Creationists' theory in detail

Well actually, natural mechanisms are what we know and actually do account for the existence of everything we know.

What magical / supernatural mechanisms can you identify which account for any element of anything we know?

Hogwash! There is no universal we know or believe in your metaphysical presupposition of materialism and/or naturalism. You don't even grasp the ramifications of what you're saying. As another suggested, folks like you don't even grasp the fact that you're confounding metaphysics--your religion!--with science . . . even worse, as if science itself were the beginning and end of knowledge.

Metaphysics necessarily precedes and has primacy over science! Your babble about how natural mechanisms account for the existence of the material realm of being is meaningless baby talk Either the material realm of being is all that exists or it's not, and as you know, ding,. I and others have forcefully shown that everything we know from mathematically, scientifically viable physics and cosmology, the material realm of being necessarily began to exist in the finite past, and logic dictates that existence cannot arise from nonexistence, indeed, that nonexistence is an absurdity.

Something has existed from eternity, and that thing, speaking generically, is of an immaterial substance, the substance of Mind.
Actually, I’m afraid your usual pontificating is, as usual, pointless. Fear and superstition borne of ignorance necessarily precedes enlightenment. It’s certainly your right to embrace fear and superstition but I would instead opt for science as a means to an end primarily because as a member of the natural universe, we can assess natural realities as empirically supported.

You have only forcefully shown an ignorance and revulsion for knowledge and learning with appeals to magic and supernaturalism as an explanation for existence and life on the planet.

While reason and rationality have not answered every question, (in science and nature alike), these questions do not then leap out of the physical and into the metaphysical / supernatural at any point. Even in analogies where nature doesn't behave quite like we expected it to (quantum mechanics for instance), that doesn’t provide a reason to hold our snakes in the air and screech out “the gawds did it”.

I always find it comical that the religious extremists will pontificate about existence not arising from non existence yet they excuse their various gods from the very standard they insist must be applied to others.

“But, but... gawds are excused from......”
While reason and rationality have not answered every question, (in science and nature alike), these questions do not then leap out of the physical and into the metaphysical / supernatural at any point.

you have gone to far in your denial of the supernatural, the metaphysical forces of the universe are responsible for life and life is supernatural - the denial by the religious zealots in support of their stagnate literature is the true culprit even for your own denial of the mystery of life that may be forever a fleeting rationalization.
Wow. A bunch of David Koresh, Jim Jones, Jimmy Swaggert wannabes. Add some rural Oklahoma snake handlers and we’d have a party. Somebody tell Jimmy to pull his pants up, please.

Wow . . . a stream of baby talk that doesn't even begin to address the profundancy of my observations.

Wow. Your usual sidestepping and skedaddle when your specious opinions are refuted. That’s a typical pattern of behavior for religious extremists who offer nothing more than a few cut and paste bible verses and expect others to take them seriously.
Well actually, natural mechanisms are what we know and actually do account for the existence of everything we know.

What magical / supernatural mechanisms can you identify which account for any element of anything we know?

Hogwash! There is no universal we know or believe in your metaphysical presupposition of materialism and/or naturalism. You don't even grasp the ramifications of what you're saying. As another suggested, folks like you don't even grasp the fact that you're confounding metaphysics--your religion!--with science . . . even worse, as if science itself were the beginning and end of knowledge.

Metaphysics necessarily precedes and has primacy over science! Your babble about how natural mechanisms account for the existence of the material realm of being is meaningless baby talk Either the material realm of being is all that exists or it's not, and as you know, ding,. I and others have forcefully shown that everything we know from mathematically, scientifically viable physics and cosmology, the material realm of being necessarily began to exist in the finite past, and logic dictates that existence cannot arise from nonexistence, indeed, that nonexistence is an absurdity.

Something has existed from eternity, and that thing, speaking generically, is of an immaterial substance, the substance of Mind.
Actually, I’m afraid your usual pontificating is, as usual, pointless. Fear and superstition borne of ignorance necessarily precedes enlightenment. It’s certainly your right to embrace fear and superstition but I would instead opt for science as a means to an end primarily because as a member of the natural universe, we can assess natural realities as empirically supported.

You have only forcefully shown an ignorance and revulsion for knowledge and learning with appeals to magic and supernaturalism as an explanation for existence and life on the planet.

While reason and rationality have not answered every question, (in science and nature alike), these questions do not then leap out of the physical and into the metaphysical / supernatural at any point. Even in analogies where nature doesn't behave quite like we expected it to (quantum mechanics for instance), that doesn’t provide a reason to hold our snakes in the air and screech out “the gawds did it”.

I always find it comical that the religious extremists will pontificate about existence not arising from non existence yet they excuse their various gods from the very standard they insist must be applied to others.

“But, but... gawds are excused from......”
While reason and rationality have not answered every question, (in science and nature alike), these questions do not then leap out of the physical and into the metaphysical / supernatural at any point.

you have gone to far in your denial of the supernatural, the metaphysical forces of the universe are responsible for life and life is supernatural - the denial by the religious zealots in support of their stagnate literature is the true culprit even for your own denial of the mystery of life that may be forever a fleeting rationalization.
How does one go “too far” in their rejection of the supernatural? Please identify a single, verifiable supernatural event.

OK the universe was created from nothing. I'm just no longer sure I know what 'nothing' means.

Exactly. What is a nothing, when nothing is inside - not even a nothing? And for believers in god exist interesting questions too: How is it possible that god is always part of every nothing too? And why are people desperated, who don't see him, when he is definetelly always in front of their eyes, also when they don't see him? And was he "existing" - whatever existing means - when he had created the heavens and the worlds? Why is it for so many people important whether god is existing or not existing? Makes this a difference for god?

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Well actually, natural mechanisms are what we know and actually do account for the existence of everything we know.

What magical / supernatural mechanisms can you identify which account for any element of anything we know?

Hogwash! There is no universal we know or believe in your metaphysical presupposition of materialism and/or naturalism. You don't even grasp the ramifications of what you're saying. As another suggested, folks like you don't even grasp the fact that you're confounding metaphysics--your religion!--with science . . . even worse, as if science itself were the beginning and end of knowledge.

Metaphysics necessarily precedes and has primacy over science! Your babble about how natural mechanisms account for the existence of the material realm of being is meaningless baby talk Either the material realm of being is all that exists or it's not, and as you know, ding,. I and others have forcefully shown that everything we know from mathematically, scientifically viable physics and cosmology, the material realm of being necessarily began to exist in the finite past, and logic dictates that existence cannot arise from nonexistence, indeed, that nonexistence is an absurdity.

Something has existed from eternity, and that thing, speaking generically, is of an immaterial substance, the substance of Mind.
Actually, I’m afraid your usual pontificating is, as usual, pointless. Fear and superstition borne of ignorance necessarily precedes enlightenment. It’s certainly your right to embrace fear and superstition but I would instead opt for science as a means to an end primarily because as a member of the natural universe, we can assess natural realities as empirically supported.

You have only forcefully shown an ignorance and revulsion for knowledge and learning with appeals to magic and supernaturalism as an explanation for existence and life on the planet.

While reason and rationality have not answered every question, (in science and nature alike), these questions do not then leap out of the physical and into the metaphysical / supernatural at any point. Even in analogies where nature doesn't behave quite like we expected it to (quantum mechanics for instance), that doesn’t provide a reason to hold our snakes in the air and screech out “the gawds did it”.

I always find it comical that the religious extremists will pontificate about existence not arising from non existence yet they excuse their various gods from the very standard they insist must be applied to others.

“But, but... gawds are excused from......”
While reason and rationality have not answered every question, (in science and nature alike), these questions do not then leap out of the physical and into the metaphysical / supernatural at any point.

you have gone to far in your denial of the supernatural, the metaphysical forces of the universe are responsible for life and life is supernatural - the denial by the religious zealots in support of their stagnate literature is the true culprit even for your own denial of the mystery of life that may be forever a fleeting rationalization.
How does one go “too far” in their rejection of the supernatural? Please identify a single, verifiable supernatural event.
How does one go “too far” in their rejection of the supernatural? Please identify a single, verifiable supernatural event.

I'll try this one more time - physiology is a physical, supernatural substance that disappears when its metaphysical spiritual content is removed.

the key to persistence is to free the spiritual content from the confines of its physiology to be rejoined to the Everlasting from whence it came - that is done by the individual themselves as prescribed through the triumph of good vs evil.
Well actually, natural mechanisms are what we know and actually do account for the existence of everything we know.

What magical / supernatural mechanisms can you identify which account for any element of anything we know?

Hogwash! There is no universal we know or believe in your metaphysical presupposition of materialism and/or naturalism. You don't even grasp the ramifications of what you're saying. As another suggested, folks like you don't even grasp the fact that you're confounding metaphysics--your religion!--with science . . . even worse, as if science itself were the beginning and end of knowledge.

Metaphysics necessarily precedes and has primacy over science! Your babble about how natural mechanisms account for the existence of the material realm of being is meaningless baby talk Either the material realm of being is all that exists or it's not, and as you know, ding,. I and others have forcefully shown that everything we know from mathematically, scientifically viable physics and cosmology, the material realm of being necessarily began to exist in the finite past, and logic dictates that existence cannot arise from nonexistence, indeed, that nonexistence is an absurdity.

Something has existed from eternity, and that thing, speaking generically, is of an immaterial substance, the substance of Mind.
Actually, I’m afraid your usual pontificating is, as usual, pointless. Fear and superstition borne of ignorance necessarily precedes enlightenment. It’s certainly your right to embrace fear and superstition but I would instead opt for science as a means to an end primarily because as a member of the natural universe, we can assess natural realities as empirically supported.

You have only forcefully shown an ignorance and revulsion for knowledge and learning with appeals to magic and supernaturalism as an explanation for existence and life on the planet.

While reason and rationality have not answered every question, (in science and nature alike), these questions do not then leap out of the physical and into the metaphysical / supernatural at any point. Even in analogies where nature doesn't behave quite like we expected it to (quantum mechanics for instance), that doesn’t provide a reason to hold our snakes in the air and screech out “the gawds did it”.

I always find it comical that the religious extremists will pontificate about existence not arising from non existence yet they excuse their various gods from the very standard they insist must be applied to others.

“But, but... gawds are excused from......”
While reason and rationality have not answered every question, (in science and nature alike), these questions do not then leap out of the physical and into the metaphysical / supernatural at any point.

you have gone to far in your denial of the supernatural, the metaphysical forces of the universe are responsible for life and life is supernatural - the denial by the religious zealots in support of their stagnate literature is the true culprit even for your own denial of the mystery of life that may be forever a fleeting rationalization.
How does one go “too far” in their rejection of the supernatural? Please identify a single, verifiable supernatural event.
How does one go “too far” in their rejection of the supernatural? Please identify a single, verifiable supernatural event.

I'll try this one more time - physiology is a physical, supernatural substance that disappears when its metaphysical spiritual content is removed.

the key to persistence is to free the spiritual content from the confines of its physiology to be rejoined to the Everlasting from whence it came - that is done by the individual themselves as prescribed through the triumph of good vs evil.

You can try: “physiology is a physical, supernatural substance that disappears when its metaphysical spiritual content is removed.” as many times as you want.

Nothing in your appeals to supernaturalism crosses over into the rational. It’s just silly in that supernaturalism is unverifiable so you can assign any “.... because I say so”, claim.
So going back to the two possibilities; spirit creating the material world versus everything proceeding from the material, the key distinction is no thing versus thing. So if we assume that everything I have described to you was just an accidental coincidence of the properties of matter, the logical conclusion is that matter and energy are just doing what matter and energy do which makes sense. The problem is that for matter and energy to do what matter and energy do, there has to be rules in place for matter and energy to obey. The formation of space and time followed rules. Specifically the law of conservation and quantum mechanics. These laws existed before space and time and defined the potential of everything which was possible. These laws are no thing. So we literally have an example of no thing existing before the material world. The creation of space and time from nothing is literally correct. Space and time were created from no thing. Spirit is no thing. No thing created space and time.
I seems to me you've fallen into a semantic pit and made some rash assumptions. You assume "These laws existed before space and time" so there must have been an intelligence planning creation. I don't agree.

1 + 1 = 2 To me, that is a universal truth in any language, on any planet, in any universe.

No so in the "mathematics of nodes" for example. If you make a node in a rope - and in another rope also a node and you connect this two ropes by knoting them together and you count the nodes then you will find out 1+1=3. And this is true. Without knowing a real context it's diffcult to say something what always will be true under all circumstances. I love the German language for example because it has 50% exceptions from the rules. That's life.

And if you take a look into an universe, where no edges and no roundings exist ... what do you see there?

Even animals can grasp the concept. Did someone or something have to create this property of numbers or is it an intrinsic property? No, once you have created a number you have created this property. Poor as this analogy is it illustrates my view on creation. The creation of space-time, created the laws that space-time is governed by.

Take some spacetime and energy and it will cause the declaration of independence?

Here's another poor analogy. Imagine I was able to create a computer system where individual programs, each with slightly different properties, competed against each other to perform a task. At the end of each run then I copied the best performing programs and removed the worst competitors and reran the system. Under my selective pressure the programs would 'evolve' and become more and more efficient. I don't have to create the laws of evolution in my computer program, they are a by-product of the system.

Your problem is that no one is able to make such a program. A computer is a universal machine, which is able to solve all problems, which are solvable with machines - but it is not a living entity. Machines don't evolve. The idea of a mechanical man is very old - one version is Mr. Data in starship Enterprise - but never anyone was able to make such a machine. Also the so called "artificial intelligence" is unbelievable stupid and has not really something to do with the expression "intelligent".
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what does it tell us about God? That God is beyond energy and matter, that God is no thing, that the best we say about the nature of God is that God is more like consciousness without form, that God is love, that God is truth, that God is existence and the material world is a contingent reality.
Your God is what you wish him to be. You have any evidence of consciousness or love or 'truth'? Neither Google nor I know what a 'contingent reality' is.
The reality is that it is you who wished there to be no God. I have evidence and reason for my beliefs. God isn't what I want God to be. God is. I just used reason to discover him.

The only argument you have for your belief is when you were 12 years old you noticed that there was more than one religion so you concluded there could be no God which is the preposterous argument of a child.

So tell me, who has more evidence and reasoning behind their beliefs? You or me?
Sorry but I stand behind my 12-year-old logic but your are misapplying it. It refers only to the God of the Bible and what I was told about Him:
  • Why would one God have many conflicting messages?
  • God will eventually judge us yet every religion has different rules for what is acceptable, which do we follow?
  • Many people lived and died before Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, how can they be judged?
  • Many babies and children die, how can they be judged?

Take it more easy. Human beings need justice - we are not able to live without justice. This is the result of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which threw us out of the paradise into a world without real justice. Here we have to fight for justice - but in heaven god will take care for justice. So don't be worried, as long as you live in harmony with your spiritual heart. Your heart knows what's good to do and what's bad or evil to do - as long as you don't believe in the lies of others and or the own wrongness. Take care and do the best what you are able to do. The rest is the job of god. Trust in him.

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33 pages in this thread and still no General Theory of Supernatural Creation.

But, that’s like every other thread claiming proof of the gods and supernatural mechanisms.

Are you sure?

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Well actually, natural mechanisms are what we know and actually do account for the existence of everything we know.

What magical / supernatural mechanisms can you identify which account for any element of anything we know?

Hogwash! There is no universal we know or believe in your metaphysical presupposition of materialism and/or naturalism. You don't even grasp the ramifications of what you're saying. As another suggested, folks like you don't even grasp the fact that you're confounding metaphysics--your religion!--with science . . . even worse, as if science itself were the beginning and end of knowledge.

Metaphysics necessarily precedes and has primacy over science! Your babble about how natural mechanisms account for the existence of the material realm of being is meaningless baby talk Either the material realm of being is all that exists or it's not, and as you know, ding,. I and others have forcefully shown that everything we know from mathematically, scientifically viable physics and cosmology, the material realm of being necessarily began to exist in the finite past, and logic dictates that existence cannot arise from nonexistence, indeed, that nonexistence is an absurdity.

Something has existed from eternity, and that thing, speaking generically, is of an immaterial substance, the substance of Mind.
Actually, I’m afraid your usual pontificating is, as usual, pointless. Fear and superstition borne of ignorance necessarily precedes enlightenment. It’s certainly your right to embrace fear and superstition but I would instead opt for science as a means to an end primarily because as a member of the natural universe, we can assess natural realities as empirically supported.

You have only forcefully shown an ignorance and revulsion for knowledge and learning with appeals to magic and supernaturalism as an explanation for existence and life on the planet.

While reason and rationality have not answered every question, (in science and nature alike), these questions do not then leap out of the physical and into the metaphysical / supernatural at any point. Even in analogies where nature doesn't behave quite like we expected it to (quantum mechanics for instance), that doesn’t provide a reason to hold our snakes in the air and screech out “the gawds did it”.

I always find it comical that the religious extremists will pontificate about existence not arising from non existence yet they excuse their various gods from the very standard they insist must be applied to others.

“But, but... gawds are excused from......”
While reason and rationality have not answered every question, (in science and nature alike), these questions do not then leap out of the physical and into the metaphysical / supernatural at any point.

you have gone to far in your denial of the supernatural, the metaphysical forces of the universe are responsible for life and life is supernatural - the denial by the religious zealots in support of their stagnate literature is the true culprit even for your own denial of the mystery of life that may be forever a fleeting rationalization.
How does one go “too far” in their rejection of the supernatural? Please identify a single, verifiable supernatural event.
How does one go “too far” in their rejection of the supernatural? Please identify a single, verifiable supernatural event.

I'll try this one more time - physiology is a physical, supernatural substance that disappears when its metaphysical spiritual content is removed.

the key to persistence is to free the spiritual content from the confines of its physiology to be rejoined to the Everlasting from whence it came - that is done by the individual themselves as prescribed through the triumph of good vs evil.

You can try: “physiology is a physical, supernatural substance that disappears when its metaphysical spiritual content is removed.” as many times as you want.

Nothing in your appeals to supernaturalism crosses over into the rational. It’s just silly in that supernaturalism is unverifiable so you can assign any “.... because I say so”, claim.
Nothing in your appeals to supernaturalism crosses over into the rational. It’s just silly in that supernaturalism is unverifiable so you can assign any “.... because I say so”, claim.

supernatural is verified by what on planet Earth, life that arrived to its surface as a consequence other than its primordial beginning and those associated component materials.

physiology is not native to planet earth and only exists when there is a spiritual, metaphysical content to guide it, it is you who is in denial.
Well actually, natural mechanisms are what we know and actually do account for the existence of everything we know.

What magical / supernatural mechanisms can you identify which account for any element of anything we know?

Hogwash! There is no universal we know or believe in your metaphysical presupposition of materialism and/or naturalism. You don't even grasp the ramifications of what you're saying. As another suggested, folks like you don't even grasp the fact that you're confounding metaphysics--your religion!--with science . . . even worse, as if science itself were the beginning and end of knowledge.

Metaphysics necessarily precedes and has primacy over science! Your babble about how natural mechanisms account for the existence of the material realm of being is meaningless baby talk Either the material realm of being is all that exists or it's not, and as you know, ding,. I and others have forcefully shown that everything we know from mathematically, scientifically viable physics and cosmology, the material realm of being necessarily began to exist in the finite past, and logic dictates that existence cannot arise from nonexistence, indeed, that nonexistence is an absurdity.

Something has existed from eternity, and that thing, speaking generically, is of an immaterial substance, the substance of Mind.
Actually, I’m afraid your usual pontificating is, as usual, pointless. Fear and superstition borne of ignorance necessarily precedes enlightenment. It’s certainly your right to embrace fear and superstition but I would instead opt for science as a means to an end primarily because as a member of the natural universe, we can assess natural realities as empirically supported.

You have only forcefully shown an ignorance and revulsion for knowledge and learning with appeals to magic and supernaturalism as an explanation for existence and life on the planet.

While reason and rationality have not answered every question, (in science and nature alike), these questions do not then leap out of the physical and into the metaphysical / supernatural at any point. Even in analogies where nature doesn't behave quite like we expected it to (quantum mechanics for instance), that doesn’t provide a reason to hold our snakes in the air and screech out “the gawds did it”.

I always find it comical that the religious extremists will pontificate about existence not arising from non existence yet they excuse their various gods from the very standard they insist must be applied to others.

“But, but... gawds are excused from......”
While reason and rationality have not answered every question, (in science and nature alike), these questions do not then leap out of the physical and into the metaphysical / supernatural at any point.

you have gone to far in your denial of the supernatural, the metaphysical forces of the universe are responsible for life and life is supernatural - the denial by the religious zealots in support of their stagnate literature is the true culprit even for your own denial of the mystery of life that may be forever a fleeting rationalization.
How does one go “too far” in their rejection of the supernatural? Please identify a single, verifiable supernatural event.
How does one go “too far” in their rejection of the supernatural? Please identify a single, verifiable supernatural event.

I'll try this one more time - physiology is a physical, supernatural substance that disappears when its metaphysical spiritual content is removed.

the key to persistence is to free the spiritual content from the confines of its physiology to be rejoined to the Everlasting from whence it came - that is done by the individual themselves as prescribed through the triumph of good vs evil.

You can try: “physiology is a physical, supernatural substance that disappears when its metaphysical spiritual content is removed.” as many times as you want.

Nothing in your appeals to supernaturalism crosses over into the rational. It’s just silly in that supernaturalism is unverifiable so you can assign any “.... because I say so”, claim.
Nothing in your appeals to supernaturalism crosses over into the rational. It’s just silly in that supernaturalism is unverifiable so you can assign any “.... because I say so”, claim.

supernatural is verified by what on planet Earth, life that arrived to its surface as a consequence other than its primordial beginning and those associated component materials.

physiology is not native to planet earth and only exists when there is a spiritual, metaphysical content to guide it, it is you who is in denial.
You’re just making that up.
what does it tell us about God? That God is beyond energy and matter, that God is no thing, that the best we say about the nature of God is that God is more like consciousness without form, that God is love, that God is truth, that God is existence and the material world is a contingent reality.
Your God is what you wish him to be. You have any evidence of consciousness or love or 'truth'? Neither Google nor I know what a 'contingent reality' is.
The reality is that it is you who wished there to be no God. I have evidence and reason for my beliefs. God isn't what I want God to be. God is. I just used reason to discover him.

The only argument you have for your belief is when you were 12 years old you noticed that there was more than one religion so you concluded there could be no God which is the preposterous argument of a child.

So tell me, who has more evidence and reasoning behind their beliefs? You or me?
Sorry but I stand behind my 12-year-old logic but your are misapplying it. It refers only to the God of the Bible and what I was told about Him:
  • Why would one God have many conflicting messages?
  • God will eventually judge us yet every religion has different rules for what is acceptable, which do we follow?
  • Many people lived and died before Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, how can they be judged?
  • Many babies and children die, how can they be judged?
Show me one of GOD's conflicting messages. Yes, many people died before Abraham. And yet GOD did save those who trusted in HIM alone for salvation and not on their OWN efforts or fabricated gods they designed. Babies and little children are judged on what they do, and in reality they don't do much if anything. Frankly, I believe babies actually have a real truth and dependency on GOD; however, they are quickly trained not to depended on GOD but to do what they want living in this fallen world. I do believe that babies that die go to be with GOD.
''god did it''
''it's in the bible ''

that's all folks--that's all they have...
I constantly ask for details and that's what I get
no theory, nothing

Every once in a while, a thread needs to be restarted. There is one guy that got my attention on this subject. If you REALLY want a well thought out answer:

A more critical view is that all sides live their beliefs by faith. The atheists / nonbelievers have to come to grips with the fact that they cannot explain getting something from nothing. Ever atom, every molecule, every scintilla of matter comes from somewhere. So, evolutionists have a theory that has no more scientific weight than creationism. Watch Dr. Lisle. If he don't offer some things to consider, then maybe you've pursued the subject and will never get the answer you want.
what does it tell us about God? That God is beyond energy and matter, that God is no thing, that the best we say about the nature of God is that God is more like consciousness without form, that God is love, that God is truth, that God is existence and the material world is a contingent reality.
Your God is what you wish him to be. You have any evidence of consciousness or love or 'truth'? Neither Google nor I know what a 'contingent reality' is.
The reality is that it is you who wished there to be no God. I have evidence and reason for my beliefs. God isn't what I want God to be. God is. I just used reason to discover him.

The only argument you have for your belief is when you were 12 years old you noticed that there was more than one religion so you concluded there could be no God which is the preposterous argument of a child.

So tell me, who has more evidence and reasoning behind their beliefs? You or me?
Sorry but I stand behind my 12-year-old logic but your are misapplying it. It refers only to the God of the Bible and what I was told about Him:
  • Why would one God have many conflicting messages?
  • God will eventually judge us yet every religion has different rules for what is acceptable, which do we follow?
  • Many people lived and died before Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, how can they be judged?
  • Many babies and children die, how can they be judged?
Show me one of GOD's conflicting messages. Yes, many people died before Abraham. And yet GOD did save those who trusted in HIM alone for salvation and not on their OWN efforts or fabricated gods they designed. Babies and little children are judged on what they do, and in reality they don't do much if anything. Frankly, I believe babies actually have a real truth and dependency on GOD; however, they are quickly trained not to depended on GOD but to do what they want living in this fallen world. I do believe that babies that die go to be with GOD.
"Show me one of GOD's conflicting messages." - Was Mohammad a prophet of God/Allah?

"Yes, many people died before Abraham. And yet GOD did save those who trusted in HIM alone for salvation and not on their OWN efforts or fabricated gods they designed." - Ever read the parable of the Goats and Sheep or Matthew 16:27?

"I do believe that babies that die go to be with GOD." - If this is true, shouldn't a parent who loves their child and wants that child to go to heaven for all eternity, kill them at birth?
what does it tell us about God? That God is beyond energy and matter, that God is no thing, that the best we say about the nature of God is that God is more like consciousness without form, that God is love, that God is truth, that God is existence and the material world is a contingent reality.
Your God is what you wish him to be. You have any evidence of consciousness or love or 'truth'? Neither Google nor I know what a 'contingent reality' is.
The reality is that it is you who wished there to be no God. I have evidence and reason for my beliefs. God isn't what I want God to be. God is. I just used reason to discover him.

The only argument you have for your belief is when you were 12 years old you noticed that there was more than one religion so you concluded there could be no God which is the preposterous argument of a child.

So tell me, who has more evidence and reasoning behind their beliefs? You or me?
Sorry but I stand behind my 12-year-old logic but your are misapplying it. It refers only to the God of the Bible and what I was told about Him:
  • Why would one God have many conflicting messages?
  • God will eventually judge us yet every religion has different rules for what is acceptable, which do we follow?
  • Many people lived and died before Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, how can they be judged?
  • Many babies and children die, how can they be judged?
Show me one of GOD's conflicting messages. Yes, many people died before Abraham. And yet GOD did save those who trusted in HIM alone for salvation and not on their OWN efforts or fabricated gods they designed. Babies and little children are judged on what they do, and in reality they don't do much if anything. Frankly, I believe babies actually have a real truth and dependency on GOD; however, they are quickly trained not to depended on GOD but to do what they want living in this fallen world. I do believe that babies that die go to be with GOD.
"Show me one of GOD's conflicting messages." - Was Mohammad a prophet of God/Allah?

"Yes, many people died before Abraham. And yet GOD did save those who trusted in HIM alone for salvation and not on their OWN efforts or fabricated gods they designed." - Ever read the parable of the Goats and Sheep or Matthew 16:27?

"I do believe that babies that die go to be with GOD." - If this is true, shouldn't a parent who loves their child and wants that child to go to heaven for all eternity, kill them at birth?
Did Mohammad believe and teach that Jesus was God the Messiah, and that by grace one is saved through faith in that Messiah and not by one's own effort because of our sinful imperfection before a perfect GOD? Babies are a gift of GOD and a vital resource that is being wasted. Their blood would cry out from the ground as did that of Abel.
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''god did it''
''it's in the bible ''

that's all folks--that's all they have...
I constantly ask for details and that's what I get
no theory, nothing

Every once in a while, a thread needs to be restarted. There is one guy that got my attention on this subject. If you REALLY want a well thought out answer:

A more critical view is that all sides live their beliefs by faith. The atheists / nonbelievers have to come to grips with the fact that they cannot explain getting something from nothing. Ever atom, every molecule, every scintilla of matter comes from somewhere. So, evolutionists have a theory that has no more scientific weight than creationism. Watch Dr. Lisle. If he don't offer some things to consider, then maybe you've pursued the subject and will never get the answer you want.

Jason lisle

So how do you explain the starlight problem when you believe in a 6-day creation 6000 years ago? Lisle’s solution is simple: “creation was supernatural, therefore cannot be understood scientifically.” So the inerrancy of the Bible is actually an axiom. He even published a paper in AiG’s “Answers Research Journal” claiming to have a more sophisticated solution and emphasizing that critics should have an open mind. The argument in the paper is: “The Bible must be true. Genesis says the stars were created simultaneously, on Day Four, 6000 years ago. This conflicts with relativity. Therefore relativity is wrong. Therefore The Bible must be true.” Even the dimmest student would spot the problem here, but Lisle proudly points out that “So far, no one has published in a peer-reviewed journal any criticism of this model.” [hat tip Rationalwiki]. It’s all like the weirdest sort of Alex Jones conspiracy, really – anything is taken to confirm the preheld view, even when it’s evidence against it.

Diagnosis: Confirmation bias run wild – über-crank Lisle is apparently blissfully unaware of the fact that he has made an art of arguing in circles. He is pretty vocal but important mostly as the scientific alibi of Ken Ham’s gang (and what an alibi).
''god did it''
''it's in the bible ''

that's all folks--that's all they have...
I constantly ask for details and that's what I get
no theory, nothing

Every once in a while, a thread needs to be restarted. There is one guy that got my attention on this subject. If you REALLY want a well thought out answer:

A more critical view is that all sides live their beliefs by faith. The atheists / nonbelievers have to come to grips with the fact that they cannot explain getting something from nothing. Ever atom, every molecule, every scintilla of matter comes from somewhere. So, evolutionists have a theory that has no more scientific weight than creationism. Watch Dr. Lisle. If he don't offer some things to consider, then maybe you've pursued the subject and will never get the answer you want.

you do not understand the OP
....the evolutionists HAVE a theory based on facts..the fairytale believers do not
YES, they do have more weight
I will ask you also, do you believe a fully formed human just appeared?, you give me a brief theory of about 10 sentences long on creation of man
The fact that there is GOD is as logical and real as the existence of life that didn't simply spontaneously originate on its own.
no, it's not a fact ...there is no god
SO, how did life originate? How could the prophetic message of the Messiah be fulfilled hundreds and thousands of years after being written? Why did Jesus go to the cross? Why did the lives of Christ's disciples change to the point that they accepted death rather than recant? NO ONE CHOOSES TO DIE FOR SOMETHING IN WHICH HE OR SHE DOESN'T BELIEVE IN!
YOU can prove there is a god??
let's see it
if you can't prove it = no god

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