
Who said I was going to crash the Tea Party?:confused:

I wanted to Freely Express my Outrage!!!:evil:

Why else would I wear the speedo?

If you truly wish to Be Free, Go Commando.
You poor little booby. The House was firmly in Dem control during all of Reagan's presidency - and they controlled the Senate during the final two years.

As you do not GROK Conservatism in any sense, your assessment is not informed enough to warrant a response.

Take note, I never said the Dems didn't have control of the House or didn't firmly control the Senate in the last two years. However, all of Reagan's tax increases happened from 1982 to 1987.

Reagan was no real Conservative. But keep worshipping him as your idol. :thup:

So let me ask you Boe, do you consider the War on Drugs continuation to be a Conservative ideal?
Here is the most recent statement from

"We're going to attend their rally, but plan to have a bunch of truly ludicrous signs. Things that say "Obama drinks Christian Baby Blood" or "Jesus wrote the constitution". The more misspelled words the better...You could also dress in overalls with no shirt, or a stained "wifebeater" t-shirt, But you get the general idea.

Some other thoughts are to ask people at the rally to sign a petition renouncing socialism. See just how much info you can get from these folks (name address, DOB, Social Security #). The more data we can mine from the Tea Partiers, the more mayhem we can cause with it!!!!"

Crash The Tea Party!


Pay back is a mutha-fouker!


I'm going.

thanks for providing the link

And you'll be more than WELCOME-

But you better have one hell of an army with you--:lol::lol::lol:

$tea party health care bill.jpg
You poor little booby. The House was firmly in Dem control during all of Reagan's presidency - and they controlled the Senate during the final two years.

As you do not GROK Conservatism in any sense, your assessment is not informed enough to warrant a response.

Take note, I never said the Dems didn't have control of the House or didn't firmly control the Senate in the last two years. However, all of Reagan's tax increases happened from 1982 to 1987.

Reagan was no real Conservative. But keep worshipping him as your idol. :thup:

So let me ask you Boe, do you consider the War on Drugs continuation to be a Conservative ideal?

Got a link to Reagan signing a bill that raised taxes----:lol::lol::lol:
Wrong....the Senate pretty much split the 80's but the House was firmly in the hands of the Democrats.

Uh no. I don't consider 55-45 to be split. Plus, Democrats have always had a number who were Conservative.

You want to blame this on the Dems, but you're deluding yourself.

Ronald Reagan lowered taxes for the rich, raised them on the poor six times.

Ronald Reagan brought the national debt to new levels.

Ronald Reagan brought government intrusion into the home to new levels with the biggest expansion of the War on Drugs ever at the time. He can also be blamed for the failure of the War on Drugs and the prison population exploding to such high levels that the system is now straining greatly.

Ronald Reagan saved Social Security.

Ronald Reagan created the VA at the cabinet level, which has turned into the 2nd biggest Government program, only behind Homeland Security. (Another Republican creation)

Let's face it, Reagan was no conservative. Economically he wasn't and Socially he wasn't.

Let me be a little more specific since comprehension of my statement seems to be escaping you....

"split the 80's...
The 80's represented a 10 year time frame
55% to 45% of that ten year period is "most of the 80's"? Please.....who exactly do you think you are trying to fool. Did you mean most of Reagan's term? Is that where you went wrong with your unclear statement? If that's the case I can see that what you say may have merit but to say that 55% represents "most of the 80's" is a false statement.
Let me be a little more specific since comprehension of my statement seems to be escaping you....

"split the 80's...
The 80's represented a 10 year time frame
55% to 45% of that ten year period is "most of the 80's"? Please.....who exactly do you think you are trying to fool. Did you mean most of Reagan's term? Is that where you went wrong with your unclear statement? If that's the case I can see that what you say may have merit but to say that 55% represents "most of the 80's" is a false statement.

You seem to miss the fact that Republicans had the senate one congress 55-45. That's what I was talking about.

However, most of Reagan's term, Republicans had the senate. They lost it in 1987. And people wonder why. :eusa_eh:
One is a group of citizens upset the powers that be won't listen. the other group is a bunch of jack booted thugs sent in to make sure the first group is made to shut up.

These kind of tactics really ought to make you worried. It isn't so much that they are disagreeing, which is cool, but that they are preventing folks from exercising their rights. Disagreement is what makes an interesting message board. Shutting down voices on the opposite side like this really is scary. Not the truthmaters-rdean kind of programmed fright, but the real deal.

Doesn't matter if I agree with their tactics or not. Speech is speech, and nothing being promoted on that site for next week is beyond what the First Amendment protects. It's up to the tea partiers to stick with their own message, and on that end they've been lacking in tactics themselves.

Doesn't matter - if anybody tried to shut either side down I'd go ballistic. I like my speech, thank you very much. To keep mine I need to stand up for yours. That's the way it works.

You're so full of shit you can't even smell your own stench.

If you like free speech so much, what's the deal with all the neg reps? Shutting down newbies with your precious rep points? (and I"m not talking about me....I'm talking about 1 point noobs you don't even know).


Ya know, normally I wouldn't respond to this kind of bullshit. But congratulations, you caught me on an off night and I'm gonna make the most of it.

Rep? Is that what this is all about? You come around foaming at the mouth, biting my ankles and whining over rep? Not to mention handing out the negs yourself. But I'm the hypocrite, eh? :rolleyes:

For SOME of us rep isn't the end all be all of existence, nor is fear of the all-powerful neg going to keep me from speaking my mind. Get some perspective already. And if all it takes is a neg rep to browbeat you and leave you speechless in fear, maybe a spine would be a good idea too.
You poor little booby. The House was firmly in Dem control during all of Reagan's presidency - and they controlled the Senate during the final two years.

As you do not GROK Conservatism in any sense, your assessment is not informed enough to warrant a response.

Take note, I never said the Dems didn't have control of the House or didn't firmly control the Senate in the last two years. However, all of Reagan's tax increases happened from 1982 to 1987.

Reagan was no real Conservative. But keep worshipping him as your idol. :thup:

So let me ask you Boe, do you consider the War on Drugs continuation to be a Conservative ideal?

Reagan had his faults. He certainly wasn't perfect.

Two of his biggest failures (in my mind):

1. Amnesty for Illegals

2. War on Drugs

However, he was in large part responsible for the end of iron curtain. His policies brought down the wall in Berlin. A wall that was completed the day I was born. I never thought I would live to see the day it no longer existed....and yet, I did. I witnessed it, and a friend of mine was actually there the day it came down. Knowing it was completed on the day of my birth, he brought me a little chunk of it back in his suitcase. It is amongst one of my most prized possessions. One side has paint on it....the otherside....grey cement. We all know which side is which. I'm surprised the Eastern side didn't have blood on it.

That said, I'd take Ronald Wilson Reagan over Barack Hussein Obama any day of the week.

Hands down. No question.
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Turn your focus upon: REPEAL AND REPLACE!

spoken like a good little sheeple.

glad you got the talking points down.


I AM the talking points...

So I wouldn't start counting your on the free-halthcare just yet...

The word around the Supreme Court is that the Left only has until November to replace Kennedy with a rubber Stamped true-believer...

The good news here is that you idiots will work so hard to install some ridiculous Marixst Clown, on the hopes of showing off the Party of "NO"... that it'll fill HOURS of 30 second spots; For the Party of:

as they appeal to Americans to get out and vote for the new CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES... To vote for AMERICANS who recognize and RESPECT the Immutable Principles on which AMERICA WAS FOUNDED.

And after that little election, The Brown Clown can spend his last couple of years in office traveling back to his 'home country' in the big white jet... where they know how to treat a lame duck.

OR... He can start signing the Repeal and Replace Legislation... the new Balanced Budget Amendment to the US Constitution and doing what a brother has to do, to maximize the chances of keepin' his job and the chance to hold on to that shiney 747 as his personal ride for FOUR MORE YEARS!

Now maybe he will pull it off... and maybe he won't. But what he has NO CHANCE of doing is coming CLOSE to pulling it off... without turning his back ON YOU IDIOTS! Selling you RIGHT DOWN THE IDEOLOGICAL RIVER.

And frankly... that ALONE; watching your Comrade Brother... get back to Church again... Sportin' that BIG ole' BIBLE! Getting Billy Graham down to the WH... Spoutin' all manner of references to the Creator and Nature's God... 'splainin' his PERSONAL FAITH in his Maker... and testifying to his life long commitment to sound financial stewardship...

ROFLMNAO... It promises to be HYSTERICAL!

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