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Professor Richard Dawkins has claimed that forcing a religion on children without questioning its merits is as bad as 'child abuse'.
In typically incendiary style, the leading atheist said he was against the 'indoctrination of religion' and teaching it as fact.

The evolutionary scientist, speaking at the Chipping Norton Literary Festival yesterday, was repeating claims he made last year which were roundly condemned by charities and politicians.

He is right. Forcing religion on children is wrong. If you want to teach your children your beliefs fine, but don't force them.
I seriously doubt she knows the difference.
my guess is she's one of those scare the shit out of them with threats of hell, sin and Armageddon types.
They avoid the origins question like the plague, I wonder why ? The nut jobs try desperately to change the subject now that is funny.
who's avoiding what? the fact is the origins question has been beaten to death.
you have no actual quantifiable evidence to bolster your speculation.
it appears to me your need to reopen that done to death subject is to reassure yourself , not answer the age old question "how did we get here"?
you already have your answer, (it's not the correct one as there is no correct answer at this time)
there might never be.
I'm highly confident it will not be found by reading folk tales from a 2000 thousand year old compendium of short stories.
or pseudoscience.

There is plenty of evidence that life could not have happened without direction. There is zero evidence that life could have formed without direction.
I love to watch progressive nutjobs think up new words to demonize groups of people, with the stated goal of making whatever current train of thought they don't like, illegal....

I'm not demonizing anyone. You said you weren't fundamentalist. I said creationist doesn't really fit either.

Fundamentalist christian has never really been a hardcore militant movement. More of a set of beliefs that are unmovable.

Some of you are militant without being fundamentalist. There is no real term for that.

I suppose we could call you radical christians in the same way the media portrays radical muslims....
terrorists for Jesus?

There are terrorists for satan THOUGH.
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Professor Richard Dawkins has claimed that forcing a religion on children without questioning its merits is as bad as 'child abuse'.
In typically incendiary style, the leading atheist said he was against the 'indoctrination of religion' and teaching it as fact.

The evolutionary scientist, speaking at the Chipping Norton Literary Festival yesterday, was repeating claims he made last year which were roundly condemned by charities and politicians.

He is right. Forcing religion on children is wrong. If you want to teach your children your beliefs fine, but don't force them.

But it is ok to force views on these children in schools and then grade them poorly because the child did not give the answer they wanted ?
Professor Richard Dawkins has claimed that forcing a religion on children without questioning its merits is as bad as 'child abuse'.
In typically incendiary style, the leading atheist said he was against the 'indoctrination of religion' and teaching it as fact.

The evolutionary scientist, speaking at the Chipping Norton Literary Festival yesterday, was repeating claims he made last year which were roundly condemned by charities and politicians.

He is right. Forcing religion on children is wrong. If you want to teach your children your beliefs fine, but don't force them.
I seriously doubt she knows the difference.
my guess is she's one of those scare the shit out of them with threats of hell, sin and Armageddon types.

I do not get the impression that Christians worship God out of fear nor do they want you to accept God out of fear. If you were to see someone backing up would you warn that person there is a cliff behind them or simply let them back over the edge ?
They avoid the origins question like the plague, I wonder why ? The nut jobs try desperately to change the subject now that is funny.
who's avoiding what? the fact is the origins question has been beaten to death.
you have no actual quantifiable evidence to bolster your speculation.
it appears to me your need to reopen that done to death subject is to reassure yourself , not answer the age old question "how did we get here"?
you already have your answer, (it's not the correct one as there is no correct answer at this time)
there might never be.
I'm highly confident it will not be found by reading folk tales from a 2000 thousand year old compendium of short stories.
or pseudoscience.

There is plenty of evidence that life could not have happened without direction. There is zero evidence that life could have formed without direction.

Okay, but even if I buy into that (and I don't) there is also zero evidence of god. There is also a wealth of evidence that god cannot exist in the form laid out in the bible (or most other religions for that matter).

You are trying to explain away the improbable with the impossible. It just doesn't work logically.

I have no problem with those of faith relying on that faith. I obviously disagree but that is their choice and I respect that right. But don't try to pawn it off as logical. It's absurd. Even the bible doesn't do that. It says "faith is the evidence". If there were actual evidence, why would anyone need faith?
I guess one could argue somewhat persuasively for a First Cause. Now try proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that He was born of a virgin, walked on water, and rose from the dead.
He is right. Forcing religion on children is wrong. If you want to teach your children your beliefs fine, but don't force them.
I seriously doubt she knows the difference.
my guess is she's one of those scare the shit out of them with threats of hell, sin and Armageddon types.

I do not get the impression that Christians worship God out of fear nor do they want you to accept God out of fear. If you were to see someone backing up would you warn that person there is a cliff behind them or simply let them back over the edge ?

As adults probably not.

But many of them certainly push their kids to faith with fear.

As a child I was shown movies designed to scare the shit out of us. End of the world scenarios where people were left alone when their family was spirited away, where those left were forced to choose the mark of the beast or death. Books about demons physically fighting over our souls....

I've told this story before but my sister in law, when she was 5 or 6, came into her moms room crying about bad dreams.

Her mom proceeded to go into her room and start vigorously praying, begging Jesus and god to cast the demons out of this poor child.

And of course the bad dreams immediately went away... :cuckoo:
They avoid the origins question like the plague, I wonder why ? The nut jobs try desperately to change the subject now that is funny.
who's avoiding what? the fact is the origins question has been beaten to death.
you have no actual quantifiable evidence to bolster your speculation.
it appears to me your need to reopen that done to death subject is to reassure yourself , not answer the age old question "how did we get here"?
you already have your answer, (it's not the correct one as there is no correct answer at this time)
there might never be.
I'm highly confident it will not be found by reading folk tales from a 2000 thousand year old compendium of short stories.
or pseudoscience.

There is plenty of evidence that life could not have happened without direction. There is zero evidence that life could have formed without direction.
no there is not.
all you have is a belief that there is.
you've presented no actual evidence to support your claim.. the shit you have presented is by definition not science.
Professor Richard Dawkins has claimed that forcing a religion on children without questioning its merits is as bad as 'child abuse'.
In typically incendiary style, the leading atheist said he was against the 'indoctrination of religion' and teaching it as fact.

The evolutionary scientist, speaking at the Chipping Norton Literary Festival yesterday, was repeating claims he made last year which were roundly condemned by charities and politicians.

He is right. Forcing religion on children is wrong. If you want to teach your children your beliefs fine, but don't force them.

But it is ok to force views on these children in schools and then grade them poorly because the child did not give the answer they wanted ?
public schools don't not force views on children, if that were true then the parents who impose their view on their kids should put them in another school that is a better fit for their pov.
your solution screams of theism.
btw Christian schools force their world view on students at will.
it's their stock and trade.
ass hat!
I'm not demonizing anyone. You said you weren't fundamentalist. I said creationist doesn't really fit either.

Fundamentalist christian has never really been a hardcore militant movement. More of a set of beliefs that are unmovable.

Some of you are militant without being fundamentalist. There is no real term for that.

I suppose we could call you radical christians in the same way the media portrays radical muslims....
terrorists for Jesus?

There are terrorists for satan THOUGH.
Christian Terrorists Continue to Attack America

By Austin Cline, GuideJanuary 15, 2012

Bobby Joe Rogers has been charged by police in Florida with firebombing a family planning clinic. If Rogers had been a Muslim who firebombed a synagogue, he'd be immediately branded a Muslim terrorist, leading to even more calls for profiling of Muslims in America.

Because Bobby Joe Rogers is a white Christian, though, no one in law enforcement will label his actions what they clearly are: violent Christian terrorism.

"Rogers admitted to intentionally setting fire to the clinic due to his strong disbelief in abortion," the affidavit stated, and "he stated (he) was further fueled when he recently witnessed a young female entering the clinic while he was sitting amongst anti-abortion protesters."

The two-story clinic had been attacked before.

It was bombed on Christmas Day in 1984, and in 1994 a doctor and a volunteer who escorted patients to and from the clinic were shot to death as they arrived. The gunman, Paul Hill, was executed in 2003. Pensacola was the site of other abortion-related violence in 1993 when Dr. David Gunn was shot and killed at another clinic by an abortion protester.

Source: The Washington Post

Terrorism is something that abortion providers have to contend with on a daily basis. It's not "Islamofascists" who are responsible for that terrorism, though. It's not strange, foreign, brown-skinned people who force abortion providers to work behind bullet-proof glass, wear bullet-proof vests, and hire bodyguards. No, it's good, God-fearing, white Christians who are committing terrorism in America. And on a regular basis, too.

But of course the legal system in this country won't treat them as terrorists and won't even label their actions as terrorism. That's how successful their terrorism has been: they have cowed the government into denying that the terrorism is even being committed in the first place.

At the same time, though, they have also cowed the government into treating similar acts from other groups as so "different" that they can't be handled by the regular criminal justice system. American Christians are thus, in a sense, far more successful at their terrorism than Muslim militants in the Middle East have been.

Christian Terrorists Continue to Attack America
You deny that his faith is a fact?

Lol. You're not one of the smarter anti-Christian trolls, that's for sure.
You deny that his faith is a fact?

Lol. You're not one of the smarter anti-Christian trolls, that's for sure.
as always you're wrong. to any non perceptually challenge person, stating that his faith is fact, is unnecessary.
once again, you've made three false assumptions/accusations in two sentences.

I'm not anti- Christian. I am however, extremely anti- nut job Christian zealot.
if you believe you're an example of main stream Christianity, the you're more deluded and psychotic then a Charles Manson wet dream.
You deny that his faith is a fact?

Lol. You're not one of the smarter anti-Christian trolls, that's for sure.

Since faith can't be proven, doesn't that make it "just a theory"? :eusa_eh:

My faith is on parr with the theories that are being taught as fact in our schools. This brings us back to the all important question is the universe and everything in it a product of a designer and purposeful design or poof a non-intelligent natural unguided process ?

Now considering the evidence which theory takes more faith to believe ?
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