CDZ Criminal "care" for veterans


Active Member
Apr 20, 2015
When the criminals take over government the care for veterans is as counterfeit as the campaign promises.

Here is an example:
American Prisoners of the Revolution Names of 8000 Men Aboard the Old Jersey Prison ship

Those were the first American (Revolutionary War) Veterans.

Here is the last Battle of the Revolutionary War before the criminals took over:

Shays Rebellion The American Revolution s Final Battle Historical Spotlight

Criminal "courts" (Admiralty, Exchequer, Chancery, Equity, Summary Just US), are not common law courts, one so called court is run by the criminals enforcing their criminal orders to pay one way, or pay even more another way, and the polar opposite is common law courts commanded by any individual member of the whole people.

The criminals took over Massachusetts before the criminals then took over the working federation; which is not difficult to understand, since 13 independent republican forms of government (of the people, by the people, and for the people, including trial by jury according to the common law in most of them) require 13 separate campaigns in which the criminals work effectively to bind the people up in their lies, their threats of violence upon innocent people, and their predilection to torture and mass murder innocent people as exemplified on the so called "hospital ships" such as the first link reports.

Veterans captured by the criminals who run kangaroo courts are treated with the same deal offered by criminals all the time: Join us and suffer our criminal orders to be obeyed without question or refuse to join us and suffer our criminal orders to be obeyed without question.

The version of Nationalism instilled into the hearts and minds of defenders is a genuine need to protect the innocent victims from the guilty criminals everywhere this ideal is instilled in the hearts and minds of the defenders, no matter where on earth that place may be at any given moment.

The criminal version of Nationalism is the version that replaces a working (defensive) federation with a National Debt Collection Agency idea. The criminals must divide up their victims and then inspire their victims to slaughter each other, on cue, otherwise the victims grow powerful enough to defend themselves from the criminals and their counterfeit version of National Debt.

Reclaiming the American Revolution The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and Their Legacy William Watkins 9781403963031 Books
"But Hamilton wanted to go farther than debt assumption. He believed a funded national debt would assist in establishing public credit. By funding national debt, Hamilton envisioned the Congress setting aside a portion of tax revenues to pay each year's interest without an annual appropriation. Redemption of the principal would be left to the government's discretion. At the time Hamilton gave his Report on Public Credit, the national debt was $80 million. Though such a large figure shocked many Republicans who saw debt as a menace to be avoided, Hamilton perceived debt's benefits. "In countries in which the national debt is properly funded, and the object of established confidence," explained Hamilton, "it assumes most of the purposes of money." Federal stock would be issued in exchange for state and national debt certificates, with interest on the stock running about 4.5 percent. To Republicans the debt proposals were heresy. The farmers and planters of the South, who were predominantly Republican, owed enormous sums to British creditors and thus had firsthand knowledge of the misery wrought by debt. Debt, as Hamilton himself noted, must be paid or credit is ruined. High levels of taxation, Republicans prognosticated, would be necessary just to pay the interest on the perpetual debt. Believing that this tax burden would fall on the yeoman farmers and eventually rise to European levels, Republicans opposed Hamilton's debt program.

"To help pay the interest on the debt, Hamilton convinced the Congress to pass an excise on whiskey. In Federalist N. 12, Hamilton noted that because "[t]he genius of the people will ill brook the inquisitive and peremptory spirit of excise law," such taxes would be little used by the national government. In power, the Secretary of the Treasury soon changed his mind and the tax on the production of whiskey rankled Americans living on the frontier. Cash was scarce in the West and the Frontiersmen used whiskey as an item of barter."

The criminals make a (counterfeit) offer that they think is an offer that the veterans can't refuse.

British Prison Ships Fold3 Spotlights

"Any man who agreed to join the British was released."

The Prison Ship Martyrs Monument More Americans Died Emprisoned in New York Harbor than in All Revolutionary War Battles Combined Keith York City
Captain T. Dring, who survived imprisonment on the Jersey, discussed the prisoners’ celebration of July 4th on the ship. They stored rations for the celebratory occasion, and during their daily furlough on the top deck, they ate, drank, and made merry, much to the chagrin of their British captors. Before long, tempers flared, and the Americans were forced back below deck by the Redcoats, who slashed haphazardly with their bayonets in their frustration at the prisoners’ refusal to stop singing patriotic songs. Captain Dring recounts:

“It had been the usual custom for each person to carry below, when he descended at sunset, a pint of water, to quench his thirst during the night. But, on this occasion, we had thus been driven to our dungeon three hours before the setting of the sun, and without our usual supply of water. Of this night I cannot describe the horror. The day had been sultry, and the heat was extreme throughout the ship. The unusual number of hours during which we had been crowded together between decks; the foul atmosphere and sickening heat; the additional excitement and restlessness caused by the unwonted wanton attack which had been made; above all, the want of water, not a drop of which could be obtained during the whole night, to cool our parched lips; the imprecations of those who were half distracted with their burning thirst; the shrieks and wails of the wounded; the struggles and groans of the dying; together formed a combination of horrors which no pen can describe”

"In the years following the Revolution’s conclusion, daily tides uncovered a seemingly countless number of skulls and bones on the shores surrounding Wallabout Bay. Skulls were said to litter the beaches as thick as a pumpkin patch, and children would kick them about like a ball. As Brooklynites collected more and more of the bones, calls began to ring out for a more respectful and honorable resting place for these most neglected of Patriots. Thus, in 1808, a crypt was constructed for the skeletal remains, almost none of which could be identified, near the bay. There they would rest in relative peace for another century."

Hamilton and the British backed central banking criminals here in America took over in 1787. Once their targeted victims are consumed in the wars these criminals invent, start, and maintain, they are done with their victims, and that is proven time and again where the evidence is unmistakable.

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