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Exactly. It is disappointing to behold such behavior in theists, especially during an age where actual truth is so available. This circumstance is unique to human history: to understand the universe as we do, and yet there are groups of people who call this knowledge "evil." We are a primitive species, indeed.

Now this is funny!!!! You and Hawly wouldn't know truth if if smacked you in the forehead. :lol::lol: And funny that you would be so bold as to judge anyone's behavior, when your worldview has NO foundation for ethics. Methinks evo-fundie speak with forked tongue.

Religions are not something that increase moral behavior. Atheists are just as moral, if not more so, than those who would excuse their transgressions by appealing to a god, rather than the actual person wronged. The idea that Christians are more moral is a farce, and demonstrably false. Christians are proportionally represented in prison populations relative to the whole population, while atheists are under-represented, for example.

The question always reminds me of who started the hospitals, orphanages, schools, colleges, universities, daycare, food banks, shelters, intoduced Mother's Day, Memorial Day, Scouting, The Red Cross, Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin? It has been Ghristians. Atheists might lend a hand, but they have not been the one's taking the lead --- except maybe as usurpers. They have a way of taking over....
Now this is funny!!!! You and Hawly wouldn't know truth if if smacked you in the forehead. :lol::lol: And funny that you would be so bold as to judge anyone's behavior, when your worldview has NO foundation for ethics. Methinks evo-fundie speak with forked tongue.

Religions are not something that increase moral behavior. Atheists are just as moral, if not more so, than those who would excuse their transgressions by appealing to a god, rather than the actual person wronged. The idea that Christians are more moral is a farce, and demonstrably false. Christians are proportionally represented in prison populations relative to the whole population, while atheists are under-represented, for example.

The question always reminds me of who started the hospitals, orphanages, schools, colleges, universities, daycare, food banks, shelters, intoduced Mother's Day, Memorial Day, Scouting, The Red Cross, Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin? It has been Ghristians. Atheists might lend a hand, but they have not been the one's taking the lead --- except maybe as usurpers. They have a way of taking over....

Gee whiz. I hadn't realized that with exclusivity, all the institutions you mentioned were Christian endeavors.

I suppose I'll have to rally my atheistic brethren and begin a 500 year long campaign of witch hunts, torture of heretics, inquisitions, Crusades, human and animal sacrifice, etc., just to catch up.

Gott mit uns.
Religions are not something that increase moral behavior. Atheists are just as moral, if not more so, than those who would excuse their transgressions by appealing to a god, rather than the actual person wronged. The idea that Christians are more moral is a farce, and demonstrably false. Christians are proportionally represented in prison populations relative to the whole population, while atheists are under-represented, for example.

The question always reminds me of who started the hospitals, orphanages, schools, colleges, universities, daycare, food banks, shelters, intoduced Mother's Day, Memorial Day, Scouting, The Red Cross, Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin? It has been Ghristians. Atheists might lend a hand, but they have not been the one's taking the lead --- except maybe as usurpers. They have a way of taking over....

Gee whiz. I hadn't realized that with exclusivity, all the institutions you mentioned were Christian endeavors.

I suppose I'll have to rally my atheistic brethren and begin a 500 year long campaign of witch hunts, torture of heretics, inquisitions, Crusades, human and animal sacrifice, etc., just to catch up.

Gott mit uns.

No need to play catch up. Atheistic governments murdered over 80 million people in the 20th century alone so I think you're good. Please tell me you haven't forgotten that cozy little retreat called the Soviet Union, where they outlawed God and built walls to keep their people IN. Yep, there certainly were more Christians in the prison population there because it was against the law to worship God. So much for your skewed statistics.
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If Evolution is a Fact.

How did there come to be male and female?

It's an undeniable fact that nearly all life forms have both male and female varieties.

So where did they come from?

How did they get started?

Who decided which was which, or which was going to be which?

Its undeniable falsehood what you just stated. The actual truth, is that Most of the biomass on this planet are made up of single-called bacteria who are asexual.

Now if they could only demonstrate that a bacterium could evolve in to something other then a bacterium :razz:

The planet is covered with bacterium how do you account for them in your evolutionary tree ?
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If Evolution is a Fact.

How did there come to be male and female?

It's an undeniable fact that nearly all life forms have both male and female varieties.

So where did they come from?

How did they get started?

Who decided which was which, or which was going to be which?

I recall you posted this previously and it was addressed.

If designer gawds were a fact, how do you account for the required designers of your designer gawds?

This is the crux of the whole thing.

What really boggles the mind is this.

Creationist scoff at the notion that we came about gradually over millions of years.

Of course the same people seem to have no problem believing that an even more complex and powerful deity has just always been there. That this deity spoke everything into existence, and that he sent his son down to do impossible things (created food from nothing, healed the sick and brought the dead back to life), and after dieing, floats up to heaven on a cloud (where exactly was he going?) These things are believable.

But gradual change over millions of years.... fucking retarded.

If there is a god out there and all of this is true, I have just one question for him.

Why the hell would you want to spend eternity with these people?

I guess you never heard of the cambrian explosion and the theory of punctuated equilibrium and why it exists.
The question always reminds me of who started the hospitals, orphanages, schools, colleges, universities, daycare, food banks, shelters, intoduced Mother's Day, Memorial Day, Scouting, The Red Cross, Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin? It has been Ghristians. Atheists might lend a hand, but they have not been the one's taking the lead --- except maybe as usurpers. They have a way of taking over....

Gee whiz. I hadn't realized that with exclusivity, all the institutions you mentioned were Christian endeavors.

I suppose I'll have to rally my atheistic brethren and begin a 500 year long campaign of witch hunts, torture of heretics, inquisitions, Crusades, human and animal sacrifice, etc., just to catch up.

Gott mit uns.

No need to play catch up. Atheistic governments murdered over 80 million people in the 20th century alone so I think you're good. Please tell me you haven't forgotten that cozy little retreat called the Soviet Union, where they outlawed God and built walls to keep their people IN. Yep, there certainly were more Christians in the prison population there because it was against the law to worship God. So much for your skewed statistics.
Because you're as clueless as usual, I'll note that you're referring to political ideologies (Marxism/Stalinism), as the entity responsible for your roll call.

Get a clue, stalker.
If Evolution is a Fact.

How did there come to be male and female?

It's an undeniable fact that nearly all life forms have both male and female varieties.

So where did they come from?

How did they get started?

Who decided which was which, or which was going to be which?

I recall you posted this previously and it was addressed.

If designer gawds were a fact, how do you account for the required designers of your designer gawds?

No it was never answered adequately.

You can't answer it either.

They avoided the question by bringing up Asexual reproducing bacterium like that answers the question. As far as I know a bacterium has never evolved because it's genetic information say's it's offspring will continue being bacterium with no hope of genetic being introduced to cause them to evolve in to non-bacterium.
I think that Creationists are a hoot! I would love to visit the Creationist museum in Kentucky. However, I have always suspected that they are not really serious...kind of like the "Flat Earth Society". It is possible that I tend to think that way, because the thought of serious adults dismissing evolution, and claiming that man and dinosaures coexisted, is too scary to contemplate.

You silly Ideologue.
It really is in poor form for you to demand answers of others, (which are provided), and then run for the exits when you are requested to supply answers in connection with your various gawds

When you grow up and learn how to show some respect I may answer your silly question.

And I have not SEEN an answer to my question!

Who are you to demand information that you yourself can obtain, freely and easily?

What do you do ?
there is a slight chance he would want to duke it out or shoot me .

Yeah because I want to get arrested and tarnish my perfect law enforcement career over a curmudgeon with small mans complex.

I just thought it would be interesting to have a civil conversation without your tough guy, inflated internet personality.
really? I'm not small in any sense of the word.
height 6'4'' weight 272 lbs.
their you go again over playing your role, "perfect" career my ass, and you say my personality is inflated.

I picture you as a 5"6 145 weakling,sorry.
The question always reminds me of who started the hospitals, orphanages, schools, colleges, universities, daycare, food banks, shelters, intoduced Mother's Day, Memorial Day, Scouting, The Red Cross, Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin? It has been Ghristians. Atheists might lend a hand, but they have not been the one's taking the lead --- except maybe as usurpers. They have a way of taking over....

Gee whiz. I hadn't realized that with exclusivity, all the institutions you mentioned were Christian endeavors.

I suppose I'll have to rally my atheistic brethren and begin a 500 year long campaign of witch hunts, torture of heretics, inquisitions, Crusades, human and animal sacrifice, etc., just to catch up.

Gott mit uns.

No need to play catch up. Atheistic governments murdered over 80 million people in the 20th century alone so I think you're good. Please tell me you haven't forgotten that cozy little retreat called the Soviet Union, where they outlawed God and built walls to keep their people IN. Yep, there certainly were more Christians in the prison population there because it was against the law to worship God. So much for your skewed statistics.

These mass murders (both the inquisition and the soviets among others) aren't so much about ideology as they were about control. Their ideology was simply a tool they used to maintain an iron grip.

I wouldn't go so far as to say atheist are innocents. But there is no evidence whatsoever that they are any worse than the average religious person. If anything I would say that modern atheist are above average in many ways.
Gee whiz. I hadn't realized that with exclusivity, all the institutions you mentioned were Christian endeavors.

I suppose I'll have to rally my atheistic brethren and begin a 500 year long campaign of witch hunts, torture of heretics, inquisitions, Crusades, human and animal sacrifice, etc., just to catch up.

Gott mit uns.

No need to play catch up. Atheistic governments murdered over 80 million people in the 20th century alone so I think you're good. Please tell me you haven't forgotten that cozy little retreat called the Soviet Union, where they outlawed God and built walls to keep their people IN. Yep, there certainly were more Christians in the prison population there because it was against the law to worship God. So much for your skewed statistics.

These mass murders (both the inquisition and the soviets among others) aren't so much about ideology as they were about control. Their ideology was simply a tool they used to maintain an iron grip.

I wouldn't go so far as to say atheist are innocents. But there is no evidence whatsoever that they are any worse than the average religious person. If anything I would say that modern atheist are above average in many ways.

An ideology that denied God's existence. It is amazing what people can justify when they are not answering to a Higher Power. Contrast that with the never before seen liberty granted by a government founded on the basis of God, i.e., the once Christian Nation of the United States.
No need to play catch up. Atheistic governments murdered over 80 million people in the 20th century alone so I think you're good. Please tell me you haven't forgotten that cozy little retreat called the Soviet Union, where they outlawed God and built walls to keep their people IN. Yep, there certainly were more Christians in Ithe prison population there because it was against the law to worship God. So much for your skewed statistics.

These mass murders (both the inquisition and the soviets among others) aren't so much about ideology as they were about control. Their ideology was simply a tool they used to maintain an iron grip.

I wouldn't go so far as to say atheist are innocents. But there is no evidence whatsoever that they are any worse than the average religious person. If anything I would say that modern atheist are above average in many ways.

An ideology that denied God's existence. It is amazing what people can justify when they are not answering to a Higher Power. Contrast that with the never before seen liberty granted by a government founded on the basis of God, i.e., the once Christian Nation of the United States.

Actually, what is horrific is what people can justify when they ARE answering to gawds. It's called the Dark Ages.

The US was never a Christian nation. The Founding Fathers knew the dangers of Christian based theocracies.
When you grow up and learn how to show some respect I may answer your silly question.

And I have not SEEN an answer to my question!

Who are you to demand information that you yourself can obtain, freely and easily?

What do you do ?

I don't arrogantly demand information about anything that is easily gotten to, or refuse to learn about something because it threatens my beliefs about how the world works. I have read the NT And studied the Torah academically. I have examined all arguments for the existence of god, and find none of it to be convincing. All gods were so obviously made in the image of man, including the Judeo-Christian god. I do find it interesting that anybody could actually buy into it, from a psychological standpoint. It is that reason I am here.
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More importantly, I don't expect others to compensate for my lack of willingness to learn about something that is challenging or unknown, and then demand that they feed me this knowledge with a silver spoon. It is doubly absurd in the age of the Internet, of free and abundant information. Auto-didacticism has never been more possible in the history of humanity.
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No need to play catch up. Atheistic governments murdered over 80 million people in the 20th century alone so I think you're good. Please tell me you haven't forgotten that cozy little retreat called the Soviet Union, where they outlawed God and built walls to keep their people IN. Yep, there certainly were more Christians in the prison population there because it was against the law to worship God. So much for your skewed statistics.

These mass murders (both the inquisition and the soviets among others) aren't so much about ideology as they were about control. Their ideology was simply a tool they used to maintain an iron grip.

I wouldn't go so far as to say atheist are innocents. But there is no evidence whatsoever that they are any worse than the average religious person. If anything I would say that modern atheist are above average in many ways.

An ideology that denied God's existence. It is amazing what people can justify when they are not answering to a Higher Power. Contrast that with the never before seen liberty granted by a government founded on the basis of God, i.e., the once Christian Nation of the United States.

See that is where you go off the rails.

How can you claim a lack of god as the cause when the same things were done by the inquisition and a dozen others (including the Israelis in the old testament)?

It's ridiculous.

Rome was the first "christian nation" and they slaughtered those who chose to follow the old gods. There have been dozens more since.

And America was not a christian nation. It was founded as a nation under a generic god which specifically allowed for belief in anything. Not only christ. That is not, by definition, a christian nation.
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Yeah because I want to get arrested and tarnish my perfect law enforcement career over a curmudgeon with small mans complex.

I just thought it would be interesting to have a civil conversation without your tough guy, inflated internet personality.
really? I'm not small in any sense of the word.
height 6'4'' weight 272 lbs.
their you go again over playing your role, "perfect" career my ass, and you say my personality is inflated.

That's right Daws, you can be any size, age or sex you want on the internet. The possibilities are unlimited. You can even be a chick posing as a dude like Hawly did on the Islam forum with her "RuggedTouch". :clap2: Who knows? Maybe you are a pimply faced teenage girl and Hawly is your masculinity counselor.
fine example of hubris and inflated self image detective douche bag.
unlike yourself, I've never had the need to disguise who or what I 'am.
I recall you posted this previously and it was addressed.

If designer gawds were a fact, how do you account for the required designers of your designer gawds?

No it was never answered adequately.

You can't answer it either.

They avoided the question by bringing up Asexual reproducing bacterium like that answers the question. As far as I know a bacterium has never evolved because it's genetic information say's it's offspring will continue being bacterium with no hope of genetic being introduced to cause them to evolve in to non-bacterium.

If evolution is real, then why isn't anyone in this discussion evolving?
Why are we seeing the same old straw man arguments and
personal attacks not getting anywhere?

If there is a tendency of change toward improvement, where is this change?
Show me proof, somebody! Anybody?
And America was not a christian nation. It was founded as a nation under a generic god which specifically allowed for belief in anything. Not only christ. That is not, by definition, a christian nation.

Dear Underhill:
There is "Christian" by the external letter or cultural traditions using the Bible, etc.
There is "Christian" by the internal spirit which means to embody the laws by conscience.

The Founding Fathers clearly practiced the second type
because the people WERE the government. The people
who built the nation WERE the ones who embraced the laws and enforced them.
This is the equivalent of teaching that the people ARE the Church or the body.

So that part is Christian. Where people embody the laws by conscience.
The external expression was using Constitutional laws not necessarily Biblical laws,
but the spiritual concept and commitment is the same:

to adopt and commit to enforcing and upholding the laws ONESELF by conscience
for the sake of "Justice with Mercy for all" is the same spirit as in Christianity

You can do this with Buddhist laws, Muslim, Constitutional laws etc. (not just Bible laws)
and still be one with the body of Christ by the spirit of truth and justice
which God and Jesus represent regardless of political or religious affiliation.

We are still joined as one in the spirit of Justice or Jesus
and the Founding Fathers did recognize this and pray in that spirit,
while also recognizing the external diversity of religious beliefs protected thereunder.

The God of Nature the Deists believed in is
still the same as the God in the Bible of the Christians.
Whether we govern ourselves under natural laws as made statutory in the Constitution
or under sacred laws of the Bible or other scriptures, the same God/Jesus
representing universal truth/justice includes all people equally regardless of affiliation.
We are joined by conscience or by Christ, no matter what we call this.
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