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This just in

Hyper-religious loons at the Disco'tute.

Encyclopedia of American Loons: #409: Jonathan Wells

Jonathan Wells has just been named to the Encyclopedia of American Loons: #409: Jonathan Wells. He joins another Discovery Institute Fellow, #411 John West.

Appallingly inane crackpot, infuriatingly dense, and reprehensibly dishonest, Wells’s lack of insight and inability to even pretend to begin to understand anything before he starts criticizing it based on personal dislike, is of almost epic proportions. Yet he continues to be shockingly influential.

Less than ideally honest chucklehead, and a prime case of every strand of cognitive bias channeled into a single-minded force of rage against reality. West should not be underestimated, however, as he has made serious contribution to undermining science and education.

For anyone keeping track, the Disco'tute is a fundie Christian organization that promotes "creationism", which, as we know, is a front for hyper-religious Christians who are trying to force fundamentalist religion into the public schools.
Evolutionists act as though education and creationism are mutually exclusive.

Many leading fathers of the physical sciences, both before and after Darwin, rejected atheistic origins, like Copernicus, Bacon, Kepler, Galileo, Pascal, Boyle, Newton, Cuvier, Dalton before, and after Darwin including Faraday, Pasteur, Joule, Kelvin, Lister, Carver, who continued to advocate for special creation and reject evolution. This is not an argument from authority, as a typical evolutionist might claim. Rather, this list rebuts the common claim that only uneducated people reject evolution, made by countless atheists.

I've studied the evidence and as I have no fear of the truth, I allow it to take me where it may. It has led to me to the conclusion that if I were in a courtroom building a case, the evidences point toward intelligent design.

What are your 3 best pieces of evidence for evolution?
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Of course you trust in the gawds, in a self-serving and limited fashion.

Let's be honest though, if you cross the street mid block you look both ways before stepping into the street, right? If you had a serious illness, you'd seek competent medical care, correct?

It appears your trust in the gawds is limited by many here and now circumstances that could shorten your life irrespective of trust, reliance or accommodation of any of the asserted gawds.
I believe God provided doctors, And I do pray that God will provide the doctor with the best solution for an illness. I do look both ways but I also ask God for traveling mercies. I just had a case where I had no idea how I was going to make an appointment my wife wanted me to keep. I put it to prayer and another appointment cancelled at the last minute. I didn't have to worry at all. God worked it out....
I suppose the gawds provided doctors to cure disease they created. The gawds provided water for the purpose of drowning most of humanity. I suppose the gawds thus provided different religions so humans could do some of the gawds mass murders .

In the OT (the parts of the Christian bibles stolen from Judaism), there is no greater mass murder / source of pure hatred and evil than Yahweh.

Hallelujah brotha'

So let me get this straight... you are saying God is responsible for sickness because He created Satan, who tempted humans, whom He also created to choose it and bring illness and copying errors in the world? But you deny evolution is responsible for computers and rocket ships. Didn't evolution create humans who created rocket ships and computers so logically according to your argument about God, evolution created computers and rocket ships. We'll let that sink in for just a second while you try to figure out the logical implications of what I just said.
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I believe God provided doctors, And I do pray that God will provide the doctor with the best solution for an illness. I do look both ways but I also ask God for traveling mercies. I just had a case where I had no idea how I was going to make an appointment my wife wanted me to keep. I put it to prayer and another appointment cancelled at the last minute. I didn't have to worry at all. God worked it out....
I suppose the gawds provided doctors to cure disease they created. The gawds provided water for the purpose of drowning most of humanity. I suppose the gawds thus provided different religions so humans could do some of the gawds mass murders .

In the OT (the parts of the Christian bibles stolen from Judaism), there is no greater mass murder / source of pure hatred and evil than Yahweh.

Hallelujah brotha'

So let me get this straight... you are saying God is responsible for sickness because He created Satan, who tempted humans, whom He also created to choose it and bring illness and copying errors in the world? But you deny evolution is responsible for computers and rocket ships. Didn't evolution create humans who created rocket ships and computers so logically according to your argument about God, evolution created computers and rocket ships. We'll let that sink in for just a second while you try to figure out the logical implications of what I just said.
That train wreck of a thought process is in concert with what is typically belched out by creation charlatan ministries.
I suppose the gawds provided doctors to cure disease they created. The gawds provided water for the purpose of drowning most of humanity. I suppose the gawds thus provided different religions so humans could do some of the gawds mass murders .

In the OT (the parts of the Christian bibles stolen from Judaism), there is no greater mass murder / source of pure hatred and evil than Yahweh.

Hallelujah brotha'

So let me get this straight... you are saying God is responsible for sickness because He created Satan, who tempted humans, whom He also created to choose it and bring illness and copying errors in the world? But you deny evolution is responsible for computers and rocket ships. Didn't evolution create humans who created rocket ships and computers so logically according to your argument about God, evolution created computers and rocket ships. We'll let that sink in for just a second while you try to figure out the logical implications of what I just said.
That train wreck of a thought process is in concert with what is typically belched out by creation charlatan ministries.

I guess we will need longer than a second to let some logic penetrate your thick skull, my little angry stalker.
So let me get this straight... you are saying God is responsible for sickness because He created Satan, who tempted humans, whom He also created to choose it and bring illness and copying errors in the world? But you deny evolution is responsible for computers and rocket ships. Didn't evolution create humans who created rocket ships and computers so logically according to your argument about God, evolution created computers and rocket ships. We'll let that sink in for just a second while you try to figure out the logical implications of what I just said.
That train wreck of a thought process is in concert with what is typically belched out by creation charlatan ministries.

I guess we will need longer than a second to let some logic penetrate your thick skull, my little angry stalker.
Angry fundie stalker using terms such as logic?

What a joke.
It's not false, thespi-douche.

Your proud display of biblically-inspired bigotry is a little insane. I would expect Christians to try and shake this stigma, instead you seem to want to strengthen it, and without shame. That's strange. You demonstrate why faith in the bible is so errant. It causes you to judge another for something that has no effect on your life. I would call that idiotic and immoral.

Your proud display of militant homosexually-inspired bigotry is a little insane. I would expect homosexuals to try and shake this stigma, but instead you seem to want to strengthen it, and without shame. That's strange. You demonstrate how your hatred for God is really about your own guilt and shame. It causes you to demand acceptance from others because you don't accept yourself. This hatred of yourself is also the source of your intense bigotry and hatred for Christians. I would call that hypocritical, as well is pathetic and immoral.

You are like a two year old! This isn't ad libs, you crackpot.
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Christian creationists and their problems with honesty and integrity.

Over at Jeffrey Shallit’s blog, there is an article citing his personal experience with fundie Christians that mirrors a pervasive problem with creationist: lies and deceit!

lies and deceit seem particularly addictive to Christian creationists (and Meyer groupies in particular), when attempting to promote such nonsensical slogans such as “specified complexity”.

Recursivity: Search results for meyer

Like most intelligent design advocates, Stephen Meyer, director of the Discovery Institute’s Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture, has a little problem telling the truth.

I first encountered his dissembling at an intelligent design conference held at Calvin College in May 2001. Meyer had written in 2000 that "Systems that are characterized by both specificity and complexity (what information theorists call "specified complexity'') have "information content''."

The only problem is, information theorists don't use the term "specified complexity" and they don't refer to "specificity" when discussing information. At the time, there was precisely one mathematician who was pushing the term "specified complexity", and that was William Dembski, who tried (but failed) to create a new, mathematically-rigorous definition at information which (were it coherent) would be at odds with how information is defined by other mathematicians and computer scientists.

I went up to Meyer at the conference and asked him, "You wrote that 'information theorists' (plural) talk about specified complexity. Who are they?" He then admitted that he knew no one but Dembski (and Dembski himself is not much of an information theorist, having published exactly 0 papers so far on the topic in the peer-reviewed scientific literature).

So the use of the plural, when Meyer knew perfectly well that information theorists do not use the term "specified complexity", was just a lie - and a lie intended to deceive the reader that his claims are supported by the scientific community, when they are not.
Angry fundie stalker using terms such as logic?

What a joke.

Why are you so angry and why do you stalk me so much?

Have you completed your drug and alcohol rehab program?

Why do you seem to spend soooo much time and effort refuting something that you seem to think is ridiculous?

I certainly wouldn't waste a moment on a web site trying to persuade people that tiny leprachauns weren't about to invade the White House.
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Why are you so angry and why do you stalk me so much?

Have you completed your drug and alcohol rehab program?

Why do you seem to spend soooo much time and effort refuting something that you seem to think is ridiculous?

I certainly wouldn't waste a moment on a web site trying to persuade people that tiny leprachauns weren't about to invade the White House.


I'm new to this discussion. I'm not even going to attempt to read the thousand-plus pages on this thread.

I'll just ASSUME that you're hostile toward creationists.

I would enjoy a friendly debate with you.
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obviously you're not 'at-home' right now.

BUT, when you get back, I'd enjoy a debate.

I'll start.

Any good debate should start with foundational ideas.

So, do you believe in absolutes? That is, do absolute right or absolute wrong exist?

I'll wait for your answer when you return.
God's work are not miracles to him they may seem like a miracle to us but Gods work is his natural ability but for a naturalist everything is the result of mircales.
you fashioned god in your own image.SLAPDICK...

Still angry over being shown to be someone that is cluless concerning the
theory you defend out of ignorance ? don't you get tired of getting slapped around ?
lol where do you get this shit? you've never proven me or anyone to be clueless.
although you proven yourself to be countless times. slapped around? I've bitch slapped you so often that it's second
Your proud display of biblically-inspired bigotry is a little insane. I would expect Christians to try and shake this stigma, instead you seem to want to strengthen it, and without shame. That's strange. You demonstrate why faith in the bible is so errant. It causes you to judge another for something that has no effect on your life. I would call that idiotic and immoral.

Your proud display of militant homosexually-inspired bigotry is a little insane. I would expect homosexuals to try and shake this stigma, but instead you seem to want to strengthen it, and without shame. That's strange. You demonstrate how your hatred for God is really about your own guilt and shame. It causes you to demand acceptance from others because you don't accept yourself. This hatred of yourself is also the source of your intense bigotry and hatred for Christians. I would call that hypocritical, as well is pathetic and immoral.

You are like a two year old! This isn't ad libs, you crackpot.
np, what detective douche bag does is not an ad lib of any kind.
to adlib one must have the ability to think on their feet and be original .
detective douche bag is a plagiarist and not a skilled one.
Your proud display of militant homosexually-inspired bigotry is a little insane. I would expect homosexuals to try and shake this stigma, but instead you seem to want to strengthen it, and without shame. That's strange. You demonstrate how your hatred for God is really about your own guilt and shame. It causes you to demand acceptance from others because you don't accept yourself. This hatred of yourself is also the source of your intense bigotry and hatred for Christians. I would call that hypocritical, as well is pathetic and immoral.

You are like a two year old! This isn't ad libs, you crackpot.
np, what detective douche bag does is not an ad lib of any kind.
to adlib one must have the ability to think on their feet and be original .
detective douche bag is a plagiarist and not a skilled one.

I wouldn't call him a plagiarist as much as I would simply call him unoriginal. He is very eager to cut as deep as possible, and uses others own words against them to do this.
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