Crazy black mayor of Baltimore -"We don't have thugs in baltimore"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
What an idiot. First her demand that rioters have "space to destroy" and now this. I bet she can't even read. Few blacks can.

Baltimore mayor apologizes to rioters for using T-word

april 29 2015
As Baltimore burns, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is turning the flip-flop into a high art form, to the point where she is now apologizing to the rioters for calling them “thugs.”

She stated early Monday that police were instructed to allow “those who wished to destroy space to do that.” By Monday evening, facing heavy criticism from residents and business owners, she walked back from those comments.

As the city was in flames Monday night, Rawlings-Blake spoke freely on CNN about “thugs” and “criminals” who were destroying what so many had worked so hard to build, even as Marxist professor Marc Lamont Hill said the rioters were just expressing “righteous rage” and should not be called thugs. Hill added that the situation in Baltimore was “not a riot” but “uprisings” in response to blacks “dying in the streets for months, years, decades, centuries.”

By Tuesday, the mayor again walked back from her previous comments.

“I wanted to say something that was on my heart … We don’t have thugs in Baltimore. Sometimes my little anger interpreter gets the best of me,” she said, pointing to her head. “We have a lot of kids that are acting out, a lot of people in our community that are acting out.”

Read more at Baltimore mayor apologizes to rioters for using T-word
May not have "thugs" "thug (n.)1810, "member of a gang of murderers and robbers in India who strangled their victims,""

but they do have ruffians, "ruffian (n.)1530s, "a boisterous, brutal fellow, one ready to commit any crime,""

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