Crazy Bernie demands Mandatory Unionism

That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.
American workers don’t need those damn unions shoving those high wages and benefits down their throats.

That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.

That's what we love about you right wing assholes: That "fuck the worker" mentality of yours.

Unions create unsustainable costs that make businesses close or move jobs overseas. The Unions screw the workers.

So American workers should compete with foreign to see who can make the least?

That's what we call a race to the bottom.

It's a world market. We compete with foreign countries on every level. It requires market equilibrium for businesses to contain their costs and stay solvent. Would you rather we be isolationists and then allow inflation to go out of control? It is a balancing act. U.S. and foreign automakers have located many non union plants in the south, and the pay very well and give good benefits. Go talk to those workers and see if the want to pay UAW union dues.
That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.
American workers don’t need those damn unions shoving those high wages and benefits down their throats.

That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.

That's what we love about you right wing assholes: That "fuck the worker" mentality of yours.
/——/ More take home pay and more jobs is democRATs idea of “fuck the worker”
Unions create unsustainable costs that make businesses close or move jobs overseas. The Unions screw the workers.

So American workers should compete with foreign to see who can make the least?

That's what we call a race to the bottom.
/——/ We’re still waiting for you Progs to open a business so we can see how much you pay your workers.
Would the USSC uphold Bernie's Federal ban, assuming it would even pass (very doubtful), or States' Rights?
I already thought the USSC already decided right to work! So now he's after the USSC? wow.

Public servants no longer have to pay money to a union just to go to work.

The Janus decision only affects civil servants, they have the universal Right to Work in America, as part of their constitutional rights.

Employees in the private sector can still be required to pay dues in Compulsory Unionism states like Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Government does not equal socialism. Socialism as your type wants it involves government direction of the economy, not regulation.
Thanks, I always like learning what I want. If socialism involves government direction of the economy, what is the difference between socialism and communism?
Government does not equal socialism. Socialism as your type wants it involves government direction of the economy, not regulation.
Thanks, I always like learning what I want. If socialism involves government direction of the economy, what is the difference between socialism and communism?

Usually communism comes from revolution, and single party rule starts from the beginning. It is also just the most extreme form of socialism.
Government does not equal socialism. Socialism as your type wants it involves government direction of the economy, not regulation.
Thanks, I always like learning what I want. If socialism involves government direction of the economy, what is the difference between socialism and communism?

Communism refers to a specific kind of Socialism, much like National Socialism.

Really, to the people it doesn't make a difference as tyranny is tyranny. But left wing ideologues like to mince the differences and pretend as if they are important.
While I don't believe in forced anything, the opposition to helping workers is security bad, Medicare bad, unions bad....anything that helps working class people is bad. There has to be some balance. I feel as for this new generation of workers which are the most intelligent hardest working force employers have ever been able to hire.
The Democrat Frontrunner would outlaw right to work laws that preserve the right of US workers to be employed even if they aren't dues paying members of Big Labor.

Good news for the folks in the La Cosa Nostra who control the US union scene.

Sanders calls for ban on state right-to-work laws
I look back to the days when unions really had a presence in big industries and I can't help thinking that's when America was great. They brought protections and benefits for workers. They grew the middle class. It can be argued that they became arrogant and corrupt but it can't be argued that they didn't made America a better place when they first started.

They were victims of their own success.
Government does not equal socialism. Socialism as your type wants it involves government direction of the economy, not regulation.
Thanks, I always like learning what I want. If socialism involves government direction of the economy, what is the difference between socialism and communism?

Usually communism comes from revolution, and single party rule starts from the beginning. It is also just the most extreme form of socialism.
Revolution and single party rule are not economic systems. The US began with revolution and single party rule.
Government does not equal socialism. Socialism as your type wants it involves government direction of the economy, not regulation.
Thanks, I always like learning what I want. If socialism involves government direction of the economy, what is the difference between socialism and communism?

Usually communism comes from revolution, and single party rule starts from the beginning. It is also just the most extreme form of socialism.
Revolution and single party rule are not economic systems. The US began with revolution and single party rule.

Which party was that?

And you cannot separate the economic system and the political system from communism, it's the same with socialism.
The Democrat Frontrunner would outlaw right to work laws that preserve the right of US workers to be employed even if they aren't dues paying members of Big Labor.

Good news for the folks in the La Cosa Nostra who control the US union scene.

Sanders calls for ban on state right-to-work laws
I look back to the days when unions really had a presence in big industries and I can't help thinking that's when America was great. They brought protections and benefits for workers. They grew the middle class. It can be argued that they became arrogant and corrupt but it can't be argued that they didn't made America a better place when they first started.

They were victims of their own success.
I see the problem as Union and worker success was not linked to business success.
Revolution and single party rule are not economic systems. The US began with revolution and single party rule.
Which party was that?

And you cannot separate the economic system and the political system from communism, it's the same with socialism.
What party was George Washington in?

Can you separate the economic system and the political system from capitalism?
Revolution and single party rule are not economic systems. The US began with revolution and single party rule.
Which party was that?

And you cannot separate the economic system and the political system from communism, it's the same with socialism.
What party was George Washington in?

Can you separate the economic system and the political system from capitalism?

Yes, because by their nature they are separate. In socialism the economic system is the political system.

No party isn't one party.

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