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Ordered natural processes, which thinking people yearn to better-understand. And the more intellegent and uber curious of us go to great lengths helping we thinking people better understand, more all the time.

Then for everyone else, there's the idiot's refuges (plural)

It's all random, dudes!

God made it, hethens!

Nothing wrong with understanding things what's wrong is the stupidity of the conclusions that are accepted and taught by people with vivid imaginations.

It's imaginary, obviously, which is no problem when writing a nice movie script. In fact it's a real plus.

But when wanting to actually know about life, planets, etc, real is the cat's pajamas and imagined is mere delusion, comforting or otherwise.

Have no problem with real science nor does any creationist or ID proponent. The problem your side has is when our explanations and predictions are better supported by the evidence.
of course you can. Your gawds are the most evil, prolific mass murderers ever to be invented by mankind.

the god that runs this world is not the god that created all. He is the god that is doing the evil things you're complaining about.

2co 4:4 in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving ones, so that the light of the glorious gospel of christ (who is the image of god) should not dawn on them.

This god is satan.

according to the men who wrote the genesis tale, satan was created by your gawds. It's a bit late to be re-writing the various bibles.
fun fact satan is never mentioned in the old testament.
Nothing wrong with understanding things what's wrong is the stupidity of the conclusions that are accepted and taught by people with vivid imaginations.

It's imaginary, obviously, which is no problem when writing a nice movie script. In fact it's a real plus.

But when wanting to actually know about life, planets, etc, real is the cat's pajamas and imagined is mere delusion, comforting or otherwise.

Have no problem with real science nor does any creationist or ID proponent. The problem your side has is when our explanations and predictions are better supported by the evidence.

Actually, all you and other Creationists do is try to discredit "real" scientific findings, in ways that merely reinforce delusions in those that are prone to unsupported belief systems.

But I do have a problem with psuedoscience, since it's so fucking stupid, I can actually feel the braincells dying while I listen to or read the nonsense you folks take on faith. But it's funny as shit, so on balance, no prob. Glad to have ya'll "thinking" the shit up, and gladder still I am not one of you abject fucking nincumpoops.
Nothing wrong with understanding things what's wrong is the stupidity of the conclusions that are accepted and taught by people with vivid imaginations.

It's imaginary, obviously, which is no problem when writing a nice movie script. In fact it's a real plus.

But when wanting to actually know about life, planets, etc, real is the cat's pajamas and imagined is mere delusion, comforting or otherwise.

Have no problem with real science nor does any creationist or ID proponent. The problem your side has is when our explanations and predictions are better supported by the evidence.

The difficulty that creationist or ID'iot cultists have is that neither of those religious beliefs offer explanations or make predictions.
Nothing wrong with understanding things what's wrong is the stupidity of the conclusions that are accepted and taught by people with vivid imaginations.

It's imaginary, obviously, which is no problem when writing a nice movie script. In fact it's a real plus.

But when wanting to actually know about life, planets, etc, real is the cat's pajamas and imagined is mere delusion, comforting or otherwise.

Have no problem with real science nor does any creationist or ID proponent. The problem your side has is when our explanations and predictions are better supported by the evidence.

So what proof do you have that the world was made in 6 days, because the evidence doesn't support that.
Hmm things made by an invisible and un-directed process ! Are you on drugs ?

I never claimed such a thing. But yes, I'm lighting up a big joint as I type. :D

Well then how did they get here if there was no designer or natural un-directed process ?

Scientists are trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe. If invisible superbeings are found, I'll let you know. But for now, they are just a theory.
It's imaginary, obviously, which is no problem when writing a nice movie script. In fact it's a real plus.

But when wanting to actually know about life, planets, etc, real is the cat's pajamas and imagined is mere delusion, comforting or otherwise.

Have no problem with real science nor does any creationist or ID proponent. The problem your side has is when our explanations and predictions are better supported by the evidence.

The difficulty that creationist or ID'iot cultists have is that neither of those religious beliefs offer explanations or make predictions.
Ahh, you may wish to view the following:
Have no problem with real science nor does any creationist or ID proponent. The problem your side has is when our explanations and predictions are better supported by the evidence.

The difficulty that creationist or ID'iot cultists have is that neither of those religious beliefs offer explanations or make predictions.
Ahh, you may wish to view the following:

Better yet! Learn some real science. :lol:
The difficulty that creationist or ID'iot cultists have is that neither of those religious beliefs offer explanations or make predictions.
Ahh, you may wish to view the following:

Better yet! Learn some real science. :lol:

Real science is based on observation and experimentation and repeatability. Unfortunately, none of this applies to evolution. God does move in mysterious ways, as does the wind. No one I know of rejects the reality of wind or gravity. Yet, it would seem no matter what kind of proof is provided for the truth of living according to biblical principles actually works, its historic content, and valid observations surrounding its writings, there will be those who refuse to budge from their own little designer box ---- so they can remain in control.

Real science is based on observation and experimentation and repeatability. Unfortunately, none of this applies to evolution. God does move in mysterious ways, as does the wind. No one I know of rejects the reality of wind or gravity. Yet, it would seem no matter what kind of proof is provided for the truth of living according to biblical principles actually works, its historic content, and valid observations surrounding its writings, there will be those who refuse to budge from their own little designer box ---- so they can remain in control.
Of course it does, evolution has been observed by Darwin, ever hear of him? Here, I'll give you one simple example of evolution that you can see: If you ever go into a house built in, say, 1600, the first thing you'll notice is how small the doorways are, and the ceilings are lower... everything is smaller. You know why? Because back then, humans weren't as tall as we are now (you can check any clothes from the period), and we EVOLVED to be taller, and live longer, btw. Why can't evolution be part of a creator's plan? I know, it's proves your book wrong, but who cares? Isn't the truth (about the creator) more important than some 1500 year old book of hearsay and myths?
Better yet! Learn some real science. :lol:

Real science is based on observation and experimentation and repeatability. Unfortunately, none of this applies to evolution. God does move in mysterious ways, as does the wind. No one I know of rejects the reality of wind or gravity. Yet, it would seem no matter what kind of proof is provided for the truth of living according to biblical principles actually works, its historic content, and valid observations surrounding its writings, there will be those who refuse to budge from their own little designer box ---- so they can remain in control.
Of course it does, evolution has been observed by Darwin, ever hear of him? Here, I'll give you one simple example of evolution that you can see: If you ever go into a house built in, say, 1600, the first thing you'll notice is how small the doorways are, and the ceilings are lower... everything is smaller. You know why? Because back then, humans weren't as tall as we are now (you can check any clothes from the period), and we EVOLVED to be taller, and live longer, btw. Why can't evolution be part of a creator's plan? I know, it's proves your book wrong, but who cares? Isn't the truth (about the creator) more important than some 1500 year old book of hearsay and myths?
You may wish to read the following:
What Darwin Got Wrong

As to your other reasoning: I happen to belong to a historic presevation commission. There is some truth in what you say; however, the total reality is that nutrition plays a large part in the development of living things. The early settlers lived a very hard life. They ate what was available and often it lacked certain minerals, etc... Also, once people made it to adulthood many lived to be quite old, especially if they lived a comfortable life. However, the mortality rate of babies and children was rather high. Wars are another factor. If the United States added the numbers of aborted babies, one would likely see a different picture. Now as far as houses of the period --- building materials were expensive and hard to come by. Also, lower ceilings made for warmer rooms in the winter. Beds were shorter because it was considered unhealthy to sleep lying down. People propped themselves up with pillows to sleep in a more of a seated position. Washington was over 6 foot tall.
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Have no problem with real science nor does any creationist or ID proponent. The problem your side has is when our explanations and predictions are better supported by the evidence.

The difficulty that creationist or ID'iot cultists have is that neither of those religious beliefs offer explanations or make predictions.
Ahh, you may wish to view the following:

I'm afraid your link to AIG is simply boilerplate creationist fake science. The "predictions" are not predictions at all but pseudo-science in a burqa of false and debunked claims.

CD701: Decay of Earth's magnetic field

Creation Science and the Earth's Magnetic Field

I'm not going to waste time and bandwidth by addressing every false claim the charlatans at AIG have listed.

We can all imagine that if any of the gawds had really given us a book, they would have managed to drop in a real proof now and then, like, say, the chemical structure of a few of the elements or a comprehensive description of the process of nuclear fusion that powers our sun. But we don't, obviously. Instead we get dumb stuff from creationists who feel that silly "proofs" of a 6000 year old planet are to be taken seriously. That's just awful. The people who are propagating that nonsense are slandering everyone’s intelligence.

Don't be an accomplice.
Real science is based on observation and experimentation and repeatability. Unfortunately, none of this applies to evolution. God does move in mysterious ways, as does the wind. No one I know of rejects the reality of wind or gravity. Yet, it would seem no matter what kind of proof is provided for the truth of living according to biblical principles actually works, its historic content, and valid observations surrounding its writings, there will be those who refuse to budge from their own little designer box ---- so they can remain in control.
Of course it does, evolution has been observed by Darwin, ever hear of him? Here, I'll give you one simple example of evolution that you can see: If you ever go into a house built in, say, 1600, the first thing you'll notice is how small the doorways are, and the ceilings are lower... everything is smaller. You know why? Because back then, humans weren't as tall as we are now (you can check any clothes from the period), and we EVOLVED to be taller, and live longer, btw. Why can't evolution be part of a creator's plan? I know, it's proves your book wrong, but who cares? Isn't the truth (about the creator) more important than some 1500 year old book of hearsay and myths?
You may wish to read the following:
What Darwin Got Wrong

As to your other reasoning: I happen to belong to a historic presevation commission. There is some truth in what you say; however, the total reality is that nutrition plays a large part in the development of living things. The early settlers lived a very hard life. They ate what was available and often it lacked certain minerals, etc... Also, once people made it to adulthood many lived to be quite old, especially if they lived a comfortable life. However, the mortality rate of babies and children was rather high. Wars are another factor. If the United States added the numbers of aborted babies, one would likely see a different picture. Now as far as houses of the period --- building materials were expensive and hard to come by. Also, lower ceilings made for warmer rooms in the winter. Beds were shorter because it was considered unhealthy to sleep lying down. People propped themselves up with pillows to sleep in a more of a seated position. Washington was over 6 foot tall.

Do-while Jones?

You're kidding, right?
The difficulty that creationist or ID'iot cultists have is that neither of those religious beliefs offer explanations or make predictions.
Ahh, you may wish to view the following:

I'm afraid your link to AIG is simply boilerplate creationist fake science. The "predictions" are not predictions at all but pseudo-science in a burqa of false and debunked claims.

CD701: Decay of Earth's magnetic field

Creation Science and the Earth's Magnetic Field

I'm not going to waste time and bandwidth by addressing every false claim the charlatans at AIG have listed.

We can all imagine that if any of the gawds had really given us a book, they would have managed to drop in a real proof now and then, like, say, the chemical structure of a few of the elements or a comprehensive description of the process of nuclear fusion that powers our sun. But we don't, obviously. Instead we get dumb stuff from creationists who feel that silly "proofs" of a 6000 year old planet are to be taken seriously. That's just awful. The people who are propagating that nonsense are slandering everyone’s intelligence.

Don't be an accomplice.

Evolution is not acceptable science. Those that believe in it are looking for a way out of their dilemma. If there is no God how could all this have happened? The fact that you insist on mocking God in your posts should demonstrate to even the most simple minded that you have a agenda. What seems silly to a person who cannot accept that God is the reality, makes logical sense to those that know God, trust in Him and His power.
Of course it does, evolution has been observed by Darwin, ever hear of him? Here, I'll give you one simple example of evolution that you can see: If you ever go into a house built in, say, 1600, the first thing you'll notice is how small the doorways are, and the ceilings are lower... everything is smaller. You know why? Because back then, humans weren't as tall as we are now (you can check any clothes from the period), and we EVOLVED to be taller, and live longer, btw. Why can't evolution be part of a creator's plan? I know, it's proves your book wrong, but who cares? Isn't the truth (about the creator) more important than some 1500 year old book of hearsay and myths?
You may wish to read the following:
What Darwin Got Wrong

As to your other reasoning: I happen to belong to a historic presevation commission. There is some truth in what you say; however, the total reality is that nutrition plays a large part in the development of living things. The early settlers lived a very hard life. They ate what was available and often it lacked certain minerals, etc... Also, once people made it to adulthood many lived to be quite old, especially if they lived a comfortable life. However, the mortality rate of babies and children was rather high. Wars are another factor. If the United States added the numbers of aborted babies, one would likely see a different picture. Now as far as houses of the period --- building materials were expensive and hard to come by. Also, lower ceilings made for warmer rooms in the winter. Beds were shorter because it was considered unhealthy to sleep lying down. People propped themselves up with pillows to sleep in a more of a seated position. Washington was over 6 foot tall.

Do-while Jones?

You're kidding, right?

You're joking too?

It is funny how many ways people will find excuses for their own beliefs --- even to disregard those on their side... Do you hate God?
Last edited:
You may wish to read the following:
What Darwin Got Wrong

As to your other reasoning: I happen to belong to a historic presevation commission. There is some truth in what you say; however, the total reality is that nutrition plays a large part in the development of living things. The early settlers lived a very hard life. They ate what was available and often it lacked certain minerals, etc... Also, once people made it to adulthood many lived to be quite old, especially if they lived a comfortable life. However, the mortality rate of babies and children was rather high. Wars are another factor. If the United States added the numbers of aborted babies, one would likely see a different picture. Now as far as houses of the period --- building materials were expensive and hard to come by. Also, lower ceilings made for warmer rooms in the winter. Beds were shorter because it was considered unhealthy to sleep lying down. People propped themselves up with pillows to sleep in a more of a seated position. Washington was over 6 foot tall.

Do-while Jones?

You're kidding, right?

You're joking too?

It is funny how many ways people will find excuses for their own beliefs --- even to disregard those on their side... Do you hate God?
Not joking.

Why don't you identify for us the credentials of Do-while Jones?

In the meantime...

Creation Science and Magnetic Fields

I'm afraid your link to AIG is simply boilerplate creationist fake science. The "predictions" are not predictions at all but pseudo-science in a burqa of false and debunked claims.

CD701: Decay of Earth's magnetic field

Creation Science and the Earth's Magnetic Field

I'm not going to waste time and bandwidth by addressing every false claim the charlatans at AIG have listed.

We can all imagine that if any of the gawds had really given us a book, they would have managed to drop in a real proof now and then, like, say, the chemical structure of a few of the elements or a comprehensive description of the process of nuclear fusion that powers our sun. But we don't, obviously. Instead we get dumb stuff from creationists who feel that silly "proofs" of a 6000 year old planet are to be taken seriously. That's just awful. The people who are propagating that nonsense are slandering everyone’s intelligence.

Don't be an accomplice.

Evolution is not acceptable science. Those that believe in it are looking for a way out of their dilemma. If there is no God how could all this have happened? The fact that you insist on mocking God in your posts should demonstrate to even the most simple minded that you have a agenda. What seems silly to a person who cannot accept that God is the reality, makes logical sense to those that know God, trust in Him and His power.

Evolution is not acceptable science? Not acceptable to who?

I can understand your dilemma in that the many fields of science supporting evolution presents an obvious contradiction to biblical tales and fables but you appear to be among those fundie Christians who believe that evolutionary science is a worldwide conspiracy.
I'm afraid your link to AIG is simply boilerplate creationist fake science. The "predictions" are not predictions at all but pseudo-science in a burqa of false and debunked claims.

CD701: Decay of Earth's magnetic field

Creation Science and the Earth's Magnetic Field

I'm not going to waste time and bandwidth by addressing every false claim the charlatans at AIG have listed.

We can all imagine that if any of the gawds had really given us a book, they would have managed to drop in a real proof now and then, like, say, the chemical structure of a few of the elements or a comprehensive description of the process of nuclear fusion that powers our sun. But we don't, obviously. Instead we get dumb stuff from creationists who feel that silly "proofs" of a 6000 year old planet are to be taken seriously. That's just awful. The people who are propagating that nonsense are slandering everyone’s intelligence.

Don't be an accomplice.

Evolution is not acceptable science. Those that believe in it are looking for a way out of their dilemma. If there is no God how could all this have happened? The fact that you insist on mocking God in your posts should demonstrate to even the most simple minded that you have a agenda. What seems silly to a person who cannot accept that God is the reality, makes logical sense to those that know God, trust in Him and His power.

Evolution is not acceptable science? Not acceptable to who?

I can understand your dilemma in that the many fields of science supporting evolution presents an obvious contradiction to biblical tales and fables but you appear to be among those fundie Christians who believe that evolutionary science is a worldwide conspiracy.

I see the contradiction that anyone (no matter how many years of scientific study or how much research has been done) are labeled unscientific and not a scientist, when they reject evolution or pursue to understand the Bible as truth. I do not reject evolutionists their titles just because I happen to disagree with their opinions based on limited findings. So why should the opposite be true unless there is indeed a conspiracy to silence opposition and hold control.
Do-while Jones?

You're kidding, right?

You're joking too?

It is funny how many ways people will find excuses for their own beliefs --- even to disregard those on their side... Do you hate God?
Not joking.

Why don't you identify for us the credentials of Do-while Jones?

In the meantime...

Creation Science and Magnetic Fields

Why not seek the credentials of the atheistic authors? Jones might be a Christian only presenting what seems an interesting view that seems to be coming from some atheists. There is nothing wrong in that unless the atheists are not atheists.
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