signalers and the media that are putting forward all the hate - disproportionate be thy middle names as always. Hollywood... well they're just elitist bubbled dumbasses across the board frankly, they always do stupid shit for attention, so this really isn't anything new from them. Then you gotta understand that the media is shitting kittens right now, they're getting rocked by the web so they're making fools of themselves for attention - and it works. The media doesn't put 'normal people' on air, never have, never will, because 'normal' doesn't sell. Another hail mary there.

Outside the political forums, the majority of the lefties seem to be "growing up" now that their bubbles got popped and the 'real world' got into their safe spaces. Some of them [real liberals] are trying to push out the fruit loops on the far left and take back the D party but they've lost the MSM to some extent so it's tough - most of the real liberals are going I and crossing their fingers that the DNC can put up someone who isn't a whack job. As for the far lefties, the socialists and communists, anarchists and so forth, they're real happy to have the legitimization of the DNC. There's been a crap ton of in-fighting with my lefties, worse than the Clinton vs Bernie fight was, but they're still able to come together on either the "we need to win" or the "we hate Trump" platforms so idk what'll happen there.
Howard Schultz, architect of modern Starbucks, to step down as executive chair and from the board

Well, that's a disappointment.

I was looking forward to more of his goofy and fabulous SJW antics.
Hate his guts because he actually acknowledges serious racial problems in the country huh?

I get it.

Not me....i love guys like Schultz. Guys like him remind white men why you dont vote for hateAmerica liberals. I want guys like Schultz in front of a microphone every day.:2up:
Outside the political forums, the majority of the lefties seem to be "growing up" now that their bubbles got popped and the 'real world' got into their safe spaces. Some of them [real liberals] are trying to push out the fruit loops on the far left and take back the D party but they've lost the MSM to some extent so it's tough - most of the real liberals are going I and crossing their fingers that the DNC can put up someone who isn't a whack job.
Not so sure on this.

I think we're seeing the same phenomena from the Dems that we saw with the GOP - the moderates are being mauled by the wingers. I see very little moderation, and believe me, I'm looking for it, hoping for it. What I'm seeing is a lot of the same stuff the GOP did - tolerance doesn't work, moderation doesn't work, it's time to go hardcore, this is war, etc. etc.

We'll know more when we see who ends up running in November, but I'm seeing zero moderation on the Left right now.
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Howard Schultz, architect of modern Starbucks, to step down as executive chair and from the board

Well, that's a disappointment.

I was looking forward to more of his goofy and fabulous SJW antics.
Hate his guts because he actually acknowledges serious racial problems in the country huh?

I get it.

Not me....i love guys like Schultz. Guys like him remind white men why you dont vote for hateAmerica liberals. I want guys like Schultz in front of a microphone every day.:2up:

The dems need to get as far away from the Pelosi liberalism as possible.
Not so sure on this.

I think we're seeing the same phenomena from the Dems that we saw with the GOP - the moderates are being mauled by the wingers. I see very little moderation, and believe me, I'm looking for it, hoping for it. What I'm seeing is a lot of the same stuff the GOP did - tolerance doesn't work, moderation doesn't work, it's time to go hardcore, this is war.

We'll know more when we see who ends up running in November, but I'm seeing zero moderation on the Left right now.

One more time, buddy.

Hillary was the kind of Moderate you all wanted. She didn't open her mouth without going through a focus group first.

And she lost to a Nazi, because nobody believed a word she said.

But do keep whining because the left won't embrace your Islamophobia.
Outside the political forums, the majority of the lefties seem to be "growing up" now that their bubbles got popped and the 'real world' got into their safe spaces. Some of them [real liberals] are trying to push out the fruit loops on the far left and take back the D party but they've lost the MSM to some extent so it's tough - most of the real liberals are going I and crossing their fingers that the DNC can put up someone who isn't a whack job.
Not so sure on this.

I think we're seeing the same phenomena from the Dems that we saw with the GOP - the moderates are being mauled by the wingers. I see very little moderation, and believe me, I'm looking for it, hoping for it. What I'm seeing is a lot of the same stuff the GOP did - tolerance doesn't work, moderation doesn't work, it's time to go hardcore, this is war.

We'll know more when we see who ends up running in November, but I'm seeing zero moderation on the Left right now.

hmm it is true that my righties tend to be more centrist simply because a lot of my fan base comes from my fight for SSM; lost most of the hard core religious righties decades ago so what I have left are the Christian 2.0's still trying to "save us" and/or trying to "live and let live" without giving up too much (aka Abortion.) I think the R party came center this past election for sure, but I don't think it was a hostile take over so much as the simple reality that there aren't as many Christian's who are against gays anymore. Trade is the only major infighting I'm seeing on the right and that's more of a "nation first trade" vs "free market trade" argument. I do have some of the 'bring on the civil war' types, my husband is on that line actually, but in my opinion its just backlash because they're so sick and tired of being shit on, stolen from, and told to shut up and take it; lashing out against the oppression of PC culture and the steady creep of socialism and anti-american sentiment. I guess I look at their verbal outbursts in much the same way I look at the verbal outbursts of blacks and women who feel they've been oppressed. I suppose I could worry that these righties might turn into some victim culture 2.0 shit, but I really don't see it happening; they have shit to do, money to make, and families to raise so I don't see there being enough "free time" to work themselves into a frenzy - at least not the older ones. The younger ones are a bit mouthier about it, but they tend to sit down and shut up when the adults tell them they're being stupid. ~shrug~

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