Crazy Bernie goes ga-ga over China: "Done more than any country in civilization to address poverty"

Russia was the poorest country in Europe in 1917 and China was the poorest country in Asia. And now Russia has billions of dollars they can give to Donald Trump and China is the first or second biggest economy in the world. That’s all he saying. He said he was saying the politics is terrible but they helped to lift the people out of extreme poverty.

This is our white, er, right wingers are like so stupid. They can’t separate the politics from what they actually did for their people.

What have Republicans done for poor whites in Appalachia? And Appalachian is the heart of the Republican Party. If you go by that, then Communist China and Soviet Russia have been better for their people then the Republican Party has been for their people.

Who are you kidding?
You couldn't give a rats ass about the economic woes of Appalachia.
You spend all the time showing your misplaced feeling of superiority over them.

He asks a good question, but fails to recognize that the D Party has done nothing for poor minorities in our inner cities.

I would say take a look at the Republican party and take a look at the Democratic Party. And which party looks like America.

You have African-Americans and hispanics everywhere. How much of that was because of policies that started with the Democratic Party?

What have Republicans done for the people in Appalachia. Squat shit on them?

Stupid. Both parties are full of criminals.

You are so duped as to think because the Ds have more minorities, they are better. Dumb.

Russia was the poorest country in Europe in 1917 and China was the poorest country in Asia. And now Russia has billions of dollars they can give to Donald Trump and China is the first or second biggest economy in the world. That’s all he saying. He said he was saying the politics is terrible but they helped to lift the people out of extreme poverty.

This is our white, er, right wingers are like so stupid. They can’t separate the politics from what they actually did for their people.

What have Republicans done for poor whites in Appalachia? And Appalachian is the heart of the Republican Party. If you go by that, then Communist China and Soviet Russia have been better for their people then the Republican Party has been for their people.

I think the distinction is that lifting people out of poverty is not beneficial if they lose the rights to determine their own lives. And that's what Bernie seems not to get.

Russia was the poorest country in Europe in 1917 and China was the poorest country in Asia. And now Russia has billions of dollars they can give to Donald Trump and China is the first or second biggest economy in the world. That’s all he saying. He said he was saying the politics is terrible but they helped to lift the people out of extreme poverty.

This is our white, er, right wingers are like so stupid. They can’t separate the politics from what they actually did for their people.

What have Republicans done for poor whites in Appalachia? And Appalachian is the heart of the Republican Party. If you go by that, then Communist China and Soviet Russia have been better for their people then the Republican Party has been for their people.

Who are you kidding?
You couldn't give a rats ass about the economic woes of Appalachia.
You spend all the time showing your misplaced feeling of superiority over them.

He asks a good question, but fails to recognize that the D Party has done nothing for poor minorities in our inner cities.

I would say take a look at the Republican party and take a look at the Democratic Party. And which party looks like America.

You have African-Americans and hispanics everywhere. How much of that was because of policies that started with the Democratic Party?

What have Republicans done for the people in Appalachia. Squat shit on them?

What have democrats done for the people of Chicago and inner cities other than provide a nanny state?
Increased crime, murder, debris and tent cities, rat infestation and disease. Crappy public housing, a generational welfare state.

Why do you hate minorities Deanie? Why don't you believe they can do better without your help? Why do you keep them on the plantation?

Sure are a lot of Americans desperate to live there.

No wonder so many Chinese desperately try to get here by stowing away on cargo ships, risking their lives.

Nothing more pathetic or more dangerous to our nation's future than rich white socialists who got rich because of the free market and then shit all over the free market that provided them with the OPPORTUNITY to become wealthy.

Unfortunately too many of them are trust fund losers who never really worked for a living.

Like Bernie

Russia was the poorest country in Europe in 1917 and China was the poorest country in Asia. And now Russia has billions of dollars they can give to Donald Trump and China is the first or second biggest economy in the world. That’s all he saying. He said he was saying the politics is terrible but they helped to lift the people out of extreme poverty.

This is our white, er, right wingers are like so stupid. They can’t separate the politics from what they actually did for their people.

What have Republicans done for poor whites in Appalachia? And Appalachian is the heart of the Republican Party. If you go by that, then Communist China and Soviet Russia have been better for their people then the Republican Party has been for their people.

Have Republicans murdered millions of poor whites in Appalachia? Communist China and Soviet Russia have literally killed HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of human beings to make things "better"! The stupid person in this conversation is you...but then...what else is new? You're ALWAYS the stupidest person in the room!
Jesus Christ, that Bernie cum-stain in the ratty backseat of life is even more evil than I thought! Yeah, Chairman Mao reduced China's poverty by subtracting 50 MILLION people from its population. The elderly baby tantrum Bernie Sanders has become so Loathsome (with a capital L) I can safely say I detest that PIG even more than Hilarious Hillary. Bernie Sanders is 100% human filth, he should have been fetal research material.

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