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If Evolution is a Fact.

How did there come to be male and female?

It's an undeniable fact that nearly all life forms have both male and female varieties.

So where did they come from?

How did they get started?

Who decided which was which, or which was going to be which?

Its undeniable falsehood what you just stated. The actual truth, is that Most of the biomass on this planet are made up of single-called bacteria who are asexual.
If Evolution is a Fact.

How did there come to be male and female?

It's an undeniable fact that nearly all life forms have both male and female varieties.

So where did they come from?

How did they get started?

Who decided which was which, or which was going to be which?

I recall you posted this previously and it was addressed.

If designer gawds were a fact, how do you account for the required designers of your designer gawds?

This is the crux of the whole thing.

What really boggles the mind is this.

Creationist scoff at the notion that we came about gradually over millions of years.

Of course the same people seem to have no problem believing that an even more complex and powerful deity has just always been there. That this deity spoke everything into existence, and that he sent his son down to do impossible things (created food from nothing, healed the sick and brought the dead back to life), and after dieing, floats up to heaven on a cloud (where exactly was he going?) These things are believable.

But gradual change over millions of years.... fucking retarded.

If there is a god out there and all of this is true, I have just one question for him.

Why the hell would you want to spend eternity with these people?
If Evolution is a Fact.

How did there come to be male and female?

It's an undeniable fact that nearly all life forms have both male and female varieties.

So where did they come from?

How did they get started?

Who decided which was which, or which was going to be which?

I recall you posted this previously and it was addressed.

If designer gawds were a fact, how do you account for the required designers of your designer gawds?

No it was never answered adequately.

You can't answer it either.
If Evolution is a Fact.

How did there come to be male and female?

It's an undeniable fact that nearly all life forms have both male and female varieties.

So where did they come from?

How did they get started?

Who decided which was which, or which was going to be which?

Its undeniable falsehood what you just stated. The actual truth, is that Most of the biomass on this planet are made up of single-called bacteria who are asexual.

If Evolution is a Fact.

How did there come to be male and female?

It's an undeniable fact that nearly all life forms have both male and female varieties.

So where did they come from?

How did they get started?

Who decided which was which, or which was going to be which?

I recall you posted this previously and it was addressed.

If designer gawds were a fact, how do you account for the required designers of your designer gawds?

No it was never answered adequately.

You can't answer it either.
The question was answered. The answer conflicts with your religious beliefs, thus your antagonism.

Asexual reproduction is not uncommon in the natural world. It may be uncommon in your alleged spirit world, but lets be honest, your alleged spirit world is just one of many.
Might you provide specificity concerning the primary areas of your failures and inadequacies? I'll strive to help you as best I can, but a holistic transformation is a tall order.

You laid out exactly what you believed my problem was and said you had a reading list, albeit, no doubt received from your own psychologist, but don't tell me you are you backpedalingnow? Please post the reading list.
Here ya' go, limpy

Sexual inadequacy in the male

I applaud you for your efforts to resolve your anger, self-hate and issues of sexual dysfunction.

That's not a reading list. Guess you were just lying as usual.
You laid out exactly what you believed my problem was and said you had a reading list, albeit, no doubt received from your own psychologist, but don't tell me you are you backpedalingnow? Please post the reading list.
Here ya' go, limpy

Sexual inadequacy in the male

I applaud you for your efforts to resolve your anger, self-hate and issues of sexual dysfunction.

That's not a reading list. Guess you were just lying as usual.
As you are the one in need of help, you shouldn't expect me to assist you in maintaining your helplessness. Learn to make your own decisions and take responsibility for your failures and ineptitude.
I recall you posted this previously and it was addressed.

If designer gawds were a fact, how do you account for the required designers of your designer gawds?

No it was never answered adequately.

You can't answer it either.
The question was answered. The answer conflicts with your religious beliefs, thus your antagonism.

Asexual reproduction is not uncommon in the natural world. It may be uncommon in your alleged spirit world, but lets be honest, your alleged spirit world is just one of many.

Still no answer.
No it was never answered adequately.

You can't answer it either.
The question was answered. The answer conflicts with your religious beliefs, thus your antagonism.

Asexual reproduction is not uncommon in the natural world. It may be uncommon in your alleged spirit world, but lets be honest, your alleged spirit world is just one of many.

Still no answer.
I agree. You provided no answer.

Here's the question again:

If designer gawds were a fact, how do you account for the required designers of your designer gawds?
"Internet Bravado Boy"

Oh, that's rich coming from the Internet Tough Guy... behind the keyboard.

Good luck daws. I am but one amongst a likely fortunate multitude that escaped "Ultimate Tough Guy's" creepy, unwelcomed advances.

If you share your PM address, "Ultimate Tough Guy" might feel at liberty to share his Boy George penetration fantasies.
thanks, but I make it a rule never to accept invitations from crazy people, well there was that party in Brentwood.

I'll be in Santa Monica in April, right next door to Brentwood. Name a nice public place where we can continue our discussion in person so we can see how polite you are.
no thanks ,you must enjoy being dressed down in public .
as I stated before, societal niceties are no hindrance to me.
PM me and lets meet in person to continue our discussion on Intelligent Design and Atheism. We can meet at a restaurant of your choice and I will even buy. My job takes me all over the US so there is a good chance I will be with in 100 miles of your town in the next 6 months. PM the town you are in and I will give the dates I will be there. We will see how big those raisins are in person Internet Bravado Boy.
what's the point? I would just get you thrown out of any restaurant anywhere .
besides as I've already explained an eye to eye "meeting" would give you no imaginary advantage.
societal niceties have never stopped me from speaking my mind.
finally, why would I waste my time and gas to hear you rant and brag ,you do that in this thread for free.

You waste alot of time here. If gas is a problem, I'll come to you. Why not just admit you wouldn't be such a tough guy if you weren't hiding behind a keyboard and start being real?
I do ? that's news to me ,ever hear of multi tasking?
why would I admit something that's not true?
this is as real as it gets.
it seems you have a hard time with the concept that some people are just what they appear to be, myself included.

you'll have to find another way to quench your obsession.
"Internet Bravado Boy"

Oh, that's rich coming from the Internet Tough Guy... behind the keyboard.

Good luck daws. I am but one amongst a likely fortunate multitude that escaped "Ultimate Tough Guy's" creepy, unwelcomed advances.

If you share your PM address, "Ultimate Tough Guy" might feel at liberty to share his Boy George penetration fantasies.

Just more evidence of your delusions. You really shouldn't go off your meds.

It's just that men who are confident about their sexual identification, and particularly their adequacy, rarely find the need to exhibit, as you do, that ultra tough image and sexually belittling manner of the latent homosexual or sexual inadequate....

It's a well recognized phenomenon in psychology. I could suggest a reading list if you'd like?
well said!
what's the point? I would just get you thrown out of any restaurant anywhere .
besides as I've already explained an eye to eye "meeting" would give you no imaginary advantage.
societal niceties have never stopped me from speaking my mind.
finally, why would I waste my time and gas to hear you rant and brag ,you do that in this thread for free.

You waste alot of time here. If gas is a problem, I'll come to you. Why not just admit you wouldn't be such a tough guy if you weren't hiding behind a keyboard and start being real?

This is rather inappropriate. I am not sure what your intentions are, or what outcome you expect out of this, but keep online interactions where they belong: online. Asking someone to meet in person and insinuating that they are weak if they don't want to is manipulative and immature.
my guess is his intention would be to attempt to embarrass me with a public display of his imagined mastery of scripture or suck my dick!?
you can never tell with obsessive personalities.
there is a slight chance he would want to duke it out or shoot me .
I think that Creationists are a hoot! I would love to visit the Creationist museum in Kentucky. However, I have always suspected that they are not really serious...kind of like the "Flat Earth Society". It is possible that I tend to think that way, because the thought of serious adults dismissing evolution, and claiming that man and dinosaures coexisted, is too scary to contemplate.
You waste alot of time here. If gas is a problem, I'll come to you. Why not just admit you wouldn't be such a tough guy if you weren't hiding behind a keyboard and start being real?

This is rather inappropriate. I am not sure what your intentions are, or what outcome you expect out of this, but keep online interactions where they belong: online. Asking someone to meet in person and insinuating that they are weak if they don't want to is manipulative and immature.

Inappropriate is your middle name. My intention is to stop the BS. And by the way, what planet have you been living on? Certainly not earth. I have met quite a few folks on the internet in a discussion forum very much like this one whom I have eventually met in person. I am a member of several gun forums and have actually met many of the posters at the range. I think your accusation is pretty stupid actually. I bet Daws and I could actually have a good discussion in person, because regardless of what he claims hiding behind his keyboard, he would no doubt be much more civil in person. I don't live my life in fear and I am dead serious... I would take up anyone's offer on this forum to meet for a discussion in person. The real problem is when you are dealing with a bunch of liars and fakes. Their fear isn't of the person who would meet in a public forum. Their fear is being found out for the fraud they are perpetrating. Really, what are you so scared of?
since I'm neither a fake or a fraud you be in for a big fucking surprise btw civility has nothing to do with language, public place or no.
The question was answered. The answer conflicts with your religious beliefs, thus your antagonism.

Asexual reproduction is not uncommon in the natural world. It may be uncommon in your alleged spirit world, but lets be honest, your alleged spirit world is just one of many.

Still no answer.
I agree. You provided no answer.

Here's the question again:

If designer gawds were a fact, how do you account for the required designers of your designer gawds?

I have no idea what "gawds" are.

Yet still no answer to my question.
Still no answer.
I agree. You provided no answer.

Here's the question again:

If designer gawds were a fact, how do you account for the required designers of your designer gawds?

I have no idea what "gawds" are.

Yet still no answer to my question.

It really is in poor form for you to demand answers of others, (which are provided), and then run for the exits when you are requested to supply answers in connection with your various gawds
I agree. You provided no answer.

Here's the question again:

If designer gawds were a fact, how do you account for the required designers of your designer gawds?

I have no idea what "gawds" are.

Yet still no answer to my question.

It really is in poor form for you to demand answers of others, (which are provided), and then run for the exits when you are requested to supply answers in connection with your various gawds

When you grow up and learn how to show some respect I may answer your silly question.

And I have not SEEN an answer to my question!
Montana Creationism Bill: dead in committee(?)

Montana Creationism Bill: dead in committee(?) - The Panda's Thumb

As Matt noted above, one of the creationist so-called “academic freedom” bills was filed in the Montana state legislature. Now the Sensuous Curmudgeon reports that the bill has been tabled in committee, whatever that means. In that post SC also has a video of some of the testimony at the committee hearing on the bill, noting that the proposer, Representative Clayton Fiscus, was the only speaker in support while a couple of dozen professors, teachers, and citizens testified in opposition. It’s worth watching both for the testimony in opposition and for the almost sad ignorance and confusion of Representative Fiscus. I genuinely wonder how he navigates through life given his evident inability to think coherently. if he’s the best the Disco Tute can come up with to sponsor their bills, they’re in deeper trouble than I thought.

That video is edited from the full hearing, and another set of excerpts consisting mostly of speakers’ identifications is on NCSE’s YouTube channel. It does not include Representative Fiscus’ remarks. I wouldn’t be surprised if video of the full hearing including all testimony is somewhere, but I haven’t looked for it.

I watched the video and was embarrassed for the entirety of the Christian creationist cabal.

Here are some excerpts:
Montana?s 2013 Creationism Bill ? Tabled | The Sensuous Curmudgeon

Think of the Dark Ages

I hope to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won’t have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be.
-Jerry Falwell

There will never be world peace until Gods house and Gods people are given their rightful place of leadership at the top of the world.
-Pat Robertson
Here ya' go, limpy

Sexual inadequacy in the male

I applaud you for your efforts to resolve your anger, self-hate and issues of sexual dysfunction.

That's not a reading list. Guess you were just lying as usual.
As you are the one in need of help, you shouldn't expect me to assist you in maintaining your helplessness. Learn to make your own decisions and take responsibility for your failures and ineptitude.

You are the one who offered and now we find that, like all your other posts, you simply don't have the information to back up your lies. So typical of the angry, befuddled, self-loathing, cross dressing, evo-fundie.
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