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Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. - Frank Outlaw

Watch your fears, superstitions and pathologies; they become your gawds.

-Frank Outlaw (redux)

Paranoia only brings harm Hollie.
Such are the conditions caused by religious fundamentalism.
People believe in conspiracy theories because the truth "is either too simple or too remote," says sociologist Clifton Bryant of Virginia Tech University, who has made a study of "deviant logic" and behavior.

I wonder what sociologist Bryant thinks of "gay" marriage. When people say it is normal, is the truth of the matter just too simple or too remote for them. Sin is too simple and God is too remote?
People believe in conspiracy theories because the truth "is either too simple or too remote," says sociologist Clifton Bryant of Virginia Tech University, who has made a study of "deviant logic" and behavior.

I wonder what sociologist Bryant thinks of "gay" marriage. When people say it is normal, is the truth of the matter just too simple or too remote for them. Sin is too simple and God is too remote?
kinda the long way round to say nothing?
Daws paranoia is someone suffering from a mental condition. You put this paranoia on display by quoting and feeling the need to attempt discrediting every response I make.

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I preferred this thread when we actually discussed things on topic like the origins question.

Did a natural unguided, non-intelligent ,process poof us into existence or was their an intelligent agent that designed and created life ?
I preferred this thread when we actually discussed things on topic like the origins question.

Did a natural unguided, non-intelligent ,process poof us into existence or was their an intelligent agent that designed and created life ?

It seems you haven’t been paying attention to this thread since its inception.

What evidence for your gods (your euphemism for “intelligent agent”) can you supply to demonstrate the *poofing* of all things into existence.

Because you haven’t been paying attention, you should be aware that question has been posed like a million times only to be met by goofy bible verses or silly slogans from William Dembski that have been stolen by Meyer and barfed-up by goofy creationists / Flat-Earth’ers.
Daws paranoia is someone suffering from a mental condition. You put this paranoia on display by quoting and feeling the need to attempt discrediting every response I make.


Your discredited responses are a function of a bankrupt argument, drenched in flaws and fallacious claims.

Blaming others for pointing out those flaws and fallacious claims is juvenile.
I preferred this thread when we actually discussed things on topic like the origins question.

Did a natural unguided, non-intelligent ,process poof us into existence or was their an intelligent agent that designed and created life ?

It seems you haven’t been paying attention to this thread since its inception.

What evidence for your gods (your euphemism for “intelligent agent”) can you supply to demonstrate the *poofing* of all things into existence.

Because you haven’t been paying attention, you should be aware that question has been posed like a million times only to be met by goofy bible verses or silly slogans from William Dembski that have been stolen by Meyer and barfed-up by goofy creationists / Flat-Earth’ers.

You were not here at the beginning of this thread lol Daws is that you ?

No you have not been paying attention complexity in nature is evidence of design and an intelligent agent.

Now where is your evidence of complexity being the product of a non-intelligent natural process ?

Fact is you can't point to anything that is complex being the result of non-intelligence.
Daws paranoia is someone suffering from a mental condition. You put this paranoia on display by quoting and feeling the need to attempt discrediting every response I make.


Your discredited responses are a function of a bankrupt argument, drenched in flaws and fallacious claims.

Blaming others for pointing out those flaws and fallacious claims is juvenile.

So daws had to use a new name :razz:
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