creationists want fairness

The fallacy of your mocking post is that you think that the two are mutally exculsive. There are few Christians, if any, that deny science. Yes those who believe that the world started 6000 years ago may be off on that one aspect but most of the scientific discoveries throughout time were by Christian men. For example the Big Bang theory was a RCC priest.

And the real truth about creationism is that science has no ready explanation for creation of life.

well yes they have a working theory and if you watched cosmos you would know this.
This isnt about denying science, this is about trying to make one thing equal and legit to another.
One is a scam and the other is legit science.

here is an article on what science knows and it isn't much. Greatest Mysteries: How Did Life Arise on Earth? | LiveScience

What you are really saying is that one, science, doesn't have an answer, the other side does. You just refuse to open you mind to anything other then what you already believe. You are just as bad as those you accuse of being religious fanatics.

Well no science knows a lot of things. I dont go pretending im an expert unlike people like you.
Ah the I know you better than yourself argument.the true sign im debating someone with a massive ego.
The fact is you dont know what I you have two choices. Stop assuming my opinions on things and we can continue, or continue assuming and the conversation stops here.
That anyone can look at the fossil record, and not see evolution, is a damning indication of their level of intellect. Throw in what genetics has taught us in the last 60 years, and only the very stupid and blind deny evolution.
That anyone can look at the fossil record, and not see evolution, is a damning indication of their level of intellect. Throw in what genetics has taught us in the last 60 years, and only the very stupid and blind deny evolution.

NOTHING in the fossil record shows a honey bee becomming a horse or a horse becomming a fly or pond scum becomming a human. DNA PROVES EVOLUTION IS IMPOSSABLE. THINK SILLY BLINDED TARDS!!!
That anyone can look at the fossil record, and not see evolution, is a damning indication of their level of intellect. Throw in what genetics has taught us in the last 60 years, and only the very stupid and blind deny evolution.

NOTHING in the fossil record shows a honey bee becomming a horse or a horse becomming a fly or pond scum becomming a human. DNA PROVES EVOLUTION IS IMPOSSABLE. THINK SILLY BLINDED TARDS!!!

Why do you force your retard on us?
Why don't you scumbags get a room?

The scumbags have "rooms" all over the world. In this country, they don't even pay taxes on their "rooms".

In another thread you lied and said that the issue of homosexuality and marriage had to do with hate. It seems to be one of your favorite words, now I see why, you hate. In this thread you have used the most vile of descriptions for Christians ones I have very seldom seen used against sodomites. you are a sad twisted little man and will now join Matthew on my ignore list, you ain't worth the time, bye.

Thanks for the compliment, but its true.

Churches don't pay property taxes.
That anyone can look at the fossil record, and not see evolution, is a damning indication of their level of intellect. Throw in what genetics has taught us in the last 60 years, and only the very stupid and blind deny evolution.

NOTHING in the fossil record shows a honey bee becomming a horse or a horse becomming a fly or pond scum becomming a human. DNA PROVES EVOLUTION IS IMPOSSABLE. THINK SILLY BLINDED TARDS!!!

A horse becoming a honey bee? Really? Is this your best answer? Ignorance may be bliss for the ignorant, but it is a pain in the ass for the rest of us.
That anyone can look at the fossil record, and not see evolution, is a damning indication of their level of intellect. Throw in what genetics has taught us in the last 60 years, and only the very stupid and blind deny evolution.

NOTHING in the fossil record shows a honey bee becomming a horse or a horse becomming a fly or pond scum becomming a human. DNA PROVES EVOLUTION IS IMPOSSABLE. THINK SILLY BLINDED TARDS!!!

DNA does prove evolution may well prove that the ICR line of thinking devolves from a less sentient line of creatures.
I saw some comments that said " how about they offer science on sundays at church to balance out those lectures"..

Funny how you never see priests offering that.

The fallacy of your mocking post is that you think that the two are mutally exculsive. There are few Christians, if any, that deny science. Yes those who believe that the world started 6000 years ago may be off on that one aspect but most of the scientific discoveries throughout time were by Christian men. For example the Big Bang theory was a RCC priest.

And the real truth about creationism is that science has no ready explanation for creation of life.

Actually, that is not true. Christians do not live in a vacuum (though I am certain a lot of people wished that they did), particularly their scientists. During the dark ages, it was the Arabs, not the Christians, who made significant scientific advances. Before that it was the Romans and the Greeks. And before that it was the Egyptians. And those Christians who made contributions stood on the shoulders of the Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Arab scholars who came before. And the Chinese were doing astronomy long before any European knew how to make a calendar. Even in the 20th Century up to today, many non-Christians made significant contributions to the sciences. In fact, today, many scientists in this country are not Christians. And I suspect that non-Christians make up the majority of scientists worldwide. Your Christ-centered universe doesn't actually exist, bubba.
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All the people on here mocking God, have a great time spending eternity in hell.
Do the nutters give science equal time in their churches?


Yes. True science is knowledge. That what the word "science" means. The ICR is a Christian organization that runs a ministry and teaches good science at the same time. I get an email from them every day of the week and have for several years. I get scientific literature that exposes bad "science" for what it is. There are many churches that teach intelligent design. So the answer to your question is -- YES.

From their website:

ICR equips believers with evidence of the Bible's accuracy and authority. Proclaiming Scientific Truth in Creation.

That's the opposite of science. Even so, indoctrination of weak minds by brainwashing emails is hardly the same thing as some wanker getting on Cosmos to preach that 'honey bees don't turn into horses'.

Bottom line is, fundies are free to believe whatever they want but there is no reason to subject the rest of us to their fantasies.

Let's see, now.

On one hand, we have science, which is solving new mysteries every day, can be verified by experiments, and observed, which is driven by the brightest and most educated minds in the world.

On the other hand, we have some scrolls written 3,000 years ago by people who we can not even identify, about god, who never spoke to them, and whose education would probably not be up to our 6th grade standard.

Which to choose. Hmmmmmmm.....?
Creationists demanding equal air time on a private enterprise-sponsored science show is akin to the Amish demanding “fair and balanced” air time on GM commercials for their horse-drawn carts – and equally amusing.
Neil de Grasse Tyson Smacks Down Creationists Who Are Demanding Equal Time on Cosmos

Remember how the right always argued that the left wanted to impose the fairness doctrine when it came to things media?
Well here we have people who are most likely on the right crying about the show cosmos and wanting equal amount of time to argue their opinions on science.
This is some cosmic irony in that these people are this afraid of people beimg educated on facts and not having control over them. This isnt about freedom of choice, this is about creationists having control over people.

I love the fact Neil told them to go get bent. Just what they deserve.

I agree

science is science not religion.

I don't know why religion thinks it should control science.

it nearly destroyed the word last time they did that
I saw some comments that said " how about they offer science on sundays at church to balance out those lectures"..

Funny how you never see priests offering that.

If you maintain the Earth is only about 6,000 years old fine. Go invent plastic and computers using science that supports that notion.

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