Crazy Cory Booker abruptly drops out of 2020 presidential race, he had the most endorsements in Iowa

there are no more people of color in the 2020 presidential race!

Booker drops out of presidential race

Wow. These people are running me ragged. I actually LOOK for news of these people dropping out and some have dropped out I still didn't know about. But of color, there still is Yang (yellow), and Devel Patrick (friend of Obama, just joined the race). Here is the definitive guide to old and new candidates (sorry if I got their names wrong) except one guy who was only in the race 79 days. So I put Soleimani in his place. I know Iran Nan would have voted for him.

2020 Dem Hopefuls Main.jpg
This Booger fellow is blaming finances for the reason he won't continue this charade. LOL

In reality, he is a laughable fuckup with no message, no vision, no nothing. Just the ability to "look brown". He doesn't even have the balls to out himself as a pole smoker.
The Democrats use "people of color" as political props. They trot them out every 4 years and pretend that they care about them. Truth is they believe that all the "people of color" need is a handout.
The self projection of Trumpers is adorable....

View attachment 299986

And yet black unemployment is at all time lows now under trump.
Black unemployment also fell by the largest percentage in US history under Obama-- but since you dic suckers didn't give a fuck about black unemployment then, you ignored it...


and guess what -- Obama didn't trot out a bunch a white folks with "whites for Obama" t-shirts and Obama didn't have to claim someone as his own personal "European-American" …...
there are no more people of color in the 2020 presidential race!

Booker drops out of presidential race

Wow. These people are running me ragged. I actually LOOK for news of these people dropping out and some have dropped out I still didn't know about. But of color, there still is Yang (yellow), and Devel Patrick (friend of Obama, just joined the race). Here is the definitive guide to old and new candidates (sorry if I got their names wrong) except one guy who was only in the race 79 days. So I put Soleimani in his place. I know Iran Nan would have voted for him.

View attachment 299989
Where is HILLARY?
The Democrats use "people of color" as political props. They trot them out every 4 years and pretend that they care about them. Truth is they believe that all the "people of color" need is a handout.
The self projection of Trumpers is adorable....

View attachment 299986

And yet black unemployment is at all time lows now under trump.
Black unemployment also fell by the largest percentage in US history under Obama-- but since you dic suckers didn't give a fuck about black unemployment then, you ignored it...

View attachment 299992

and guess what -- Obama didn't trot out a bunch a white folks with "whites for Obama" t-shirts and Obama didn't have to claim someone as his own personal "European-American" …...
Are you in need of some butt hurt cream? If you are on Obamacare, you might be able to get some.
The current make up of the US House of Representatives...…


The lone black republican in Congress will not run for re-election in 2020 because he called out Trump's habit of appeasing white they ran him out of office..

So that basically proves how racist Democrats are against blacks...and whites too...and every other minority....or something...
The Democrats use "people of color" as political props. They trot them out every 4 years and pretend that they care about them. Truth is they believe that all the "people of color" need is a handout.
The self projection of Trumpers is adorable....

View attachment 299986

And yet black unemployment is at all time lows now under trump.
Black unemployment also fell by the largest percentage in US history under Obama-- but since you dic suckers didn't give a fuck about black unemployment then, you ignored it...

View attachment 299992

and guess what -- Obama didn't trot out a bunch a white folks with "whites for Obama" t-shirts and Obama didn't have to claim someone as his own personal "European-American" …...
Are you in need of some butt hurt cream? If you are on Obamacare, you might be able to get some.
So in other words, you are full of it

Why is it that none of you dic suckers can refute one single fact I keep slapping you in the face with??
The Democrats use "people of color" as political props. They trot them out every 4 years and pretend that they care about them. Truth is they believe that all the "people of color" need is a handout.
The self projection of Trumpers is adorable....

View attachment 299986

And yet black unemployment is at all time lows now under trump.
Black unemployment also fell by the largest percentage in US history under Obama-- but since you dic suckers didn't give a fuck about black unemployment then, you ignored it...

View attachment 299992

and guess what -- Obama didn't trot out a bunch a white folks with "whites for Obama" t-shirts and Obama didn't have to claim someone as his own personal "European-American" …...
That fall under Obama is ONLY because you are measuring it from the recovery of the OBAMA recession
The Democrats use "people of color" as political props. They trot them out every 4 years and pretend that they care about them. Truth is they believe that all the "people of color" need is a handout.
The self projection of Trumpers is adorable....

View attachment 299986

And yet black unemployment is at all time lows now under trump.
Black unemployment also fell by the largest percentage in US history under Obama-- but since you dic suckers didn't give a fuck about black unemployment then, you ignored it...

View attachment 299992

and guess what -- Obama didn't trot out a bunch a white folks with "whites for Obama" t-shirts and Obama didn't have to claim someone as his own personal "European-American" …...

  1. Black unemployment hits an all time low under Trump.
  2. Barry couldn't find four white guys that supported him.
The Democrats use "people of color" as political props. They trot them out every 4 years and pretend that they care about them. Truth is they believe that all the "people of color" need is a handout.
The self projection of Trumpers is adorable....

View attachment 299986

And yet black unemployment is at all time lows now under trump.
Black unemployment also fell by the largest percentage in US history under Obama-- but since you dic suckers didn't give a fuck about black unemployment then, you ignored it...

View attachment 299992

and guess what -- Obama didn't trot out a bunch a white folks with "whites for Obama" t-shirts and Obama didn't have to claim someone as his own personal "European-American" …...

All time low under trump, bub. Deal with it.
Black unemployment also fell by the largest percentage in US history under Obama-- but since you dic suckers didn't give a fuck about black unemployment then, you ignored it...

View attachment 299992

and guess what -- Obama didn't trot out a bunch a white folks with "whites for Obama" t-shirts and Obama didn't have to claim someone as his own personal "European-American" …...

Looks like someone has been over at "" again.
there are no more people of color in the 2020 presidential race!

Booker drops out of presidential race

Wow. These people are running me ragged. I actually LOOK for news of these people dropping out and some have dropped out I still didn't know about. But of color, there still is Yang (yellow), and Devel Patrick (friend of Obama, just joined the race). Here is the definitive guide to old and new candidates (sorry if I got their names wrong) except one guy who was only in the race 79 days. So I put Soleimani in his place. I know Iran Nan would have voted for him.

View attachment 299989
Where is HILLARY?
She's there. She comes in after they all go home and empties the ashtrays and cleans up the floor and loose wrappers. :D
The Democrats use "people of color" as political props. They trot them out every 4 years and pretend that they care about them. Truth is they believe that all the "people of color" need is a handout.
The self projection of Trumpers is adorable....

View attachment 299986

And yet black unemployment is at all time lows now under trump.
Black unemployment also fell by the largest percentage in US history under Obama-- but since you dic suckers didn't give a fuck about black unemployment then, you ignored it...

View attachment 299992

and guess what -- Obama didn't trot out a bunch a white folks with "whites for Obama" t-shirts and Obama didn't have to claim someone as his own personal "European-American" …...

How about showing the rest of that graph where it shot up for 2 years at the beginning of his term. And I'm sure you also know that people are no longer considered unemployed when they stop seeking employment. Fact is during the period shown on your graph, the number of blacks in the workforce sank to all time lows, leading to only one conclusion: the reason unemployment numbers were on the decline was because blacks had stopped looking for work that was no longer available (mostly low skill blue collar jobs that were wiped out by illegal immigration and regulation). The unemployment numbers have gone to historic lows under Trump while steadily increasing the number of blacks in the labor force. As typical, you leftists tell half truths and support it with misleading, disingenuous evidence. Pathetic.

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