Creating media moments of crisis


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012


Recently we were all treated to the media moment of immigrants being rounded up by border patrol who were on horses and had whips with the man on a horse being a white guy and the immigrant being a black guy. But what is never talked about is that this media event was constructed by democrat policy. You have democrats in a government who leaves the borders open and who still allow some border security which are overwhelmed and under staffed and demonized by the media. It is similar to the George Floyd media moment as a black man was killed by a white police man in a city run by democrats. These democrats are the ones who run the police departments, who make the policy on how to apprehend non law abiding people, who hire the police officers, and who foster the black epidemic of poverty and crime that is fueled by fatherless homes in the black community, to the tune of some 70% of black homes. The government subsidizes young black women to be able to survive in these fatherless homes, women who are young and uneducated and on their own and can never escape poverty and whose children find their father figure on the streets which leads to high crime rates.

But what the media will NEVER do, is point to the one party that fosters these media moments of white America is bad, making us all think that the nation that elected all democrats is systemically racist. Think of it, a systemically racist nation that elects democrats. What does that say about democrats?
That is NOT a whip. It is the reins of the Horse which he let go of to garb the man running.
Like the George Floyd moment, does anyone care?

These media moments have more to do with generating emotion that actually tackling the facts, such as the long rap sheet on George Floyd or the fact that George Floyd had Covid and had enough drugs in him to kill him.

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Recently we were all treated to the media moment of immigrants being rounded up by border patrol who were on horses and had whips with the man on a horse being a white guy and the immigrant being a black guy. But what is never talked about is that this media event was constructed by democrat policy. You have democrats in a government who leaves the borders open and who still allow some border security which are overwhelmed and under staffed and demonized by the media. It is similar to the George Floyd media moment as a black man was killed by a white police man in a city run by democrats. These democrats are the ones who run the police departments, who make the policy on how to apprehend non law abiding people, who hire the police officers, and who foster the black epidemic of poverty and crime that is fueled by fatherless homes in the black community, to the tune of some 70% of black homes. The government subsidizes young black women to be able to survive in these fatherless homes, women who are young and uneducated and on their own and can never escape poverty and whose children find their father figure on the streets which leads to high crime rates.

But what the media will NEVER do, is point to the one party that fosters these media moments of white America is bad, making us all think that the nation that elected all democrats is systemically racist. Think of it, a systemically racist nation that elects democrats. What does that say about democrats?
It's a manufactured moment for sure, but not the way you're claiming. A picture ripe for misinterpretation and a false narrative. Poof, media moment of crisis.
Just goes to show those idiots wouldn't know a real whip if they saw one.

That was the horses reins. Not a whip. Good Lord the news people seem to be making up a story for the news. Good Lord. There hasn't been an honest journalist in decades.
If you want to control or influence a group of people the best way is to put them into 1 of 2 states of mind. Angry or scared. Angry and scared people are easier to guide, control, influence and manipulate because they are in a state where they aren't rational and don't think, all they do is react.

It's what the media does for attention also. In this world now we have news outlets allover the place, everywhere and they are all desperate for viewers because the more viewers they have the more advertising dollars they get. So they all compete for attention to make money.

Plus we have younger generations now that run on pure emotion and knee jerk reactions. They aren't rational, they don't asses, they don't think things through, they don't know how to be realistic. And media and politicians (especially democrats) prey on that and encourage it. Younger generations now jump strsight from 0 to 100 and everything is always worst case scenario for them because they are complete idiots.
Just goes to show those idiots wouldn't know a real whip if they saw one.

That was the horses reins. Not a whip. Good Lord the news people seem to be making up a story for the news. Good Lord. There hasn't been an honest journalist in decades.
It is akin to the media showing pictures of children in cages to attack Trump

Trouble is, they were taken during the Obama administration.

Again, it is all about emotion, and one it hits the press few ever come to terms with the lies.
I agree. People will oohhh and ahhh over the photos but unless they are horse people they will believe they are seeing a whip instead of reins.

You can't fix stupid or the uninformed.
how is being lashed with a whip different from being lashed with
a rein. I am absolutely uniformed about horse riding----but what
I saw was a HUMAN BEING struck with a rein-----I was horrified
No one was struck the rider released the long rein to grab the runner. Good god people are stupid..
That they are. I've had horses for decades and ridden them in shows and on trails. The way that BP agent was riding his reins were flying cause he grabbed the illegal alien. No one whipped anyone. You're right. People are stupid as hell.

Split reins are used in heavy brush so the horse won't get jerked around by a branch like they would with traditional loop reins....

Joe Biden lied through his entire speech and question period this morning....
I guess we can all ignore the law now...maybe go out and grab a new TV or some clothes or steal that new truck you have always wanted...there is no consequences for entering our country illegally so what the hell...
I guess we can all ignore the law now...maybe go out and grab a new TV or some clothes or steal that new truck you have always wanted...there is no consequences for entering our country illegally so what the hell...
Depending on your politics, there may be consequences..................
Depending on your politics, there may be consequences..................
Doesn't leave us with many options.....they really should not corner us...laws must be for all.....not just Trump republicans....
Doesn't leave us with many options.....they really should not corner us...laws must be for all.....not just Trump republicans....
The US is a nation of Left wing men and women in power, not of laws.

After all, none of them ever go to jail, like Cuomo who are obviously guilty of crimes to all, even those in his party.

So what else are we to think?
The US is a nation of Left wing men and women in power, not of laws.

After all, none of them ever go to jail, like Cuomo who are obviously guilty of crimes to all, even those in his party.

So what else are we to think?
We need to put pressure on republicans like Lyndsey Graham who votes for every democrat judge that comes across his desk....both sides want more control over us and the republicans are happy to allow the dems to do the heavy lifting....either way we are losing freedoms faster than you can say look out.....

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