CRAP - Schultz Leaving Starbucks™

Now that the doors are open to every bum, drunk, addict, STD infectee, and whatnot to lounge purchase-free around the stores, use the bathrooms, etc. I’d say it’s time to get out of Dodge too.

I've visited six Starbucks in the last four days.... Not one drug addict or homeless person to be found... I guess they didn't get the memo.

Of course, the way we talk about it is the key.

There's more than one way to do that.

True story.

Tio Tomas Mac thinks the way to talk about it is to give this guy a hug.

I think you're being a drama queen with all the "ah gee", "shouldn't it be obvious?", "asymmetrical relationship" and "always amazed by how important my posts and opinions are here" talk, just relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy the forum. We're all here to engage w/one another and share and debate our opinions. That you're complaining when this is actually occurring, is mind-boggling to put it mildly.

Oh, zing.

Mac is always a drama queen, and the one thing he hates is when the rest of us don't appreciate his "insights", which are mostly based on faulty premises.
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From the article:

Schultz's latest leadership transition sparked speculation about his potential political plans: He has been a supporter of former President Barack Obama and Hilliary Clinton during her bid for president. Some have already questioned whether he would pursue his own presidential run.

Oh I so hope this is true!

I also hope that they run Creepy Uncle Joe!

The Journal article said Schultz definitely said he'd pursue political plans, meaning a run for the presidency. I can't imagine him getting it, he's such a really obnoxious leftist, the worst kind there is. Remember him wanting the baristas to write race messages on each coffee cup? I'd have told them not to, or upset it all over the counter: no way I'd have tolerated that terrible propaganda. Now he wants to make Starbucks into a drug shoot-up place or a homosexual encounter haven in the bathrooms. What an idiot.
What's your stance on "SJWs?"

They're the worst of the worst. Try Vox Day's books on SJWs.
Send them all to Liberia. Madagascar? Wherever, as long as none of them can come back.
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Sure! Off the top of my pointy little head:

1. An annual Presidential speech on race, in which he outlined where he perceived each end of the argument could clean their own house, where things have improved, where they have declined, what we could do during the next 12 months. Smaller speeches along the way with updates and examples of progress.

2. A twice-annual Presidential Council on Race, bringing together leaders from all American walks of life, from politics to art, from sports to entertainment. No cameras, no preening. The expectation of each Council is a list of specific areas on which we can all agree, and specific issues that still need to be addressed with ideas on how to address them, supported by both "sides".

You're welcome. Again. Meeting time, I'll answer further questions later.
Sounds good, but tell me, what do you think the Republicans would have did/said about Obama doing those things?

I want you to stop, think, and be totally honest here.
They would have hoped for the worst and mocked and minimized and pooh-poohed it every step of the way.

That's what partisans do. Look at the North Korea situation and the Democrats.

Fuck 'em. They would have looked worse with each agreement, each breakthrough.
What agreements? What breakthroughs?

In your mind, how would it have went down.

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Always amazed by how important my posts and opinions are here. And by how being pragmatic & open is perceived as "vague" by both ends.

Okay, since this is so critical for you, I have a few minutes:.
Actually Mac1958 , you're really not that important. You just happen to be one of the few sensible people on here, so you'll get engagement from me.

We have never had a President nearly as equipped as Obama to address the race issue. Why? I'm stunned that I actually have to say this, but it's because he's an intelligent, articulate, pragmatic man who knows first hand that racism still exists in this country. And I don't know if you noticed, but he's a "black guy", too..
The fact that you included this, informs me that, to you, that was an important and determining factor why Obama was so well equipped to discuss race. So do you believe that blacks are the best qualified to discuss race in America in general?

You act as if it's totally obvious to note that he was equipped due to his intelligence, but yet you seem oblivious to realize that, Obama felt hamstrung to address race as well, for the obvious reason of politics. The Republicans would, and did, take every thing he said and turned it into something evil. Like everything, and he knew that going in. Your underlying point was that he should have dealt with it more carefully. Well, he actually did, it was the Republicans that took and and lit fire to that gas. For no other reason than politics. And you know this. After all, you witnessed it. Prime example...when Obama said "Trayvon Martin could have been my son." An absolutely non-racist statement, and factual statement, as Trayvon actually looks like what a son of Obama could look like, and yet they made it the most racist thing since "Birth of A Nation." Obama KNEW they would do this, hence he was reluctant to address race. To his detriment. Blacks aren't too pleased with him that he didn't do more on this matter either, but we understand why he didn't. He only addressed it when he was forced to. know this. Or, at least SHOULD know this.

And gee, yes, there was a problem with race in this country before he became President. There is still significant racism, regardless of how well-trained right wingers are to deny it. They see racism nowhere, and the Regressive Left sees it EVERYWHERE. He had the capacity to do far more than he did to address it head on, and he chose not to, no doubt for political expediency. So not only was it a terribly wasted opportunity, but he oversaw further decay as a result..
Your use of the term "regressive" kinda gives you away, but anyway, it is what it is. No, people on the left don't see it EVERYWHERE. It's just that it's THAT prevalent. Which as a white person, experiencing white privileged, you're pretty much blind to that fact. The rest of your statement, I covered already in my previous paragraph.

Obama's presidency to me is pretty much a wash. He was handed an absolute disaster of an economy and did the right thing by standing back and letting the Fed pour $4.5 trillion into markets to stabilize the disaster. He did what he could with Dubya's disasters in the Middle East. Health care was a disappointment, as I would have much preferred opening the already-existing Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all. And then there was his abdication on the race issue. Overall, meh. A helluva lot better than Dubya, but meh..
Well, this thread isn't about Obama's Presidency, but it's good to note.

There you go. I hope that helps. I don't require your opinion - we appear to have a very asymmetrical little relationship here - but do what you will. You're welcome.
I think you're being a drama queen with all the "ah gee", "shouldn't it be obvious?", "asymmetrical relationship" and "always amazed by how important my posts and opinions are here" talk, just relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy the forum. We're all here to engage w/one another and share and debate our opinions. That you're complaining when this is actually occurring, is mind-boggling to put it mildly.

And just like so many other things pertaining to race whites select what they want to remember. Had Obama took a strong pro black stance they would have found some reason to impeach him, and he definitely wouldn't have gotten a second term. So many whites like these guys were the first to proclaim that Obama is the president of the United States and not just for blacks. So now they've got their white rights president and he can be the president for whites and not the United States.

And the real bitch about this is how conservative republicans/right wing run off at the mouth talking about what Obama didn't do for blacks knowing their racist asses were not about to let Obama even try.
Obama didn't have to take a "strong pro black stance". All he had to do was take a reasonable, rational approach by challenging both sides to (1) look in the mirror and clean their own house before attacking the other and (2) open up honest, productive conversation at a cultural level with clear expectations of progress. Common ground. Cooperation. Collaboration.

No need to take sides here. Communication and honesty are the keys.

He chose to not do that, and he chose not to do it for political reasons.
Challenge what both sides? Do you think blacks are being unreasonable? What, is it, do you think blacks want?

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So do you believe that blacks are the best qualified to discuss race in America in general?

No, but migod, you canNOT shut them up about it.

The only blacks of any interest are those who don't think of themselves as blacks, but as people. Some of the black Hollywood stars have achieved that. Not all the black actors, but the ones who are most popular. This harping on black, black, black is so incredibly BORING.

Nobody CARES that blacks are failures. Clue: people are interested only in those who make something interesting and good of their lives. Failure? Drugs? Crimes? Nope, not of interest to anyone. Why don't blacks give us a break and talk amongst yourselves about it? It's boring the white people. We're only interested in people who do well.
Good work Schultz! Invite the homeless to move into Starbucks then leave the company.

Yeah, I think you are right: He realized that if he wanted to run for prez, he'd better get out of that sinking ship now. The two blacks wanted to go into the bathroom together: to shoot up or do a homosexual act, presumably. A lot of people complaining about his pushing everyone to let Starbucks become a public accommodation complained about that.

This guy is prepping a run at the White House. Yuck!!
Always amazed by how important my posts and opinions are here. And by how being pragmatic & open is perceived as "vague" by both ends.

Okay, since this is so critical for you, I have a few minutes:.
Actually Mac1958 , you're really not that important. You just happen to be one of the few sensible people on here, so you'll get engagement from me.

We have never had a President nearly as equipped as Obama to address the race issue. Why? I'm stunned that I actually have to say this, but it's because he's an intelligent, articulate, pragmatic man who knows first hand that racism still exists in this country. And I don't know if you noticed, but he's a "black guy", too..
The fact that you included this, informs me that, to you, that was an important and determining factor why Obama was so well equipped to discuss race. So do you believe that blacks are the best qualified to discuss race in America in general?

You act as if it's totally obvious to note that he was equipped due to his intelligence, but yet you seem oblivious to realize that, Obama felt hamstrung to address race as well, for the obvious reason of politics. The Republicans would, and did, take every thing he said and turned it into something evil. Like everything, and he knew that going in. Your underlying point was that he should have dealt with it more carefully. Well, he actually did, it was the Republicans that took and and lit fire to that gas. For no other reason than politics. And you know this. After all, you witnessed it. Prime example...when Obama said "Trayvon Martin could have been my son." An absolutely non-racist statement, and factual statement, as Trayvon actually looks like what a son of Obama could look like, and yet they made it the most racist thing since "Birth of A Nation." Obama KNEW they would do this, hence he was reluctant to address race. To his detriment. Blacks aren't too pleased with him that he didn't do more on this matter either, but we understand why he didn't. He only addressed it when he was forced to. know this. Or, at least SHOULD know this.

And gee, yes, there was a problem with race in this country before he became President. There is still significant racism, regardless of how well-trained right wingers are to deny it. They see racism nowhere, and the Regressive Left sees it EVERYWHERE. He had the capacity to do far more than he did to address it head on, and he chose not to, no doubt for political expediency. So not only was it a terribly wasted opportunity, but he oversaw further decay as a result..
Your use of the term "regressive" kinda gives you away, but anyway, it is what it is. No, people on the left don't see it EVERYWHERE. It's just that it's THAT prevalent. Which as a white person, experiencing white privileged, you're pretty much blind to that fact. The rest of your statement, I covered already in my previous paragraph.

Obama's presidency to me is pretty much a wash. He was handed an absolute disaster of an economy and did the right thing by standing back and letting the Fed pour $4.5 trillion into markets to stabilize the disaster. He did what he could with Dubya's disasters in the Middle East. Health care was a disappointment, as I would have much preferred opening the already-existing Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all. And then there was his abdication on the race issue. Overall, meh. A helluva lot better than Dubya, but meh..
Well, this thread isn't about Obama's Presidency, but it's good to note.

There you go. I hope that helps. I don't require your opinion - we appear to have a very asymmetrical little relationship here - but do what you will. You're welcome.
I think you're being a drama queen with all the "ah gee", "shouldn't it be obvious?", "asymmetrical relationship" and "always amazed by how important my posts and opinions are here" talk, just relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy the forum. We're all here to engage w/one another and share and debate our opinions. That you're complaining when this is actually occurring, is mind-boggling to put it mildly.

And just like so many other things pertaining to race whites select what they want to remember. Had Obama took a strong pro black stance they would have found some reason to impeach him, and he definitely wouldn't have gotten a second term. So many whites like these guys were the first to proclaim that Obama is the president of the United States and not just for blacks. So now they've got their white rights president and he can be the president for whites and not the United States.

And the real bitch about this is how conservative republicans/right wing run off at the mouth talking about what Obama didn't do for blacks knowing their racist asses were not about to let Obama even try.
Obama didn't have to take a "strong pro black stance". All he had to do was take a reasonable, rational approach by challenging both sides to (1) look in the mirror and clean their own house before attacking the other and (2) open up honest, productive conversation at a cultural level with clear expectations of progress. Common ground. Cooperation. Collaboration.

No need to take sides here. Communication and honesty are the keys.

He chose to not do that, and he chose not to do it for political reasons.

Both sides are not the problem. Honesty means you can say that.
So do you believe that blacks are the best qualified to discuss race in America in general?

No, but migod, you canNOT shut them up about it.

The only blacks of any interest are those who don't think of themselves as blacks, but as people. Some of the black Hollywood stars have achieved that. Not all the black actors, but the ones who are most popular. This harping on black, black, black is so incredibly BORING.

Nobody CARES that blacks are failures. Clue: people are interested only in those who make something interesting and good of their lives. Failure? Drugs? Crimes? Nope, not of interest to anyone. Why don't blacks give us a break and talk amongst yourselves about it? It's boring the white people. We're only interested in people who do well.

We can't think of ourselves as black? LOL!

No one cares what whites like you aren't interested in.

You're a joke punk.
Life is much harder for whites like you who spend your entire life in a lie while denying reality.

I WORK hard, if that's what you mean. You might want to try it some time. If you did, you wouldn't need your blame whitey crutch.

I own my own company, I am successful at what I do, I have great employees and although I work hard, life, itself, isn't. I am quite content with it.

Whitey will be blamed for what whitey has done. Understand? I helped build 3 businesses son, so I think I've done the work necessary to say the things I say without some low life racist scumbag like you trying to tell me how I need to work hard. Whitey has used race as not just a crutch but a set of legs and body armor to get where whitey got. That's a fact and you'll just have to live with the fact that we aren't pleased about how you keep using race to do it.
Life is much harder for whites like you who spend your entire life in a lie while denying reality.

I WORK hard, if that's what you mean. You might want to try it some time. If you did, you wouldn't need your blame whitey crutch.

I own my own company, I am successful at what I do, I have great employees and although I work hard, life, itself, isn't. I am quite content with it.

Whitey will be blamed for what whitey has done. Understand? I helped build 3 businesses son, so I think I've done the work necessary to say the things I say without some low life racist scumbag like you trying to tell me how I need to work hard. Whitey has used race as not just a crutch but a set of legs and body armor to get where whitey got. That's a fact and you'll just have to live with the fact that we aren't pleased about how you keep using race to do it.


You are one of the worst racists on this forum.

We already knew that, however, so don't need the constant reminders.
Life is much harder for whites like you who spend your entire life in a lie while denying reality.

I WORK hard, if that's what you mean. You might want to try it some time. If you did, you wouldn't need your blame whitey crutch.

I own my own company, I am successful at what I do, I have great employees and although I work hard, life, itself, isn't. I am quite content with it.

Whitey will be blamed for what whitey has done. Understand? I helped build 3 businesses son, so I think I've done the work necessary to say the things I say without some low life racist scumbag like you trying to tell me how I need to work hard. Whitey has used race as not just a crutch but a set of legs and body armor to get where whitey got. That's a fact and you'll just have to live with the fact that we aren't pleased about how you keep using race to do it.


You are one of the worst racists on this forum.

We already knew that, however, so don't need the constant reminders.

Post up a racist quote made by me.
What agreements? What breakthroughs?
Challenge what both sides? Do you think blacks are being unreasonable? What, is it, do you think blacks want?
Both sides are not the problem. Honesty means you can say that.
And, there ya go.

Okay guys, you're right. The race issue is all the other guys' fault, it's 100% on them, your side is faultless, nothing can be done about it, and there's no reason to try. The only thing left to do is keep hating and attacking. No reason to communicate or put forth any effort whatsoever.

You win. You're right. I'm wrong.

This is why I no longer bother.
He can probably pick up a part time gig at a college teaching White Guilt 101.
You wish you did a tenth in your life of what he has done.

As have many you've criticized with your catty little comments. I wonder if you realize that, on any level, with your affliction.

And, by the way, it gets better! It's possible I'd vote for him if he ran for President!

How goofy am I!

I'm so thankful I'm not like you.
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And, there ya go.

Okay guys, you're right. The race issue is all the other guys' fault, it's 100% on them, your side is faultless, nothing can be done about it, and there's no reason to try. The only thing left to do is keep hating and attacking. No reason to communicate or put forth any effort whatsoever.

You win. You're right. I'm wrong.

This is why I no longer bother.

Because you get bitch-slapped when you make these claims, Stormy Mac.

Why didn't you answer his questions?

And it's possible I'd vote for him if he ran for President!

just like you supposedly voted for Hillary, and get on here every day supporting Trump and his racism.

This guy reacted appropriately to an incident where two innocent men were rousted in one of his stores, and you just hate the guy!

But you'll give a big old hug to Trump who wants to build a wall and throw you over it.

If you were a chicken, you'd vote for Colonel Sanders.
What agreements? What breakthroughs?
Challenge what both sides? Do you think blacks are being unreasonable? What, is it, do you think blacks want?
Both sides are not the problem. Honesty means you can say that.
And, there ya go.

Okay guys, you're right. The race issue is all the other guys' fault, it's 100% on them, nothing can be done about it, and there's no reason to try. The only thing left to do is keep hating and attacking. No reason to communicate or put forth any effort whatsoever.

You win. You're right. I'm wrong.

This is why I no longer bother.

The white auto defense mode. Look, there are not two sides to this. When you start talking about both sides cleaning houses you are simply wrong. Now that's just the way tis. Yes the race issue is on whites. We did not make race the determinant of how much of us was to be counted as human, we did not decide that race made it so we were to be lifetime labor, we did not make it so that race meant we had no rights, we did not make it so that race meant we weren't citizens, could not vote, could not get equal education housing and fair pay. So then understanding that you cannot say the issue is on both sides.

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