Crazy Kamala Harris & Wacky Cory Booker appointed to Senate Judiciary Committee


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
this will help them in 2020!

That should tell you EXACTLY the direction the DNC is going.


That means the GOP will continue to be in power for the next 50 years.
I suppose the good thing is that opposition to Trump's nominees will be incoherent, irrational, and unhinged. Nice move.
California’s Senate delegation is absolutely amazing. Now, BOTH of these sharp, tough-as-nails, no-nonsense crazy women will be on Judiciary, fighting for the people.
How dare they put two blacks on the committee. Certainly that means total GOP control to NO ONE with a functioning brain.
Who said anything about their race? You racist motherfucker.

I was referring to their looney-toons SJW bullshit that turns off most of America.
"As a new member of the Senate Judiciary Committee – I will further advance my mission to stand up to the awful actions of Jeff Sessions and President Trump.⠀

I will continue my determined efforts for broad scale criminal justice reform. ⠀

We can not be driven backwards on issues of justice and fairness. I believe we as a nation are called to make real our collective pledge: to be a nation of liberty and justice for all. ⠀

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “The arc of the moral universe is long and it bends toward justice.”⠀

Well I believe we all have an obligation to be arc benders. ⠀

I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve. ⠀

So stay tuned – I hope my service on the Senate Judiciary Committee will make you proud." - Wacky Cory Booker

now he's MLK...*EYEROLL*

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