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Daws paranoia is someone suffering from a mental condition. You put this paranoia on display by quoting and feeling the need to attempt discrediting every response I make.


Your discredited responses are a function of a bankrupt argument, drenched in flaws and fallacious claims.

Blaming others for pointing out those flaws and fallacious claims is juvenile.

So daws had to use a new name :razz:

So you're befuddled :razz:
I preferred this thread when we actually discussed things on topic like the origins question.

Did a natural unguided, non-intelligent ,process poof us into existence or was their an intelligent agent that designed and created life ?

It seems you haven’t been paying attention to this thread since its inception.

What evidence for your gods (your euphemism for “intelligent agent”) can you supply to demonstrate the *poofing* of all things into existence.

Because you haven’t been paying attention, you should be aware that question has been posed like a million times only to be met by goofy bible verses or silly slogans from William Dembski that have been stolen by Meyer and barfed-up by goofy creationists / Flat-Earth’ers.

You were not here at the beginning of this thread lol Daws is that you ?

No you have not been paying attention complexity in nature is evidence of design and an intelligent agent.

Now where is your evidence of complexity being the product of a non-intelligent natural process ?

Fact is you can't point to anything that is complex being the result of non-intelligence.

The fact is, your silly claims have been refuted many times previously. Parroting the nonsense you clone from fundie Christian websites makes you appear quite foolish... and quite the desperate zealot.
You don't understand the difference between a fundamentalist and a creationist. A creationist believes the universe is an act of creation. Fundamentalists believe every world of the bible is true in a literal sense, thus the belief that the earth is approximately 6000 years old.
Oh cool. An Endtimer.

The end days started with the destruction of Israel and the Temple almost two thousand years ago which was a prophecy by Christ and was written down before it was fulfilled.

Well then, maybe in another 2,000 years your gods will decide to once again wipe humanity from the planet.

Just drink the Kool Aid.

Just read the book if you want to have some kind of idea concerning the conclusion.
It seems you haven’t been paying attention to this thread since its inception.

What evidence for your gods (your euphemism for “intelligent agent”) can you supply to demonstrate the *poofing* of all things into existence.

Because you haven’t been paying attention, you should be aware that question has been posed like a million times only to be met by goofy bible verses or silly slogans from William Dembski that have been stolen by Meyer and barfed-up by goofy creationists / Flat-Earth’ers.

You were not here at the beginning of this thread lol Daws is that you ?

No you have not been paying attention complexity in nature is evidence of design and an intelligent agent .

Now where is your evidence of complexity being the product of a non-intelligent natural process ?

Fact is you can't point to anything that is complex being the result of non-intelligence.

The fact is, your silly claims have been refuted many times previously. Parroting the nonsense you clone from fundie Christian websites makes you appear quite foolish... and quite the desperate zealot.

You're avoiding the origins question again while claiming victory with no evidence of anything I said concerning the origins of life being refuted.

You have no evidence to refute my views on complexity do you Hollie ?
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You were not here at the beginning of this thread lol Daws is that you ?

No you have not been paying attention complexity in nature is evidence of design and an intelligent agent .

Now where is your evidence of complexity being the product of a non-intelligent natural process ?

Fact is you can't point to anything that is complex being the result of non-intelligence.

The fact is, your silly claims have been refuted many times previously. Parroting the nonsense you clone from fundie Christian websites makes you appear quite foolish... and quite the desperate zealot.

You're avoiding the origins question again while claiming victory with no evidence of anything I said concerning the origins of life being refuted.

You have no evidence to refute my views on complexity do you Hollie ?

Complexity as an argument for god is pointless. Any God capable of creation would have to be even more complex than his creations. Making his existence even less likely than our own.

It's explaining the unlikely with the impossible.
Daws paranoia is someone suffering from a mental condition. You put this paranoia on display by quoting and feeling the need to attempt discrediting every response I make.

it obvious you have no clue what the definition of paranoid is.

Paranoid personality disorder (PPD) is a mental disorder characterized by paranoia and a pervasive, long-standing suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others. Individuals with this personality disorder may be hypersensitive, easily feel slighted, and habitually relate to the world by vigilant scanning of the environment for clues or suggestions that may validate their fears or biases. Paranoid individuals are eager observers. They think they are in danger and look for signs and threats of that danger, potentially not appreciating other evidence.[1]

They tend to be guarded and suspicious and have quite constricted emotional lives. Their reduced capacity for meaningful emotional involvement and the general pattern of isolated withdrawal often lend a quality of schizoid isolation to their life experience.[2][verification needed] People with this particular disorder may or may not have a tendency to bear grudges, suspiciousness, tendency to interpret others' actions as hostile, persistent tendency to self-reference, or a tenacious sense of personal right.[3]

if this isn't a spot on description of YWC then shoot me now.
You don't understand the difference between a fundamentalist and a creationist. A creationist believes the universe is an act of creation. Fundamentalists believe every world of the bible is true in a literal sense, thus the belief that the earth is approximately 6000 years old.

She understands. Hollie is an ideologue who uses language (improperly) to further her agenda.

Her agenda is to paint all non-progressives as "fundies". She uses the term to discredit anyone who doesn't support free abortion for all, and she uses the term to discredit anyone who dares speak out against anti-Christian bigotry and persecution. So if you aren't a militant, anti-Christian, pro-negative eugenics extremist, she is going to call you a "fundie".

Her determined use of the term tells me that although she is quite stupid, the misuse of the word is intentional.

She used it to describe Oxford researchers.

tee hee.
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You were not here at the beginning of this thread lol Daws is that you ?

No you have not been paying attention complexity in nature is evidence of design and an intelligent agent .

Now where is your evidence of complexity being the product of a non-intelligent natural process ?

Fact is you can't point to anything that is complex being the result of non-intelligence.

The fact is, your silly claims have been refuted many times previously. Parroting the nonsense you clone from fundie Christian websites makes you appear quite foolish... and quite the desperate zealot.

You're avoiding the origins question again while claiming victory with no evidence of anything I said concerning the origins of life being refuted.

You have no evidence to refute my views on complexity do you Hollie ?
the question should read: "I have no evidence that complexity is nothing more then billions of years of evolution at work ,for reasons that have no basis in fact I choose to believe a unseen, untraceable, form of intelligence made everything. I know this because this intelligence makes itself known to me by the peanuts in my shit." ywc
You don't understand the difference between a fundamentalist and a creationist. A creationist believes the universe is an act of creation. Fundamentalists believe every world of the bible is true in a literal sense, thus the belief that the earth is approximately 6000 years old.

She understands. Hollie is an ideologue who uses language (improperly) to further her agenda.

Her agenda is to paint all non-progressives as "fundies". She uses the term to discredit anyone who doesn't support free abortion for all, and she uses the term to discredit anyone who dares speak out against anti-Christian bigotry and persecution. So if you aren't a militant, anti-Christian, pro-negative eugenics extremist, she is going to call you a "fundie".

Her determined use of the term tells me that although she is quite stupid, the misuse of the word is intentional.

She used it to describe Oxford researchers.

tee hee.
shouldn't you be drowning kittens or something.?
Perhaps we need another term for some of you guys. Militant creationist? A mentalist?


Not bad. But that could apply to all christians.

I'm saying a term to describe those not buying into the whole book, but absolutely 100% enthralled by the bits that they do get behind.

Like a half ass fundamentalist? Half the cheek is on that chair, but they aren't budging, compromising or in the least bit flexible. What bit of cheek is on the chair is super glued, then nailed in place.
I love to watch progressive nutjobs think up new words to demonize groups of people, with the stated goal of making whatever current train of thought they don't like, illegal....
You don't understand the difference between a fundamentalist and a creationist. A creationist believes the universe is an act of creation. Fundamentalists believe every world of the bible is true in a literal sense, thus the belief that the earth is approximately 6000 years old.

She understands. Hollie is an ideologue who uses language (improperly) to further her agenda.

Her agenda is to paint all non-progressives as "fundies". She uses the term to discredit anyone who doesn't support free abortion for all, and she uses the term to discredit anyone who dares speak out against anti-Christian bigotry and persecution. So if you aren't a militant, anti-Christian, pro-negative eugenics extremist, she is going to call you a "fundie".

Her determined use of the term tells me that although she is quite stupid, the misuse of the word is intentional.

She used it to describe Oxford researchers.

tee hee.

I think your rabid conspiracy theories are comical. But then again, the religiously insane do feel secure while safely ensconced in their delusions.
The end days started with the destruction of Israel and the Temple almost two thousand years ago which was a prophecy by Christ and was written down before it was fulfilled.

Well then, maybe in another 2,000 years your gods will decide to once again wipe humanity from the planet.

Just drink the Kool Aid.

Just read the book if you want to have some kind of idea concerning the conclusion.

I've read the book. Spend your life in trembling fear of ancient superstitions if you wish. Just don't presume that everyone else will share your superstitions.
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