Creationists' theory in detail

''god did it''
''it's in the bible ''

that's all folks--that's all they have...
I constantly ask for details and that's what I get
no theory, nothing ...

God created the possibility to make theories. So you are able to make a theory about the creation of the heavens and worlds. Tell me what had happened 15 billion years ago. What are we a able to say about this not existing time - except there was nothing? Absolutelly nothing - no idea what to say else about this not-time, not-space, ... . How was the universe be able to come from this nothing - not existing 15 billion years ago - and started "suddenly" to be in a first plank-time?
How did God start?
"Planck" time has nothing to do with god's creation because it started after the big bang.
He caused the big bang.

And then he doesn't care anymore...

So where did he come from?
Your perception of God is wrong, because it's not a being that cares for us.

I personally think that "god" is the physics of the universe. But it's not something to believe in, and definitely not kill for.
:laugh:. There was no big bang. Just like there was no abiogenesis. Atheists believe anything without proof or evidence except God.

They also believe in millions and billions of years old Earth. Rocks do not survive that long. We see suns, planets, galaxies, and more crashing into each other and speeding away from us so we never see them again. It should be common sense that we're not millions and billions of years old.
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And you believe in a six thousand year old earth. 'nuff said...
Bring on the bruiser... I am Spartacus!

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And you believe in a six thousand year old earth. 'nuff said...

It's common sense and observation. We know rocks crack and crumble in time due to weathering, chemical, and mechanical processes. Even with synthetic rock, cement, we see our concrete driveways crack and chip in years time. Thus, the fossil record nor the sedimentary rock layers can't be that old. Especially, if we have soft tissue inside them like dinosaur fossils. It's common sense, but those who claim long time Earth has gone bonkers.

The Earth is suppose to be billions of years old based on a meteor. That would've have experienced collisions in space. You even have a hypothesis of the Earth being hit by a large asteroid and destroying it in no time. If that's common sense and astrophysics, then we couldn't have millions and billions of years Earth.
And you believe in a six thousand year old earth. 'nuff said...

It's common sense and observation. We know rocks crack and crumble in time due to weathering, chemical, and mechanical processes. Even with synthetic rock, cement, we see our concrete driveways crack and chip in years time. Thus, the fossil record nor the sedimentary rock layers can't be that old. Especially, if we have soft tissue inside them like dinosaur fossils. It's common sense, but those who claim long time Earth has gone bonkers.

The Earth is suppose to be billions of years old based on a meteor. That would've have experienced collisions in space. You even have a hypothesis of the Earth being hit by a large asteroid and destroying it in no time. If that's common sense and astrophysics, then we couldn't have millions and billions of years Earth.

stfu bond, you said you wouldn't post anymore, but you're back. And still saying the same bullshit that you always did. You didn't learn anything during your hiatus?

Tell me what you learned?
''god did it''
''it's in the bible ''

that's all folks--that's all they have...
I constantly ask for details and that's what I get
no theory, nothing ...

God created the possibility to make theories. So you are able to make a theory about the creation of the heavens and worlds. Tell me what had happened 15 billion years ago. What are we a able to say about this not existing time - except there was nothing? Absolutelly nothing - no idea what to say else about this not-time, not-space, ... . How was the universe be able to come from this nothing - not existing 15 billion years ago - and started "suddenly" to be in a first plank-time?
....let's zero in on the creation of man--if you don't believe in evolution,

I never understood the very strange anglo-american discussion "evolution vs creation". It seems to be a kind of alibi discussion for something else what goes wrong in your society. The "Christians", who discuss this, seem not to have a big idea about the Christian religion - and the believers in science, who discuss this, seem not to have a big idea about natural science.

you must believe a fully formed human just appeared..and that's much more unbelievabe than evolution

Is it? The magician "evolution", a "god" without intention, swang his wand and made out of a titanic dinosaurus a little collibri in only some seconds ... ah sorry: some millions of years. And you understand how and why this had happened? Really? Was you able to imagine 500 million years ago how and what a dinosaurus is and what a collibri or a butterfly is? Really? Do you know what a grpft is and why chicken will evolve to become grpfts?

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And you believe in a six thousand year old earth. 'nuff said...

It's common sense and observation. We know rocks crack and crumble in time due to weathering, chemical, and mechanical processes. Even with synthetic rock, cement, we see our concrete driveways crack and chip in years time. Thus, the fossil record nor the sedimentary rock layers can't be that old. Especially, if we have soft tissue inside them like dinosaur fossils. It's common sense, but those who claim long time Earth has gone bonkers.

The Earth is suppose to be billions of years old based on a meteor. That would've have experienced collisions in space. You even have a hypothesis of the Earth being hit by a large asteroid and destroying it in no time. If that's common sense and astrophysics, then we couldn't have millions and billions of years Earth.
No, you're absolutely wrong. period, full stop. Wow....
Your butt buddy can't spell things right, and you believe in a 6000 year old universe...

And I'm supposed to trust that you're right?!?
youre assuming that the rock layers are an accurate depiction of how life evolved on the planet,,,
which brings us back to is evolution even true,,,

thats called circular reasoning and fails as a fact based scientific practice,,
Incorrect. The fossils found in rock layers are an accurate reflection of what was living at the time the layers were deposited. If those fossils and their timing don't fit into the theory of evolution, the theory would be falsified, not the data. So far, of the trillions of fossils we have found, everyone fits neatly into the ToE. No circular reasoning.

(Sorry for the delay in replying but, for reasons unknown, I had you on ignore.)
....realistic perception of god????!!!!! there is no god--your whole post there is worthless because you mention god

What's your belief. And one of the main reason for the intolerance of atheists is the problem not to be able to separate the own knowledge and the own belief. Unfortunatelly most atheists today seem to believe not to believe.
belief of what? intolerance?--who is intolerant of what? your post is nonsensical
''seem to believe not to believe'' ---?????

Atheism is a religious belief and atheists often deny that atheism is a religious belief => Atheists often believe not to believe. And because they "know", what they are not able to know, lots of atheists are intolerant. Some organized atheist (for example the Soviets) had by the way another reason to be intolerant against all other forms of religious beliefs. They needed atheists for their mass movements. And they knew very well that all serios religions all over the world have moral laws which exclude ideas like "The end justifies the means." or justify a 'pragmatism' like "Right or wrong, my party.", "Right or wrong, my people.", "Right or wrong, my country." and so on.

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....realistic perception of god????!!!!! there is no god--your whole post there is worthless because you mention god

What's your belief. And one of the main reason for the intolerance of atheists is the problem not to be able to separate the own knowledge and the own belief. Unfortunatelly most atheists today seem to believe not to believe.
belief of what? intolerance?--who is intolerant of what? your post is nonsensical
''seem to believe not to believe'' ---?????

Atheism is a religious belief and atheists often deny that atheism is a religious belief => Atheists often believe not to believe. And because they "know", what they are not able to know, lots of atheists are intolerant. Some organized atheist (for example the Soviets) had by the way another reason to be intolerant against all other forms of religious beliefs. They needed atheists for their mass movements. And they knew very well that all serios religions all over the world have moral laws which exclude ideas like "The end justifies the means." or justify a 'pragmatism' like "Right or wrong, my party.", "Right or wrong, my people.", "Right or wrong, my country." and so on.

.....I have seen many posts in many threads how the CHRISTIANS are not only intolerant, but they are jackasses.......I try to discuss civilly and they start insulting/etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they claim to be christians!!!!!!! must not know the definition of religion..there is no way ''''atheism''' can be a religious belief

..also, calling people atheist is really ridiculous..since there is no god and no one can prove it, it's like making up a word about people who do not believe in unicorns/Santa/tooth fairy/etc .....I do not believe in god because I can't not believe in something that is not there = there is no god

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"

    religious group
    faith community

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