Creationists' theory in detail

It’s difficult to know what case you solved when you offered no facts, evidence or argument to present a case.

It's backed by the scientific method. Rocks get worn down by weathering, chemical, and mechanical processes. These are all natural processes. We also have had many catastrophes where it causes great upheaval. The atheist scientists ignore all of this happening over millions and billions of years and claim the oldest layers are on the bottom and newest are on top. That is impossible with all the processes we see have happened in the history of the world. Your scientists live in fantasy land and atheists believe in the false science of evolution. They have had the wool pulled over their eyes by Satan. How else am I to explain it?

You apparently slept through your Earth Science courses starting in the 7th grade. You continue to make statements asserting 100% certainty with 0% facts. Trying to condense billions of years of planetary history into just a few thousand years of literalist biblical history will result in false claims, bad arguments and nonsensical assumptions.

There is no false science of evolution. There are supported theories, observations and experiment.

Why not provide similar details for your gods? What components of objective reality are explicitly not “encompassed” by science and rationality? There can be no doubt that science today is better able to answer the workings of the natural world than it was a century ago. In this way, science has allowed us to advance in that incremental, stepwise manner closer to a “true” understanding of objective reality. And science makes no other claim or promise.

On the other hand, It’’s actually laughable how the Christian creationist purveyors have revised and re-branded Christian fundamentalism as “creationism”, “intelligent design” and even “intelligent design creationism”. It seems that each time the Christian fundamentalists are given the Bum’s Rush out of the schools and courts in another failed attempt to introduce fundamentalist Christianity into the public school system, they slap a new name on their fundamentalist beliefs.
''god did it''
''it's in the bible ''

that's all folks--that's all they have...
I constantly ask for details and that's what I get
no theory, nothing ...

God created the possibility to make theories. So you are able to make a theory about the creation of the heavens and worlds. Tell me what had happened 15 billion years ago. What are we a able to say about this not existing time - except there was nothing? Absolutelly nothing - no idea what to say else about this not-time, not-space, ... . How was the universe be able to come from this nothing - not existing 15 billion years ago - and started "suddenly" to be in a first plank-time?
How did God start?

What means "start" in this context? Starts the being who/which creates everything? Starts someone or something what/which/who created/creates/will create time and eternity?

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In the final analyse one could postulate all sorts of First Causes. ...

No. A first cause is uncaused. That's why it is a first cause. That's all. You are able to follow in physics the energy of a cause (the voice) and you're able to see the effects of such a cause. But this means not automatically to be able to understand the message. Otherwise a rock musician with some trillion giga electron volts would be always right and the whispering wind would be always wrong.

In the final analyse one could postulate all sorts of Uncauses. The onus is on those who choose that route to prove that their Uncause is truly the One responsible for everything, and why all others are wrong.

Happy now? The sentiment is still the same.

No. The whole universe has a first cause - is physically uncaused, although it is physically existing or is all physical reality at all. Whatelse is uncaused? No one is able to destroy or to create energy.

No. The whole universe has a first cause - is uncaused. Whatelse is uncaused?

the universe is a loop -


the one above would be more dimensional whatever countless shape it may have it has neither a beginning nor an end.
....realistic perception of god????!!!!! there is no god--your whole post there is worthless because you mention god

What's your belief. And one of the main reason for the intolerance of atheists is the problem not to be able to separate the own knowledge and the own belief. Unfortunatelly most atheists today seem to believe not to believe.
belief of what? intolerance?--who is intolerant of what? your post is nonsensical
''seem to believe not to believe'' ---?????

Atheism is a religious belief and atheists often deny that atheism is a religious belief => Atheists often believe not to believe. And because they "know", what they are not able to know, lots of atheists are intolerant. Some organized atheist (for example the Soviets) had by the way another reason to be intolerant against all other forms of religious beliefs. They needed atheists for their mass movements. And they knew very well that all serios religions all over the world have moral laws which exclude ideas like "The end justifies the means." or justify a 'pragmatism' like "Right or wrong, my party.", "Right or wrong, my people.", "Right or wrong, my country." and so on.

.....I have seen many posts in many threads how the CHRISTIANS are not only intolerant, but they are jackasses.......I try to discuss civilly and they start insulting/etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they claim to be christians!!!!!!! must not know the definition of religion..there is no way ''''atheism''' can be a religious belief

..also, calling people atheist is really ridiculous..since there is no god and no one can prove it, it's like making up a word about people who do not believe in unicorns/Santa/tooth fairy/etc .....I do not believe in god because I can't not believe in something that is not there = there is no god

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"

    religious group
    faith community

How human beings describe the world with words is not the problem. Formal structures like human language or human mathematics or human laws and other thoughts, which we use to make declarations, are unimportant. The important thing is what is behind the words - what is the nature of all the things, when we speak about - what is the reality of this all. And the reality is very simple in this case: All human beings are religious - whether we like this or not is not the point. It's for me personally for example absolutelly impossible to believe the universe is a senseless thing - and I guess that's for everyone else impossible too. I doubt about the seriousness of people who say nothing makes sense. Without any doubt the world all around us (including us on our own) has a structure. We are the universe. Everyone of us is universe. And the universe has no outside, so it is not possible to get an objective position. Everyone and each thing is always in the middle of the universe (because it expands from all points into all directions). So why needs everyone a whole universe all around? Very simple: otherwise we could not live and not ask such stupid questions. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, then are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Religion is the rebound in god - or the rebound in spirituality: A Buddhist for example is not an atheist, if he believes not in god. And someone, who never believes in anything, what others say to him, is just simple a poor guy, who has on his own not a real idea. This form of belief has nothing to do with religion. But it is without any doubt a form of religious belief not to believe in god and to formulate a not knowable sentence like "God is not existing". If you had really watched the world, in which you live, with the own open eyes, then you never (or nearly never) heard a Christian say "God exists". We do not reduce god to such a formula. We speak about the belief in god. Someone who says "I believe in god" says he trusts in god. He makes not a philosophical or scientific statement with such a sentence. He speaks about his hopes and his way to live. He speaks about humanity and family, about friends, his community, his country, the society and about good ways and bad ways for human beings, who are not lost in the universe, because everyone is a child of god.

'''atheism'' is not a religion
What's your belief. And one of the main reason for the intolerance of atheists is the problem not to be able to separate the own knowledge and the own belief. Unfortunatelly most atheists today seem to believe not to believe.
belief of what? intolerance?--who is intolerant of what? your post is nonsensical
''seem to believe not to believe'' ---?????

Atheism is a religious belief and atheists often deny that atheism is a religious belief => Atheists often believe not to believe. And because they "know", what they are not able to know, lots of atheists are intolerant. Some organized atheist (for example the Soviets) had by the way another reason to be intolerant against all other forms of religious beliefs. They needed atheists for their mass movements. And they knew very well that all serios religions all over the world have moral laws which exclude ideas like "The end justifies the means." or justify a 'pragmatism' like "Right or wrong, my party.", "Right or wrong, my people.", "Right or wrong, my country." and so on.

.....I have seen many posts in many threads how the CHRISTIANS are not only intolerant, but they are jackasses.......I try to discuss civilly and they start insulting/etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they claim to be christians!!!!!!! must not know the definition of religion..there is no way ''''atheism''' can be a religious belief

..also, calling people atheist is really ridiculous..since there is no god and no one can prove it, it's like making up a word about people who do not believe in unicorns/Santa/tooth fairy/etc .....I do not believe in god because I can't not believe in something that is not there = there is no god

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"

    religious group
    faith community

How human beings describe the world with words is not the problem. Formal structures like human language or human mathematics or human laws and other thoughts, which we use to make declarations, are unimportant. The important thing is what is behind the words - what is the nature of all the things, when we speak about - what is the reality of this all. And the reality is very simple in this case: All human beings are religious - whether we like this or not is not the point. It's for me personally for example absolutelly impossible to believe the universe is a senseless thing - and I guess that's for everyone else impossible too. I doubt about the seriousness of people who say nothing makes sense. Without any doubt the world all around us (including us on our own) has a structure. We are the universe. Everyone of us is universe. And the universe has no outside, so it is not possible to get an objective position. Everyone and each thing is always in the middle of the universe (because it expands from all points into all directions). So why needs everyone a whole universe all around? Very simple: otherwise we could not live and not ask such stupid questions. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, then are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Religion is the rebound in god - or the rebound in spirituality: A Buddhist for example is not an atheist, if he believes not in god. And someone, who never believes in anything, what others say to him, is just simple a poor guy, who has on his own not a real idea. This form of belief has nothing to do with religion. But it is without any doubt a form of religious belief not to believe in god and to formulate a not knowable sentence like "God is not existing". If you had really watched the world, in which you live, with the own open eyes, then you never (or nearly never) heard a Christian say "God exists". We do not reduce god to such a formula. We speak about the belief in god. Someone who says "I believe in god" says he trusts in god. He makes not a philosophical or scientific statement with such a sentence. He speaks about his hopes and his way to live. He speaks about humanity and family, about friends, his community, his country, the society and about good ways and bad ways for human beings, who are not lost in the universe, because everyone is a child of god.

'''atheism'' is not a religion

'''atheism'' is not a religion

you are using the word they coined you objected to - what are you by your own description to imply a non belief in the metaphysical that is somewhat absurd that is not a religion.

what is your physiology, the example of a metaphysical substance not native to planet Earth.
In the final analyse one could postulate all sorts of First Causes. ...

No. A first cause is uncaused. That's why it is a first cause. That's all. You are able to follow in physics the energy of a cause (the voice) and you're able to see the effects of such a cause. But this means not automatically to be able to understand the message. Otherwise a rock musician with some trillion giga electron volts would be always right and the whispering wind would be always wrong.

In the final analyse one could postulate all sorts of Uncauses. The onus is on those who choose that route to prove that their Uncause is truly the One responsible for everything, and why all others are wrong.

Happy now? The sentiment is still the same.

No. The whole universe has a first cause - is physically uncaused, although it is physically existing or is all physical reality at all. Whatelse is uncaused? No one is able to destroy or to create energy.

No. The whole universe has a first cause - is uncaused. Whatelse is uncaused?

the universe is a loop -


the one above would be more dimensional whatever countless shape it may have it has neither a beginning nor an end.

Again: The universe is not a loop. It is flat and entropy grows. Both points are facts. And only because we are able to think everything, what we are able to think, makes nothing true what we think - nor makes it something wrong, what we are not able to think.
The whole universe has a first cause -
Says you.
It's extremly stupid what you said here. You deleted the answer to this anti-question before you wrote it. I had to ask you now why the universe had no begin - but you don't believe the universe had no begin, isn't it? In this case you had to ignore the expansion of the universe. I don't think this makes any sense in the current moment of world history and our knowledge at this moment of history about physics.
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It’s difficult to know what case you solved when you offered no facts, evidence or argument to present a case.

It's backed by the scientific method. Rocks get worn down by weathering, chemical, and mechanical processes. These are all natural processes. We also have had many catastrophes where it causes great upheaval. The atheist scientists ignore all of this happening over millions and billions of years and claim the oldest layers are on the bottom and newest are on top. That is impossible with all the processes we see have happened in the history of the world. Your scientists live in fantasy land and atheists believe in the false science of evolution. They have had the wool pulled over their eyes by Satan. How else am I to explain it?

You apparently slept through your Earth Science courses starting in the 7th grade. You continue to make statements asserting 100% certainty with 0% facts. Trying to condense billions of years of planetary history into just a few thousand years of literalist biblical history will result in false claims, bad arguments and nonsensical assumptions.

There is no false science of evolution. There are supported theories, observations and experiment.

Why not provide similar details for your gods? What components of objective reality are explicitly not “encompassed” by science and rationality? There can be no doubt that science today is better able to answer the workings of the natural world than it was a century ago. In this way, science has allowed us to advance in that incremental, stepwise manner closer to a “true” understanding of objective reality. And science makes no other claim or promise.

On the other hand, It’’s actually laughable how the Christian creationist purveyors have revised and re-branded Christian fundamentalism as “creationism”, “intelligent design” and even “intelligent design creationism”. It seems that each time the Christian fundamentalists are given the Bum’s Rush out of the schools and courts in another failed attempt to introduce fundamentalist Christianity into the public school system, they slap a new name on their fundamentalist beliefs.
....that's exactly the point of the thread--they don't provide a theory of the creation of man/etc at all...they just try to disprove the theory of evolution
What has always fascinated me is that some people of faith will look at the world they believe their creator made and completely ignore what he created and how he created it based on their interpretation of a book copied and recopied for millennia by fallible men.
You mean like Thomas Aquinas?
Not impressed. A fine philosopher but a poor scientist.
Not what I asked. I asked did you mean like Aquinas did?
What's your belief. And one of the main reason for the intolerance of atheists is the problem not to be able to separate the own knowledge and the own belief. Unfortunatelly most atheists today seem to believe not to believe.
belief of what? intolerance?--who is intolerant of what? your post is nonsensical
''seem to believe not to believe'' ---?????

Atheism is a religious belief and atheists often deny that atheism is a religious belief => Atheists often believe not to believe. And because they "know", what they are not able to know, lots of atheists are intolerant. Some organized atheist (for example the Soviets) had by the way another reason to be intolerant against all other forms of religious beliefs. They needed atheists for their mass movements. And they knew very well that all serios religions all over the world have moral laws which exclude ideas like "The end justifies the means." or justify a 'pragmatism' like "Right or wrong, my party.", "Right or wrong, my people.", "Right or wrong, my country." and so on.

.....I have seen many posts in many threads how the CHRISTIANS are not only intolerant, but they are jackasses.......I try to discuss civilly and they start insulting/etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they claim to be christians!!!!!!! must not know the definition of religion..there is no way ''''atheism''' can be a religious belief

..also, calling people atheist is really ridiculous..since there is no god and no one can prove it, it's like making up a word about people who do not believe in unicorns/Santa/tooth fairy/etc .....I do not believe in god because I can't not believe in something that is not there = there is no god

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"

    religious group
    faith community

How human beings describe the world with words is not the problem. Formal structures like human language or human mathematics or human laws and other thoughts, which we use to make declarations, are unimportant. The important thing is what is behind the words - what is the nature of all the things, when we speak about - what is the reality of this all. And the reality is very simple in this case: All human beings are religious - whether we like this or not is not the point. It's for me personally for example absolutelly impossible to believe the universe is a senseless thing - and I guess that's for everyone else impossible too. I doubt about the seriousness of people who say nothing makes sense. Without any doubt the world all around us (including us on our own) has a structure. We are the universe. Everyone of us is universe. And the universe has no outside, so it is not possible to get an objective position. Everyone and each thing is always in the middle of the universe (because it expands from all points into all directions). So why needs everyone a whole universe all around? Very simple: otherwise we could not live and not ask such stupid questions. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, then are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Religion is the rebound in god - or the rebound in spirituality: A Buddhist for example is not an atheist, if he believes not in god. And someone, who never believes in anything, what others say to him, is just simple a poor guy, who has on his own not a real idea. This form of belief has nothing to do with religion. But it is without any doubt a form of religious belief not to believe in god and to formulate a not knowable sentence like "God is not existing". If you had really watched the world, in which you live, with the own open eyes, then you never (or nearly never) heard a Christian say "God exists". We do not reduce god to such a formula. We speak about the belief in god. Someone who says "I believe in god" says he trusts in god. He makes not a philosophical or scientific statement with such a sentence. He speaks about his hopes and his way to live. He speaks about humanity and family, about friends, his community, his country, the society and about good ways and bad ways for human beings, who are not lost in the universe, because everyone is a child of god.

'''atheism'' is not a religion

Do you think the human rights are important? Give me an atheistic (an anti-spiritual) reason for this, what you think in this context.
belief of what? intolerance?--who is intolerant of what? your post is nonsensical
''seem to believe not to believe'' ---?????

Atheism is a religious belief and atheists often deny that atheism is a religious belief => Atheists often believe not to believe. And because they "know", what they are not able to know, lots of atheists are intolerant. Some organized atheist (for example the Soviets) had by the way another reason to be intolerant against all other forms of religious beliefs. They needed atheists for their mass movements. And they knew very well that all serios religions all over the world have moral laws which exclude ideas like "The end justifies the means." or justify a 'pragmatism' like "Right or wrong, my party.", "Right or wrong, my people.", "Right or wrong, my country." and so on.

.....I have seen many posts in many threads how the CHRISTIANS are not only intolerant, but they are jackasses.......I try to discuss civilly and they start insulting/etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they claim to be christians!!!!!!! must not know the definition of religion..there is no way ''''atheism''' can be a religious belief

..also, calling people atheist is really ridiculous..since there is no god and no one can prove it, it's like making up a word about people who do not believe in unicorns/Santa/tooth fairy/etc .....I do not believe in god because I can't not believe in something that is not there = there is no god

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"

    religious group
    faith community

How human beings describe the world with words is not the problem. Formal structures like human language or human mathematics or human laws and other thoughts, which we use to make declarations, are unimportant. The important thing is what is behind the words - what is the nature of all the things, when we speak about - what is the reality of this all. And the reality is very simple in this case: All human beings are religious - whether we like this or not is not the point. It's for me personally for example absolutelly impossible to believe the universe is a senseless thing - and I guess that's for everyone else impossible too. I doubt about the seriousness of people who say nothing makes sense. Without any doubt the world all around us (including us on our own) has a structure. We are the universe. Everyone of us is universe. And the universe has no outside, so it is not possible to get an objective position. Everyone and each thing is always in the middle of the universe (because it expands from all points into all directions). So why needs everyone a whole universe all around? Very simple: otherwise we could not live and not ask such stupid questions. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, then are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Religion is the rebound in god - or the rebound in spirituality: A Buddhist for example is not an atheist, if he believes not in god. And someone, who never believes in anything, what others say to him, is just simple a poor guy, who has on his own not a real idea. This form of belief has nothing to do with religion. But it is without any doubt a form of religious belief not to believe in god and to formulate a not knowable sentence like "God is not existing". If you had really watched the world, in which you live, with the own open eyes, then you never (or nearly never) heard a Christian say "God exists". We do not reduce god to such a formula. We speak about the belief in god. Someone who says "I believe in god" says he trusts in god. He makes not a philosophical or scientific statement with such a sentence. He speaks about his hopes and his way to live. He speaks about humanity and family, about friends, his community, his country, the society and about good ways and bad ways for human beings, who are not lost in the universe, because everyone is a child of god.

'''atheism'' is not a religion

Do you think the human rights are important? Give me an atheistic (an anti-spiritual) reason for this, what you think in this context.

human rights??? how does that get into the discussion?
youre assuming that the rock layers are an accurate depiction of how life evolved on the planet,,,
which brings us back to is evolution even true,,,

thats called circular reasoning and fails as a fact based scientific practice,,
Incorrect. The fossils found in rock layers are an accurate reflection of what was living at the time the layers were deposited. If those fossils and their timing don't fit into the theory of evolution, the theory would be falsified, not the data. So far, of the trillions of fossils we have found, everyone fits neatly into the ToE. No circular reasoning.

(Sorry for the delay in replying but, for reasons unknown, I had you on ignore.)

that might be true if the geo column existed anywhere other than on the pages of a book
You're obviously not a geologist or someone who lives in an area of road cuts. Drive through western Virginia and every road cut will let you see a series of rock layers. No book required, you can see them for yourself.

Your millions of years theory is worthless. It's convenient of you to start with what we have in place and no discussion of how it got there.

Anyway, how did these mountains occur? How do you explain those bent rocks?

Moreover, you ignore the seafloor and sedimentary particles. How are these related? Your geology is worthless.
You need to read more carefully, I gave an admittedly brief description of what geologists have learned about the history of these layers:
They were laid down as sediments in shallow seas and buried deeply enough to be fused into rock. Then they crashed into Africa and the seas dried up as the land rose. It continued to rise as the layers got folded into anticlines and, like the layers in the photo, synclines. Eventually mountains arose and were eroded once they stopped rising. Then North America and Africa split apart and the Atlantic grew, about as fast as your fingernails grow. That process alone took 60 or so million years. Add in the time for deposition and mountain building and the accepted date for these rocks, 300 million years, starts to make sense.
Atheism is a religious belief and atheists often deny that atheism is a religious belief => Atheists often believe not to believe. And because they "know", what they are not able to know, lots of atheists are intolerant. Some organized atheist (for example the Soviets) had by the way another reason to be intolerant against all other forms of religious beliefs. They needed atheists for their mass movements. And they knew very well that all serios religions all over the world have moral laws which exclude ideas like "The end justifies the means." or justify a 'pragmatism' like "Right or wrong, my party.", "Right or wrong, my people.", "Right or wrong, my country." and so on.

.....I have seen many posts in many threads how the CHRISTIANS are not only intolerant, but they are jackasses.......I try to discuss civilly and they start insulting/etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they claim to be christians!!!!!!! must not know the definition of religion..there is no way ''''atheism''' can be a religious belief

..also, calling people atheist is really ridiculous..since there is no god and no one can prove it, it's like making up a word about people who do not believe in unicorns/Santa/tooth fairy/etc .....I do not believe in god because I can't not believe in something that is not there = there is no god

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"

    religious group
    faith community

How human beings describe the world with words is not the problem. Formal structures like human language or human mathematics or human laws and other thoughts, which we use to make declarations, are unimportant. The important thing is what is behind the words - what is the nature of all the things, when we speak about - what is the reality of this all. And the reality is very simple in this case: All human beings are religious - whether we like this or not is not the point. It's for me personally for example absolutelly impossible to believe the universe is a senseless thing - and I guess that's for everyone else impossible too. I doubt about the seriousness of people who say nothing makes sense. Without any doubt the world all around us (including us on our own) has a structure. We are the universe. Everyone of us is universe. And the universe has no outside, so it is not possible to get an objective position. Everyone and each thing is always in the middle of the universe (because it expands from all points into all directions). So why needs everyone a whole universe all around? Very simple: otherwise we could not live and not ask such stupid questions. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, then are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Religion is the rebound in god - or the rebound in spirituality: A Buddhist for example is not an atheist, if he believes not in god. And someone, who never believes in anything, what others say to him, is just simple a poor guy, who has on his own not a real idea. This form of belief has nothing to do with religion. But it is without any doubt a form of religious belief not to believe in god and to formulate a not knowable sentence like "God is not existing". If you had really watched the world, in which you live, with the own open eyes, then you never (or nearly never) heard a Christian say "God exists". We do not reduce god to such a formula. We speak about the belief in god. Someone who says "I believe in god" says he trusts in god. He makes not a philosophical or scientific statement with such a sentence. He speaks about his hopes and his way to live. He speaks about humanity and family, about friends, his community, his country, the society and about good ways and bad ways for human beings, who are not lost in the universe, because everyone is a child of god.

'''atheism'' is not a religion

Do you think the human rights are important? Give me an atheistic (an anti-spiritual) reason for this, what you think in this context.

human rights??? how does that get into the discussion?

Think about. I say: God created the natural human rights. That's a detail in "Creationist's theory". I'm by the way not a Creationist. I do not even know what this could be. An idea of Atheists about Christians, I guess.

I'm very worried for example about your vice president Mr. Pence. To have to fight against a virus and not to "believe" in evolution (=not to know basics of natural science, biology and medicine) worries me. That's a motivation for me to write some lines to this theme here.

Last edited:
.....I have seen many posts in many threads how the CHRISTIANS are not only intolerant, but they are jackasses.......I try to discuss civilly and they start insulting/etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they claim to be christians!!!!!!! must not know the definition of religion..there is no way ''''atheism''' can be a religious belief

..also, calling people atheist is really ridiculous..since there is no god and no one can prove it, it's like making up a word about people who do not believe in unicorns/Santa/tooth fairy/etc .....I do not believe in god because I can't not believe in something that is not there = there is no god

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"

    religious group
    faith community

How human beings describe the world with words is not the problem. Formal structures like human language or human mathematics or human laws and other thoughts, which we use to make declarations, are unimportant. The important thing is what is behind the words - what is the nature of all the things, when we speak about - what is the reality of this all. And the reality is very simple in this case: All human beings are religious - whether we like this or not is not the point. It's for me personally for example absolutelly impossible to believe the universe is a senseless thing - and I guess that's for everyone else impossible too. I doubt about the seriousness of people who say nothing makes sense. Without any doubt the world all around us (including us on our own) has a structure. We are the universe. Everyone of us is universe. And the universe has no outside, so it is not possible to get an objective position. Everyone and each thing is always in the middle of the universe (because it expands from all points into all directions). So why needs everyone a whole universe all around? Very simple: otherwise we could not live and not ask such stupid questions. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, then are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Religion is the rebound in god - or the rebound in spirituality: A Buddhist for example is not an atheist, if he believes not in god. And someone, who never believes in anything, what others say to him, is just simple a poor guy, who has on his own not a real idea. This form of belief has nothing to do with religion. But it is without any doubt a form of religious belief not to believe in god and to formulate a not knowable sentence like "God is not existing". If you had really watched the world, in which you live, with the own open eyes, then you never (or nearly never) heard a Christian say "God exists". We do not reduce god to such a formula. We speak about the belief in god. Someone who says "I believe in god" says he trusts in god. He makes not a philosophical or scientific statement with such a sentence. He speaks about his hopes and his way to live. He speaks about humanity and family, about friends, his community, his country, the society and about good ways and bad ways for human beings, who are not lost in the universe, because everyone is a child of god.

'''atheism'' is not a religion

Do you think the human rights are important? Give me an atheistic (an anti-spiritual) reason for this, what you think in this context.

human rights??? how does that get into the discussion?

Think about. I say: God created the natural human rights.

.....I have seen many posts in many threads how the CHRISTIANS are not only intolerant, but they are jackasses.......I try to discuss civilly and they start insulting/etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they claim to be christians!!!!!!! must not know the definition of religion..there is no way ''''atheism''' can be a religious belief

..also, calling people atheist is really ridiculous..since there is no god and no one can prove it, it's like making up a word about people who do not believe in unicorns/Santa/tooth fairy/etc .....I do not believe in god because I can't not believe in something that is not there = there is no god

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"

    religious group
    faith community

How human beings describe the world with words is not the problem. Formal structures like human language or human mathematics or human laws and other thoughts, which we use to make declarations, are unimportant. The important thing is what is behind the words - what is the nature of all the things, when we speak about - what is the reality of this all. And the reality is very simple in this case: All human beings are religious - whether we like this or not is not the point. It's for me personally for example absolutelly impossible to believe the universe is a senseless thing - and I guess that's for everyone else impossible too. I doubt about the seriousness of people who say nothing makes sense. Without any doubt the world all around us (including us on our own) has a structure. We are the universe. Everyone of us is universe. And the universe has no outside, so it is not possible to get an objective position. Everyone and each thing is always in the middle of the universe (because it expands from all points into all directions). So why needs everyone a whole universe all around? Very simple: otherwise we could not live and not ask such stupid questions. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, then are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Religion is the rebound in god - or the rebound in spirituality: A Buddhist for example is not an atheist, if he believes not in god. And someone, who never believes in anything, what others say to him, is just simple a poor guy, who has on his own not a real idea. This form of belief has nothing to do with religion. But it is without any doubt a form of religious belief not to believe in god and to formulate a not knowable sentence like "God is not existing". If you had really watched the world, in which you live, with the own open eyes, then you never (or nearly never) heard a Christian say "God exists". We do not reduce god to such a formula. We speak about the belief in god. Someone who says "I believe in god" says he trusts in god. He makes not a philosophical or scientific statement with such a sentence. He speaks about his hopes and his way to live. He speaks about humanity and family, about friends, his community, his country, the society and about good ways and bad ways for human beings, who are not lost in the universe, because everyone is a child of god.

'''atheism'' is not a religion

Do you think the human rights are important? Give me an atheistic (an anti-spiritual) reason for this, what you think in this context.

human rights??? how does that get into the discussion?

Think about. I say: God created the natural human rights. added to the post--it doesn't show up in your original
there is no god, so that doesn't make sense/fake/etc
What has always fascinated me is that some people of faith will look at the world they believe their creator made and completely ignore what he created and how he created it based on their interpretation of a book copied and recopied for millennia by fallible men.
You mean like Thomas Aquinas?
Not impressed. A fine philosopher but a poor scientist.
Not what I asked. I asked did you mean like Aquinas did?
I'm no Aquinas authority but it seems he makes the same error as all non-scientists. He has faith in the truth of the Bible and uses his reason to validate it. Ideally he should start with the world around him and work backwards from that. I'd wager every non-scientist who has ever tried has come up with a unique answer. In other words, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy, unless you know the Bible you could never discern God.

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