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Look like someone has taken the analogies we use in science to understand concepts just a literal too seriously.

So, DNA is a language? Go ahead. Speak or write the DNA language to me. You'll find it a wee bit difficult to speak in a combination of nucleotides. In fact, if you were smart, you'd realize that DNA isn't a literal code, but that's merely the conceptual moniker we've given it to help people to understand what constitutes DNA. You can't extend the analogy further without it breaking down.

Yep you could not do it nor can anyone because it's never happened.

So no one can actually speak or write in the DNA language. And that would be because it's not a language in the sense you posit. Glad we're done he-

1.Code is defined as the rules of communication between an encoder (a “writer” or “speaker”) and a decoder (a “reader” or “listener”) using agreed upon symbols.
2.DNA’s definition as a literal code (and not a figurative one) is nearly universal in the entire body of biological literature since the 1960′s.
3.DNA code has much in common with human language and computer languages
4. DNA transcription is an encoding / decoding mechanism isomorphic with Claude Shannon’s 1948 model: The sequence of base pairs is encoded into messenger RNA which is decoded into proteins.
5. Information theory terms and ideas applied to DNA are not metaphorical, but in fact quite literal in every way. In other words, the information theory argument for design is not based on analogy at all. It is direct application of mathematics to DNA, which by definition is a code

Oh I guess we're not, even though you admitted you can't speak or write in "DNA." This also doesn't actually answer any of my points about DNA not being a language. In fact all it does is say "no actually it's this way" without actually providing any backups, support or reasoning for saying why. We're just supposed to accept it at face value I guess. Not to mention it's yet another copy and paste. How original.

I repeat myself: if DNA is language, speak or write in it. You will find this most difficult because it is not a language in the sense you think it is.

The genetic code is built on three letter words called triplets or codons, written one after another along the length of the DNA strand.

Each code word is a unique combination of three letters that will eventually be interpreted as a single amino acid in a polypeptide chain. There is 64 coded words that are possible from an alphabet of four letters.

One of the words is the start signal,it begins all sequences that code for amino acid chains. Three of these code words act as stop signals that indicate that the message is over. All the other sequences code for specific amino acids.

Some amino acids are only coded for by a single word, while some others are coded for by up to four words. The genetic code is redundant.

If the genetic code is not a language or a form of communicating how can we geneticly alter plants humans and animals ?

Can you define what DNA transcribing is ?

Here I will help you.

tran·scrip·tion (trn-skrpshn)
1. The act or process of transcribing.
2. Something that has been transcribed, especially:
a. Music An adaptation of a composition.
b. A recorded radio or television program.
c. Linguistics A representation of speech sounds in phonetic symbols.
3. Biology The process by which messenger RNA is synthesized from a DNA template resulting in the transfer of genetic information from the DNA molecule to the messenger RNA.

1.Put (thoughts, speech, or data) into written or printed form.
2.Transliterate (foreign characters) or write or type out (shorthand, notes, or other abbreviated forms) into ordinary characters or full...

Sorry but there is all kinds of evidence to support what I am saying and it contradicts what you are saying.
The genetic code is built on three letter words called triplets or codons, written one after another along the length of the DNA strand.

Each code word is a unique combination of three letters that will eventually be interpreted as a single amino acid in a polypeptide chain. There is 64 coded words that are possible from an alphabet of four letters.

One of the words is the start signal,it begins all sequences that code for amino acid chains. Three of these code words act as stop signals that indicate that the message is over. All the other sequences code for specific amino acids.

Some amino acids are only coded for by a single word, while some others are coded for by up to four words. The genetic code is redundant.
You have offered a fair description of the use of the term "code" as it applies to genetics ... yet in the typically disingenuous style of Christian Creationist intellectual dishonesty, you insist the use specific to genetics and the meaning of the term elsewhere are interchangeable.

If the genetic code is not a language or a form of communicating how can we geneticly alter plants humans and animals ?
Not by writing or speaking to them.

Sorry but there is all kinds of evidence to support what I am saying and it contradicts what you are saying.
Yet you just can't ever bring "all kinds of" actual, verifiable, valid evidence in support what you're saying or to contradict anyone; you only bring your logically invalid assertions of fact and superstition.

What's up with that?
Of course you do you are an Ideologue.

You just did a cool little dance around the fact that you think god infects people with bacteria.


Yes he did it with leprosy. You are right you don't read the bible.

Num 12:7 My servant Moses is not so; he is true to me in all my house:
Num 12:8 With him I will have talk mouth to mouth, openly and not in dark sayings; and with his eyes he will see the form of the Lord: why then had you no fear of saying evil against my servant Moses?
Num 12:9 And burning with wrath against them, the Lord went away.
Num 12:10 And the cloud was moved from over the Tent; and straight away Miriam became a leper, as white as snow: and Aaron, looking at Miriam, saw that she was a leper.
Num 12:11 Then Aaron said to Moses, O my lord, let not our sin be on our heads, for we have done foolishly and are sinners.
Num 12:12 Let her not be as one dead, whose flesh is half wasted when he comes out from the body of his mother.
Num 12:13 And Moses, crying to the Lord, said, Let my prayer come before you, O God, and make her well.
Num 12:14 And the Lord said to Moses, If her father had put a mark of shame on her, would she not be shamed for seven days? Let her be shut up outside the tent-circle for seven days, and after that she may come in again.
Num 12:15 So Miriam was shut up outside the tent-circle for seven days: and the people did not go forward on their journey till Miriam had come in again.
Num 12:16 After that, the people went on from Hazeroth and put up their tents in the waste land of Paran.

Leprosy is caused by bacteria no ?

Yup, leprosy is caused by a Mycobacterium.

The bible is not proof of the bible. Those persons never even existed.

Anyone that contracted leprosy in 4000 BC contracted it the same way its contracted now, through one of two types of bacteria. Anyone that thinks otherwise is beyond gone.
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Up til now what ever I show you ,you scoff at.

Watch the discovery channel they present plenty of evidence that contradicts many claims that you Ideologues claim concerning archeology. For Gods sake they use the bible as a guide,yes secular archeologist.

Dance my little fool! Dance! Dance!!!!

Watch the discovery channel and you will see i am right they won't teach much of this stuff in secular schools.

Two things.

1. Discovery channel is showing american chopper right now. Sorry but i preferred to take my history right after chemistry class, not right after the "sons of guns" marathon. Wow.

2. Islam and secularism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You are no better than the fundamentalist muslims.

Mohammed Yusuf (Boko Haram) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <<This man says that if the koran says the earth is not a sphere, that it is not a sphere. He also does not believe that rain is evaporated water, he believes god creates it in the sky.

Thinking god creates water in the sky and makes it rain is no different than thinking god gives someone the Mycobacterium that causes leprosy. It just shows that you dont understand biology like that man doesnt understand rain.
Facts according to faulty assumptions.

Have so called facts been refuted ?

Well looks like yet again youve danced around the topic of the post: the fact that you do not understand what a theory is.

And what theories suffer from faulty assumptions? And what are those assumptions?

I am asking you, have assumed facts ever turned out to be wrong ?

You're the one dancing my little monkey.

Most of the facts the humanity has held, and that were then proved wrong, were religious doctrines.

Some scientific theories have been improved upon, but generally every specific science has been successful since its start. Physics has been sucessful since newton, although einstein had to improve it for light-speed and high-gravity, things newton didnt know about. Biology came along later, but since the creation of the microscope, and when biology became a real science, it has had tremendous success. Chemistry is only a hundred or so years old, the structure of the atom hasnt been known for that long. Yet we have a total understanding of chemistry.

On the whole science has an amazing record and religion has a horrible one. The story of humanity has been smart people continually overturning idiotic dogma.
I would stray away from abstracting the idea of a code too much, everyone.

I would call DNA a code just like binary. Binary code seems like a strange concept to most people; they dont usually understand how 0's and 1's can construct the complex things you do on a computer. But these 0's and 1's arent abstract concepts: They're actually represented by the electrons, or lack thereof, inside the millions of capacitors of the memory/CPU of your computer. So everything that we think of as an abstract code is ultimately broken down into physical concepts.

Similarly, DNA is an abstract code derived from physical concepts. Groups of nucleotides, which are just rings of carbon atoms with some extras, are used as templates for the ultimate creation of proteins by enzymes. Genes arent abstract any more than a computer program is abstract.

Electrons in capacitors make up a single bit, a group of 8 bits make up a byte. Nucleotides in a DNA strand make up a single piece of information, you could call it a bit. And a group of 3 nucleotides made up a codon, just like how 8 bits make a byte.

These concepts are only abstract if you dont take them time to think about how the supposedly abstract concept translates into physical atoms and particles. I suspect YWC makes this mistake a lot.
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Look like someone has taken the analogies we use in science to understand concepts just a literal too seriously.

So, DNA is a language? Go ahead. Speak or write the DNA language to me. You'll find it a wee bit difficult to speak in a combination of nucleotides. In fact, if you were smart, you'd realize that DNA isn't a literal code, but that's merely the conceptual moniker we've given it to help people to understand what constitutes DNA. You can't extend the analogy further without it breaking down.

Mad thumbs up.

Gotta know the basic units of information for both protein and nucleic acid, or else your just discussing abstract things you dont quite know about.

I will expose your ignorance on DNA and the code for both of you.

Lol what!?!?!

DNA is a sequence of nucleotides that is transcribed (by enzymes like DNA polymerase) into a few types of RNA (mRNA, tRNA, rRNA), which are then transcribed into amino acids and assembled into proteins inside of ribosomes.

So...your arguing against that?:cuckoo:

And your a molecular biologist?:eusa_liar:
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The genetic code is built on three letter words called triplets or codons, written one after another along the length of the DNA strand.

Each code word is a unique combination of three letters that will eventually be interpreted as a single amino acid in a polypeptide chain. There is 64 coded words that are possible from an alphabet of four letters.

One of the words is the start signal,it begins all sequences that code for amino acid chains. Three of these code words act as stop signals that indicate that the message is over. All the other sequences code for specific amino acids.

Some amino acids are only coded for by a single word, while some others are coded for by up to four words. The genetic code is redundant.
You have offered a fair description of the use of the term "code" as it applies to genetics ... yet in the typically disingenuous style of Christian Creationist intellectual dishonesty, you insist the use specific to genetics and the meaning of the term elsewhere are interchangeable.

If the genetic code is not a language or a form of communicating how can we geneticly alter plants humans and animals ?
Not by writing or speaking to them.

Sorry but there is all kinds of evidence to support what I am saying and it contradicts what you are saying.
Yet you just can't ever bring "all kinds of" actual, verifiable, valid evidence in support what you're saying or to contradict anyone; you only bring your logically invalid assertions of fact and superstition.

What's up with that?

No difference from the morse code.
You just did a cool little dance around the fact that you think god infects people with bacteria.


Yes he did it with leprosy. You are right you don't read the bible.

Num 12:7 My servant Moses is not so; he is true to me in all my house:
Num 12:8 With him I will have talk mouth to mouth, openly and not in dark sayings; and with his eyes he will see the form of the Lord: why then had you no fear of saying evil against my servant Moses?
Num 12:9 And burning with wrath against them, the Lord went away.
Num 12:10 And the cloud was moved from over the Tent; and straight away Miriam became a leper, as white as snow: and Aaron, looking at Miriam, saw that she was a leper.
Num 12:11 Then Aaron said to Moses, O my lord, let not our sin be on our heads, for we have done foolishly and are sinners.
Num 12:12 Let her not be as one dead, whose flesh is half wasted when he comes out from the body of his mother.
Num 12:13 And Moses, crying to the Lord, said, Let my prayer come before you, O God, and make her well.
Num 12:14 And the Lord said to Moses, If her father had put a mark of shame on her, would she not be shamed for seven days? Let her be shut up outside the tent-circle for seven days, and after that she may come in again.
Num 12:15 So Miriam was shut up outside the tent-circle for seven days: and the people did not go forward on their journey till Miriam had come in again.
Num 12:16 After that, the people went on from Hazeroth and put up their tents in the waste land of Paran.

Leprosy is caused by bacteria no ?

Yup, leprosy is caused by a Mycobacterium.

The bible is not proof of the bible. Those persons never even existed.

Anyone that contracted leprosy in 4000 BC contracted it the same way its contracted now, through one of two types of bacteria. Anyone that thinks otherwise is beyond gone.

You can believe as you wish.
The genetic code is built on three letter words called triplets or codons, written one after another along the length of the DNA strand.

Each code word is a unique combination of three letters that will eventually be interpreted as a single amino acid in a polypeptide chain. There is 64 coded words that are possible from an alphabet of four letters.

One of the words is the start signal,it begins all sequences that code for amino acid chains. Three of these code words act as stop signals that indicate that the message is over. All the other sequences code for specific amino acids.

Some amino acids are only coded for by a single word, while some others are coded for by up to four words. The genetic code is redundant.
You have offered a fair description of the use of the term "code" as it applies to genetics ... yet in the typically disingenuous style of Christian Creationist intellectual dishonesty, you insist the use specific to genetics and the meaning of the term elsewhere are interchangeable.

Not by writing or speaking to them.

Sorry but there is all kinds of evidence to support what I am saying and it contradicts what you are saying.
Yet you just can't ever bring "all kinds of" actual, verifiable, valid evidence in support what you're saying or to contradict anyone; you only bring your logically invalid assertions of fact and superstition.

What's up with that?

No difference from the morse code.

Well, to be fair you cant just compare it to any code and say "see goddidit".

Thats sort of a massive cop out.
Yes he did it with leprosy. You are right you don't read the bible.

Num 12:7 My servant Moses is not so; he is true to me in all my house:
Num 12:8 With him I will have talk mouth to mouth, openly and not in dark sayings; and with his eyes he will see the form of the Lord: why then had you no fear of saying evil against my servant Moses?
Num 12:9 And burning with wrath against them, the Lord went away.
Num 12:10 And the cloud was moved from over the Tent; and straight away Miriam became a leper, as white as snow: and Aaron, looking at Miriam, saw that she was a leper.
Num 12:11 Then Aaron said to Moses, O my lord, let not our sin be on our heads, for we have done foolishly and are sinners.
Num 12:12 Let her not be as one dead, whose flesh is half wasted when he comes out from the body of his mother.
Num 12:13 And Moses, crying to the Lord, said, Let my prayer come before you, O God, and make her well.
Num 12:14 And the Lord said to Moses, If her father had put a mark of shame on her, would she not be shamed for seven days? Let her be shut up outside the tent-circle for seven days, and after that she may come in again.
Num 12:15 So Miriam was shut up outside the tent-circle for seven days: and the people did not go forward on their journey till Miriam had come in again.
Num 12:16 After that, the people went on from Hazeroth and put up their tents in the waste land of Paran.

Leprosy is caused by bacteria no ?

Yup, leprosy is caused by a Mycobacterium.

The bible is not proof of the bible. Those persons never even existed.

Anyone that contracted leprosy in 4000 BC contracted it the same way its contracted now, through one of two types of bacteria. Anyone that thinks otherwise is beyond gone.

You can believe as you wish.

No, thats not the end of the argument. Before you were talking about how if you make a statement, you have to prove it. Every person weve every seen with leprosy has this bacteria, we know its caused by this bacteria. If your going to claim something else then either prove it or stop talking about it.
Dance my little fool! Dance! Dance!!!!

Watch the discovery channel and you will see i am right they won't teach much of this stuff in secular schools.

Two things.

1. Discovery channel is showing american chopper right now. Sorry but i preferred to take my history right after chemistry class, not right after the "sons of guns" marathon. Wow.

2. Islam and secularism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You are no better than the fundamentalist muslims.

Mohammed Yusuf (Boko Haram) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <<This man says that if the koran says the earth is not a sphere, that it is not a sphere. He also does not believe that rain is evaporated water, he believes god creates it in the sky.

Thinking god creates water in the sky and makes it rain is no different than thinking god gives someone the Mycobacterium that causes leprosy. It just shows that you dont understand biology like that man doesnt understand rain.

Well I have several different discovery channels,and I have watched shows that cover the universe and shows that show secularlist archaeologist digging for biblical ruins To verify .there is a lot evidence from bible that hey have confirmed then you know of.

King david has been confirmed and the walls of Jericho just to name a few.
Well looks like yet again youve danced around the topic of the post: the fact that you do not understand what a theory is.

And what theories suffer from faulty assumptions? And what are those assumptions?

I am asking you, have assumed facts ever turned out to be wrong ?

You're the one dancing my little monkey.

Most of the facts the humanity has held, and that were then proved wrong, were religious doctrines.

Some scientific theories have been improved upon, but generally every specific science has been successful since its start. Physics has been sucessful since newton, although einstein had to improve it for light-speed and high-gravity, things newton didnt know about. Biology came along later, but since the creation of the microscope, and when biology became a real science, it has had tremendous success. Chemistry is only a hundred or so years old, the structure of the atom hasnt been known for that long. Yet we have a total understanding of chemistry.

On the whole science has an amazing record and religion has a horrible one. The story of humanity has been smart people continually overturning idiotic dogma.

You have a real problem with scientist that believed in a creator don't you ? So you just dismiss guys like Sir Isaac Newton ?

And you are wrong. Do you realize how many things had to be revised out of secular textbooks ? The point is the science community when in agreement on evidence believe the evidence and teach as fact until proven otherwise.

You don't see something wrong with that ? That is disengenious at the highest degree. When they still can't test ,study,and observe the origins of the universe or the origins of life,and they sure as heck can't test ,study,and observe macro-evolution.
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I would stray away from abstracting the idea of a code too much, everyone.

I would call DNA a code just like binary. Binary code seems like a strange concept to most people; they dont usually understand how 0's and 1's can construct the complex things you do on a computer. But these 0's and 1's arent abstract concepts: They're actually represented by the electrons, or lack thereof, inside the millions of capacitors of the memory/CPU of your computer. So everything that we think of as an abstract code is ultimately broken down into physical concepts.

Similarly, DNA is an abstract code derived from physical concepts. Groups of nucleotides, which are just rings of carbon atoms with some extras, are used as templates for the ultimate creation of proteins by enzymes. Genes arent abstract any more than a computer program is abstract.

Electrons in capacitors make up a single bit, a group of 8 bits make up a byte. Nucleotides in a DNA strand make up a single piece of information, you could call it a bit. And a group of 3 nucleotides made up a codon, just like how 8 bits make a byte.

These concepts are only abstract if you dont take them time to think about how the supposedly abstract concept translates into physical atoms and particles. I suspect YWC makes this mistake a lot.

By Mayo Clinic staff
Genetic testing involves examining your DNA, the chemical database that carries instructions for your body's functions. Genetic testing can reveal changes or alterations in your genes that may cause illness or disease.

Genetic testing -

I think these guys agree with what I am saying.

So I will ask again name one language,code,or a form of communication that came about naturally, absent of intelligence ?
You have offered a fair description of the use of the term "code" as it applies to genetics ... yet in the typically disingenuous style of Christian Creationist intellectual dishonesty, you insist the use specific to genetics and the meaning of the term elsewhere are interchangeable.

Not by writing or speaking to them.

Yet you just can't ever bring "all kinds of" actual, verifiable, valid evidence in support what you're saying or to contradict anyone; you only bring your logically invalid assertions of fact and superstition.

What's up with that?

No difference from the morse code.

Well, to be fair you cant just compare it to any code and say "see goddidit".

Thats sort of a massive cop out.

Wrong,my point is no form of communicating or language and code could come through a natural means which shows we are a product of design not a natural process.
Yup, leprosy is caused by a Mycobacterium.

The bible is not proof of the bible. Those persons never even existed.

Anyone that contracted leprosy in 4000 BC contracted it the same way its contracted now, through one of two types of bacteria. Anyone that thinks otherwise is beyond gone.

You can believe as you wish.

No, thats not the end of the argument. Before you were talking about how if you make a statement, you have to prove it. Every person weve every seen with leprosy has this bacteria, we know its caused by this bacteria. If your going to claim something else then either prove it or stop talking about it.

Your side admits the disease can only be traced back to 3 or 4 thousand years before Christ where in the bible the disease shows up in genesis. What a coincedence and God said this disease would stay in a family line that was cursed with it.

Then in the book of leviticus God explains the disease in detail and tells the people how to deal with the disease and how to keep it from spreading to the innocent.
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You have offered a fair description of the use of the term "code" as it applies to genetics ... yet in the typically disingenuous style of Christian Creationist intellectual dishonesty, you insist the use specific to genetics and the meaning of the term elsewhere are interchangeable.

Not by writing or speaking to them.

Yet you just can't ever bring "all kinds of" actual, verifiable, valid evidence in support what you're saying or to contradict anyone; you only bring your logically invalid assertions of fact and superstition.

What's up with that?

No difference from the morse code.

Well, to be fair you cant just compare it to any code and say "see goddidit".

Thats sort of a massive cop out.

No it's not. British scientist Francis Crick who helped in discovering the structure of DNA,believed that human genes could not have evolved by chance.

Crick said you would be more likely to assemble a jumbo jet by passing a hurricane through a junk yard then to assemble a DNA molecule by chance in any kind of primeval soup in 5 or 6 hundred million years. He said it's just not possible.

Then asked the question, if it could not have happened naturally how did it happen ?

Sounds like he was open to an intelligent creator or in your words Goddidit. If you check his background it is pretty impressive to say the least.
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Yep you could not do it nor can anyone because it's never happened.

1.Code is defined as the rules of communication between an encoder (a “writer” or “speaker”) and a decoder (a “reader” or “listener”) using agreed upon symbols.
2.DNA’s definition as a literal code (and not a figurative one) is nearly universal in the entire body of biological literature since the 1960&#8242;s.
3.DNA code has much in common with human language and computer languages
4. DNA transcription is an encoding / decoding mechanism isomorphic with Claude Shannon’s 1948 model: The sequence of base pairs is encoded into messenger RNA which is decoded into proteins.
5. Information theory terms and ideas applied to DNA are not metaphorical, but in fact quite literal in every way. In other words, the information theory argument for design is not based on analogy at all. It is direct application of mathematics to DNA, which by definition is a code

I believe the rest of this article will reduce your argument to nothing.

Is DNA a Code?
not a viable source.

Is that all you have :lol:
that all I need... as opposed to the mountains of bullshit you pile up to bolster your nonsense..
it's not a viable source because it's biased .
it being biased is just a statement of fact.

You can't seem to stay on topic can you ? You don't realize you make arguments for intelligent design do you ? Beneficial mutations few and far between. You can speculate all you like but we know beneficial mutations do not accumulate as evolutionist claim.
obviously you did not watch it...:lol::lol:

You can't seem to stay on topic can you ? You don't realize you make arguments for intelligent design do you ? Beneficial mutations few and far between. You can speculate all you like but we know beneficial mutations do not accumulate as evolutionist claim.
obviously you did not watch it...:lol::lol:

Did , but it don't take long to see a load of baloney so I shut it off.
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