Crazy Bernie Shakes And Stutters Against Ted Cruz

Half the cost??!? On what planet??? Also you failed to mention the lowest life expectancy in west Europe.

Pretty sure all the Scandinavian countries are some of the happiest people on Earth, and have some of the longest life spans. Every single one of the Scandinavian countries have a longer life span than the U.S.

Then why do they commit suicide at rates higher than the "sad" countries?

"Worldwide surveys have consistently ranked the Scandinavian countries — with their generous family-leave policies, low crime, free health care, rich economies and, yes, high income taxes — as the happiest places on earth. But this happiness has always been accompanied by a paradox: the happiest countries also seem to have the highest suicide rates.

Is it the long, dark winters facing Finland and Denmark that cause the problem? Or some kind of Nordic depression gene? Or none of the above? A new study suggests the problem is not specific to Scandinavia, finding that high suicide rates accompany high rates of happiness in comparisons of U.S. states as well."

Why the Happiest States Have the Highest Suicide Rates

I dunno... but why would the country have such a high life expectancy if everyone is offing themselves?

Ask them. They are killing themselves at extremely high rates. Higher even than Japan in some years and that's hard to do. Maybe the metrics used to determine "happiness" aren't all that accurate?

Or it could be that suicide there is not as frowned upon as it is here?

"71% of Denmark's population is in favor of legalizing assisted suicide."

Assisted suicide - Wikipedia

Which doesn't address the question if you are so happy why do you want to kill yourself. It's a pretty straight forward question don't you think?
Is there a link to any of this. Most of us have no idea what "debate" you're talking about.

Well that was a good debate on this, and I am glad CNN is doing this and hopefully they'll continue to bring proposed bills on their news network to inform people.

While I understand trickle down economics--I don't understand the need to cut taxes when we have a 21 trillion dollar deficit. There's got to be revenue coming in to pay down the deficit.

Now if Sanders is right and Republicans plan to cut Medicade/Medicare programs, (which Cruz did not deny) to pay for a tax cut that no one needs--then what's the purpose of this bill?

Not sure if you noticed, Reagan cut taxes initially, but two years later he raised taxes, and then continued to raise taxes tow more times.

Past Presidents--JFK, Reagan, G.W. Bush cut taxes to stimulate the economy. Today we have a fairly good economy--there's no need to cut taxes. I just don't see the sense in this. As before the middle class isn't going to get a huge tax cut, they never have. So this cut will go to large corporations on the pretense, (according to Cruz) that they'll keep jobs in this country. They won't it will still be much cheaper to manufacture overseas than in the U.S. because of our wages and payroll taxes.

This tax cut doesn't make any sense, especially if they're having to cut billions out of Medicade/Medicare to pay for it. Did everyone forget about that 21 TRILLION dollar deficit?

If Trump were to keep his word, he wouldn't sign off on cutting Medicaid and Medicare... But who expects him to keep his word on anything?

This bill just doesn't make any sense at all. All Presidents in the past cut taxes to stimulate the economy. We don't need it. The middle class isn't going to get a huge tax cut, they never have. Corporations aren't going to stay in the U.S. over a tax cut. The biggest expense to them is payroll, and payroll taxes--and that's why they go overseas.

But to cut billions out of Medicare/Medicade programs to pay for tax cuts for large corporations is to much too take. No talk at all about that 21 TRILLION dollar deficit. It's like it doesn't exist.
Pretty sure all the Scandinavian countries are some of the happiest people on Earth, and have some of the longest life spans. Every single one of the Scandinavian countries have a longer life span than the U.S.

Then why do they commit suicide at rates higher than the "sad" countries?

"Worldwide surveys have consistently ranked the Scandinavian countries — with their generous family-leave policies, low crime, free health care, rich economies and, yes, high income taxes — as the happiest places on earth. But this happiness has always been accompanied by a paradox: the happiest countries also seem to have the highest suicide rates.

Is it the long, dark winters facing Finland and Denmark that cause the problem? Or some kind of Nordic depression gene? Or none of the above? A new study suggests the problem is not specific to Scandinavia, finding that high suicide rates accompany high rates of happiness in comparisons of U.S. states as well."

Why the Happiest States Have the Highest Suicide Rates

I dunno... but why would the country have such a high life expectancy if everyone is offing themselves?

Ask them. They are killing themselves at extremely high rates. Higher even than Japan in some years and that's hard to do. Maybe the metrics used to determine "happiness" aren't all that accurate?

Or it could be that suicide there is not as frowned upon as it is here?

"71% of Denmark's population is in favor of legalizing assisted suicide."

Assisted suicide - Wikipedia

Which doesn't address the question if you are so happy why do you want to kill yourself. It's a pretty straight forward question don't you think?

It's not about the happy people killing themselves. Just because the all around group is happy, doesn't mean there aren't people within them that are unhappy.

This year the Cincinnati Reds had a .253 team batting average, does that mean they don't have a player on their team that his under .225?
Then why do they commit suicide at rates higher than the "sad" countries?

"Worldwide surveys have consistently ranked the Scandinavian countries — with their generous family-leave policies, low crime, free health care, rich economies and, yes, high income taxes — as the happiest places on earth. But this happiness has always been accompanied by a paradox: the happiest countries also seem to have the highest suicide rates.

Is it the long, dark winters facing Finland and Denmark that cause the problem? Or some kind of Nordic depression gene? Or none of the above? A new study suggests the problem is not specific to Scandinavia, finding that high suicide rates accompany high rates of happiness in comparisons of U.S. states as well."

Why the Happiest States Have the Highest Suicide Rates

I dunno... but why would the country have such a high life expectancy if everyone is offing themselves?

Ask them. They are killing themselves at extremely high rates. Higher even than Japan in some years and that's hard to do. Maybe the metrics used to determine "happiness" aren't all that accurate?

Or it could be that suicide there is not as frowned upon as it is here?

"71% of Denmark's population is in favor of legalizing assisted suicide."

Assisted suicide - Wikipedia

Which doesn't address the question if you are so happy why do you want to kill yourself. It's a pretty straight forward question don't you think?

It's not about the happy people killing themselves. Just because the all around group is happy, doesn't mean there aren't people within them that are unhappy.

This year the Cincinnati Reds had a .253 team batting average, does that mean they don't have a player on their team that his under .225?

That's a really terrible analogy. Killing yourself is the ultimate act. I think there is a problem with how the "experts" measure "happiness". Every place they claim is "happy" is also prone to self oblivion. The two don't compute.
I dunno... but why would the country have such a high life expectancy if everyone is offing themselves?

Ask them. They are killing themselves at extremely high rates. Higher even than Japan in some years and that's hard to do. Maybe the metrics used to determine "happiness" aren't all that accurate?

Or it could be that suicide there is not as frowned upon as it is here?

"71% of Denmark's population is in favor of legalizing assisted suicide."

Assisted suicide - Wikipedia

Which doesn't address the question if you are so happy why do you want to kill yourself. It's a pretty straight forward question don't you think?

It's not about the happy people killing themselves. Just because the all around group is happy, doesn't mean there aren't people within them that are unhappy.

This year the Cincinnati Reds had a .253 team batting average, does that mean they don't have a player on their team that his under .225?

That's a really terrible analogy. Killing yourself is the ultimate act. I think there is a problem with how the "experts" measure "happiness". Every place they claim is "happy" is also prone to self oblivion. The two don't compute.

Sorry but it isn't. The Reds have a .253 team batting average, yet in fact had 13 players hit below .225 for the season.

So despite being some of the "happiest countries" in the world, doesn't mean there are people below the bell curve that would commit suicide.

Ironically, the people of those countries want the ones who commit suicide to do what they feel happy doing.
Ask them. They are killing themselves at extremely high rates. Higher even than Japan in some years and that's hard to do. Maybe the metrics used to determine "happiness" aren't all that accurate?

Or it could be that suicide there is not as frowned upon as it is here?

"71% of Denmark's population is in favor of legalizing assisted suicide."

Assisted suicide - Wikipedia

Which doesn't address the question if you are so happy why do you want to kill yourself. It's a pretty straight forward question don't you think?

It's not about the happy people killing themselves. Just because the all around group is happy, doesn't mean there aren't people within them that are unhappy.

This year the Cincinnati Reds had a .253 team batting average, does that mean they don't have a player on their team that his under .225?

That's a really terrible analogy. Killing yourself is the ultimate act. I think there is a problem with how the "experts" measure "happiness". Every place they claim is "happy" is also prone to self oblivion. The two don't compute.

Sorry but it isn't. The Reds have a .253 team batting average, yet in fact had 13 players hit below .225 for the season.

So despite being some of the "happiest countries" in the world, doesn't mean there are people below the bell curve that would commit suicide.

Ironically, the people of those countries want the ones who commit suicide to do what they feel happy doing.

Suicide isn't based on a bell curve. Where do you come up with that nonsense? Suicide is a good measure of the health of a society as a whole. Japan has an enormous suicide rate due to the stress of living in that particular environment. Take the Japanese out of the country and they do much better. The country itself is oppressive. The same is true in the Scandinavian counties as well I believe.
Or it could be that suicide there is not as frowned upon as it is here?

"71% of Denmark's population is in favor of legalizing assisted suicide."

Assisted suicide - Wikipedia

Which doesn't address the question if you are so happy why do you want to kill yourself. It's a pretty straight forward question don't you think?

It's not about the happy people killing themselves. Just because the all around group is happy, doesn't mean there aren't people within them that are unhappy.

This year the Cincinnati Reds had a .253 team batting average, does that mean they don't have a player on their team that his under .225?

That's a really terrible analogy. Killing yourself is the ultimate act. I think there is a problem with how the "experts" measure "happiness". Every place they claim is "happy" is also prone to self oblivion. The two don't compute.

Sorry but it isn't. The Reds have a .253 team batting average, yet in fact had 13 players hit below .225 for the season.

So despite being some of the "happiest countries" in the world, doesn't mean there are people below the bell curve that would commit suicide.

Ironically, the people of those countries want the ones who commit suicide to do what they feel happy doing.

Suicide isn't based on a bell curve. Where do you come up with that nonsense? Suicide is a good measure of the health of a society as a whole. Japan has an enormous suicide rate due to the stress of living in that particular environment. Take the Japanese out of the country and they do much better. The country itself is oppressive. The same is true in the Scandinavian counties as well I believe.

For a scientist you sure like to ignore some obvious things. If a country is listed to be full of happy people doesn't mean that EVERYONE is happy.

Comparing Japan to Denmark is absolutely insane. Japan is full of competitive workaholics that take joy in going to oxygen bars because of poor air quality. Denmark is full of people that average less than 30 hours a week working, get lots of government assistance, and get tons of paid leave. They aren't even remotely the same.
Suicide is to escape the madness because there is no other "out". So "happy" countries are not really that happy. Most don't advertise their pain. They just do it. To get away permanently.
So let me get this straight...Cruz that wants to hand out tax cuts to corporations that outsourced, offshored and screw over the American worker is somehow right in your mind? lol...Apple and GE paid next to nothing the past few years and you think they should pay less or maybe get paid for screwing over America?

Cruz wants to turn America into a third world shit hole and let the robbers run away with the loot. Ted cruz is the liar and fool here.
Which doesn't address the question if you are so happy why do you want to kill yourself. It's a pretty straight forward question don't you think?

It's not about the happy people killing themselves. Just because the all around group is happy, doesn't mean there aren't people within them that are unhappy.

This year the Cincinnati Reds had a .253 team batting average, does that mean they don't have a player on their team that his under .225?

That's a really terrible analogy. Killing yourself is the ultimate act. I think there is a problem with how the "experts" measure "happiness". Every place they claim is "happy" is also prone to self oblivion. The two don't compute.

Sorry but it isn't. The Reds have a .253 team batting average, yet in fact had 13 players hit below .225 for the season.

So despite being some of the "happiest countries" in the world, doesn't mean there are people below the bell curve that would commit suicide.

Ironically, the people of those countries want the ones who commit suicide to do what they feel happy doing.

Suicide isn't based on a bell curve. Where do you come up with that nonsense? Suicide is a good measure of the health of a society as a whole. Japan has an enormous suicide rate due to the stress of living in that particular environment. Take the Japanese out of the country and they do much better. The country itself is oppressive. The same is true in the Scandinavian counties as well I believe.

For a scientist you sure like to ignore some obvious things. If a country is listed to be full of happy people doesn't mean that EVERYONE is happy.

Comparing Japan to Denmark is absolutely insane. Japan is full of competitive workaholics that take joy in going to oxygen bars because of poor air quality. Denmark is full of people that average less than 30 hours a week working, get lots of government assistance, and get tons of paid leave. They aren't even remotely the same.

For a non scientist you sure like to ignore some obvious things. They aren't remotely the same and yet they have extraordinarily high suicide rates. Like I said, I believe it is he metrics used that skew the results of their studies. I have read lots of studies in my life, I have never felt the methodology was very good in those "happiness" studies.
So let me get this straight...Cruz that wants to hand out tax cuts to corporations that outsourced, offshored and screw over the American worker is somehow right in your mind? lol...Apple and GE paid next to nothing the past few years and you think they should pay less or maybe get paid for screwing over America?

Cruz wants to turn America into a third world shit hole and let the robbers run away with the loot. Ted cruz is the liar and fool here.

Not to mention give tax breaks to the Koch Brothers so they can then give more campaign contributions right back to them.
The point I was referencing was that Ted made Danish healthcare sound terrible, and then the Danish conservative guy made it clear that it is actually much better than ours and at half the cost.

Since we are the largest economy in the world, why couldn't we afford healthcare that is half the cost of what we have now?

Of course it's better, they get to use oil wealth to pay for it. Something that you ignore when you think you can apply the Danish model to our country.

But it isn't more expensive. It is half the cost of our system.

Yes, because the doctors don't have to pay exorbitant malpractice insurance costs for one. They also get to make sweetheart deals to buy drugs developed in the USA at great cost that we taxpayers pay the ultra high costs for. When their doctors are sued the loser pays so frivolous lawsuits don't happen. Etc. etc. etc. You really aren't good at this.

Bernie Sanders had a bill to get drugs at cheaper costs, and even buy them from Canada... Congress rejected it. Fuck them, they are just tools for pharmaceutical lobbyist.

I agree with you on this. Congress is bought and paid for. That's why trump is doing what he is doing. Allowing people to buy health insurance across State lines will be one of the best things any one has done to reduce costs.

Total fantasy. You seriously have to be cluess about the insurance industry and how they operate in state regulatory frameworks and local provider networks to say that.

ACA provides for pacts between states to sell across state lines - ZERO takers.

There are also 3 states that permit buying across state lines - again ZERO takers.
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It's not about the happy people killing themselves. Just because the all around group is happy, doesn't mean there aren't people within them that are unhappy.

This year the Cincinnati Reds had a .253 team batting average, does that mean they don't have a player on their team that his under .225?

That's a really terrible analogy. Killing yourself is the ultimate act. I think there is a problem with how the "experts" measure "happiness". Every place they claim is "happy" is also prone to self oblivion. The two don't compute.

Sorry but it isn't. The Reds have a .253 team batting average, yet in fact had 13 players hit below .225 for the season.

So despite being some of the "happiest countries" in the world, doesn't mean there are people below the bell curve that would commit suicide.

Ironically, the people of those countries want the ones who commit suicide to do what they feel happy doing.

Suicide isn't based on a bell curve. Where do you come up with that nonsense? Suicide is a good measure of the health of a society as a whole. Japan has an enormous suicide rate due to the stress of living in that particular environment. Take the Japanese out of the country and they do much better. The country itself is oppressive. The same is true in the Scandinavian counties as well I believe.

For a scientist you sure like to ignore some obvious things. If a country is listed to be full of happy people doesn't mean that EVERYONE is happy.

Comparing Japan to Denmark is absolutely insane. Japan is full of competitive workaholics that take joy in going to oxygen bars because of poor air quality. Denmark is full of people that average less than 30 hours a week working, get lots of government assistance, and get tons of paid leave. They aren't even remotely the same.

For a non scientist you sure like to ignore some obvious things. They aren't remotely the same and yet they have extraordinarily high suicide rates. Like I said, I believe it is he metrics used that skew the results of their studies. I have read lots of studies in my life, I have never felt the methodology was very good in those "happiness" studies.

Well it seems we are at an impasse because you think the "happiness" ratings are skewed, and I think your suicide rates are skewed. I can see how there might be one, maybe two countries that might sneak into the happiness scale that might be out of place, but for EVERY Scandinavian country to be ranked higher than the U.S. in happiness AND life expectancy, I find my position to have more validity.
That's a really terrible analogy. Killing yourself is the ultimate act. I think there is a problem with how the "experts" measure "happiness". Every place they claim is "happy" is also prone to self oblivion. The two don't compute.

Sorry but it isn't. The Reds have a .253 team batting average, yet in fact had 13 players hit below .225 for the season.

So despite being some of the "happiest countries" in the world, doesn't mean there are people below the bell curve that would commit suicide.

Ironically, the people of those countries want the ones who commit suicide to do what they feel happy doing.

Suicide isn't based on a bell curve. Where do you come up with that nonsense? Suicide is a good measure of the health of a society as a whole. Japan has an enormous suicide rate due to the stress of living in that particular environment. Take the Japanese out of the country and they do much better. The country itself is oppressive. The same is true in the Scandinavian counties as well I believe.

For a scientist you sure like to ignore some obvious things. If a country is listed to be full of happy people doesn't mean that EVERYONE is happy.

Comparing Japan to Denmark is absolutely insane. Japan is full of competitive workaholics that take joy in going to oxygen bars because of poor air quality. Denmark is full of people that average less than 30 hours a week working, get lots of government assistance, and get tons of paid leave. They aren't even remotely the same.

For a non scientist you sure like to ignore some obvious things. They aren't remotely the same and yet they have extraordinarily high suicide rates. Like I said, I believe it is he metrics used that skew the results of their studies. I have read lots of studies in my life, I have never felt the methodology was very good in those "happiness" studies.

Well it seems we are at an impasse because you think the "happiness" ratings are skewed, and I think your suicide rates are skewed. I can see how there might be one, maybe two countries that might sneak into the happiness scale that might be out of place, but for EVERY Scandinavian country to be ranked higher than the U.S. in happiness AND life expectancy, I find my position to have more validity.

The suicide rates are national statistics. the "happiness" studies are used mainly for a political agenda. I know who I'm going to believe.
Of course it's better, they get to use oil wealth to pay for it. Something that you ignore when you think you can apply the Danish model to our country.

But it isn't more expensive. It is half the cost of our system.

Yes, because the doctors don't have to pay exorbitant malpractice insurance costs for one. They also get to make sweetheart deals to buy drugs developed in the USA at great cost that we taxpayers pay the ultra high costs for. When their doctors are sued the loser pays so frivolous lawsuits don't happen. Etc. etc. etc. You really aren't good at this.

Bernie Sanders had a bill to get drugs at cheaper costs, and even buy them from Canada... Congress rejected it. Fuck them, they are just tools for pharmaceutical lobbyist.

I agree with you on this. Congress is bought and paid for. That's why trump is doing what he is doing. Allowing people to buy health insurance across State lines will be one of the best things any one has done to reduce costs.

Total fantasy. You seriously have to be cluess about the insurance industry and how they operate in state regulatory frameworks and local provider networks to say that.

ACA provides for pacts between states to sell across state lines - ZERO takers.

There are also 3 states that permit buying across state lines - again ZERO takers.

I see you neglected to provide links to support what you claim. Please provide them.
One thing I did like about Bernie, was when he was campaigning he took regular flights with the masses, even sitting in coach.

I actually thought that was pretty cool, considering Hilary rented a 737..
But it isn't more expensive. It is half the cost of our system.

Yes, because the doctors don't have to pay exorbitant malpractice insurance costs for one. They also get to make sweetheart deals to buy drugs developed in the USA at great cost that we taxpayers pay the ultra high costs for. When their doctors are sued the loser pays so frivolous lawsuits don't happen. Etc. etc. etc. You really aren't good at this.

Bernie Sanders had a bill to get drugs at cheaper costs, and even buy them from Canada... Congress rejected it. Fuck them, they are just tools for pharmaceutical lobbyist.

I agree with you on this. Congress is bought and paid for. That's why trump is doing what he is doing. Allowing people to buy health insurance across State lines will be one of the best things any one has done to reduce costs.

Total fantasy. You seriously have to be cluess about the insurance industry and how they operate in state regulatory frameworks and local provider networks to say that.

ACA provides for pacts between states to sell across state lines - ZERO takers.

There are also 3 states that permit buying across state lines - again ZERO takers.

I see you neglected to provide links to support what you claim. Please provide them.

No what you see is me not giving a crap. You can look this up or not, but sooner or later you’ll know anyway as none of this across-the-state-lines canard will pan out.
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I was watching this debate last night. I think it was on this thread, now it's gone, or on another thread. I think that bernie did very well against ted, but they both did well. Much better than the trump vs clinton debate or any debate with the poo flinging trump involved. I scored for bernie though. Ted had a hard time trying to pretend he really gave a hoot about the middle class or working poor, but he tried. The danish conservative scored points for bernie but it looks like he was brought in to help ted.
That Danish citizen torpedoed poor Bernie with one sentence "You want to be able to spend like Denmark without taxing like Denmark". You want free college? OK after handing over 70% of your pay, then hand over another 20% in consumption tax on the 30% you have left over. Sound good?

I think the Danish guy torpedoed Ted. He made it pretty clear Denmark has a better healthcare system and it's half the cost.

And most of the government funding comes from State owned oil production. Add to that the fact the country has less people than Nevada and New Mexico combined and it is pretty easy to see why they can afford what they have.

But we have more money.

Well that was a good debate on this, and I am glad CNN is doing this and hopefully they'll continue to bring proposed bills on their news network to inform people.

While I understand trickle down economics--I don't understand the need to cut taxes when we have a 21 trillion dollar deficit. There's got to be revenue coming in to pay down the deficit.

Now if Sanders is right and Republicans plan to cut Medicade/Medicare programs, (which Cruz did not deny) to pay for a tax cut that no one needs--then what's the purpose of this bill?

Not sure if you noticed, Reagan cut taxes initially, but two years later he raised taxes, and then continued to raise taxes tow more times.

Past Presidents--JFK, Reagan, G.W. Bush cut taxes to stimulate the economy. Today we have a fairly good economy--there's no need to cut taxes. I just don't see the sense in this. As before the middle class isn't going to get a huge tax cut, they never have. So this cut will go to large corporations on the pretense, (according to Cruz) that they'll keep jobs in this country. They won't it will still be much cheaper to manufacture overseas than in the U.S. because of our wages and payroll taxes.

This tax cut doesn't make any sense, especially if they're having to cut billions out of Medicade/Medicare to pay for it. Did everyone forget about that 21 TRILLION dollar deficit?

If Trump were to keep his word, he wouldn't sign off on cutting Medicaid and Medicare... But who expects him to keep his word on anything?

This bill just doesn't make any sense at all. All Presidents in the past cut taxes to stimulate the economy. We don't need it. The middle class isn't going to get a huge tax cut, they never have. Corporations aren't going to stay in the U.S. over a tax cut. The biggest expense to them is payroll, and payroll taxes--and that's why they go overseas.

But to cut billions out of Medicare/Medicade programs to pay for tax cuts for large corporations is to much too take. No talk at all about that 21 TRILLION dollar deficit. It's like it doesn't exist.

Then why do they commit suicide at rates higher than the "sad" countries?

"Worldwide surveys have consistently ranked the Scandinavian countries — with their generous family-leave policies, low crime, free health care, rich economies and, yes, high income taxes — as the happiest places on earth. But this happiness has always been accompanied by a paradox: the happiest countries also seem to have the highest suicide rates.

Is it the long, dark winters facing Finland and Denmark that cause the problem? Or some kind of Nordic depression gene? Or none of the above? A new study suggests the problem is not specific to Scandinavia, finding that high suicide rates accompany high rates of happiness in comparisons of U.S. states as well."

Why the Happiest States Have the Highest Suicide Rates

I dunno... but why would the country have such a high life expectancy if everyone is offing themselves?

Ask them. They are killing themselves at extremely high rates. Higher even than Japan in some years and that's hard to do. Maybe the metrics used to determine "happiness" aren't all that accurate?

Or it could be that suicide there is not as frowned upon as it is here?

"71% of Denmark's population is in favor of legalizing assisted suicide."

Assisted suicide - Wikipedia

Which doesn't address the question if you are so happy why do you want to kill yourself. It's a pretty straight forward question don't you think?

It's not about the happy people killing themselves. Just because the all around group is happy, doesn't mean there aren't people within them that are unhappy.

This year the Cincinnati Reds had a .253 team batting average, does that mean they don't have a player on their team that his under .225?

I dunno... but why would the country have such a high life expectancy if everyone is offing themselves?

Ask them. They are killing themselves at extremely high rates. Higher even than Japan in some years and that's hard to do. Maybe the metrics used to determine "happiness" aren't all that accurate?

Or it could be that suicide there is not as frowned upon as it is here?

"71% of Denmark's population is in favor of legalizing assisted suicide."

Assisted suicide - Wikipedia

Which doesn't address the question if you are so happy why do you want to kill yourself. It's a pretty straight forward question don't you think?

It's not about the happy people killing themselves. Just because the all around group is happy, doesn't mean there aren't people within them that are unhappy.

This year the Cincinnati Reds had a .253 team batting average, does that mean they don't have a player on their team that his under .225?

That's a really terrible analogy. Killing yourself is the ultimate act. I think there is a problem with how the "experts" measure "happiness". Every place they claim is "happy" is also prone to self oblivion. The two don't compute.

So let me get this straight...Cruz that wants to hand out tax cuts to corporations that outsourced, offshored and screw over the American worker is somehow right in your mind? lol...Apple and GE paid next to nothing the past few years and you think they should pay less or maybe get paid for screwing over America?

Cruz wants to turn America into a third world shit hole and let the robbers run away with the loot. Ted cruz is the liar and fool here.

Of course it's better, they get to use oil wealth to pay for it. Something that you ignore when you think you can apply the Danish model to our country.

But it isn't more expensive. It is half the cost of our system.

Yes, because the doctors don't have to pay exorbitant malpractice insurance costs for one. They also get to make sweetheart deals to buy drugs developed in the USA at great cost that we taxpayers pay the ultra high costs for. When their doctors are sued the loser pays so frivolous lawsuits don't happen. Etc. etc. etc. You really aren't good at this.

Bernie Sanders had a bill to get drugs at cheaper costs, and even buy them from Canada... Congress rejected it. Fuck them, they are just tools for pharmaceutical lobbyist.

I agree with you on this. Congress is bought and paid for. That's why trump is doing what he is doing. Allowing people to buy health insurance across State lines will be one of the best things any one has done to reduce costs.

Total fantasy. You seriously have to be cluess about the insurance industry and how they operate in state regulatory frameworks and local provider networks to say that.

ACA provides for pacts between states to sell across state lines - ZERO takers.

There are also 3 states that permit buying across state lines - again ZERO takers.

The reason we need tax cuts, is to INCREASE revenue with a growing economy. To many people use counter-intuitive logic to come to the conclusion, that it COSTS us REVENUE!

You can research it yourself, (and they all say the same thing) or you can go with this one----->Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Now, I do not one lefty to come here and start talking about the DEFICIT; not one of you! The deficit has NOTHING to do with how much revenue INCREASED, it has to do with how much politicians spent. You need to compare apples to apples, and NOT oranges!

Look at the Kennedy cuts, look at the Regan cuts, then look at the GW cuts.............and remember, LOOK when the GW legislation was passed, not his Presidency. And if you don't like these and want to try your luck with another, look back at Coolidge, which is not in this chart.

So do not EVER again come up with poppycock like cuts COST the government monies. That is a FALSE statement! The GROWTH from them eats up the loss, proven by these examples.

And so, you have 3 examples of CUTS from this chart, and if you want to go back to Coolidge, do that also for 4 total examples. Now go ahead, produce ONE from the archives that support your nonsense! We dare you!

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