Crazy Bernie demands Mandatory Unionism

American workers don’t need those damn unions shoving those high wages and benefits down their throats.
The Democrat Frontrunner would outlaw right to work laws that preserve the right of US workers to be employed even if they aren't dues paying members of Big Labor.

Good news for the folks in the La Cosa Nostra who control the US union scene.

Sanders calls for ban on state right-to-work laws
/---/ Progs sincerely believe the average American is too stupid to manage their own lives. They need to be cared for by the Nanny State.

Could it be progs think everyone is as stupid, corrupt and ignorant as themselves?

They think people are even dumber than they are.
Is that even possible?

They are trying to sink Trump and have been doing so for three years. Have you looked at Trump's ratings? With enemies like the Ds you don't need a whole lot of friends.
Socialism is a folly. Not only is it doomed to fail wherever it rears its head, it leaves a wake of destruction in lives and freedoms lost. So much time has passed from the fall of the Iron Curtain that many have internalized — or never experienced— socialism’s ultimate price. If we fail to recall those dangerous times, the primitive appeal of socialism will advance and infect our institutions

from the daily wire:

"Socialism’s swift rise as the preferred alternative to capitalism among American’s youth is alarming. Recent polling shows 53% of American millennials favoring a socialist society to a capitalist one, compared to only a quarter of Americans over age 55. This is generally attributed to the [oldest] generation’s direct experience with this failed experiment."
You're equating authoritarian communism and democratic socialism, sorry but they are not the same. Saying we have to choose between socialism and capitalism is equally false. Like every other country, we have some of each. We even have communism. So long as it is democratic it will work. Take a look at Western Europe and you'll see.
The Democrat Frontrunner would outlaw right to work laws that preserve the right of US workers to be employed even if they aren't dues paying members of Big Labor.

Good news for the folks in the La Cosa Nostra who control the US union scene.

Sanders calls for ban on state right-to-work laws
/---/ Progs sincerely believe the average American is too stupid to manage their own lives. They need to be cared for by the Nanny State.

Could it be progs think everyone is as stupid, corrupt and ignorant as themselves?

They think people are even dumber than they are.
Maybe they think that having monopolies, sweatshops, and child labor are not great. Would anyone watch football if there was no ref on the field?
Industrial unions have been shrinking for decades due to automation and the loss of feather bedding contracts. The only place unions have been growing is in government. Without the SALT deduction that is blowing up for the Ds too. 2020 is do or die for the Ds. The witch hunt makes die the most likely outcome.

Is there something wrong with you? You have inserted in damn near every post you've made in the past couple days SALT. I think you got your point across even though this thread is not about SALT. Hell you even started your own thread.
Socialism is a folly. Not only is it doomed to fail wherever it rears its head, it leaves a wake of destruction in lives and freedoms lost. So much time has passed from the fall of the Iron Curtain that many have internalized — or never experienced— socialism’s ultimate price. If we fail to recall those dangerous times, the primitive appeal of socialism will advance and infect our institutions

from the daily wire:

"Socialism’s swift rise as the preferred alternative to capitalism among American’s youth is alarming. Recent polling shows 53% of American millennials favoring a socialist society to a capitalist one, compared to only a quarter of Americans over age 55. This is generally attributed to the [oldest] generation’s direct experience with this failed experiment."
You're equating authoritarian communism and democratic socialism, sorry but they are not the same. Saying we have to choose between socialism and capitalism is equally false. Like every other country, we have some of each. We even have communism. So long as it is democratic it will work. Take a look at Western Europe and you'll see.

Western Europe is composed of welfare States, not socialist States.

Go to venezuela to see your precious democratic socialism in action.
Go to venezuela to see your precious democratic socialism in action.
I don't think Venezuela is really a democracy. As for Europe not everyone agrees with you:

The term socialist has been thrown around quite a bit in the past few years. Not since the cold war has the term garnered so much attention in the press and from politicians. But when you look at countries who actually have a socialist economic structure, you can see some similarities to the United States – but there are some really stark differences.

Below, you will see some of the most socialistic nations in the world today:
  • China
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Netherlands
  • Canada
  • Sweden
  • Norway
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • Belgium
Despite popular myths, there is very little connection between economic performance and welfare expenditure. Many of the countries on this list are proof of that, such as Denmark and Finland. Even though both countries are more socialistic than America, the workforce remains stronger.
Go to venezuela to see your precious democratic socialism in action.
I don't think Venezuela is really a democracy. As for Europe not everyone agrees with you:

The term socialist has been thrown around quite a bit in the past few years. Not since the cold war has the term garnered so much attention in the press and from politicians. But when you look at countries who actually have a socialist economic structure, you can see some similarities to the United States – but there are some really stark differences.

Below, you will see some of the most socialistic nations in the world today:
  • China
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Netherlands
  • Canada
  • Sweden
  • Norway
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • Belgium
Despite popular myths, there is very little connection between economic performance and welfare expenditure. Many of the countries on this list are proof of that, such as Denmark and Finland. Even though both countries are more socialistic than America, the workforce remains stronger.

First, learn to use the quote function properly.

Second, the only one of those countries that claims socialism is China. The rest are again welfare States, where the means of production are still privately owned.

Venezuela was a democratic government, and was run by self-claimed socialists. What you are seeing now is the inevitable end result of democratic socialism.

The socialists run to their authoritarian roots when it seems they may lose power.
Yea, like Americans want to take leadership from a millionaire ruling elite Socialists that went on his honeymoon in the old Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War.

Liberals hate individual freedom. That is why they want to force you to be a Communist. They don't want you to think for yourself.

Fuck the unions. Fuck Socialism. Fuck Commie Bernie.
Socialism is a folly. Not only is it doomed to fail wherever it rears its head, it leaves a wake of destruction in lives and freedoms lost. So much time has passed from the fall of the Iron Curtain that many have internalized — or never experienced— socialism’s ultimate price. If we fail to recall those dangerous times, the primitive appeal of socialism will advance and infect our institutions

from the daily wire:

"Socialism’s swift rise as the preferred alternative to capitalism among American’s youth is alarming. Recent polling shows 53% of American millennials favoring a socialist society to a capitalist one, compared to only a quarter of Americans over age 55. This is generally attributed to the [oldest] generation’s direct experience with this failed experiment."
You're equating authoritarian communism and democratic socialism, sorry but they are not the same. Saying we have to choose between socialism and capitalism is equally false. Like every other country, we have some of each. We even have communism. So long as it is democratic it will work. Take a look at Western Europe and you'll see.

Western Europe is composed of welfare States, not socialist States.

Go to venezuela to see your precious democratic socialism in action.

The US put Europe on welfare at the end of WWII and they never returned to freedom.

Even thought that asshole Obama tried to reverse it with Liberal economic policies that were a disaster the more capitalist US has had twice the average annual economic growth as more socialistic Europe ever since the end of WWII, 70 years ago.
Second, the only one of those countries that claims socialism is China. The rest are again welfare States, where the means of production are still privately owned.
Current economic arrangements in the US, and throughout the developed world, involve a complex mix of “capitalist” market institutions and “socialist” regulatory and redistributive institutions.

Venezuela was a democratic government, and was run by self-claimed socialists. What you are seeing now is the inevitable end result of democratic socialism.

The socialists run to their authoritarian roots when it seems they may lose power.
So, is Venezuela democratic or authoritarian, you can have it both ways? I'd say the move from democracy to authoritarianism under Chavez was the reason Venezuela is where it is today. I see politics as the problem, not economics.
Second, the only one of those countries that claims socialism is China. The rest are again welfare States, where the means of production are still privately owned.
Current economic arrangements in the US, and throughout the developed world, involve a complex mix of “capitalist” market institutions and “socialist” regulatory and redistributive institutions.

Venezuela was a democratic government, and was run by self-claimed socialists. What you are seeing now is the inevitable end result of democratic socialism.

The socialists run to their authoritarian roots when it seems they may lose power.
So, is Venezuela democratic or authoritarian, you can have it both ways? I'd say the move from democracy to authoritarianism under Chavez was the reason Venezuela is where it is today. I see politics as the problem, not economics.

Government does not equal socialism. Socialism as your type wants it involves government direction of the economy, not regulation.

The move from democracy to authoritarianism is INHERENT in any socialistic system due to the concentration of all power, economic, regulatory, political, and military/police in one organization, i.e. the government itself.
The move from democracy to authoritarianism is INHERENT in any socialistic system due to the concentration of all power, economic, regulatory, political, and military/police in one organization, i.e. the government itself.

Indeed. The most dangerous aspect of socialism is the concentration of power. It has the same problem that theocracy has.
The move from democracy to authoritarianism is INHERENT in any socialistic system due to the concentration of all power, economic, regulatory, political, and military/police in one organization, i.e. the government itself.

Indeed. The most dangerous aspect of socialism is the concentration of power. It has the same problem that theocracy has.

The one thing they always ignore is human nature. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
American workers don’t need those damn unions shoving those high wages and benefits down their throats.

That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.
That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.
American workers don’t need those damn unions shoving those high wages and benefits down their throats.

That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.

That's what we love about you right wing assholes: That "fuck the worker" mentality of yours.
That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.
American workers don’t need those damn unions shoving those high wages and benefits down their throats.

That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.

That's what we love about you right wing assholes: That "fuck the worker" mentality of yours.

Unions create unsustainable costs that make businesses close or move jobs overseas. The Unions screw the workers.
Unions create unsustainable costs that make businesses close or move jobs overseas. The Unions screw the workers.

So American workers should compete with foreign to see who can make the least?

That's what we call a race to the bottom.

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