Crime drops in Colorado.... It's all about drugs

Really? I have to explain this to you? Put down the bong and listen.

All forms of alcohol were made legal. Not all forms of drugs are legal
In Colorado.

Understand yet?

So what? Not everyone who uses pot uses heroin. Pot's much...MUCH more common, plain and simple. You take that market away from "criminals" and there's less crime, not a hard concept.

You are forgetting what the discussion is about. You said that when prohibition ended,gang violence decreased. Yes that's true but it doesn't equate here. All forms of alcohol were made legal then, but not all forms of drugs are today. Therefor, gangs still have their income and trade. It doesn't matter at all how popular pot is.

The Pothead Left doesn't get that gangs and mafias always have a medium of trade. Their resilience and adaptability are a tribute to capitalism. The potheads will continue to argue that legalizing drugs reduces crime in spite of being proven wrong repeatedly.

Assumes facts not in evidence.
Put the bong away and research the history of the mafia. It may take a while if you start spacing out, but it's a worthy effort.

Onus is on you to substantiate your claim and draw the appropriate parallels.
That is fine in concept, but it is not supported by evidence in reality. I wish it were true but it isn't.

Is that why we still have so many moonshiners and Mafia gangs selling alcohol in today's day and age?

Really? I have to explain this to you? Put down the bong and listen.

All forms of alcohol were made legal. Not all forms of drugs are legal
In Colorado.

Understand yet?

So what? Not everyone who uses pot uses heroin. Pot's much...MUCH more common, plain and simple. You take that market away from "criminals" and there's less crime, not a hard concept.

You are forgetting what the discussion is about. You said that when prohibition ended,gang violence decreased. Yes that's true but it doesn't equate here. All forms of alcohol were made legal then, but not all forms of drugs are today. Therefor, gangs still have their income and trade. It doesn't matter at all how popular pot is.

The Pothead Left doesn't get that gangs and mafias always have a medium of trade. Their resilience and adaptability are a tribute to capitalism. The potheads will continue to argue that legalizing drugs reduces crime in spite of being proven wrong repeatedly.

It's difficult to argue either way as nothing has been proven yet. That is why I'm interested in data from the states that have legalized pot. This blog or article whatever it is, is based on deception and therefor isn't valuable or credible.

One thing I can assure you however is that the number of people in jail for pot will decrease and that leaves more room for people who actually commit crimes worth being in jail for. that is something that cannot be argued.
Gee, making something legal caused a drop in arrests?

Wow, what genius'.

All this proves is that people are no longer being arrested for something... I'd say though the jury is still out on the longer term effects of drug legalization.
Gee, making something legal caused a drop in arrests?

Wow, what genius'.

All this proves is that people are no longer being arrested for something... I'd say though the jury is still out on the longer term effects of drug legalization.

We've had legal alcohol for years. Furthermore, the biggest epidemic facing our nation when it comes to drug use is the abuse and addiction of prescription grade pharmaceuticals.
Gee, making something legal caused a drop in arrests?

Wow, what genius'.

All this proves is that people are no longer being arrested for something... I'd say though the jury is still out on the longer term effects of drug legalization.

They aren't saying a decrease in arrests for pot, they are claiming a decrease in arrests for all manner of crimes. From murder to theft, even to something called automobile crimes. It's a claim that they cannot back up.
Gee, making something legal caused a drop in arrests?

Wow, what genius'.

All this proves is that people are no longer being arrested for something... I'd say though the jury is still out on the longer term effects of drug legalization.

They aren't saying a decrease in arrests for pot, they are claiming a decrease in arrests for all manner of crimes. From murder to theft, even to something called automobile crimes. It's a claim that they cannot back up.

Not to mention, it makes no sense...
Gee, making something legal caused a drop in arrests?

Wow, what genius'.

All this proves is that people are no longer being arrested for something... I'd say though the jury is still out on the longer term effects of drug legalization.
With our high incarceration rate you would think we never legalized alcohol after it was illegal. But we did, didn't we? Apparently people found other crimes to commit and crime didn't really go down.
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."

Yeah, sorry pally, but that's a lie being put out by weed enthusiasts trying to justify their high.

Crime Is Up in Colorado: What That Tells Us About Pot Legalization and, Perhaps More Importantly, Lazy Reporting

First up: crime.

Lately legalization advocates have been cheering numbers that show a decline in crime. There are literally hundreds of articles that have been written with this narrative. But an honest look at the statistics shows an increase -- not decrease -- in Denver crime rates.

Crime is tracked through two reporting mechanisms: the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS), which examines about 35 types of crime, and the FBI Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). The FBI UCR only captures about 50 percent of all crimes in Denver, so the NIBRS is generally regarded as more credible. The Denver Police Department (DPD) uses NIBRS categories to examine an array of crime statistics, since it is the more detailed and comprehensive source of numbers.

The Denver Police statistics show that summing across all crime types -- about 35 in all -- the crime rate is up almost 7 percent compared with the same period last year. Interestingly, crimes such as public drunkenness are up 237 percent, and drug violations are up 20 percent.

So why are advocates claiming a crime drop? Easy: They blended part of the FBI data with part of the DPD/NIBRS data to cook up numbers they wished to see. When one picks the Part I data from UCR and uses DPD/NIBRS property-crime numbers only while studiously avoiding the DPD/NIBRS data on all other crimes, one can indeed manufacture the appearance of a decline. As one can see here, even when using the FBI UCR numbers -- in their entirety -- crime has risen.

A report commissioned by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals puts it nicely:

When a closer look at the data is undertaken, a different picture -- something other than "crime is down" -- appears to emerge. ...

[L]egalization proponents should not infer causality regarding the downward trend observable when isolating just the UCR's Part I crime index.

When I asked the president of the Colorado Drug Investigators Association, Ernie Martinez, about these statistics, he urged me to look at the crimes that have been happening in connection to marijuana -- even after legalization:

Across the Front Range, we are experiencing more and more butane explosions due to hash extraction methods, calls for service on strong smells, and calls to ER's on adverse effects after either ingestion or smoked use. Black-market continues to exist unabated, availability of black market marijuana is ever present and cheaper than legalized MJ. Medical marijuana registrants continue to rise due to many factors such as more quantity allowed and more plants allowed, all due to Physician recommendations.
Crime Is Up in Colorado What That Tells Us About Pot Legalization and Perhaps More Importantly Lazy Reporting Kevin A. Sabet Ph.D.

So, Crime in Colorado is actually UP NOT DOWN. This is an example of the liberal media using half truths to push a narrative they want people to believe.

The real truth is crime is UP and it's not surprising.

Another thing is HOMELESSNESS is up in Colorado since pot was legalized.

Legal pot drives up number of homeless in Denver
Legal pot raises homeless numbers in Denver - NY Daily News

Marijuana Legalization Could Be Causing Increase In Homeless Young People In Denver: Officials

Marijuana Legalization Could Be Causing Increase In Homeless Young People In Denver Officials

Sorry to rain on your parade but your myth just isn't true.
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Pot legalization is like the legalization of gambling. It's only a matter of time before all the other states want some of that money. And the cons should be glad to see hundreds of billions of dollars cut from the DEA, ATF, FBI, and prisons budgets. Remember "smaller government" intrusion?
Pot legalization is like the legalization of gambling. It's only a matter of time before all the other states want some of that money. And the cons should be glad to see hundreds of billions of dollars cut from the DEA, ATF, FBI, and prisons budgets. Remember "smaller government" intrusion?

Most of us conservatives have no issue with the legalization of pot. Frankly, I find it retarded that we waste so much time locking up stoners. But, wait for it... remember a guy on Staten Island lost his life for not giving the State it's cut of cigarette sales...
Pot legalization is like the legalization of gambling. It's only a matter of time before all the other states want some of that money. And the cons should be glad to see hundreds of billions of dollars cut from the DEA, ATF, FBI, and prisons budgets. Remember "smaller government" intrusion?

Most of us conservatives have no issue with the legalization of pot. Frankly, I find it retarded that we waste so much time locking up stoners. But, wait for it... remember a guy on Staten Island lost his life for not giving the State it's cut of cigarette sales...
No, he lost his life resisting arrest.
Pot legalization is like the legalization of gambling. It's only a matter of time before all the other states want some of that money. And the cons should be glad to see hundreds of billions of dollars cut from the DEA, ATF, FBI, and prisons budgets. Remember "smaller government" intrusion?

Most of us conservatives have no issue with the legalization of pot. Frankly, I find it retarded that we waste so much time locking up stoners. But, wait for it... remember a guy on Staten Island lost his life for not giving the State it's cut of cigarette sales...
No, he lost his life resisting arrest.

He was being arrested for not giving the state its tax revenue... that was what some would call the catalyst for the whole event.
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."

The demonization of marijuana is proving to be false on all counts. It is not a "gateway drug". It doesn't cause mental illness. It is not addictive. It should not be an FDA schedule 1 drug.

Essentially it is less harmful than alcohol in many respects.

It's bad for you because people get stoned, eat a box full of pop tarts, then keel over dead from heart disease!
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."

Two different issues. "Over all crime" and "marijuana use" not the same thing. Very misleading. Why is that?

The common argument against legalization is that it would cause a high increase in crime. It's "still" a very common argument if you look around Heritage Foundation and other right wing think tanks. Colorado is plainly showing this not to be the case.

After less than a year it's too early to know for sure.
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."
That's right,,,more drugz equals less time......
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."

The demonization of marijuana is proving to be false on all counts. It is not a "gateway drug". It doesn't cause mental illness. It is not addictive. It should not be an FDA schedule 1 drug.

Essentially it is less harmful than alcohol in many respects.

It's bad for you because people get stoned, eat a box full of pop tarts, then keel over dead from heart disease!
You don't have to get high to get heart disease...
lol, you believe that I've got some swamp land to sell

Probably the fact it's WINTER might have something to do with it.

It's not about belief, it's a scientific fact. All the fear mongering is based on bullshit.

right, like all those pot heads can AFFORD that high price weed the State is pushing.
from what I've heard it's cheaper to buy it on the streets. but what do I care. Moved from Colorado back in the 80's
I'll go and check it out in the spring for you.............

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