Creepy Joe is back

How does anyone vote for this guy?

and wtf???

People voted for Mr. 'grab them by the kitty' Trump so I guess that's an easy question.

Well Trump was right, Hollywood chick will let you grab them by the pussy for a movie role. Your buddy Harvey Weinstein was a master
But these are kids....oops, I guess Hollywood is cool with that too. I think we all know why child stars end up on drugs and crime.
Hey, nothing to see here!!

Biden is a Pervy pedo.
Any normal person can see that. If you are a Democrat that watches cuties, you probably think it's no big deal.

All you have to do is imagine those 100s of creepy videos of Biden were of trump, what Democrats would be here saying. This is how you can tell they are total POS scum.

This guy is Biden's besty.
Biden is a Pervy pedo.
Any normal person can see that. If you are a Democrat that watches cuties, you probably think it's no big deal.

All you have to do is imagine those 100s of creepy videos of Biden were of trump, what Democrats would be here saying. This is how you can tell they are total POS scum.
Wow aint that the truth . Imagine .
Biden is a Pervy pedo.
Any normal person can see that. If you are a Democrat that watches cuties, you probably think it's no big deal.

All you have to do is imagine those 100s of creepy videos of Biden were of trump, what Democrats would be here saying. This is how you can tell they are total POS scum.
Yep, the democrats have no moral compass at's just about their side, if they do it, it's cool.
Joe is such a POS, he claims the reason he is able to hide in his basement is because he has a black woman that stocks his shelves.

Democrats are scum
How does anyone vote for this guy?

and wtf???

People voted for Mr. 'grab them by the kitty' Trump so I guess that's an easy question.

How many years ago was that?

When Democrats said this, Americans went and watched the tape and discovered Democrats were purposely lying about it.

Modern Democrats are scum. If you believe one or take anything they say seriously, you're the one who is an idiot.
Notice how quiet Dems are here when a dem is busted for something vile? Silence.

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