Crazed Alt Left in Atlanta Vandalize ‘Peace Monument’ After Mistaking It for Confederate Statue

Maybe someone should label MLK or Obama or Malcolm X landmarks as Stonewall Jackson or Robert E. Lee and see what happens.
Stupid people shouldn't be allowed to leave their houses or in this case their cardboard boxes.
You know, this is almost as stupid as the idiots that shot Sikh and Hindu people because they thought they were Muslim. Those idiots on the right didn't bother to find out what was really true with them and shot up a temple because the people who went there wore turbans. And, then there was the time that some redneck shot a Hindu man in a bar because he thought he was Muslim.

This is almost as stupid. Tearing down a statue just because you don't like the ideal you THINK it represents, without bothering to find out what it really is all about.

Me personally? I think that anyone who defaces or tears down a statue, no matter what it is of, is guilty of vandalism, and property destruction. In the places where they are removing the statues, they are doing just that, removing them and putting them in storage, or in some cases, letting people buy them and put them up on private property.

If you are going to protest something, at least find out what you are protesting. There are too many people (on both sides) who go with the knee jerk reaction of what they first see, without bothering to find out if that is true or not.

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