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You do not fully understand your mechanism of evolution do you ? Hold on there partner,those are not dates I trust, I am just showing how your fellow believers in the faith step on each others toes with their theories.
as a matter of fact I do. .I could give a shit about your trust issues.

No you really don't or you would have addressed my earlier question about the mechanism for no longer happening.

Here is a clue for you mutations never stop happening silly.
obviously they do or the coelacanth would have by you no logic logic, mutated in to something else by now
I did address you non question, evolution /mutation never stop ,that's true.
but there is no set rate of change.
the coelacanth is a prime example, also both are effected by the environment ,if there is little or very slow change in that environment the there is no compelling force for mutation.
we've been over this before and your god did it fantasy was wrong then and is now.
If you understood gene expression and the evidence I was gonna give you once you gave a brief summary you would see once again you're wrong.
you were going to give?
what to chicken shit to present it? as it it's most likely pseudoscience.
I've never been wrong yet about the total lack of scientific credibility of your false evidence..

I am waiting on you to go on the record and make your commitment.
don't you mean comment? I already have.
I made good money while working in the field as a Lab Tech but I made a killing because of the beating the dollar has taken due to incompetent leadership of this country. My mining business is doing very well. Sorry you can't read when someone goes on the record about himself and puts it into simple terms.
you do realize you're not making any sense..

Sure I am making sense the money I made as a lab Tech allowed me to invest in mining. When the currency takes a beating by from incompetent leaders by printing money when they have nothing to back drives down the value of the currency and drives up the price of precious metals.
read you first post again ..that's not what you said...
Here is something on fossil formation from a Christian perspective; however, the quickness with which they must form is something that evolutionists would be in agreement with.
How Fast? - Answers in Genesis
not credible ...false premise.

You have no background in science so you pretty much are speaking out of your butt.
another false declarative.. actually I have more background in science the you do the science is just different, also I know enough biology to know that the only poster talking out his ass is you.
Wow the truth is not hard to come by however trying to remember Biological fantasies of others is. Not all science and theories are nonsense only the ideological theories are. I was once brainwashed that is correct but not concerning the creator.

I do not waste my education I share it with others. I stopped visiting this thread for a while because this is where it usually winds up,me trying to get your side to think and be honest with themselves but it turns into a slander party. That is fine that is what happens when you can't really defend your faith. Have a nice day.
another hubris laden pile of nonsense....btw ywc no one is trying to get you on "OUR" SIDE.
YOU AND YOUR CREATIONIST circle jerkers are the ones who drew the imaginary line in the sand....

Seeing your responses you need me :razz:
only in your masturbation fantasies..
My faith is on parr with the theories that are being taught as fact in our schools. This brings us back to the all important question is the universe and everything in it a product of a designer and purposeful design or poof a non-intelligent natural unguided process ?

Now considering the evidence which theory takes more faith to believe ?

I don't operate on faith when it comes to evolution. The facts found in the fossil record and in DNA research are what I go on. Because of that evidence and the known Laws of Chemistry and Physics to posit an alternate explanation is a reach that makes your position totally faith, having no hard evidence to support it.

Well you're not relying on facts you're relying on opinions which in turn is reduced to faith. What are these so called facts ?

The brainwashing runs strong with this one. Funny how they trick themselves into thinking their beliefs are based on facts.
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You have no background in science so you pretty much are speaking out of your butt.
another false declarative.. actually I have more background in science the you do the science is just different, also I know enough biology to know that the only poster talking out his ass is you.

Science? I thought your life was a tale told by an idiot.
that would be yours.. evidenced by your constant out of context misquotes.
another false declarative.. actually I have more background in science the you do the science is just different, also I know enough biology to know that the only poster talking out his ass is you.

Science? I thought your life was a tale told by an idiot.
that would be yours.. evidenced by your constant out of context misquotes.

If evolution is true, your life signifies absolutely nothing. You are nothing more than a cosmic accident, meant to struggle and squirm down the path of your meaningless existence. In the big scheme of materialism, it doesn't matter whether you live or die. When you are gone, no one will remember you. You will cease to exist. And all that you think your life is, will have meant absolutely nothing. As the molecules of your rotting corpse decay and return to the cosmos via the belly of a worm, it will be like you never happened.

What an inspiring belief system that materialist religion is!!!
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Science? I thought your life was a tale told by an idiot.
that would be yours.. evidenced by your constant out of context misquotes.

If evolution is true, your life signifies absolutely nothing. You are nothing more than a cosmic accident, meant to struggle and squirm down the path of your meaningless existence. In the big scheme of materialism, it doesn't matter whether you live or die. When you are gone, no one will remember you. You will cease to exist. And all that you think your life is, will have meant absolutely nothing. As the molecules of your rotting corpse decay and return to the cosmos via the belly of a worm, it will be like you never happened.

What an inspiring belief system that materialist religion is!!!
the same can be said about your life, believing in fairytales gods has the same effect .
besides in a hundred years no one will care anyway.
might have been a good speech if I were as emotionally and intellectually bereft as you.
unlike yourself, I'm unafraid of death and see no need for the false comfort of an imaginary friend.
we all die and nothing we do here and now will prepare us for what's next, if anything.
it's a trip you can't pack for.
as to becoming fertilizer and ensuring life will spring from it is the highest form of doing good I can think of.
so fuck you and arrogance!
that would be yours.. evidenced by your constant out of context misquotes.

If evolution is true, your life signifies absolutely nothing. You are nothing more than a cosmic accident, meant to struggle and squirm down the path of your meaningless existence. In the big scheme of materialism, it doesn't matter whether you live or die. When you are gone, no one will remember you. You will cease to exist. And all that you think your life is, will have meant absolutely nothing. As the molecules of your rotting corpse decay and return to the cosmos via the belly of a worm, it will be like you never happened.

What an inspiring belief system that materialist religion is!!!
the same can be said about your life, believing in fairytales gods has the same effect .
besides in a hundred years no one will care anyway.
might have been a good speech if I were as emotionally and intellectually bereft as you.
unlike yourself, I'm unafraid of death and see no need for the false comfort of an imaginary friend.
we all die and nothing we do here and now will prepare us for what's next, if anything.
it's a trip you can't pack for.
as to becoming fertilizer and ensuring life will spring from it is the highest form of doing good I can think of.
so fuck you and arrogance!

Blah, blah, blah. All I hear is clanging symbols.
If evolution is true, your life signifies absolutely nothing. You are nothing more than a cosmic accident, meant to struggle and squirm down the path of your meaningless existence. In the big scheme of materialism, it doesn't matter whether you live or die. When you are gone, no one will remember you. You will cease to exist. And all that you think your life is, will have meant absolutely nothing. As the molecules of your rotting corpse decay and return to the cosmos via the belly of a worm, it will be like you never happened.

What an inspiring belief system that materialist religion is!!!
the same can be said about your life, believing in fairytales gods has the same effect .
besides in a hundred years no one will care anyway.
might have been a good speech if I were as emotionally and intellectually bereft as you.
unlike yourself, I'm unafraid of death and see no need for the false comfort of an imaginary friend.
we all die and nothing we do here and now will prepare us for what's next, if anything.
it's a trip you can't pack for.
as to becoming fertilizer and ensuring life will spring from it is the highest form of doing good I can think of.
so fuck you and arrogance!

Blah, blah, blah. All I hear is clanging symbols.
willful ignorance has that effect..
You have no background in science so you pretty much are speaking out of your butt.
another false declarative.. actually I have more background in science the you do the science is just different, also I know enough biology to know that the only poster talking out his ass is you.

Really. What's your "science" background?
engineering, logic, design. 6 years of biology
and many more things that you have no concept of.
that would be yours.. evidenced by your constant out of context misquotes.

If evolution is true, your life signifies absolutely nothing. You are nothing more than a cosmic accident, meant to struggle and squirm down the path of your meaningless existence. In the big scheme of materialism, it doesn't matter whether you live or die. When you are gone, no one will remember you. You will cease to exist. And all that you think your life is, will have meant absolutely nothing. As the molecules of your rotting corpse decay and return to the cosmos via the belly of a worm, it will be like you never happened.

What an inspiring belief system that materialist religion is!!!
the same can be said about your life, believing in fairytales gods has the same effect .
besides in a hundred years no one will care anyway.
might have been a good speech if I were as emotionally and intellectually bereft as you.
unlike yourself, I'm unafraid of death and see no need for the false comfort of an imaginary friend.
we all die and nothing we do here and now will prepare us for what's next, if anything.
it's a trip you can't pack for.
as to becoming fertilizer and ensuring life will spring from it is the highest form of doing good I can think of.
so *&^% you and arrogance!

I'm unafraid of death. It is the living that can be disconcerting, but with God and Christ I have a much better reason to be happy.
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