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Really Genius ? The point was he was referring to people that hold degrees that believe theories that he does not believe are merely crackpots. Yes my degree in science has plenty to do with what gets discussed in this thread.

It Just burns you up that what I hold a degree in, is beyond your comprehension.

Actually I was referring to serious people in that field of study. Most of them have degrees I would guess, but there is a bit more to it than that.

Of course there are and by the way I don't believe that theory either.

Stephen Hawking has appeared on both the discovery channel and the History channel you can add Jane Goodall and James Hansen to that list as well of well known scientist that participated in documentaries on these channels.

Yes, did I say everything on these channels is shit?


But just because a program is on the history channel and has some "expert" talking to the camera does not make it factual or an indicator of the scientific community at large.
Really Genius ? The point was he was referring to people that hold degrees that believe theories that he does not believe are merely crackpots. Yes my degree in science has plenty to do with what gets discussed in this thread.

It Just burns you up that what I hold a degree in, is beyond your comprehension.

By degree do you mean "Dr."? By a respected college? I find it astonishing that someone could invest that much time in the quest for learning and be co-signed by teaching authorities to receive a high degree and still believe in a god in this day and age. It does not say much for the education when what someone "wants" to believe is verified by what someone else "wants" to teach even though ALL evidense suggests otherwise and NO evidense supports it.

My education has been discussed many times here and yes from the University of Arizona. Sorry to bust your bubble but there are many of us.

That might be valuable 411 in a thread that has ten pages or less. No one is going to research 1066 pages to get "up to speed" on your education. I don't fault an uneducated person with a low IQ believing in fantasy as the reason why we are here. It doesn't bode well for humanity that apparently so many go to college in the hopes of actually learning something close to the truth and end up believing nonsense. If I were you I would sue U of A for fraud. They should just give you back what you paid in tuition.
Why don't you explain the evidence presented ? You have fossils that have been dated from the very very distant past and there is no evolutionary change for the same organism that is alive and well today. why is that daws ?

Did the mechanism for evolution stop working ?

Oh good gawd, man. Not Harun Yahya again.

Good Lord another dodge of the evidence :cuckoo:

Dodge what evidence? You did nothing but cut and paste from a site and and individual that preys upon the gullible and those with a predefined agenda.
How Ironic.

Can you give me a brief summary on gene expression please ? I am gonna give you the strongest evidence for an intelligent designer.
Please spare us your typical cutting and pasting from fundie websites as alleged "pwoof" of your gawds.

I don't need to copy and paste as you and your buddies do about things I know about.
So much of what you "know about" is simply material that is cut and pasted from charlatans who are pressing a religious agenda.

Promoting ignorance and superstition as furthered by Harun Yahya is hardly relevant to grown-up conversation.
By degree do you mean "Dr."? By a respected college? I find it astonishing that someone could invest that much time in the quest for learning and be co-signed by teaching authorities to receive a high degree and still believe in a god in this day and age. It does not say much for the education when what someone "wants" to believe is verified by what someone else "wants" to teach even though ALL evidense suggests otherwise and NO evidense supports it.

My education has been discussed many times here and yes from the University of Arizona. Sorry to bust your bubble but there are many of us.

That might be valuable 411 in a thread that has ten pages or less. No one is going to research 1066 pages to get "up to speed" on your education. I don't fault an uneducated person with a low IQ believing in fantasy as the reason why we are here. It doesn't bode well for humanity that apparently so many go to college in the hopes of actually learning something close to the truth and end up believing nonsense. If I were you I would sue U of A for fraud. They should just give you back what you paid in tuition.

Why would I do that ? it's because of my education and the Job that came from that education that has me where I am today.
Oh good gawd, man. Not Harun Yahya again.

Good Lord another dodge of the evidence :cuckoo:

Dodge what evidence? You did nothing but cut and paste from a site and and individual that preys upon the gullible and those with a predefined agenda.

I posted a link containing real evidence that you're are scoffing at which shows your IQ by not responding to the evidence. Once again you show you are a complete Ideologue.
Please spare us your typical cutting and pasting from fundie websites as alleged "pwoof" of your gawds.

I don't need to copy and paste as you and your buddies do about things I know about.
So much of what you "know about" is simply material that is cut and pasted from charlatans who are pressing a religious agenda.

Promoting ignorance and superstition as furthered by Harun Yahya is hardly relevant to grown-up conversation.

Here is your chance to show your accusation contains credibility. I asked a question that your side is avoiding why ? let's hear it and then I will respond to your response if you have one oh and by all means stick to your own words You made the rules.
Question, how do you know the organisms you refer to are nothing more than similar species gone extinct ? How do you prove they evolved ?

A dose of reality junior.
not if you got your info from this:

All these specimens manifest one single truth: Living things did not come into being through the fictitious processes of the theory of evolution, but were created in a single moment. Today's living things, with all their perfect features as manifestations of God's superior artistry, possess exactly the same splendor and perfection as their counterparts that existed millions of years ago. Once all evolutionist speculation and claims are eliminated, the fact of creation is revealed for all to see—albeit in a manner totally unexpected by evolutionists.

"Living fossils" are proofs that all the living things on Earth, past and present, were created from nothing; and that each one, possessing complex and superior attributes, is a miracle of God. This means that in fact, the supposed developmental process that evolutionists claim took place over millions of years never happened at all. Fictitious intermediate forms disappear along with fictitious
edit for obvious pseudoscience content.

you and reality parted company long ago... that's assuming you ever met at all....and I DON'T assume..

Why don't you explain the evidence presented ? You have fossils that have been dated from the very very distant past and there is no evolutionary change for the same organism that is alive and well today. why is that daws ?

Did the mechanism for evolution stop working ?
you do understand that those fossils existence refutes your whole argument, in one deft stroke, they destroy your 10,000 to 6000 year fantasy TIME LINE.
but to answer, the environmental pressure to evolve further was either not strong enough or that species had reached it's evolutionary peak.
as always your question is not a question but a desperate attempt equate your myth with actual evidence.
I do watch it yes and most speakers speaking on science and history on the channels hold degrees in the information being discussed.

I hold a degree from the University of Arizona what is your point ?
your degree has dick to do with this discussion.
in the better then 1000 pages in this thread, you've pointed out a least one hundred times that you have a degree unless my math is wrong, that's one time for every 100 pages or 10% which is far more then all of the rest of us who have degrees combined. so stfu...

Really Genius ? The point was he was referring to people that hold degrees that believe theories that he does not believe are merely crackpots. Yes my degree in science has plenty to do with what gets discussed in this thread.

It Just burns you up that what I hold a degree in, is beyond your comprehension.
your degree has absolutely nothing in common with the faith /pseudoscience BullShit you spew.
oh yeah my degrees can beat up your degree...:eusa_liar:
The way I see it some of us were created and some of us came from monkeys. If you really want your ancestry to be primates I'll oblige. I just came from the side where human beings were created.
yeah the ones at the shallow end of the gene pool.

How Ironic.

Can you give me a brief summary on gene expression please ? I am gonna give you the strongest evidence for an intelligent designer.
none is the strongest evidence you have.
anything else you present is conjecture based on a false premise..
I win...neener neener neener.....
not if you got your info from this:

All these specimens manifest one single truth: Living things did not come into being through the fictitious processes of the theory of evolution, but were created in a single moment. Today's living things, with all their perfect features as manifestations of God's superior artistry, possess exactly the same splendor and perfection as their counterparts that existed millions of years ago. Once all evolutionist speculation and claims are eliminated, the fact of creation is revealed for all to see—albeit in a manner totally unexpected by evolutionists.

"Living fossils" are proofs that all the living things on Earth, past and present, were created from nothing; and that each one, possessing complex and superior attributes, is a miracle of God. This means that in fact, the supposed developmental process that evolutionists claim took place over millions of years never happened at all. Fictitious intermediate forms disappear along with fictitious
edit for obvious pseudoscience content.

you and reality parted company long ago... that's assuming you ever met at all....and I DON'T assume..

Why don't you explain the evidence presented ? You have fossils that have been dated from the very very distant past and there is no evolutionary change for the same organism that is alive and well today. why is that daws ?

Did the mechanism for evolution stop working ?

Oh good gawd, man. Not Harun Yahya again.
guess he was in such a hurry to post anything to bolster his wounded ego, that he never saw the disclaimer on that site's home page which reads : this site is based on the works of Harun Yahya.
ywc has claimed he has never read or used that author's steaming piles...but not any more!
By degree do you mean "Dr."? By a respected college? I find it astonishing that someone could invest that much time in the quest for learning and be co-signed by teaching authorities to receive a high degree and still believe in a god in this day and age. It does not say much for the education when what someone "wants" to believe is verified by what someone else "wants" to teach even though ALL evidense suggests otherwise and NO evidense supports it.

My education has been discussed many times here and yes from the University of Arizona. Sorry to bust your bubble but there are many of us.

That might be valuable 411 in a thread that has ten pages or less. No one is going to research 1066 pages to get "up to speed" on your education. I don't fault an uneducated person with a low IQ believing in fantasy as the reason why we are here. It doesn't bode well for humanity that apparently so many go to college in the hopes of actually learning something close to the truth and end up believing nonsense. If I were you I would sue U of A for fraud. They should just give you back what you paid in tuition.
he does toss that little gem around a lot.
I have three degrees along with a master electrician's cert, carpenters cert, a Sam's club membership and a laser tag id..
My education has been discussed many times here and yes from the University of Arizona. Sorry to bust your bubble but there are many of us.

That might be valuable 411 in a thread that has ten pages or less. No one is going to research 1066 pages to get "up to speed" on your education. I don't fault an uneducated person with a low IQ believing in fantasy as the reason why we are here. It doesn't bode well for humanity that apparently so many go to college in the hopes of actually learning something close to the truth and end up believing nonsense. If I were you I would sue U of A for fraud. They should just give you back what you paid in tuition.

Why would I do that ? it's because of my education and the Job that came from that education that has me where I am today.
so which lie is the closet to the truth? the one you just told or the one about your mining operation that got you where you are to day?
Good Lord another dodge of the evidence :cuckoo:

Dodge what evidence? You did nothing but cut and paste from a site and and individual that preys upon the gullible and those with a predefined agenda.

I posted a link containing real evidence that you're are scoffing at which shows your IQ by not responding to the evidence. Once again you show you are a complete Ideologue.
the link you posted ABOUT THE SITE

fossil is the remains or traces of a plant or animal that have been preserved in the Earth's crust down to the present day. Fossils collected from all over the world are our most important source of information about the species that have existed on Earth since life began.

Below left: a Caddis fly in amber, between 50 and 45 million years old.

To its right: a tropical stingless bee in 24-million-year-old Dominican amber.

At top right: termites trapped in an amber, 25 million years old.

The skeletons of living things whose contact with the air was suddenly interrupted have come down, often perfectly preserved, to the present day. Research into these fossils permits us to learn increasingly detailed information about extinct animals or plants. Most basically, this information also tells us about which living things existed during which period.

For evolutionists, fossil specimens, often hundreds of millions of years old, are all tools they can use in line with their own theories. Evolutionists take a fossil, link it arbitrarily to some present-day species, and then claim that the fossil is the ancestor of the living organism in question. Upon this premise, they then construct dramatic and detailed scenarios. If the fossil in question is a fish, for example, they claim on the basis of a few bones that it possesses primitive features, newly developing organs and limbs in the process of undergoing a transition to a "higher" life form. They write books about the creature, hold conferences, and exhibit it as the intermediate form or "missing link" they have been seeking for so long.

That is, until they find themselves looking at a living specimen of this supposedly extinct creature!

When a living thing emerges in the same form it was known to have existed in millions of years ago, it of course demolishes all the evolutionist fables told about it. Its simple presence demonstrates that a living organism that—according to Darwinists' claims—should have undergone considerable evolution after the course of millions of years, somehow remained immune to the process. Moreover, it proves that at a time when, again according to evolution, only primitive forms of life were in existence, fully developed life forms with complex features and their own unique structures were already thriving. The creature that evolutionists imagine to be "primitive" is in fact nothing of the sort. In other words, the deceptive nature of invalid claims regarding "transition from a single-celled organism," "an intermediate form" and "a primitive life-form" is soon realized. Eventually, important evidence proves that the "process of gradual evolution" is nothing but a myth.

All these specimens manifest one single truth: Living things did not come into being through the fictitious processes of the theory of evolution, but were created in a single moment. Today's living things, with all their perfect features as manifestations of God's superior artistry, possess exactly the same splendor and perfection as their counterparts that existed millions of years ago. Once all evolutionist speculation and claims are eliminated, the fact of creation is revealed for all to see—albeit in a manner totally unexpected by evolutionists.

"Living fossils" are proofs that all the living things on Earth, past and present, were created from nothing; and that each one, possessing complex and superior attributes, is a miracle of God. This means that in fact, the supposed developmental process that evolutionists claim took place over millions of years never happened at all. Fictitious intermediate forms disappear along with fictitious scenarios.

: is to a creationist bullshit site, it has no evidence...
Last edited:
not if you got your info from this:

All these specimens manifest one single truth: Living things did not come into being through the fictitious processes of the theory of evolution, but were created in a single moment. Today's living things, with all their perfect features as manifestations of God's superior artistry, possess exactly the same splendor and perfection as their counterparts that existed millions of years ago. Once all evolutionist speculation and claims are eliminated, the fact of creation is revealed for all to see—albeit in a manner totally unexpected by evolutionists.

"Living fossils" are proofs that all the living things on Earth, past and present, were created from nothing; and that each one, possessing complex and superior attributes, is a miracle of God. This means that in fact, the supposed developmental process that evolutionists claim took place over millions of years never happened at all. Fictitious intermediate forms disappear along with fictitious
edit for obvious pseudoscience content.

you and reality parted company long ago... that's assuming you ever met at all....and I DON'T assume..

Why don't you explain the evidence presented ? You have fossils that have been dated from the very very distant past and there is no evolutionary change for the same organism that is alive and well today. why is that daws ?

Did the mechanism for evolution stop working ?
you do understand that those fossils existence refutes your whole argument, in one deft stroke, they destroy your 10,000 to 6000 year fantasy TIME LINE.
but to answer, the environmental pressure to evolve further was either not strong enough or that species had reached it's evolutionary peak.
as always your question is not a question but a desperate attempt equate your myth with actual evidence.

You do not fully understand your mechanism of evolution do you ? Hold on there partner,those are not dates I trust, I am just showing how your fellow believers in the faith step on each others toes with their theories.
your degree has dick to do with this discussion.
in the better then 1000 pages in this thread, you've pointed out a least one hundred times that you have a degree unless my math is wrong, that's one time for every 100 pages or 10% which is far more then all of the rest of us who have degrees combined. so stfu...

Really Genius ? The point was he was referring to people that hold degrees that believe theories that he does not believe are merely crackpots. Yes my degree in science has plenty to do with what gets discussed in this thread.

It Just burns you up that what I hold a degree in, is beyond your comprehension.
your degree has absolutely nothing in common with the faith /pseudoscience BullShit you spew.
oh yeah my degrees can beat up your degree...:eusa_liar:

Daws if you cannot keep up please take notes :razz:
yeah the ones at the shallow end of the gene pool.

How Ironic.

Can you give me a brief summary on gene expression please ? I am gonna give you the strongest evidence for an intelligent designer.
none is the strongest evidence you have.
anything else you present is conjecture based on a false premise..
I win...neener neener neener.....

If you understood gene expression and the evidence I was gonna give you once you gave a brief summary you would see once again you're wrong.
Why don't you explain the evidence presented ? You have fossils that have been dated from the very very distant past and there is no evolutionary change for the same organism that is alive and well today. why is that daws ?

Did the mechanism for evolution stop working ?

Oh good gawd, man. Not Harun Yahya again.
guess he was in such a hurry to post anything to bolster his wounded ego, that he never saw the disclaimer on that site's home page which reads : this site is based on the works of Harun Yahya.
ywc has claimed he has never read or used that author's steaming piles...but not any more!

I am not sure which one of you are less intelligent.
That might be valuable 411 in a thread that has ten pages or less. No one is going to research 1066 pages to get "up to speed" on your education. I don't fault an uneducated person with a low IQ believing in fantasy as the reason why we are here. It doesn't bode well for humanity that apparently so many go to college in the hopes of actually learning something close to the truth and end up believing nonsense. If I were you I would sue U of A for fraud. They should just give you back what you paid in tuition.

Why would I do that ? it's because of my education and the Job that came from that education that has me where I am today.
so which lie is the closet to the truth? the one you just told or the one about your mining operation that got you where you are to day?

I made good money while working in the field as a Lab Tech but I made a killing because of the beating the dollar has taken due to incompetent leadership of this country. My mining business is doing very well. Sorry you can't read when someone goes on the record about himself and puts it into simple terms.
Dodge what evidence? You did nothing but cut and paste from a site and and individual that preys upon the gullible and those with a predefined agenda.

I posted a link containing real evidence that you're are scoffing at which shows your IQ by not responding to the evidence. Once again you show you are a complete Ideologue.
the link you posted ABOUT THE SITE

fossil is the remains or traces of a plant or animal that have been preserved in the Earth's crust down to the present day. Fossils collected from all over the world are our most important source of information about the species that have existed on Earth since life began.

Below left: a Caddis fly in amber, between 50 and 45 million years old.

To its right: a tropical stingless bee in 24-million-year-old Dominican amber.

At top right: termites trapped in an amber, 25 million years old.

The skeletons of living things whose contact with the air was suddenly interrupted have come down, often perfectly preserved, to the present day. Research into these fossils permits us to learn increasingly detailed information about extinct animals or plants. Most basically, this information also tells us about which living things existed during which period.

For evolutionists, fossil specimens, often hundreds of millions of years old, are all tools they can use in line with their own theories. Evolutionists take a fossil, link it arbitrarily to some present-day species, and then claim that the fossil is the ancestor of the living organism in question. Upon this premise, they then construct dramatic and detailed scenarios. If the fossil in question is a fish, for example, they claim on the basis of a few bones that it possesses primitive features, newly developing organs and limbs in the process of undergoing a transition to a "higher" life form. They write books about the creature, hold conferences, and exhibit it as the intermediate form or "missing link" they have been seeking for so long.

That is, until they find themselves looking at a living specimen of this supposedly extinct creature!

When a living thing emerges in the same form it was known to have existed in millions of years ago, it of course demolishes all the evolutionist fables told about it. Its simple presence demonstrates that a living organism that—according to Darwinists' claims—should have undergone considerable evolution after the course of millions of years, somehow remained immune to the process. Moreover, it proves that at a time when, again according to evolution, only primitive forms of life were in existence, fully developed life forms with complex features and their own unique structures were already thriving. The creature that evolutionists imagine to be "primitive" is in fact nothing of the sort. In other words, the deceptive nature of invalid claims regarding "transition from a single-celled organism," "an intermediate form" and "a primitive life-form" is soon realized. Eventually, important evidence proves that the "process of gradual evolution" is nothing but a myth.

All these specimens manifest one single truth: Living things did not come into being through the fictitious processes of the theory of evolution, but were created in a single moment. Today's living things, with all their perfect features as manifestations of God's superior artistry, possess exactly the same splendor and perfection as their counterparts that existed millions of years ago. Once all evolutionist speculation and claims are eliminated, the fact of creation is revealed for all to see—albeit in a manner totally unexpected by evolutionists.

"Living fossils" are proofs that all the living things on Earth, past and present, were created from nothing; and that each one, possessing complex and superior attributes, is a miracle of God. This means that in fact, the supposed developmental process that evolutionists claim took place over millions of years never happened at all. Fictitious intermediate forms disappear along with fictitious scenarios.

: is to a creationist bullshit site, it has no evidence...

Daws where do you think the story of Jurassic park came from ? you really can't be this ignorant can you ?

There are lots of fossils preserved in many different ways that have been dated way back in time.
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