Creation and so forth

* * * *
And then there is the super alien theory in which a race of super aliens, collective know as God run around the cosmos creating universes. I think my super alien idea is just as likely as anything else we have discussed.
Where did THEY come from?
Where did THEY come from?
The Super Aliens move back and forth in time and space thus we see them as eternal. However, I suppose they could be creations of another super race but I'll have to give that some thought after another Martini.
The Super Aliens move back and forth in time and space thus we see them as eternal. However, I suppose they could be creations of another super race but I'll have to give that some thought after another Martini.
Meh. It all just begs the question: where did they/it come from?

To break that infinite regression, we imagine some beginning. It begins by something that defies what we imagine we “know:”

Something Or Someone got itself all “created” prior to itsellf.

but … still. Kudos on that drink idea.
You can believe anything you want, but you seem to enjoy believing in lies.

Oh really now?

Any comment on this lie then?

I'm no geologist, but do understand uniformitarianism vs. catastrophism and the errors in radiometric dating.

If there is no religious prefix to science, then stop believing in atheist science such as evolution. Atheism is a religion. At least, I am smart enough to realize our religion influences our science. The facts are that science backs up the Bible even though it isn't a science book. Also, nothing backs up evolution nor atheism. It's just a fake religious belief.

Here's evidence that debunks evolution. Prehistoric cave art of humans and dinosaurs living together.


Which as I pointed out before, is not in Kuwait, but in the Chauvet cave in France.


But the rest of us believe "lies".
The Universe

Talk about "The Universe" is ambiguous. At the most cursory level it can be presumed that one is referring to either the "known" universe or the entire business, whatever that may be. Lots left to discover and discuss within the confines of the former while all the gesticulation and pontification about what lies beyond the scientifically "known" part clearly amounts to just that. However, we can at least apply some logic to rule some in and some out. Can't we? Fun stuff.

For instance, under "Universe" Wikipedia immediately states the following:
"The universe (Latin: universus) is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy."

Okay, so now I'm literally being told that not only space, but also time.. is a form of matter and energy, apparently containing at least planets, stars, and galaxies among other things. <-- Time, that is.. Really? I mean, it's a really long section.. We just got the thing rolling, fellas.. And you've already done gone and steered it hopelessly far from any logical lanes.. Jesus! I call interference!
The Universe

Talk about "The Universe" is ambiguous. At the most cursory level it can be presumed that one is referring to either the "known" universe or the entire business, whatever that may be. Lots left to discover and discuss within the confines of the former while all the gesticulation and pontification about what lies beyond the scientifically "known" part clearly amounts to just that. However, we can at least apply some logic to rule some in and some out. Can't we? Fun stuff.

For instance, under "Universe" Wikipedia immediately states the following:
"The universe (Latin: universus) is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy."

Okay, so now I'm literally being told that not only space, but also time.. is a form of matter and energy, apparently containing at least planets, stars, and galaxies among other things. <-- Time, that is.. Really? I mean, it's a really long section.. We just got the thing rolling, fellas.. And you've already done gone and steered it hopelessly far from any logical lanes.. Jesus! I call interference!
Time is considered a coordinate in the universe. According to the prevailing cosmological model of the Big Bang theory, time itself began as part of the entire Universe about 13.8 billion years ago. I suppose that means my alarm clock would not work before the big bang but that's ok, since it wouldn't be needed.
Meh. It all just begs the question: where did they/it come from?

To break that infinite regression, we imagine some beginning. It begins by something that defies what we imagine we “know:”

Something Or Someone got itself all “created” prior to itsellf.

but … still. Kudos on that drink idea.
You began this thread with the question But where did the initial super tiny blob of whatever it was come from?
I don't remember anybody giving a real answer so I will. I don't know. Further no one else does either.
You began this thread with the question But where did the initial super tiny blob of whatever it was come from?
I don't remember anybody giving a real answer so I will. I don't know. Further no one else does either.
I think your answer is honest. I also assume that you are correct that nobody really knows. At least not yet.
I think your answer is honest. I also assume that you are correct that nobody really knows. At least not yet.
The new James Webb Space Telescope which I believe should be in operational this summer should give us some answers to questions about creation of the universe. The data it collects will allow earthbound scientists to better understand the formation of stars and galaxies just after the big bang. As a NASA engineer said, “When the lights turned on in the universe, that’s what Webb is trying to see,”. Seeing the very beginning of the Universe should give us insight into creation.
Oh really now?

Any comment on this lie then?

Which as I pointed out before, is not in Kuwait, but in the Chauvet cave in France.


But the rest of us believe "lies".
Sure, you believe in lies if you're atheist or believe in evolution. I had the wrong cave, but it and other prehistoric cave paintings and art work around the world shows dinosaurs and humans lived together.
Sure, you believe in lies if you're atheist or believe in evolution. I had the wrong cave, but it and other prehistoric cave paintings and art work around the world shows dinosaurs and humans lived together.
And so does the old movie One Million B.C. so it must be true
Sure, you believe in lies if you're atheist or believe in evolution. I had the wrong cave, but it and other prehistoric cave paintings and art work around the world shows dinosaurs and humans lived together.

Uh-huh. Well, let me know when you find the right cave then.

But really, "it and other prehistoric cave paintings", even though I already proved beyond a doubt it was a lie?
Time is considered a coordinate in the universe.
I consider it our primary coordinate or measure of space. Again, all is silliness when talking about "the universe" without specificity. The James Webb telescope will undoubtedly tell us more about the Big Bang, but it likely won't inform us any better about the vastness that may have existed at a distance prior and that which may still exist far beyond our powers of observation. It's always simply presumed that we must be at the center of the action, but there's no actual reason to believe other Big Bangs haven't gone on before and haven't been going on elsewhere since ours. Multiple "initial blobs." We don't know. Can't tell.

The Hubble 2 allows us to see seemingly endless galaxies upon galaxies. However, just how far back in time the most seemingly distant were created seems to amount to a highly biased crap shoot. Cosmologists, being only human, are prone to argue they all must be products or local our Bang, but how will one ever really be able to tell for sure? And we'll likely just see countless more when the Webb gets busy. No end to them. Given the reported acceleration of the continuing expansion, the furthest most likely have already permanently disappeared from our powers of observation due to travelling faster than c away from us.

As has been noted here, cosmologists currently generally "consider" our local "universe" spherical, expanding, and flat. Given spherical, it must have a center somewhere and a maximum volume limited to the sum of its expansions. This volume's radius being measured back in "time" to the Bang in light years. This is why I call it our "primary" coordinate or measure of space. One could theoretically use yardsticks, but it would be mighty clumsy and slow by comparison.
I don't know. Further no one else does either.
Anthropocentrism keeps us busy shooting ourselves in the foot. We desperately want to believe it's all about us and us alone. That we are unique, powerful, and important. We just need a bigger telescope to seal the deal.. A more massive antenna array.. A $100 trillion atom smasher will surely do the trick..

Uh-huh. Well, let me know when you find the right cave then.

But really, "it and other prehistoric cave paintings", even though I already proved beyond a doubt it was a lie?
This is more important as the evidence adds to that which would destroy evolution. What it shows is that Neanderthals or so-called "prehistoric" humans were advanced in art. That doesn't follow the evolution theory of Neanderthals.
Freedom That Lasts – Independent Baptist Church
Nov 28, 2021 · Want to be Biblically mentored through life’s issues? Independent Baptist Church offers Freedom That Lasts, a Christ-centered, Bible-based discipleship ministry. Come learn how you can win life’s battles through Jesus Christ. The group meets at 406 Boughton Road, Bolingbrook, every Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m
You can't even do acronyms right. FTL (For the Loss) with you lol.

OTOH, it's been FTW (For the Win) with me and my posts versus you and the atheists here, especially in S&T.
Science posits some things we now take for granted. For example, nothing can exist prior to itself.

matter/energy/space/time exist. Where did all this “stuff” come from? Fair question. Tracing it back with observation and science (particularly physics) we seemingly trace it back to the “Big Bang.” But where did the initial super tiny blob of whatever it was come from?

Our reliance on the rules and laws of science breaks down at that point. We call it by another set of names. We call it “quantum” physics and make reference to how the normal scientific laws are suspended at such a point. Basically, we speak of something that is literally outside the bounds of science. It is LITERALLY super-natural. (Not in the sense of the “divine” or “magic” necessarily; just in the sense of requiring explanation that is above and beyond our understanding of scientific “laws”.).

The geniuses who work in the fields of quantum physics and theoretical physics may be able — in a fashion — to explain how absolute nothing led to the infinitesimal “thing” that went “bang” thereby crating all matter/energy and space itself as well as time. But cannot explain the “why” of it all?

What, exactly, perturbed an absolutely empty void where no energy and no matter existed in no space and outside the parameters of time in order to set the Big Bang and all of creation in the cosmos into motion? Why would absolutely nothing lead to something?

(I placed this post in the science section; but I think it might be logically and fairly placed in a religion section, too.)
It is ever existing, whatever was the reason for the big bang. It was before the Bang and it's present even now after billions of years. Matter came into existence after the Bang, but the real question is what forces are behind the creation of all the visible universe. That force was present before the Bang and is still present. The science can never find a way to explain all this. Because that force or energy is beyond the comprehension of our intellect. Science can only talk about what might have happened after the Big Bang but science cannot go beyond.
Science posits some things we now take for granted. For example, nothing can exist prior to itself.

matter/energy/space/time exist. Where did all this “stuff” come from? Fair question. Tracing it back with observation and science (particularly physics) we seemingly trace it back to the “Big Bang.” But where did the initial super tiny blob of whatever it was come from?

Our reliance on the rules and laws of science breaks down at that point. We call it by another set of names. We call it “quantum” physics and make reference to how the normal scientific laws are suspended at such a point. Basically, we speak of something that is literally outside the bounds of science. It is LITERALLY super-natural. (Not in the sense of the “divine” or “magic” necessarily; just in the sense of requiring explanation that is above and beyond our understanding of scientific “laws”.).

The geniuses who work in the fields of quantum physics and theoretical physics may be able — in a fashion — to explain how absolute nothing led to the infinitesimal “thing” that went “bang” thereby crating all matter/energy and space itself as well as time. But cannot explain the “why” of it all?

What, exactly, perturbed an absolutely empty void where no energy and no matter existed in no space and outside the parameters of time in order to set the Big Bang and all of creation in the cosmos into motion? Why would absolutely nothing lead to something?

(I placed this post in the science section; but I think it might be logically and fairly placed in a religion section, too.)
AnkitDS BreezeWood

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