Crazy Cory Booker abruptly drops out of 2020 presidential race, he had the most endorsements in Iowa

Maddow, who knew Cory Booker from their Stanford days, summed him up perfectly in Feb last year. She said he “is so different than anybody I have ever known on earth” and “such an absolutely unique embodiment of moral energy and moral earnestness.”
Maddow, who knew Cory Booker from their Stanford days, summed him up perfectly in Feb last year. She said he “is so different than anybody I have ever known on earth” and “such an absolutely unique embodiment of moral energy and moral earnestness.”
That's a lot of words to say "Stupid arrogant asshole".
there are no more people of color in the 2020 presidential race!

Because Andrew Yang is just a party favor
Asians are not dark enough for Democrats to consider them people of color.
But nonetheless there is an Asian getting enough democrat support to appear on the debate stage in a democratic primary....

Any Asians on the Republican debate stage back in 2016?? Or were Asians not token enough of a minority for you to trot out??
Just how much does that chip on your shoulder weigh?
The Democrats use "people of color" as political props. They trot them out every 4 years and pretend that they care about them. Truth is they believe that all the "people of color" need is a handout.
The self projection of Trumpers is adorable....

View attachment 299986

And yet black unemployment is at all time lows now under trump.
Black unemployment also fell by the largest percentage in US history under Obama-- but since you dic suckers didn't give a fuck about black unemployment then, you ignored it...

View attachment 299992

and guess what -- Obama didn't trot out a bunch a white folks with "whites for Obama" t-shirts and Obama didn't have to claim someone as his own personal "European-American" …...

  1. Black unemployment hits an all time low under Trump.
  2. Barry couldn't find four white guys that supported him.
Yes it hit an all time low under Trump -- I said black unemployment experienced the largest reduction in US history under Obama -- back then it was hitting all time lows too but none of you gave a fuck about black unemployment and you don't give a fuck about it now...

and yea, Obama didn't have any white story....
there are no more people of color in the 2020 presidential race!

Because Andrew Yang is just a party favor
Asians are not dark enough for Democrats to consider them people of color.
But nonetheless there is an Asian getting enough democrat support to appear on the debate stage in a democratic primary....

Any Asians on the Republican debate stage back in 2016?? Or were Asians not token enough of a minority for you to trot out??
Just how much does that chip on your shoulder weigh?
In other words, "why do you keep destroying our delusional talking points with facts"

Because I like the way it makes idiots like you whine.....
The Democrats use "people of color" as political props. They trot them out every 4 years and pretend that they care about them. Truth is they believe that all the "people of color" need is a handout.
The self projection of Trumpers is adorable....

View attachment 299986

And yet black unemployment is at all time lows now under trump.
Black unemployment also fell by the largest percentage in US history under Obama-- but since you dic suckers didn't give a fuck about black unemployment then, you ignored it...

View attachment 299992

and guess what -- Obama didn't trot out a bunch a white folks with "whites for Obama" t-shirts and Obama didn't have to claim someone as his own personal "European-American" …...

How about showing the rest of that graph where it shot up for 2 years at the beginning of his term. And I'm sure you also know that people are no longer considered unemployed when they stop seeking employment. Fact is during the period shown on your graph, the number of blacks in the workforce sank to all time lows, leading to only one conclusion: the reason unemployment numbers were on the decline was because blacks had stopped looking for work that was no longer available (mostly low skill blue collar jobs that were wiped out by illegal immigration and regulation). The unemployment numbers have gone to historic lows under Trump while steadily increasing the number of blacks in the labor force. As typical, you leftists tell half truths and support it with misleading, disingenuous evidence. Pathetic.
I did already you dumb still shows that Obama reduced black unemployment by the largest margin in US history...

Instead of whining like a me one chart that refutes a single word I said or shut the fuck up...
The Democrats use "people of color" as political props. They trot them out every 4 years and pretend that they care about them. Truth is they believe that all the "people of color" need is a handout.
The self projection of Trumpers is adorable....

View attachment 299986

And yet black unemployment is at all time lows now under trump.
Black unemployment also fell by the largest percentage in US history under Obama-- but since you dic suckers didn't give a fuck about black unemployment then, you ignored it...

View attachment 299992

and guess what -- Obama didn't trot out a bunch a white folks with "whites for Obama" t-shirts and Obama didn't have to claim someone as his own personal "European-American" …...

How about showing the rest of that graph where it shot up for 2 years at the beginning of his term. And I'm sure you also know that people are no longer considered unemployed when they stop seeking employment. Fact is during the period shown on your graph, the number of blacks in the workforce sank to all time lows, leading to only one conclusion: the reason unemployment numbers were on the decline was because blacks had stopped looking for work that was no longer available (mostly low skill blue collar jobs that were wiped out by illegal immigration and regulation). The unemployment numbers have gone to historic lows under Trump while steadily increasing the number of blacks in the labor force. As typical, you leftists tell half truths and support it with misleading, disingenuous evidence. Pathetic.
I did already you dumb still shows that Obama reduced black unemployment by the largest margin in US history...
View attachment 300055

Instead of whining like a me one chart that refutes a single word I said or shut the fuck up...

Your chart conveniently leaves out that the number of blacks in the work force was at historic lows during that period under Obama. I know reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, but I'm going to re-post this slowly and maybe you'll pick it up this time:

And I'm sure you also know that people are no longer considered unemployed when they stop seeking employment. Fact is during the period shown on your graph, the number of blacks in the workforce sank to all time lows, leading to only one conclusion: the reason unemployment numbers were on the decline was because blacks had stopped looking for work that was no longer available (mostly low skill blue collar jobs that were wiped out by illegal immigration and regulation).

I'm also going to re-post some facts I've posted here before, which were clearly disregarded by you ignoramuses that blindly cite incomplete data in support of your disingenuous assertions:

Trump's most controversial policy (at least in the current media vernacular) is the most efficacious pro-black policy proposed on either side of the aisle to date – specifically in terms of economic and cultural stability (and halting further decline) in the black community. That being Trump’s immigration policy, aimed at drastically reducing illegal immigration.

How does this benefit the black community? Here are unbiased facts, based on peer-reviewed research conducted over the past three decades—as opposed to the unsubstantiated hyperbole consistently spewed out by the media mouthpieces of the respective political parties for the sole purpose of rabble-rousing viewers/listeners/readers.

1. Mass-immigration has resulted in the economic dislocation of African Americans, caused by a growing trend of unemployment among African Americans in industries that had the provided stable and gainful employment for the African American labor force, particularly in metropolitan areas.

See Borjas, G., “Do Blacks Gain or Lose from Immigration?" in “Help or Hindrance? The Economic Implications of Immigration for African Americans,” pp. 51-74, Russell Sage Foundation, 1998, retrieved from Help or Hindrance?: The Economic Implications of Immigration for African Americans on JSTOR

Stevans, L. K., "Assessing the Effects of the Occupational Crowding of Immigrants on the Real Wages of African American Workers," The Rev. of Black Polit. Econ., Vol. 26:2 (1998), pp. 37-46, available at SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals

Johnson, J. H., Oliver, M. L. (1989) "Interethnic Minority Conflict in Urban America: The Effects of Economic and Social Dislocations," Urban Geography, Vol. 10:5 (1989), pp. 449-463, retrieved from

2. Latino immigrant success in comparison to African Americans in the labor market can be accounted for by the large supply of employers who hire immigrants (legal and illegal) who will work for lower wages and without benefits

See Kirschenman, Joleen, and Kathryn M. Neckerman, 1991, "‘We’d Love to Hire Them, But…’: The Meaning of Race for Employers," In Christopher Jencks and Paul Peterson, eds., The Urban Underclass, Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press

3. Mass-immigration (including illegals) has resulted in a growing labor supply surplus in blue-collar and low-skill industries, and continued downward pressure on wages in these industries, has displaced American-born workers (disproportionately so among African American men).

4. The studies also indicate that the economic dislocation of African Americans caused by mass-immigration over the past three decades has adversely affected the ability of African Americans to access capital and financing necessary to open small businesses, limiting the potential of African Americans to capitalize on periods of economic prosperity during that time, and that displaced African American workers have not succeeded in transitioning into other employment sectors that call for low-skill labor because the labor surplus of immigrant labor has monopolized all of these sectors, and set the wage threshold so low that American-born workers are not willing to work these jobs.

See Waldinger, R., “Strangers at the Gates: New Immigrants in Urban America,” pp. 30-79, University of California Press, Berkeley; Los Angeles; London, 2001, retrieved from Strangers at the Gates: New Immigrants in Urban America on JSTOR

5. Data compiled by the Multi-City Study of Urban Inequality (Boston, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Detroit) shows an overwhelming perception among African Americans that they are competing in a zero-sum game for economic opportunity with Latino immigrants.

See Kaufmann, K. M., 2006, "Divided We Stand: Mass Attitudes and the Prospects for Black-Latina/o Urban Political Coalitions," in “Black and Latina/o Politics: Issues in Political Development in the United States,” Barnhardt and Ashe Pub, Inc., 2006, retrieved from 10.13140/2.1.2128.4488

6. Through mass-immigration (and unchecked illegal immigration), the Latino immigrant population has grown at almost triple the rate of African Americans since 2000 nationally (23% compared to 9%), which does not account for illegal immigrants. The impact of illegal immigration on the African American community from a political and community leadership perspective cannot be quantified of course; however, considering the disproportionate population growth—particularly in the most populous states, where African Americans have traditionally emerged in national political elections, fueled by illegal immigration—and the resulting displacement of African Americans in the labor force, the deleterious effect of illegal immigration on the African American community is patent.

See Logan, John R., 2001, "The New Ethnic Enclaves in America’s Suburbs," Report of the Lewis Mumford Center for Comparative Urban and Regional Research, Albany, N.Y.: The Lewis Mumford Center.
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When the Obama inspired Jussie Smollett HATE HOAX flopped, it was the beginning of the end for co-conspirators Bigot Booker and Hate Hoax Harris
These republicans always trying to convince that the dems are the racists. If that were true then why do blacks vote mosty democrat ? Why do republicans device all sorts of ways to keep blacks from voting? The republican party of civil rights and freeing the slaves is long gone, and has been for decades. Couple links below.
A threat to democracy: Republicans' war on minority voters
Trump’s "victory": uncounted ballots and dirty tricks
You're a bald faced liar.

Republicans do not and never did stop blacks from voting.

Democrats are the party of KKK, Segregation, Jim Crow, destruction of the black family with Welfare, Affirmative Action, and Margret Sanger's Eugenisists.
there are no more people of color in the 2020 presidential race!

Because Andrew Yang is just a party favor
Asians are not dark enough for Democrats to consider them people of color.
But nonetheless there is an Asian getting enough democrat support to appear on the debate stage in a democratic primary....

Any Asians on the Republican debate stage back in 2016?? Or were Asians not token enough of a minority for you to trot out??
Just how much does that chip on your shoulder weigh?
In other words, "why do you keep destroying our delusional talking points with facts"

Because I like the way it makes idiots like you whine.....
Did someone bully you as a child? Do you need a hug?
when Cory would get cocky as a kid, his dad told him: "Cory don't walk around here like you hit a triple, because you were born on 3rd base."

Cory is descended from slave and slave owners. he also has Native American blood. he is also the great great grandson of a corporal who fought in the confederate army and was captured by Lincoln's troops
"Henry Louis Gates tested Booker’s DNA for his television program. The results were 47% African, 45% European, and 7% Native American. (Yes, this means Booker has significantly more Native American ancestry than fellow senator Elizabeth Warren.)"

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