Crime Is Nonpartisan Cities and states run by Republicans do not actually have less crime.


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2022
Crime Is Nonpartisan

In The5thHorseman's continuing series " Field Dressing Shibboleths", we have covered such diverse topics as fiscal policy, the Crisis on the Border, inflation, and various fashypathologies. We will now examine another seminal, and equally risible, Article of Reactionary Faith - specifically Party control & Crime.

“Republican-run cities are doing very nicely because they arrest people when you have crimes,” Donald Trump told Tucker Carlson last week.

“The cities and these left-wing states allowing criminals to run wild on our streets, that doesn’t work,” Ron DeSantis, Florida’s governor, said in March, citing New York in particular.

But party rule does not drive crime. Consider DeSantis’s state, Florida. Its homicide rate was roughly 50 percent higher than New York’s in 2021. Florida’s two most populous cities, Jacksonville and Miami, each had a homicide rate more than double New York City’s last year, even though both had Republican mayors

please note, this ISN'T about Crime, or cities, or is about the corrosive effects of Big Lies.
Crime Is Nonpartisan

In The5thHorseman's continuing series " Field Dressing Shibboleths", we have covered such diverse topics as fiscal policy, the Crisis on the Border, inflation, and various fashypathologies. We will now examine another seminal, and equally risible, Article of Reactionary Faith - specifically Party control & Crime.

“Republican-run cities are doing very nicely because they arrest people when you have crimes,” Donald Trump told Tucker Carlson last week.

“The cities and these left-wing states allowing criminals to run wild on our streets, that doesn’t work,” Ron DeSantis, Florida’s governor, said in March, citing New York in particular.

But party rule does not drive crime. Consider DeSantis’s state, Florida. Its homicide rate was roughly 50 percent higher than New York’s in 2021. Florida’s two most populous cities, Jacksonville and Miami, each had a homicide rate more than double New York City’s last year, even though both had Republican mayors

please note, this ISN'T about Crime, or cities, or is about the corrosive effects of Big Lies.

Crime in deep blue lib cities is under reported
Crime, or the control of criminals is very much partisan.

BLM and ANTIFA are allowed to commit crime than they get paid for the crime by false claims that their rights were violated.

We can see in Blue cities, shoplifting is now encouraged and not called a crime.

Criminals, in Blues cities, are no longer incarcerated, many are let out of jail, without bail.
I used to live in California, they have destroyed crime free cities, releasing rapists, murderers, and armed robbers into the communities

With little notice, California on Saturday is increasing early release credits for 76,000 inmates, including violent and repeat felons, as it further trims the population of what once was the nation’s largest state correctional system.
Thats the fault of wacko lib judges going back 30 years
Most violent criminals have an EOS (end of sentence) date. Unless they're first degree murderers they'll probably get out. That goes double for pedophiles.
I am not surprised, most likely Austin, where the Democrats from California moved to escape the hell they created in California.
Nah. I just mean all of these guys are going to get out eventually unless their crimes were unbelievably heinous. California is letting out criminals that would have EOSd soon anyway.

You might be surprised by what you can go to prison for and still breathe the free air again someday.

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