Homicide Rates Are Spiking in Major Cities Run by Both Democrats And Republicans

The war on police is having it's results now; blacks are murdering and robbing each other each other in record numbers due to a shortage of police, especially here in Dallas. They have black leaders in almost all govt. positions now, which is what they want, so they can't complain about how badly they perform; many are too busy looting city contracts to pay any attention to unimportant stuff like crime rates and murders.
No matter how much FAKE, DEMOCRAT synthetic BS the Left dishes out, intelligent people see RIGHT TROUGH IT.

Sorry Charlie

Leftists open the border... crime spikes... IT'S THE REPUBLICAN MAJOR!

These people are demented, there is simply no end to the lies.

The so called leftist president had border crossings at a 40 year low.

We know who the liars are.
Lol of the 34 cities listed in your link, 5 have republican mayors. The top 5 cities you have listed for homicides are all run by Democrats.
Thanks for proving that democrats suck ass.
He didn’t read the article he posted. He read the title only and thought he had something that fit his partisan narrative. LOL.
I read the article. You nor smoke a lib did so.

You can read? Isn't that 'Acting White', and therefore a capital crime among black people?
Another stupid white off topic comment .

I'm feeling Trans Black today, wassup brotha?
You're getting slapped around with your own source kid, ironical ain't it?
Time to shut this s--t up about Chicago, Detroit and democratic run cities.

Why? It's true. One stupid chart does not a data make. You need data from several different sources taken several different ways, not just cherry pick the one you want. Your chart says the 60 major most cities, and those are mostly democratically run. I forget the exact number now, but somewhere someone figured out that if we just eliminate the top 5 or 10 major democrat cities, VOILA! America suddenly has one of the LOWEST murder rates in the world!

Another slip, trip and prat fall by our lovely, favorite partisan member, IR4.
Lol of the 34 cities listed in your link, 5 have republican mayors. The top 5 cities you have listed for homicides are all run by Democrats.
Thanks for proving that democrats suck ass.

We don't accept alternate reality.

Michael Javen Fortner is a professor of Urban Studies at City University of New York. He says the political affiliation of a city’s mayor likely has little effect on crime rates. Far more important, he says, is the degree of support provided by the federal government, in terms of job creation and other initiatives for low-income communities.

Republicans are losing these elections. So what's proven in your alternative reality is that republican suck ass and eat the shit inside of it. That's how bad what you propose to those cities are.

You're pretty stupid kid.

View attachment 265440

I'm surprised there is anybody left in Detroit to murder; their rates have been through the roof since the 1960's. Are they now having to shoot and rob people passing through on the interstates?
Lol of the 34 cities listed in your link, 5 have republican mayors. The top 5 cities you have listed for homicides are all run by Democrats.
Thanks for proving that democrats suck ass.
He didn’t read the article he posted. He read the title only and thought he had something that fit his partisan narrative. LOL.
I read the article. You nor smoke a lib did so.

You can read? Isn't that 'Acting White', and therefore a capital crime among black people?
Another stupid white off topic comment .

Oh please, this is a thread about black culture; your racism is the point of the thread.

This thread is about American culture pertaining to both political parties. You are the racist, you dumb SOB.
Being that 85% of the largest US cities with the highest homicide rates are run by Democrats, wouldn't the title of the article you sited be more truthful if it read -
"Homicide rates are spiking in major cities run by Democrats"...???
...and the title should continue with...”where a high percentage of Africa Americans reside.”
Time to shut this s--t up about Chicago, Detroit and democratic run cities.

Why? It's true. One stupid chart does not a data make. You need data from several different sources taken several different ways, not just cherry pick the one you want. Your chart says the 60 major most cities, and those are mostly democratically run. I forget the exact number now, but somewhere someone figured out that if we just eliminate the top 5 or 10 major democrat cities, VOILA! America suddenly has one of the LOWEST murder rates in the world!

Another slip, trip and prat fall by our lovely, favorite partisan member, IR4.

Nope it's not true. The fact here is if those are democratic run cities they are so due to the choice of the people. It means that whatever republicans had to present was worse. Republicans ruin states then wonder why the cities in those states struggle. That's how irresponsible and stupid republicans are.
Time to shut this s--t up about Chicago, Detroit and democratic run cities.

Data does not support a talking point that’s become popular during the 2016 campaign.
by Francesca Mirabile


Michael Javen Fortner is a professor of Urban Studies at City University of New York. He says the political affiliation of a city’s mayor likely has little effect on crime rates. Far more important, he says, is the degree of support provided by the federal government, in terms of job creation and other initiatives for low-income communities.

Homicide Rates Are Spiking in Major Cities Run by Both Democrats And Republicans
If you are doing this for free...please say this is at least a minimum wage job...
Being that 85% of the largest US cities with the highest homicide rates are run by Democrats, wouldn't the title of the article you sited be more truthful if it read -
"Homicide rates are spiking in major cities run by Democrats"...???
...and the title should continue with...”where a high percentage of Africa Americans reside.”
Nope, we are talking about majority white cities.
Being that 85% of the largest US cities with the highest homicide rates are run by Democrats, wouldn't the title of the article you sited be more truthful if it read -
"Homicide rates are spiking in major cities run by Democrats"...???
...and the title should continue with...”where a high percentage of Africa Americans reside.”
Nope, we are talking about majority white cities.
...and the crime occurs in the neighborhoods with high concentrations of African Americans.
Lol of the 34 cities listed in your link, 5 have republican mayors. The top 5 cities you have listed for homicides are all run by Democrats.
Thanks for proving that democrats suck ass.

We don't accept alternate reality.

Michael Javen Fortner is a professor of Urban Studies at City University of New York. He says the political affiliation of a city’s mayor likely has little effect on crime rates. Far more important, he says, is the degree of support provided by the federal government, in terms of job creation and other initiatives for low-income communities.

Republicans are losing these elections. So what's proven in your alternative reality is that republican suck ass and eat the shit inside of it. That's how bad what you propose to those cities are.
Republicans lose those elections because all them voters are welfare queens and government-dependent society suckers.
Sadly, due to history, many times they don’t even put in a challenger.

Why would a pol who isn't a black Democrat want to be a Mayor of some shithole like Baltimore or Detroit?
I read the article. You nor smoke a lib did so.

You can read? Isn't that 'Acting White', and therefore a capital crime among black people?
Another stupid white off topic comment .

Oh please, this is a thread about black culture; your racism is the point of the thread.

This thread is about American culture pertaining to both political parties. You are the racist, you dumb SOB.

Nah, it's about you begging for Whitey to rush in and save black people from themselves, as usual, and your scam of crying 'rayciss!' enough times we'll feel responsible for your degenerate 'culture' and its disintegration. lol we don't.

You are a prime example of degenerate white culture.
Being that 85% of the largest US cities with the highest homicide rates are run by Democrats, wouldn't the title of the article you sited be more truthful if it read -
"Homicide rates are spiking in major cities run by Democrats"...???
...and the title should continue with...”where a high percentage of Africa Americans reside.”
Nope, we are talking about majority white cities.
...and the crime occurs in the neighborhoods with high concentrations of African Americans.
No, the majority of crimes occur in white neighborhoods.
Time to shut this s--t up about Chicago, Detroit and democratic run cities.

Why? It's true. One stupid chart does not a data make. You need data from several different sources taken several different ways, not just cherry pick the one you want. Your chart says the 60 major most cities, and those are mostly democratically run. I forget the exact number now, but somewhere someone figured out that if we just eliminate the top 5 or 10 major democrat cities, VOILA! America suddenly has one of the LOWEST murder rates in the world!

Another slip, trip and prat fall by our lovely, favorite partisan member, IR4.

Nope it's not true. The fact here is if those are democratic run cities they are so due to the choice of the people. It means that whatever republicans had to present was worse. Republicans ruin states then wonder why the cities in those states struggle. That's how irresponsible and stupid republicans are.

You've never been laid have you? That must be where all of your angst comes from.

"The fact here is if those are democratic run cities they are so due to the choice of the people."

So if I'm understanding you correctly....the "people" chose their leaders (Dems) Homicides spiked and it's the Pubs fault because they didn't have a Candidate that Dems would vote for. That about cover it?
You really are retarded.
The fact here is if those are democratic run cities they are so due to the choice of the people.

Yur phunny. So when it favors the democrats, the system works and it is free choice, but when it favors the GOP like Trump, the election was hijacked and the system is broke?

  • Hi taxes
  • Unemployment
  • Low wages
  • One war after another
  • Government stagnation
  • Unequal dispensation of the law
  • Racism
  • Poverty
  • Crime
  • High incarceration rates
  • Massive illegal immigration
  • Chemicals in our food
  • Tracking of our activities everywhere we go like criminals
...these are all the choices of the people? Because no matter who we elect, WE GET THE SAME THING.
Being that 85% of the largest US cities with the highest homicide rates are run by Democrats, wouldn't the title of the article you sited be more truthful if it read -
"Homicide rates are spiking in major cities run by Democrats"...???
...and the title should continue with...”where a high percentage of Africa Americans reside.”
Nope, we are talking about majority white cities.
...and the crime occurs in the neighborhoods with high concentrations of African Americans.

When crime rates spike in white neighborhoods it's almost always spillover from nearby black and brown hoods. We've had to double out police force here for that reason, across the highway the city zoned multiple apartment complexes in a small area some 30-40 years ago and it 's now low rent Ghetto Land, a hood rat theme park.
Being that 85% of the largest US cities with the highest homicide rates are run by Democrats, wouldn't the title of the article you sited be more truthful if it read -
"Homicide rates are spiking in major cities run by Democrats"...???
...and the title should continue with...”where a high percentage of Africa Americans reside.”
Nope, we are talking about majority white cities.
...and the crime occurs in the neighborhoods with high concentrations of African Americans.
No, the majority of crimes occur in white neighborhoods.

Complete shock in a MAJORITY WHITE country,

Blacks do 10x more crime per capita.

Keep on lying and misrepresenting the statistics. It won't end well when there are people present who know their shit.
You can read? Isn't that 'Acting White', and therefore a capital crime among black people?
Another stupid white off topic comment .

Oh please, this is a thread about black culture; your racism is the point of the thread.

This thread is about American culture pertaining to both political parties. You are the racist, you dumb SOB.

Nah, it's about you begging for Whitey to rush in and save black people from themselves, as usual, and your scam of crying 'rayciss!' enough times we'll feel responsible for your degenerate 'culture' and its disintegration. lol we don't.

You are a prime example of degenerate white culture.

What time is your shift at Popeyes today?
Lol of the 34 cities listed in your link, 5 have republican mayors. The top 5 cities you have listed for homicides are all run by Democrats.
Thanks for proving that democrats suck ass.
Well they have been shipping illegals in to the cities for two months and the Bros don't like it so the shooting will increase it's normal at this time of the year. Only MS 13 have not problems since the gang is like one big family if you have the right tats. Sorry Bros it is not going to get better. Rem: stay off the corner.
You can read? Isn't that 'Acting White', and therefore a capital crime among black people?
Another stupid white off topic comment .

Oh please, this is a thread about black culture; your racism is the point of the thread.

This thread is about American culture pertaining to both political parties. You are the racist, you dumb SOB.

Nah, it's about you begging for Whitey to rush in and save black people from themselves, as usual, and your scam of crying 'rayciss!' enough times we'll feel responsible for your degenerate 'culture' and its disintegration. lol we don't.

You are a prime example of degenerate white culture.

You're a traitor to your own race. Reading stuff is a death sentence in black culture, which is why you crave white peoples' attention so badly. We're supposed to rescue you.

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