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And in your mind all this is attributable to the bible? In reality most of it was common knowledge. The bible says you should quarantine diseased, and thats proof of the bible? The idea of sending away sick people, or locking a healthy family in the same house as one sick child, is almost eternal. To claim they originated from the bible is laughable.

Even so, the predictions are hardly impressive. Its almost instinctual to shy away from a sick person; you dont need have read the bible to avoid sick people.

Its amazing that you think the holy word of god is so great because it tells you to avoid sick people. Why not just mention penicillin? Your god seems like a retard...

Believe it or not that is where people got the idea of quarantine.

Because some were purposely struck with disease as punishment. But the innocent he them to be able to protect themselves.

People had to learn what was contagious and what was not contagious.

No its not.

Can you prove that? Do you have absolutely any proof for that whatsoever? More likely it was common practice, and the writers of the bible included it because it was common practice. It goes back well before christ.

Up til now what ever I show you ,you scoff at.

Watch the discovery channel they present plenty of evidence that contradicts many claims that you Ideologues claim concerning archeology. For Gods sake they use the bible as a guide,yes secular archeologist.
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"Theories are not factual".

Its almost like your scientific understand is that of an 8th grader. I remember when my 8th grade teacher had to make this distinction. Would you like to play student and teacher again?

Let me guess, you think science has some sort of rank like hypothesis < theories < laws/facts.

Buuuut no. A theory cannot ever be a fact. A theory is a framework that describes a collection of facts. This is fundamental to the understanding of why your argument on "observation" is flawed. The facts are the observations, and the theories describe those observations. You dont observe a theory for the same reason that a theory is not a fact.

Einsteins general theory of relativity was an attempt to describe why all mass attracts all other mass, essentially to explain gravity. That observation is the basic fact (along with some other facts that differentiate it from newtonian gravity). You observe two bodies exerting force on each other. The theory that einstein used to explain that observation was the curvature of spacetime. Einstein did not witness the curvature of spacetime, he witnessed the result of it.

In summation: theories are not facts, but that doesnt exactly bolster your argument. Theories are pretty useful, ever benefited from germ theory? In reality, it shows your basic misunderstanding of science, and why no one should take you seriously. Science doesnt claim that theories are facts, and no one is saying it does. Except maybe you.

Theories will never be fact because they are always finding errors with the theory. Theory will never be fact because they are only an opinion.

No theories will never be facts because that is not their goal

The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.


Theories explain facts. The theory of relativity explains gravity. Gravity is a fact, a simple observation. The theory is a framework that accurately describes that fact to the best of our knowledge.


Facts according to faulty assumptions.

Have so called facts been refuted ?
Merry day-that-the-church-decided-jesus-was-born-and-that-was-originally-a-pagan-holiday, everybody!

Some Christians celebrate Christmas some do not. I personally believe that Jesus never said celebrate his birth but to celebrate his death.

That is when he saved you and I ,but it's up to you and I to appreciate him saving our lives if we want it.

Im not a big bible reader but i wouldnt expect to find jesus promoting any sort of annual holiday on his behalf. It would seem to me that all of those things are perversions of christianity and his teachings by the early church. Jesus would have deplored the modern day cult of personality that is the catholic church.

Passover is the celebration he expects us to celebrate.It was the origional celebration when the Angel of the Lord passed over the Jews homes and went to kill the first born of Egypt,it was the last plague in Egypt and it was the punishment pharaoh was gonna do to the Israelites and God turned it on pharaoh's people.

The lambs blood was to be around the door and the Angel would pass by that home. The Lambs blood was spilt on calvary to save us all and we were to remember the death of Christ for the pure blood that was spilt to save us all.
Let's put you to the test and prove my point.

DNA is not just a molecule with a pattern, it is a code, a language, and an information storage mechanism.

Every code is created by a conscious mind, there is no natural process known to science that creates coded information.

Therefore DNA was designed by a mind.

I want you to provide an empirical example of a code or language that
occured naturally ?

Just show one.

Look like someone has taken the analogies we use in science to understand concepts just a literal too seriously.

So, DNA is a language? Go ahead. Speak or write the DNA language to me. You'll find it a wee bit difficult to speak in a combination of nucleotides. In fact, if you were smart, you'd realize that DNA isn't a literal code, but that's merely the conceptual moniker we've given it to help people to understand what constitutes DNA. You can't extend the analogy further without it breaking down.
Believe it or not that is where people got the idea of quarantine.

Because some were purposely struck with disease as punishment. But the innocent he them to be able to protect themselves.

People had to learn what was contagious and what was not contagious.

O really? I just cant even believe it. There were outbreaks of bacteria and the idiots, not knowing that bacteria existed, decided that god must be punishing them. God does not give people bacterial infections or disease. Are you serious? How come god hasnt given anyone a disease since the discovery of bacteria? You realize that god isnt poofing Y. pestis into existence and giving it to people, right?? And that we understand how diseases spread?

Really, is this what the conversation has devolved to? You dont even take the word of science on bacteria and viruses? You think god gives people disease?

I want you and everyone like you to cease existing, immediately.

Of course you do you are an Ideologue.

You just did a cool little dance around the fact that you think god infects people with bacteria.

Yes he has destroyed communities. God stopped destroying communities because of the sacrifice of Christ.

The society that removes God from their society eventually crumbles.

The bible goes from creation to the final judgement and a new heaven and earth.

By the way did you get a chance to catch the Bill Orielly show ? Two years ago he had dawkins on and he asked him the dreaded question for evolutionist, yep you got it the origins of life question. Dawkins said we have no way to know the origins of life but we are working on it.

Tonight two years later he asked where are you now on the question how did life begin from non-life. Again Dawkins say's we simply have no explanation for the origins of life.

Dawkins does not accept any abiogenesis theory.

Why do you get so angry ? Why can't you have a civil conversation ?

And don't you dare try to use the excuse that evolutionist are not concerned with the origins of life question ,because that simply is a lie.

I get so angry because you just insinuated that the conflict in the middle east the beginning of the apocalypse. Your no better than the muslims that blow themselves up, and in fact your worse. Your happy that the world is careening off a cliff because you think its the time for christian salvation. Maybe when the world crumbles and you realize jesus hasnt come back, youll wake the fuck up.

No, god has not destroyed civilizations. The bible is not proof of the bible.

No I am not happy about death one bit, but it has to happen before it stops permanently.

I think the bible is a trusted source and have spent many years studying it.

If man had the answers to mans problems don't you think it would have been resolved by now ?

But hey if you must talk like you do go ahead and get it out,it just shows you don't have much of an argument and you are a bitter person.

Stop spouting esoteric nonsense. Talk reality you fool.

This is not the fucking apocalypse. People like you are feeding the flames of a massive conflict because you think jesus is coming back. When you die in 40 years maybe youll realize that you let israel and palestine burn for absolutely no reason.
Believe it or not that is where people got the idea of quarantine.

Because some were purposely struck with disease as punishment. But the innocent he them to be able to protect themselves.

People had to learn what was contagious and what was not contagious.

No its not.

Can you prove that? Do you have absolutely any proof for that whatsoever? More likely it was common practice, and the writers of the bible included it because it was common practice. It goes back well before christ.

Up til now what ever I show you ,you scoff at.

Watch the discovery channel they present plenty of evidence that contradicts many claims that you Ideologues claim concerning archeology. For Gods sake they use the bible as a guide,yes secular archeologist.

Dance my little fool! Dance! Dance!!!!
Theories will never be fact because they are always finding errors with the theory. Theory will never be fact because they are only an opinion.

No theories will never be facts because that is not their goal

The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.


Theories explain facts. The theory of relativity explains gravity. Gravity is a fact, a simple observation. The theory is a framework that accurately describes that fact to the best of our knowledge.


Facts according to faulty assumptions.

Have so called facts been refuted ?

Well looks like yet again youve danced around the topic of the post: the fact that you do not understand what a theory is.

And what theories suffer from faulty assumptions? And what are those assumptions?
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Let's put you to the test and prove my point.

DNA is not just a molecule with a pattern, it is a code, a language, and an information storage mechanism.

Every code is created by a conscious mind, there is no natural process known to science that creates coded information.

Therefore DNA was designed by a mind.

I want you to provide an empirical example of a code or language that
occured naturally ?

Just show one.

Look like someone has taken the analogies we use in science to understand concepts just a literal too seriously.

So, DNA is a language? Go ahead. Speak or write the DNA language to me. You'll find it a wee bit difficult to speak in a combination of nucleotides. In fact, if you were smart, you'd realize that DNA isn't a literal code, but that's merely the conceptual moniker we've given it to help people to understand what constitutes DNA. You can't extend the analogy further without it breaking down.

Mad thumbs up.

Gotta know the basic units of information for both protein and nucleic acid, or else your just discussing abstract things you dont quite know about.
Let's put you to the test and prove my point.

DNA is not just a molecule with a pattern, it is a code, a language, and an information storage mechanism.

Every code is created by a conscious mind, there is no natural process known to science that creates coded information.

Therefore DNA was designed by a mind.

I want you to provide an empirical example of a code or language that
occured naturally ?

Just show one.

Look like someone has taken the analogies we use in science to understand concepts just a literal too seriously.

So, DNA is a language? Go ahead. Speak or write the DNA language to me. You'll find it a wee bit difficult to speak in a combination of nucleotides. In fact, if you were smart, you'd realize that DNA isn't a literal code, but that's merely the conceptual moniker we've given it to help people to understand what constitutes DNA. You can't extend the analogy further without it breaking down.

Yep you could not do it nor can anyone because it's never happened.

1.Code is defined as the rules of communication between an encoder (a “writer” or “speaker”) and a decoder (a “reader” or “listener”) using agreed upon symbols.
2.DNA’s definition as a literal code (and not a figurative one) is nearly universal in the entire body of biological literature since the 1960&#8242;s.
3.DNA code has much in common with human language and computer languages
4. DNA transcription is an encoding / decoding mechanism isomorphic with Claude Shannon’s 1948 model: The sequence of base pairs is encoded into messenger RNA which is decoded into proteins.
5. Information theory terms and ideas applied to DNA are not metaphorical, but in fact quite literal in every way. In other words, the information theory argument for design is not based on analogy at all. It is direct application of mathematics to DNA, which by definition is a code

I believe the rest of this article will reduce your argument to nothing.

Is DNA a Code?
O really? I just cant even believe it. There were outbreaks of bacteria and the idiots, not knowing that bacteria existed, decided that god must be punishing them. God does not give people bacterial infections or disease. Are you serious? How come god hasnt given anyone a disease since the discovery of bacteria? You realize that god isnt poofing Y. pestis into existence and giving it to people, right?? And that we understand how diseases spread?

Really, is this what the conversation has devolved to? You dont even take the word of science on bacteria and viruses? You think god gives people disease?

I want you and everyone like you to cease existing, immediately.

Of course you do you are an Ideologue.

You just did a cool little dance around the fact that you think god infects people with bacteria.


Yes he did it with leprosy. You are right you don't read the bible.

Num 12:7 My servant Moses is not so; he is true to me in all my house:
Num 12:8 With him I will have talk mouth to mouth, openly and not in dark sayings; and with his eyes he will see the form of the Lord: why then had you no fear of saying evil against my servant Moses?
Num 12:9 And burning with wrath against them, the Lord went away.
Num 12:10 And the cloud was moved from over the Tent; and straight away Miriam became a leper, as white as snow: and Aaron, looking at Miriam, saw that she was a leper.
Num 12:11 Then Aaron said to Moses, O my lord, let not our sin be on our heads, for we have done foolishly and are sinners.
Num 12:12 Let her not be as one dead, whose flesh is half wasted when he comes out from the body of his mother.
Num 12:13 And Moses, crying to the Lord, said, Let my prayer come before you, O God, and make her well.
Num 12:14 And the Lord said to Moses, If her father had put a mark of shame on her, would she not be shamed for seven days? Let her be shut up outside the tent-circle for seven days, and after that she may come in again.
Num 12:15 So Miriam was shut up outside the tent-circle for seven days: and the people did not go forward on their journey till Miriam had come in again.
Num 12:16 After that, the people went on from Hazeroth and put up their tents in the waste land of Paran.

Leprosy is caused by bacteria no ?
No its not.

Can you prove that? Do you have absolutely any proof for that whatsoever? More likely it was common practice, and the writers of the bible included it because it was common practice. It goes back well before christ.

Up til now what ever I show you ,you scoff at.

Watch the discovery channel they present plenty of evidence that contradicts many claims that you Ideologues claim concerning archeology. For Gods sake they use the bible as a guide,yes secular archeologist.

Dance my little fool! Dance! Dance!!!!

Watch the discovery channel and you will see i am right they won't teach much of this stuff in secular schools.
No theories will never be facts because that is not their goal

The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.
The goal of a theory is to explain facts, therefore a theory cannot be a fact.


Theories explain facts. The theory of relativity explains gravity. Gravity is a fact, a simple observation. The theory is a framework that accurately describes that fact to the best of our knowledge.


Facts according to faulty assumptions.

Have so called facts been refuted ?

Well looks like yet again youve danced around the topic of the post: the fact that you do not understand what a theory is.

And what theories suffer from faulty assumptions? And what are those assumptions?

I am asking you, have assumed facts ever turned out to be wrong ?

You're the one dancing my little monkey.
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Let's put you to the test and prove my point.

DNA is not just a molecule with a pattern, it is a code, a language, and an information storage mechanism.

Every code is created by a conscious mind, there is no natural process known to science that creates coded information.

Therefore DNA was designed by a mind.

I want you to provide an empirical example of a code or language that
occured naturally ?

Just show one.

Look like someone has taken the analogies we use in science to understand concepts just a literal too seriously.

So, DNA is a language? Go ahead. Speak or write the DNA language to me. You'll find it a wee bit difficult to speak in a combination of nucleotides. In fact, if you were smart, you'd realize that DNA isn't a literal code, but that's merely the conceptual moniker we've given it to help people to understand what constitutes DNA. You can't extend the analogy further without it breaking down.

Mad thumbs up.

Gotta know the basic units of information for both protein and nucleic acid, or else your just discussing abstract things you dont quite know about.

I will expose your ignorance on DNA and the code for both of you.
Let's put you to the test and prove my point.

DNA is not just a molecule with a pattern, it is a code, a language, and an information storage mechanism.

Every code is created by a conscious mind, there is no natural process known to science that creates coded information.

Therefore DNA was designed by a mind.

I want you to provide an empirical example of a code or language that
occured naturally ?

Just show one.

Look like someone has taken the analogies we use in science to understand concepts just a literal too seriously.

So, DNA is a language? Go ahead. Speak or write the DNA language to me. You'll find it a wee bit difficult to speak in a combination of nucleotides. In fact, if you were smart, you'd realize that DNA isn't a literal code, but that's merely the conceptual moniker we've given it to help people to understand what constitutes DNA. You can't extend the analogy further without it breaking down.

Yep you could not do it nor can anyone because it's never happened.

1.Code is defined as the rules of communication between an encoder (a “writer” or “speaker”) and a decoder (a “reader” or “listener”) using agreed upon symbols.
2.DNA’s definition as a literal code (and not a figurative one) is nearly universal in the entire body of biological literature since the 1960&#8242;s.
3.DNA code has much in common with human language and computer languages
4. DNA transcription is an encoding / decoding mechanism isomorphic with Claude Shannon’s 1948 model: The sequence of base pairs is encoded into messenger RNA which is decoded into proteins.
5. Information theory terms and ideas applied to DNA are not metaphorical, but in fact quite literal in every way. In other words, the information theory argument for design is not based on analogy at all. It is direct application of mathematics to DNA, which by definition is a code

I believe the rest of this article will reduce your argument to nothing.

Is DNA a Code?
not a viable source.
Let's put you to the test and prove my point.

DNA is not just a molecule with a pattern, it is a code, a language, and an information storage mechanism.

Every code is created by a conscious mind, there is no natural process known to science that creates coded information.

Therefore DNA was designed by a mind.

I want you to provide an empirical example of a code or language that
occured naturally ?

Just show one.

Look like someone has taken the analogies we use in science to understand concepts just a literal too seriously.

So, DNA is a language? Go ahead. Speak or write the DNA language to me. You'll find it a wee bit difficult to speak in a combination of nucleotides. In fact, if you were smart, you'd realize that DNA isn't a literal code, but that's merely the conceptual moniker we've given it to help people to understand what constitutes DNA. You can't extend the analogy further without it breaking down.

Yep you could not do it nor can anyone because it's never happened.

So no one can actually speak or write in the DNA language. And that would be because it's not a language in the sense you posit. Glad we're done he-

1.Code is defined as the rules of communication between an encoder (a &#8220;writer&#8221; or &#8220;speaker&#8221;) and a decoder (a &#8220;reader&#8221; or &#8220;listener&#8221;) using agreed upon symbols.
2.DNA&#8217;s definition as a literal code (and not a figurative one) is nearly universal in the entire body of biological literature since the 1960&#8242;s.
3.DNA code has much in common with human language and computer languages
4. DNA transcription is an encoding / decoding mechanism isomorphic with Claude Shannon&#8217;s 1948 model: The sequence of base pairs is encoded into messenger RNA which is decoded into proteins.
5. Information theory terms and ideas applied to DNA are not metaphorical, but in fact quite literal in every way. In other words, the information theory argument for design is not based on analogy at all. It is direct application of mathematics to DNA, which by definition is a code

Oh I guess we're not, even though you admitted you can't speak or write in "DNA." This also doesn't actually answer any of my points about DNA not being a language. In fact all it does is say "no actually it's this way" without actually providing any backups, support or reasoning for saying why. We're just supposed to accept it at face value I guess. Not to mention it's yet another copy and paste. How original.

I repeat myself: if DNA is language, speak or write in it. You will find this most difficult because it is not a language in the sense you think it is.
Look like someone has taken the analogies we use in science to understand concepts just a literal too seriously.

So, DNA is a language? Go ahead. Speak or write the DNA language to me. You'll find it a wee bit difficult to speak in a combination of nucleotides. In fact, if you were smart, you'd realize that DNA isn't a literal code, but that's merely the conceptual moniker we've given it to help people to understand what constitutes DNA. You can't extend the analogy further without it breaking down.

Yep you could not do it nor can anyone because it's never happened.

1.Code is defined as the rules of communication between an encoder (a “writer” or “speaker”) and a decoder (a “reader” or “listener”) using agreed upon symbols.
2.DNA’s definition as a literal code (and not a figurative one) is nearly universal in the entire body of biological literature since the 1960&#8242;s.
3.DNA code has much in common with human language and computer languages
4. DNA transcription is an encoding / decoding mechanism isomorphic with Claude Shannon’s 1948 model: The sequence of base pairs is encoded into messenger RNA which is decoded into proteins.
5. Information theory terms and ideas applied to DNA are not metaphorical, but in fact quite literal in every way. In other words, the information theory argument for design is not based on analogy at all. It is direct application of mathematics to DNA, which by definition is a code

I believe the rest of this article will reduce your argument to nothing.

Is DNA a Code?
not a viable source.

Is that all you have :lol:
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