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You can't seem to stay on topic can you ? You don't realize you make arguments for intelligent design do you ? Beneficial mutations few and far between. You can speculate all you like but we know beneficial mutations do not accumulate as evolutionist claim.
obviously you did not watch it...:lol::lol:

Did , but it don't take long to see a load of baloney so I shut it off.
bullshit! you did not... real science over your head?
Really ? At the college level they reaffirm the scientific method.

Then you have not been paying attention junior.

And you only regurgitate what you have learned from wiki.

LOL! How easily you get lost, what about the scientific method has to do with you not knowing what theories are? No one believes you took any college level science and the insults just show that I hit the mark.

Well you can believe as you wish,the simple fact is you have not refuted anything I have said in this thread or any other thread that you come in and lob insults as rebuttals.

I know the scientific method all to well for you to pass off your B.S.

How many times must I post the equation showing you and your buddies are just educated idiots ?

Are you just a little sore that Dawkins even reveals the non-sense you believe ?

Believing that life came from non-life or intelligence came from non-intelligence just reveals how simple some of you really are.

Let me expose what you so called educated actually believe.

Random Mutation + Natural Selection + Time = Design.

Let's put you to the test and prove my point.

DNA is not just a molecule with a pattern, it is a code, a language, and an information storage mechanism.

Every code is created by a conscious mind, there is no natural process known to science that creates coded information.

Therefore DNA was designed by a mind.

I want you to provide an empirical example of a code or language that
occured naturally ?

Just show one.

See, you either believe what you know to be false, I have refuted with evidence every one of your ignorant suppositions that someone else spoon fed you and you do not have enough understanding of the scientific theory or science or genetics or biology or science in general to understand they were already refuted before you ever came on here to post, or you are just generally stupid and a liar.
No its not.

Can you prove that? Do you have absolutely any proof for that whatsoever? More likely it was common practice, and the writers of the bible included it because it was common practice. It goes back well before christ.

Up til now what ever I show you ,you scoff at.

Watch the discovery channel they present plenty of evidence that contradicts many claims that you Ideologues claim concerning archeology. For Gods sake they use the bible as a guide,yes secular archeologist.

Dance my little fool! Dance! Dance!!!!

Yeah, entertainment is the place to get facts if you have no education.
Up til now what ever I show you ,you scoff at.

Watch the discovery channel they present plenty of evidence that contradicts many claims that you Ideologues claim concerning archeology. For Gods sake they use the bible as a guide,yes secular archeologist.

Dance my little fool! Dance! Dance!!!!

Watch the discovery channel and you will see i am right they won't teach much of this stuff in secular schools.

Because schools are not corporations that make money off entertaining idiots.
Look like someone has taken the analogies we use in science to understand concepts just a literal too seriously.

So, DNA is a language? Go ahead. Speak or write the DNA language to me. You'll find it a wee bit difficult to speak in a combination of nucleotides. In fact, if you were smart, you'd realize that DNA isn't a literal code, but that's merely the conceptual moniker we've given it to help people to understand what constitutes DNA. You can't extend the analogy further without it breaking down.

Mad thumbs up.

Gotta know the basic units of information for both protein and nucleic acid, or else your just discussing abstract things you dont quite know about.

I will expose your ignorance on DNA and the code for both of you.

I think you have a typo, it should say mine instead of your.
Mad thumbs up.

Gotta know the basic units of information for both protein and nucleic acid, or else your just discussing abstract things you dont quite know about.

I will expose your ignorance on DNA and the code for both of you.

Lol what!?!?!

DNA is a sequence of nucleotides that is transcribed (by enzymes like DNA polymerase) into a few types of RNA (mRNA, tRNA, rRNA), which are then transcribed into amino acids and assembled into proteins inside of ribosomes.

So...your arguing against that?:cuckoo:

And your a molecular biologist?:eusa_liar:

Since You does not know what polymerase is or what nucleotides really are. Are you surprised?
not a viable source.

Is that all you have :lol:
that all I need... as opposed to the mountains of bullshit you pile up to bolster your nonsense..
it's not a viable source because it's biased .
it being biased is just a statement of fact.

Really so you know of no language or form of communication or a code that developed naturally ?

Now you brought up your mutation argument once again let's deal with that.

Bell Labs scientist Claude Shannon.

Claude Shannon said Random Mutations in DNA does exactly the same as Noise in an electrical communication system.

So here are the questions.

Is there any instance in the field of computers, electrical engineering, radio, TV or any other aspect of communication where noise is added to a signal to increase its quality? Can adding noise increase the information in a signal?
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LOL! How easily you get lost, what about the scientific method has to do with you not knowing what theories are? No one believes you took any college level science and the insults just show that I hit the mark.

Well you can believe as you wish,the simple fact is you have not refuted anything I have said in this thread or any other thread that you come in and lob insults as rebuttals.

I know the scientific method all to well for you to pass off your B.S.

How many times must I post the equation showing you and your buddies are just educated idiots ?

Are you just a little sore that Dawkins even reveals the non-sense you believe ?

Believing that life came from non-life or intelligence came from non-intelligence just reveals how simple some of you really are.

Let me expose what you so called educated actually believe.

Random Mutation + Natural Selection + Time = Design.

Let's put you to the test and prove my point.

DNA is not just a molecule with a pattern, it is a code, a language, and an information storage mechanism.

Every code is created by a conscious mind, there is no natural process known to science that creates coded information.

Therefore DNA was designed by a mind.

I want you to provide an empirical example of a code or language that
occured naturally ?

Just show one.

See, you either believe what you know to be false, I have refuted with evidence every one of your ignorant suppositions that someone else spoon fed you and you do not have enough understanding of the scientific theory or science or genetics or biology or science in general to understand they were already refuted before you ever came on here to post, or you are just generally stupid and a liar.

So you avoid the question. :lol:
Up til now what ever I show you ,you scoff at.

Watch the discovery channel they present plenty of evidence that contradicts many claims that you Ideologues claim concerning archeology. For Gods sake they use the bible as a guide,yes secular archeologist.

Dance my little fool! Dance! Dance!!!!

Yeah, entertainment is the place to get facts if you have no education.

Speak for yourself you mental midget.

I'm still waiting for you to asnwer my question oh great one.
Is that all you have :lol:
that all I need... as opposed to the mountains of bullshit you pile up to bolster your nonsense..
it's not a viable source because it's biased .
it being biased is just a statement of fact.

Really so you know of no language or form of communication or a code that developed naturally ?

Now you brought up your mutation argument once again let's deal with that.

Bell Labs scientist Claude Shannon.

Claude Shannon said Random Mutations in DNA does exactly the same as Noise in an electrical communication system.

So here is the quesations.

Is there any instance in the field of computers, electrical engineering, radio, TV or any other aspect of communication where noise is added to a signal to increase its quality? Can adding noise increase the information in a signal?
might wanna back off on your meds....ahhh this answer must be for post# 6290
Well you can believe as you wish,the simple fact is you have not refuted anything I have said in this thread or any other thread that you come in and lob insults as rebuttals.

I know the scientific method all to well for you to pass off your B.S.

How many times must I post the equation showing you and your buddies are just educated idiots ?

Are you just a little sore that Dawkins even reveals the non-sense you believe ?

Believing that life came from non-life or intelligence came from non-intelligence just reveals how simple some of you really are.

Let me expose what you so called educated actually believe.

Random Mutation + Natural Selection + Time = Design.

Let's put you to the test and prove my point.

DNA is not just a molecule with a pattern, it is a code, a language, and an information storage mechanism.

Every code is created by a conscious mind, there is no natural process known to science that creates coded information.

Therefore DNA was designed by a mind.

I want you to provide an empirical example of a code or language that
occured naturally ?

Just show one.

See, you either believe what you know to be false, I have refuted with evidence every one of your ignorant suppositions that someone else spoon fed you and you do not have enough understanding of the scientific theory or science or genetics or biology or science in general to understand they were already refuted before you ever came on here to post, or you are just generally stupid and a liar.

So you avoid the question. :lol:

No, not avoiding, I have already answered these question for you. Why would I do it again? So you can just start all over with the nonsense? No thanks, it is much more fun to watch you make a fool of yourself.
See, you either believe what you know to be false, I have refuted with evidence every one of your ignorant suppositions that someone else spoon fed you and you do not have enough understanding of the scientific theory or science or genetics or biology or science in general to understand they were already refuted before you ever came on here to post, or you are just generally stupid and a liar.

So you avoid the question. :lol:

No, not avoiding, I have already answered these question for you. Why would I do it again? So you can just start all over with the nonsense? No thanks, it is much more fun to watch you make a fool of yourself.

The only fool is the one that avoids questions that might teach him or her something.

You know that the science community is in agreement with my view on the genetic code.

Bring on your foolish answers and I will tear them apart.
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