Creeping paranoia

Hmmm...encouraging abortion and euthanasia.

Sounds like killing to me.

Nothing wrong with either....

You know, ppl of foreign countries whose only interest in ours is to denigrate it are nothing more than voyeurs, and impotent.

STFU and debate the issues you stupid bitch...
If you believe the above then you must NEVER comment on Iran, Iraq, Canada, Mexico or any other country....
If you think there is nothing wrong with euthanasia or abortion your moral compass points south.

Tell me there grump do you agree with Cass Sunstein - Obama's regulations czar that we chould be able to abort children until they are two years old?

No with regard to Sunstein.

As for moral compass, anybody who would want anybody else to die in agony and pain when they are crying out to be euthanised by their own words does indeed have a moral compass facing south. I thought you righties were all about freedom of choice. Apparently not...
the forces allied against healthcare reform are very rich and very powerful.

The republicans and the "blue dog" democrats are their lap dogs.

What obama is proposing is pretty basic really.

A public option for everybody and no denial of coverage for "pre-existing conditions."

everyone gets a public option when they turn 65 anyway.

pretty basic??? The bill is over 1000 pages long and its pretty basic? What kind of insane world do you live on???

Oh my god!!!

It's almost as long as a harry potter novel!!!

Who could possibly ever read that!!!
you know Chris you are a stupid this thousand page bill are laws, matters of what is and what isnt.....Harry Potter is a fucking story.... that you wont need your lawyer to interpret for you.....
If you think there is nothing wrong with euthanasia or abortion your moral compass points south.

Tell me there grump do you agree with Cass Sunstein - Obama's regulations czar that we chould be able to abort children until they are two years old?

No with regard to Sunstein.

As for moral compass, anybody who would want anybody else to die in agony and pain when they are crying out to be euthanised by their own words does indeed have a moral compass facing south. I thought you righties were all about freedom of choice. Apparently not...

well im all for Euthanasia....if someones got X amount of time left and they are suffering and depleting whatever money they have left and they wanna should be theirs and their families decision....not the courts, not congress, not the church....theirs....
If you think there is nothing wrong with euthanasia or abortion your moral compass points south.

Tell me there grump do you agree with Cass Sunstein - Obama's regulations czar that we chould be able to abort children until they are two years old?

Thanks a lot! I spit my drink out all over my keyboard when I read this...

You owe me a new keyboard. And actually I heard we could abort children up to 5, and keep the ugly ones in closets. So get your facts correct next time please.
If you think there is nothing wrong with euthanasia or abortion your moral compass points south.

Tell me there grump do you agree with Cass Sunstein - Obama's regulations czar that we chould be able to abort children until they are two years old?

No with regard to Sunstein.

As for moral compass, anybody who would want anybody else to die in agony and pain when they are crying out to be euthanised by their own words does indeed have a moral compass facing south. I thought you righties were all about freedom of choice. Apparently not...

well im all for Euthanasia....if someones got X amount of time left and they are suffering and depleting whatever money they have left and they wanna should be theirs and their families decision....not the courts, not congress, not the church....theirs....

I'm all for euthanasia if the person wants it, what I'm against is any insurance company, or government run healthcare giving me no other options.
the forces allied against healthcare reform are very rich and very powerful.

The republicans and the "blue dog" democrats are their lap dogs.

What obama is proposing is pretty basic really.

A public option for everybody and no denial of coverage for "pre-existing conditions."

everyone gets a public option when they turn 65 anyway.

pretty basic??? The bill is over 1000 pages long and its pretty basic? What kind of insane world do you live on???

Oh my god!!!

It's almost as long as a harry potter novel!!!

Who could possibly ever read that!!!

It could have been written in about 600 pages if they didn't want to convolute and confuse the reader.
Bottom line is that very few in America really understands the bill....this is by design.
Nothing wrong with either....

You know, ppl of foreign countries whose only interest in ours is to denigrate it are nothing more than voyeurs, and impotent.

STFU and debate the issues you stupid bitch...
If you believe the above then you must NEVER comment on Iran, Iraq, Canada, Mexico or any other country....

Hit a nerve, freak?

I don't hang out on messageboards for the people of those countries and tell them how fucked up their countries are. Because I realize how futile and foolish it is. If I wanted to belong to those countries, I would move. I don't, and so I don't waste my energy telling them how stupid their policies and citizenry are. Instead I work on my own.
Hit a nerve, freak?

I don't hang out on messageboards for the people of those countries and tell them how fucked up their countries are. Because I realize how futile and foolish it is. If I wanted to belong to those countries, I would move. I don't, and so I don't waste my energy telling them how stupid their policies and citizenry are. Instead I work on my own.

No, you haven't hit a nerve, I just find it exasperating that just when I thought you couldn't say anything more stupid, you do.

So you don't talk about Iran, Iraq or Europe? Riiiigghhhtt....:cuckoo:

As long as you policies affect my country, I'll say what the fuck I like.
And if your guys are going to bitch and moan on a PUBLIC messageboard, then take ya lumps. And if you're going to ramble on about how the US is the greatest country in the world (for whatever reason), you better back it up to us outside your borders, or STFU....if you are that insecure that you need a pat on the back as to how great you are, then that says a lot more about you than anything else..

I have no desire to live in the US, although I do have a desire that it keeps its nose out of other country's business
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I talk about Iran and Europe and the rest as they relate to us.

But I don't troll their message boards, calling them names and pissing on their countries.

That would be trashy.
I talk about Iran and Europe and the rest as they relate to us.

But I don't troll their message boards, calling them names and pissing on their countries.

That would be trashy.

riigghtt, so you've never dissed Europe's health care system etc...sure.

The only people I call names are right-wing neocon whackjobs. the other 90 percent of Americans are fine...

And you call what I do trolling is akin to Hitler accusing Mother Theresa of genocide...
Once again. I dis them as it relates to america. When asswads come on "USMB" and start going on about how we should emulate weaker, shittier nations, I will expound on the inadequacies of those nations.

But I don't go to their political discussion boards and call them names and put their country down.
Once again. I dis them as it relates to america. When asswads come on "USMB" and start going on about how we should emulate weaker, shittier nations, I will expound on the inadequacies of those nations.

But I don't go to their political discussion boards and call them names and put their country down.

So now it's a messageboard for US users only? Does Gunny know?

All I am doing is doing what you are doing with regard to "weaker" and "shittier" nations, but in reverse. Go figure...can't handle this heat, piss off Fats....
No, you're a small dicked voyeur who feels worthless and helpless in his own country, who comes to see what he's missing. But like the retarded 13 y.o. kid who thinks he should hit the little girl of his fancy, you can't seem to connect.....
No, you're a small dicked voyeur who feels worthless and helpless in his own country, who comes to see what he's missing. But like the retarded 13 y.o. kid who thinks he should hit the little girl of his fancy, you can't seem to connect.....

I'm very happy in my 'own' country, and don't have to go around 'bragging' how BIG my country is, or what it's worth or not worth.

I came on messageboards to discuss politics in general. If it happens to be the US, Iran or Venezuela I couldn't give a shit. See, unlike US neocon, right-wing religious whackjobs, most normal people are open minded...

You're just an overweight fat pig with the IQ of an amoeba who wouldn't know the real world if it bit you in your big fat arse....
Protester on Fox: Pelosi 'Thugs' Came In 'Middle Of The Night,' Health Care Plan 'Sentences Our Families To Death' | LiveWire

This guy tells fox news that Pelosi's thugs came to him in the night and that he wants his voice heard before Obama puts him down (as in the insane rumor about offing the elderly).

There's nothing "creeping" about it. It's full-blown paranoid schizophrenia at work there. Luckily, there are meds for that. I hope his health insurance covers them.

Another thought.

His 36 year old son is handicapped? I wonder who pays for his care? Does he receive government services and/or health care?
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