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lol again wrong detective douche bag I'm no different on line then I am in real life, this discussion would exactly the same in real life as it is here.
you do know before the internet people did gather and debate.
as to your law enforcement career so what? you have the constant need to self aggrandize your actions. you might have been a fair cop but as always you over play your hand.
btw YOU are in a relationship with all of us no matter how much you deny it. as to drawing first blood you were talking shit and making false accusations before I typed my first post.
so quit trying to put lipstick on a pig and calling it truth.

PM me and lets meet in person to continue our discussion on Intelligent Design and Atheism. We can meet at a restaurant of your choice and I will even buy. My job takes me all over the US so there is a good chance I will be with in 100 miles of your town in the next 6 months. PM the town you are in and I will give the dates I will be there. We will see how big those raisins are in person Internet Bravado Boy.

"Internet Bravado Boy"

Oh, that's rich coming from the Internet Tough Guy... behind the keyboard.

Good luck daws. I am but one amongst a likely fortunate multitude that escaped "Ultimate Tough Guy's" creepy, unwelcomed advances.

If you share your PM address, "Ultimate Tough Guy" might feel at liberty to share his Boy George penetration fantasies.
thanks, but I make it a rule never to accept invitations from crazy people, well there was that party in Brentwood.
In your failed attempt at copying and pasting what you don’t understand, you have inadvertently neglected to take into consideration you have copied and pasted into an argument not connected with your copy and paste.
Really??? I think it is you who needs to read your own cut and paste. Don't look now but your ignorance is showing.
Fundie Christians simply make themselves look foolish by copying and pasting out of context ID’iot blathering.

Here Einstein, I have bolded the portions of your incompetent post above I was referring to. And unlike you, I can actually compose thoughts of my own, which the above post was.

You’re getting frothy, my little stalker man. You see, ruthlessly copying and pasting from christian creationist websites does nothing to support your wish to promote your gawds.

I see you’re embarrassed at having your silly cut and paste exposed as yet more fraudulent nonsense from Christian creationist hacks. You might have actually perused the link to the fraudulently and incompetently composed Sequence Probability Calculator v.1.1.) authored by fundie hacks. It really is nothing more than another fraud perpetrated by Christian fundies. Meyer and Dembski have set a pattern, now followed by many Christian fundies wherein they phony-up bad math and phony “probabilities”.

It’s the usual tactic coming out the Christian creation ministries. That’s why fundie Christians such as Meyer, who has no expertise or training in biology, penned a book that was widely panned by the relevant science community as a fraud. And with good reason: Meyer had nothing to contribute to the Christian creationist arguments from ignorance. He simply trotted out the worn out creationist canards such as “the chances are too great...”

Have you ever wondered why the charlatans at the Disco ‘tute never chose to disassociate themselves from that organization after the Ann Gauger fiasco? Obviously, you wouldn’t know any better but professional credentials carry with them, professional integrity. That the hacks at the Disco ‘tute chose to ignore that breach of professionalism is not surprising. When you’re running a pyramid scheme-type syndicate, professionalism is of little concern.

Huh? As usual a bunch of words but no real meaning. And you definitely totally dodged the issue.
PM me and lets meet in person to continue our discussion on Intelligent Design and Atheism. We can meet at a restaurant of your choice and I will even buy. My job takes me all over the US so there is a good chance I will be with in 100 miles of your town in the next 6 months. PM the town you are in and I will give the dates I will be there. We will see how big those raisins are in person Internet Bravado Boy.

"Internet Bravado Boy"

Oh, that's rich coming from the Internet Tough Guy... behind the keyboard.

Good luck daws. I am but one amongst a likely fortunate multitude that escaped "Ultimate Tough Guy's" creepy, unwelcomed advances.

If you share your PM address, "Ultimate Tough Guy" might feel at liberty to share his Boy George penetration fantasies.
thanks, but I make it a rule never to accept invitations from crazy people, well there was that party in Brentwood.

I'll be in Santa Monica in April, right next door to Brentwood. Name a nice public place where we can continue our discussion in person so we can see how polite you are.
lol again wrong detective douche bag I'm no different on line then I am in real life, this discussion would exactly the same in real life as it is here.
you do know before the internet people did gather and debate.
as to your law enforcement career so what? you have the constant need to self aggrandize your actions. you might have been a fair cop but as always you over play your hand.
btw YOU are in a relationship with all of us no matter how much you deny it. as to drawing first blood you were talking shit and making false accusations before I typed my first post.
so quit trying to put lipstick on a pig and calling it truth.

PM me and lets meet in person to continue our discussion on Intelligent Design and Atheism. We can meet at a restaurant of your choice and I will even buy. My job takes me all over the US so there is a good chance I will be with in 100 miles of your town in the next 6 months. PM the town you are in and I will give the dates I will be there. We will see how big those raisins are in person Internet Bravado Boy.
what's the point? I would just get you thrown out of any restaurant anywhere .
besides as I've already explained an eye to eye "meeting" would give you no imaginary advantage.
societal niceties have never stopped me from speaking my mind.
finally, why would I waste my time and gas to hear you rant and brag ,you do that in this thread for free.

You waste alot of time here. If gas is a problem, I'll come to you. Why not just admit you wouldn't be such a tough guy if you weren't hiding behind a keyboard and start being real?
lol again wrong detective douche bag I'm no different on line then I am in real life, this discussion would exactly the same in real life as it is here.
you do know before the internet people did gather and debate.
as to your law enforcement career so what? you have the constant need to self aggrandize your actions. you might have been a fair cop but as always you over play your hand.
btw YOU are in a relationship with all of us no matter how much you deny it. as to drawing first blood you were talking shit and making false accusations before I typed my first post.
so quit trying to put lipstick on a pig and calling it truth.

PM me and lets meet in person to continue our discussion on Intelligent Design and Atheism. We can meet at a restaurant of your choice and I will even buy. My job takes me all over the US so there is a good chance I will be with in 100 miles of your town in the next 6 months. PM the town you are in and I will give the dates I will be there. We will see how big those raisins are in person Internet Bravado Boy.

"Internet Bravado Boy"

Oh, that's rich coming from the Internet Tough Guy... behind the keyboard.

Good luck daws. I am but one amongst a likely fortunate multitude that escaped "Ultimate Tough Guy's" creepy, unwelcomed advances.

If you share your PM address, "Ultimate Tough Guy" might feel at liberty to share his Boy George penetration fantasies.

Just more evidence of your delusions. You really shouldn't go off your meds.
Really??? I think it is you who needs to read your own cut and paste. Don't look now but your ignorance is showing.

Here Einstein, I have bolded the portions of your incompetent post above I was referring to. And unlike you, I can actually compose thoughts of my own, which the above post was.

You’re getting frothy, my little stalker man. You see, ruthlessly copying and pasting from christian creationist websites does nothing to support your wish to promote your gawds.

I see you’re embarrassed at having your silly cut and paste exposed as yet more fraudulent nonsense from Christian creationist hacks. You might have actually perused the link to the fraudulently and incompetently composed Sequence Probability Calculator v.1.1.) authored by fundie hacks. It really is nothing more than another fraud perpetrated by Christian fundies. Meyer and Dembski have set a pattern, now followed by many Christian fundies wherein they phony-up bad math and phony “probabilities”.

It’s the usual tactic coming out the Christian creation ministries. That’s why fundie Christians such as Meyer, who has no expertise or training in biology, penned a book that was widely panned by the relevant science community as a fraud. And with good reason: Meyer had nothing to contribute to the Christian creationist arguments from ignorance. He simply trotted out the worn out creationist canards such as “the chances are too great...”

Have you ever wondered why the charlatans at the Disco ‘tute never chose to disassociate themselves from that organization after the Ann Gauger fiasco? Obviously, you wouldn’t know any better but professional credentials carry with them, professional integrity. That the hacks at the Disco ‘tute chose to ignore that breach of professionalism is not surprising. When you’re running a pyramid scheme-type syndicate, professionalism is of little concern.

Huh? As usual a bunch of words but no real meaning. And you definitely totally dodged the issue.

Your slithering away was totally predictable.

Christian creationist hacks are easily refuted with facts. It's just a fact that creationist charlatans are utterly incapable of making any relevant or meaningful case for their arguments appealing to supermagical gawds. As a result, creationist arguments are confined entirely to denigrating science and worse, setting forth the most assinine and profoundly stupid examples of pleas to fear and ignorance as exemplified by Meyer, Dembski and the ICR.
PM me and lets meet in person to continue our discussion on Intelligent Design and Atheism. We can meet at a restaurant of your choice and I will even buy. My job takes me all over the US so there is a good chance I will be with in 100 miles of your town in the next 6 months. PM the town you are in and I will give the dates I will be there. We will see how big those raisins are in person Internet Bravado Boy.

"Internet Bravado Boy"

Oh, that's rich coming from the Internet Tough Guy... behind the keyboard.

Good luck daws. I am but one amongst a likely fortunate multitude that escaped "Ultimate Tough Guy's" creepy, unwelcomed advances.

If you share your PM address, "Ultimate Tough Guy" might feel at liberty to share his Boy George penetration fantasies.

Just more evidence of your delusions. You really shouldn't go off your meds.

It's just that men who are confident about their sexual identification, and particularly their adequacy, rarely find the need to exhibit, as you do, that ultra tough image and sexually belittling manner of the latent homosexual or sexual inadequate....

It's a well recognized phenomenon in psychology. I could suggest a reading list if you'd like?
G.R. Morton

In recent reading, Dembski and other ID proponents make the claim that evolution (or major supporting concepts for it) is increasingly being abandoned by scientists, or is about to fall. This claim has many forms and has been made for over 185 years. This is a compilation of the claims over time. The purpose of this compilation is two-fold. First, it is to show that the claim has been made for a long, long time. Secondly, it is to show that entire careers have passed without seeing any of this movement away from evolution. Third, it is to show that the creationists are merely making these statements for the purpose of keeping hope alive that they are making progress towards their goal. In point of fact, no such progress is being made as anyone who has watched this area for the last 50 years can testify. The claim is false as history and present-day events show, yet that doesn't stop anyone wanting to sell books from making that claim. Now for the claims in chronological order.
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You’re getting frothy, my little stalker man. You see, ruthlessly copying and pasting from christian creationist websites does nothing to support your wish to promote your gawds.

I see you’re embarrassed at having your silly cut and paste exposed as yet more fraudulent nonsense from Christian creationist hacks. You might have actually perused the link to the fraudulently and incompetently composed Sequence Probability Calculator v.1.1.) authored by fundie hacks. It really is nothing more than another fraud perpetrated by Christian fundies. Meyer and Dembski have set a pattern, now followed by many Christian fundies wherein they phony-up bad math and phony “probabilities”.

It’s the usual tactic coming out the Christian creation ministries. That’s why fundie Christians such as Meyer, who has no expertise or training in biology, penned a book that was widely panned by the relevant science community as a fraud. And with good reason: Meyer had nothing to contribute to the Christian creationist arguments from ignorance. He simply trotted out the worn out creationist canards such as “the chances are too great...”

Have you ever wondered why the charlatans at the Disco ‘tute never chose to disassociate themselves from that organization after the Ann Gauger fiasco? Obviously, you wouldn’t know any better but professional credentials carry with them, professional integrity. That the hacks at the Disco ‘tute chose to ignore that breach of professionalism is not surprising. When you’re running a pyramid scheme-type syndicate, professionalism is of little concern.

Huh? As usual a bunch of words but no real meaning. And you definitely totally dodged the issue.

Your slithering away was totally predictable.

Christian creationist hacks are easily refuted with facts. It's just a fact that creationist charlatans are utterly incapable of making any relevant or meaningful case for their arguments appealing to supermagical gawds. As a result, creationist arguments are confined entirely to denigrating science and worse, setting forth the most assinine and profoundly stupid examples of pleas to fear and ignorance as exemplified by Meyer, Dembski and the ICR.

What facts? You couldn't articulate facts if your life depending on it!!! So you resort to cut and pasting with no true understanding of what it is you are even copying.
"Internet Bravado Boy"

Oh, that's rich coming from the Internet Tough Guy... behind the keyboard.

Good luck daws. I am but one amongst a likely fortunate multitude that escaped "Ultimate Tough Guy's" creepy, unwelcomed advances.

If you share your PM address, "Ultimate Tough Guy" might feel at liberty to share his Boy George penetration fantasies.

Just more evidence of your delusions. You really shouldn't go off your meds.

It's just that men who are confident about their sexual identification, and particularly their adequacy, rarely find the need to exhibit, as you do, that ultra tough image and sexually belittling manner of the latent homosexual or sexual inadequate....

It's a well recognized phenomenon in psychology. I could suggest a reading list if you'd like?

Yes, please do. Maybe you can help me.
Huh? As usual a bunch of words but no real meaning. And you definitely totally dodged the issue.

Your slithering away was totally predictable.

Christian creationist hacks are easily refuted with facts. It's just a fact that creationist charlatans are utterly incapable of making any relevant or meaningful case for their arguments appealing to supermagical gawds. As a result, creationist arguments are confined entirely to denigrating science and worse, setting forth the most assinine and profoundly stupid examples of pleas to fear and ignorance as exemplified by Meyer, Dembski and the ICR.

What facts? You couldn't articulate facts if your life depending on it!!! So you resort to cut and pasting with no true understanding of what it is you are even copying.

As expected, you’re befuddled.

This is to be expected from fundie creationists who resort to cutting and pasting from ID’iot websites. Even your failed attempts at cutting / pasting / using what I’ve previously written is a striking example of your failure to be able to construct a coherent argument on your own.
Just more evidence of your delusions. You really shouldn't go off your meds.

It's just that men who are confident about their sexual identification, and particularly their adequacy, rarely find the need to exhibit, as you do, that ultra tough image and sexually belittling manner of the latent homosexual or sexual inadequate....

It's a well recognized phenomenon in psychology. I could suggest a reading list if you'd like?

Yes, please do. Maybe you can help me.

Might you provide specificity concerning the primary areas of your failures and inadequacies? I'll strive to help you as best I can, but a holistic transformation is a tall order.
PM me and lets meet in person to continue our discussion on Intelligent Design and Atheism. We can meet at a restaurant of your choice and I will even buy. My job takes me all over the US so there is a good chance I will be with in 100 miles of your town in the next 6 months. PM the town you are in and I will give the dates I will be there. We will see how big those raisins are in person Internet Bravado Boy.
what's the point? I would just get you thrown out of any restaurant anywhere .
besides as I've already explained an eye to eye "meeting" would give you no imaginary advantage.
societal niceties have never stopped me from speaking my mind.
finally, why would I waste my time and gas to hear you rant and brag ,you do that in this thread for free.

You waste alot of time here. If gas is a problem, I'll come to you. Why not just admit you wouldn't be such a tough guy if you weren't hiding behind a keyboard and start being real?

This is rather inappropriate. I am not sure what your intentions are, or what outcome you expect out of this, but keep online interactions where they belong: online. Asking someone to meet in person and insinuating that they are weak if they don't want to is manipulative and immature.
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I think that Creationists are a hoot! I would love to visit the Creationist museum in Kentucky. However, I have always suspected that they are not really serious...kind of like the "Flat Earth Society". It is possible that I tend to think that way, because the thought of serious adults dismissing evolution, and claiming that man and dinosaures coexisted, is too scary to contemplate.
It's just that men who are confident about their sexual identification, and particularly their adequacy, rarely find the need to exhibit, as you do, that ultra tough image and sexually belittling manner of the latent homosexual or sexual inadequate....

It's a well recognized phenomenon in psychology. I could suggest a reading list if you'd like?

Yes, please do. Maybe you can help me.

Might you provide specificity concerning the primary areas of your failures and inadequacies? I'll strive to help you as best I can, but a holistic transformation is a tall order.

You laid out exactly what you believed my problem was and said you had a reading list, albeit, no doubt received from your own psychologist, but don't tell me you are you backpedaling now? Please post the reading list.
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what's the point? I would just get you thrown out of any restaurant anywhere .
besides as I've already explained an eye to eye "meeting" would give you no imaginary advantage.
societal niceties have never stopped me from speaking my mind.
finally, why would I waste my time and gas to hear you rant and brag ,you do that in this thread for free.

You waste alot of time here. If gas is a problem, I'll come to you. Why not just admit you wouldn't be such a tough guy if you weren't hiding behind a keyboard and start being real?

This is rather inappropriate. I am not sure what your intentions are, or what outcome you expect out of this, but keep online interactions where they belong: online. Asking someone to meet in person and insinuating that they are weak if they don't want to is manipulative and immature.

Inappropriate is your middle name. My intention is to stop the BS. And by the way, what planet have you been living on? Certainly not earth. I have met quite a few folks on the internet in a discussion forum very much like this one whom I have eventually met in person. I am a member of several gun forums and have actually met many of the posters at the range. I think your accusation is pretty stupid actually. I bet Daws and I could actually have a good discussion in person, because regardless of what he claims hiding behind his keyboard, he would no doubt be much more civil in person. I don't live my life in fear and I am dead serious... I would take up anyone's offer on this forum to meet for a discussion in person. The real problem is when you are dealing with a bunch of liars and fakes. Their fear isn't of the person who would meet in a public forum. Their fear is being found out for the fraud they are perpetrating. Really, what are you so scared of?
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Yes, please do. Maybe you can help me.

Might you provide specificity concerning the primary areas of your failures and inadequacies? I'll strive to help you as best I can, but a holistic transformation is a tall order.

You laid out exactly what you believed my problem was and said you had a reading list, albeit, no doubt received from your own psychologist, but don't tell me you are you backpedalingnow? Please post the reading list.
Here ya' go, limpy

Sexual inadequacy in the male

I applaud you for your efforts to resolve your anger, self-hate and issues of sexual dysfunction.
If Evolution is a Fact.

How did there come to be male and female?

It's an undeniable fact that nearly all life forms have both male and female varieties.

So where did they come from?

How did they get started?

Who decided which was which, or which was going to be which?
If Evolution is a Fact.

How did there come to be male and female?

It's an undeniable fact that nearly all life forms have both male and female varieties.

So where did they come from?

How did they get started?

Who decided which was which, or which was going to be which?

I recall you posted this previously and it was addressed.

If designer gawds were a fact, how do you account for the required designers of your designer gawds?
You waste alot of time here. If gas is a problem, I'll come to you. Why not just admit you wouldn't be such a tough guy if you weren't hiding behind a keyboard and start being real?

This is rather inappropriate. I am not sure what your intentions are, or what outcome you expect out of this, but keep online interactions where they belong: online. Asking someone to meet in person and insinuating that they are weak if they don't want to is manipulative and immature.

Inappropriate is your middle name. My intention is to stop the BS. And by the way, what planet have you been living on? Certainly not earth. I have met quite a few folks on the internet in a discussion forum very much like this one whom I have eventually met in person. I am a member of several gun forums and have actually met many of the posters at the range. I think your accusation is pretty stupid actually. I bet Daws and I could actually have a good discussion in person, because regardless of what he claims hiding behind his keyboard, he would no doubt be much more civil in person. I don't live my life in fear and I am dead serious... I would take up anyone's offer on this forum to meet for a discussion in person. The real problem is when you are dealing with a bunch of liars and fakes. Their fear isn't of the person who would meet in a public forum. Their fear is being found out for the fraud they are perpetrating. Really, what are you so scared of?

Meeting in person because of mutual interests and/or passions is one thing. However, meeting to hash out a heated debate that you are unsatisfied with is something else entirely.
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